Explanation 25

23. My brothers, when spiritualism has become established on Earth, it will teach Humanity that it is not the hand of man which can build the Temple of the Lord, because wherever man finds himself, there the Temple will be.

24. Then man will know that all the children of the Lord live within the Temple of God, since this is His Creation, the infinite sphere in which will be found all natures, all the things made by the hand of the Lord.

25. All the things made by the Father are sacred: the dust that man treads upon is sacred, the things that man looks upon are sacred; everything that is found in your world; everything that surrounds you is sacred; what is found above and underneath you, and you yourselves, are sacred.

26. All things are altars that rise as an homage, a holocaust, an offering to the Creator; all things speak and sing the glory of the Lord, and when man comes to the true comprehension of all this, he cannot ever, on any path, in any place or moment, commit faults against love, against the Doctrine of the Father.

27. In this period of time, man still enters the houses of prayer in which they say they practice their creed, their religion, and they show a great withdrawal, their heads bowed, repentance on their lips, a respect in all their being, but once they leave there, each one feels free and away from the eyes of the Lord, with the right to commit faults and sin.

28. But the time will come, my brothers, when this Work will be established all over the Earth, and in which all men, by virtue of this teaching, will enter with spirituality, and on praying, analyzing, and understanding, will discover the great spiritual things that will give them joy and will elevate them, withdrawing forever from the paths of ignorance and from false cults.

29. Up to now, Humanity has gone through stages of great pain, but there are yet more bitter chalices, greater trials; there are still more profound exclamations of pain awaiting man than those which have up to now sprung from his heart.

It is necessary that you prepare yourselves so that you will not be among those numbers who will drain chalices so bitter; so that you will not be those who die of hunger and cold, of thirst and pain.

31. But once that dreaded time is here, and feeling yourselves protected within this Doctrine, do not remain indifferent before that universal suffering and the great trial that awaits mankind, but because of your development, your comprehension, and spirituality, you will make sensitive all the fibers of your heart and spirit so that with serenity and faith, you will stop the pain of men along the road, working incessantly as good laborers, fighting like good soldiers, to bring them peace, and banish from them the war, the plague, and death.

About The Guardians

This book is the abridged version of the compiled explanations of the Spiritul World of Light that were received by human understanding from 1866 to 1950.