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Family Values
Do not be surprised if I say that you must honor your family, that you love your parents, that husband and wife love each other, that man must not regard the woman as a slave, but a worthy companion, that the woman may see man as her defender, her shield, and that the parents bring to the world healthy children, whom they will guide along the path of righteousness.
Beloved fathers, you who were sent to form a home and have a family, have the responsibility that your young ones do not stray, and as heads of family, you should set a good example and give your blessings.
You, women of Israel, have a delicate mission on Earth, similar to Mary, the Purest Mother, because you should be the loving skylarks filled with warmth, filled with love, and because of it, you should not carry a whip in your hands toward your little ones. No, my beloved ones, it is the perfect will of the Father that with love you should be guiding the steps of your young children; speak to them about the Father so that at an early age they may recognize their Father who is in the Great Beyond, and from those little ones of today will emerge the illuminated, the prophets, the doctors.
Love one another and live in peace within your home because I have observed that out of five members who form a family, two are against three and three are against two.
Watch over the virtue of your family and over the peace in your home. Behold how even the poor can be the owners of this treasure.
You men: Are you practicing patience with your partner? You women: Have you been patient with your husband? And both consorts: Have you been patient in amending your children?
If I find of his home the hearth unlit, I will call the husband and say: Why aren’t you gentle and understanding? If I find him away from his obligations I will surprise him saying: Why have you strayed away from the path?
I will touch the wife’s most delicate fibers of her heart and ask: Woman, do you think you will find the love and respect that you are longing for outside your home? No, do not deceive yourself.
No one heart will remain that I cannot make it perceive My voice, inviting it toward reconciliation, love and peace.
From now on moralize your life, rebuild your homes and unite your family. That the father goes in search for the son who ran away from home and the sons look for the one who abandoned them; that the wife returns to the arms of her companion and that the husband who abandoned his duties, looks for his partner and rebuilds a new and better existence.
Live in harmony and in peace within your home and your society.
If you are sons, understand and appreciate the kindness of your parents. If you are parents, learn how to understand your children. If you are husband and wife, know and love each other.
I say to the parents of the family, that in the same way they are concerned about the material future of their children they should do the same for their spiritual future.
Men, when you rush home because you want to hold your wife in your arms, or see yourself in the eyes of your children, and your heart is happy because you are going to give your family the fruits of your labor: Pray for those men who are in the battlegrounds and who will not be able to return to search for their homes, because they have been razed.
When you feel some joy do not forget that at that same hour many are weeping.
You, women and mothers, when you lower our head to kiss your child’s forehead who sleeps peacefully in the cradle, think about those mothers who were once like skylarks and have now lost their nest, their partner and their sons, because the war like a hurricane-like wind destroyed everything.
When you close the door and feel the sweet warmth of home and its protection, think also of those mothers who search in the bowels of the earth for a place to protect their children against death; think about the children who call for their parents without receiving any answer, and those who can only say one word: bread.
Turn your home into a second temple, and make of your affections a second act of reverence. If you believe you love Me, love your spouse and love your children, because from that shrine great deeds, thoughts and examples will also sprout.
Learn to forgive whoever has offended you. I told Peter that if he were offended by his brother seventy times seven, he should forgive him the same amount of times. By this, I wanted Peter to understand that he should always forgive his brother, whether the harm was small or great. How many beings have moved along through this world calling themselves Christians without being able to forgive at least once during their lifetime!
Learn to forgive the defects of your brother. If you are unable to correct their faults, at least be tolerant with your brethren.
Eliminate your pride so that you may practice humility with your brethren. Humility represents triumph, and vanity represents defeat, even though you may value these two things differently on earth.
Be watchful always so that you are able to forgive with your heart whoever offends you. Meditate beforehand, for whoever offends his brother does so because he lacks enlightenment. And I say to you that forgiveness is the only way that can bring enlightenment to those hearts.
Anger born from vengeance increases darkness and attracts suffering. How could you not forgive someone who does not understand what he has done? He is not aware of his deed because he is ignorant of the fact that the wrong that he is doing to himself.
Once again I say to you, examine yourself carefully, and thus you will begin to feel more compassion, understanding, and brotherly love toward humanity, for you still consider disgusting the deeds of others simply because you have forgotten your own faults. But when you become aware of your own faults and mistakes, then you will understand my love, that love which awaits and forgives you. Then you will have no choice but to say: If my Father has forgiven me after having offended Him so much, I, too, am binded over to forgive my brethren.
I divide those who have tried to practice forgiveness into three groups. The first one consists of those who have forgotten my teachings and do not hold back when they are offended. They are confused and avenge themselves, returning blow for blow. This group has been overcame by temptation and are slaves of their passions.
The second group consists of those who, when offended, remembering my example, close their mouth, and hold back their impulses. Then they say to me: Lord, they have offended me, but I have forgiven them instead of avenging myself. But I, who penetrates into the depths of human heart discover in that individual a desire for me to avenge him and to carry out my justice upon his brother. This group is in full battle.
The third group, the smallest, is the one who imitates Jesus. When they are offended, they elevate themselves toward the Father filled with pity for their brethren and tell me: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.
In the 1970’s, with the movie Love Story, actress Ali McGraw put into fashion a sentence which stated: “Love is never having to say I am sorry”. And really, if the love of those beings which populate this planet would be true, we would never have to ask for forgiveness. But, since we have not yet understood the true meaning of “Love one another”, we live in a world where we would constantly have to ask for forgiveness, and I mean “we would constantly have to” because unfortunately the human being in most cases upon committing an error, does not want to recognize it, and if he does, refuses the humiliation of having to ask for forgiveness. In the same manner, he who has been offended or grieved, often refuses to forgive.
And the question arises: What is more difficult, to ask for forgiveness or to forgive? What is it that leads us in one case or the other not to put into practice the greatest example of love and humility that human kind has received through the Divine Master? He who, being at the cross, and after having been mocked and tortured, elevating a prayer to the skies said: “Father forgive them, as they do not know what they do”. Once again, as always in our history, what continues to be causing our being lost is our lack of love, and our enormous arrogance.
Could it be that we have not become tired of seeing around us repetedly, time and time again, the consequences due to lack of forgiveness? Have we not seen complete towns exterminated by their own inhabitants due to family feuds which had never been forgiven, and that have been passed on from generation to generation as if it was a hereditary illness between parents and their children? Are we not seeing currently entire nations which have been converted into infernos of hatred and destruction due to the lack of forgiveness?
It is sad to see that after so many centuries, humanity has not comprehended that at the end, the one who survived is not the arrogant, but rather the humble. In this world in which the meek and humble are categorized under subservience, stupidity or cowardness, history has not stopped yielding testimony that in its memory, the greatest, the most remembered and written about, the most followed, have been those which have left on earth an example of kindness, forgiveness, simplicity and humility. True strength lies in love, in understanding that those who recognize an error, are not humiliating themselves before the eyes of the world, but rather to the contrary, are being greater before the eyes of God.
We should not see forgiveness as a mystic act, as something that requires from us a super human effort, but as a natural act, because having our spirit sprouted from the eternal forgiveness which is the Divinity, to us forgiveness should be part of our nature.
Peter asked the Divine Master during the second era: “Lord, how many times must I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven?” And the Divine Master replied: “I do not say on to you up to seven, but even up to seventy times seven” ( Mathew 18:21; Luke 17:3-4).
What did the Lord mean with His answer? Very simple, He wanted to say that for forgiveness there is no limit, that we have to forgive always and as many times as it is necessary. Each one of us has been forgiven by our Father as many times as we have required, throughout our long existence as spirits, regardless of the caliber of our faults, no matter how often the sin was committed. Our forgiveness has been infinite as is the love of our Father. And to think that there have been such terrible faults that should not reach or deserve the Divine fogiveness, is to believe in a limited and small god whose love is not sufficiently great or powerful to save he who has sinned, and this is impossible.
The most palpable proof of the Divine love, the greatest of all, is the marvelous law of the reencarnation, the one which gives the spirit the opportunity to return as many times as necessary so that it can restitute and settle the outstanding bundles of faults thatwere accumulated during its existence, and as such move forward in the path of evolution and spiritual regeneration.
It is important to make this last point very clear, because we do not doubt that there may be many who upon reading this page may think that if God really forgives everything, it does not matter what bad deeds we make, if we shall always be forgiven; Likewise, we also know that many believe that it is enough to repent at the last minute to reach Divine forgiveness and be absolved of all guilt. This is a big error; because same as the Divine forgiveness exists, Divine justice also exists, and the later one is inexorable. That is to say, that although it is a fact that we are infinetely forgiven, it does not free us from the responsibility that we have with our bretheren to restitute with love and goodness all the bad things that we may have caused them; moreover, the more errors that we commit, the harder that it will become to settle accounts, suffering will always increment, and restitution will be more painful.
Our Father says:
Well, we have spoken of those that because of the committed faults need to be forgiven; But, how about those that have been offended and need to grant forgiveness? Our Father, upon speaking to us about them has stated that He could divide them in three groups: The first is formed by those that having received an offense, not knowing how to contain themselves, and forgetting the Divine teachings, have become blindly angered and obtained vengence blow by blow; this group has allowed itself to be defeated by temptation and is a slave to its passions.
The second group is formed by those that upon being offended, remembering the example of the Divine Master, shut their lips and contain their impulses to say: ” Lord, They have offended me, but instead of seeking revenge, I have forgiven.” But, in the bottom of their hearts, they hold a silent grudge, and the wish that God takes revenge upon their aggressors, discharging upon them all His justice; this group is in the midst of their struggle.
The third group, the smallest, consists of those that imitating Jesus, upon being offended, elevate towards their Father, full of mercy for their brethren, to say: ” Lord, forgive them, for they do not know what they do”; and even though they have been hurt, in their prayer they ask for mercy for their aggressors, because they know that in reality, they have hurt themselves, and only wish them well; this group, according to our Father, is triumphant in the test.
To which group does each one of us belong to? Are we those that return offense for offense, blow for blow? ; Of those that without returning the offense, expect to be revenged, or are we those that by placing the other cheek ask our Father to enlighten those who have offended us? The reply to these questions is within ourselves, and the only way to know, is to face ourselves with the light of our conscience. What we know, at least those who have the priviledge of knowing this Divine teaching, is that forgiveness does not stem from forgetfulness, because if we would forget about the offenses of our brethren, what would we then have to forgive them about? In order to forgive and to ask for forgiveness, it is indispensable to put yourself in the other’s place, because as long as we do not feel our brethren closely, we shall not ever understand the reasons of the offender or feel the pain of the offended. It is also necessary to fight against our own arrogance, because as long as we do not defeat it, we shall continue to first put our low passions that impede us from knowing truth , before true love which is the fountain of forgiveness.
He, who after having been offended does not accept his brother’s petition for forgiveness, is being as guilty and sinful as the one who offended him. The practice of forgiveness leaves in its way, undescribable fruits of sweetness; it reconciles us, it frees us, it resucitates and saves us.
Fulfilled Prophecies – Part I
Have the prophecies from the Bible regarding the end of times been fulfilled?
Some skeptics say no. Others, in blind faith because of their different religions or philosophies, believe that it is so…but they don’t really know, nor can they prove it.
But actually, several biblical prophecies that tell us about this era have been fulfilled…and there
is data to prove it.
The biblical language of the prophecies.
Probably, the most common reason for so much misunderstanding and obscure interpretations of the Bible is the fact that many of its writings are presented in an allegoric, metaphoric and symbolic language.
And why is this?
Couldn’t these messages from above had been delivered in a simple language without the need of metaphors or allegories?
The answer is no.
Human languages are poor to describe things and concepts far beyond the ordinary.
It does not matter which road you take to describe them, you will have to resort to the use of allegories, metaphors, parables and symbols, taking objects and ideas that surround ordinary people to make those things and concepts comprehensible at least in a figurative and, therefore, incomplete manner.
Simply speaking, this is why the messengers of the Divinity used symbols and allegories (flying scrolls, thrones, candlestands, oil vases, etc. etc.) to put in limited terms what is of an indescribably superior nature. Of course, we have to consider the cultural context of the recipient of the messages. With this in mind, is only natural to learn that, for example, the punishments and consequences for evil behavior for the Eskimos or the Laplanders would be described as a cold of a terrifying magnitude, while for the inhabitants of warmer zones, the more suited allegory is that of a burning fire.
Imagine someone asking you to transcribe “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy, using a typing machine which has four or five letter keys missing. Or try to play “Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony” on a piano that has three natural keys missing in each octave, let’s say, do, mi and sol. In both cases, your readers or listeners would have to rely on their imagination to deduce all that is missing due of the lack of enough elements to transmit that idea or concept.
After these examples, it will be easier to comprehend the reasons for that apparently obscure or ciphered language in which the prophecies about the Third Era were delivered.
An then, there is the problem of literal interpretations while reading the Scriptures, that leads to severe contradictions and dogmatism. Paul warns about this: “..for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life”. (2 Cor. 3:6)
Take, for instance, John 3:13 where Jesus said that no man but himself has ever ascended to Heaven, and compare it with Hebrews 11:5, where Paul asserts that Enoch was taken bodily into Heaven. If you try to explain this following the letter of the Scriptures, you will have a very hard time. And there are many similar passages, where apparently the Bible contains contradictions.
The Prelude of a New Era
There are references in diverse passages from the Bible that, considering the explanation at the beginning of this page, are very clear and precise to describe the events that would be the prelude to the arrival of a new era for humanity, an era marked by great events of worldwide scale.
But, how we can be sure of that these are the times of the end? In Luke, Jesus gives the sign to recognize the time of the end.
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come”… (Matthew 24:14)
We could easily deduce that the final advent is very close to us (if it hasn’t already started) when we see that through the modern systems of global communication, the Evangelist preachers (mainly North Americans) have reached practically every corner of the Earth with the Gospel. In fact, inadvertently or not, Billy Graham, a very well know and respected Christian preacher, made a crusade as few years ago exactly with this purpose, which had a very wide success.
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple:
and his disciples came to him to show him
the buildings of the temple.
And Jesus said unto them,
See ye not all these things? verily I say
unto you, There shall not be left here one stone
upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives,
the disciples came unto him privately, saying,
Tell us, when shall these things be? and what
shall be the sign of thy coming,
and of the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said unto them,
Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying,
I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars:
see that ye be not troubled: for all these things
must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pestilences,
and earthquakes, in diverse places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Matthew 24:1-8
There are idiomatic expressions within the vernacular of the Aramaic and the Hebrew languages that change the meaning of the expression when they are translated literally. In the first century, after the crucifixion, many were waiting for Jesus’ return at the end of that century. Simon Peter, considered by many to be the prince of the apostles, clearly knew the meaning of that expression. This is how he explained to those who believed Jesus was returning at the end of the first century:
“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
2 Peter 3:8
When Jesus warned His disciples about the arrival of false Christs and prophets, He gave a glimpse that His return was to be in spirit, which the following verse clears up even further:
Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
Matthew 24:23
According to this, we could be sure that the presence of Christ on Earth, at the end of times, was
not be expected as physical or material, but rather as spiritual, subtle, sublime.
Following is a description of the period that anticipated the opening of the Third Era and therein the Sixth Seal. From now on we will give you some references that were taken from the Encarta Encyclopedia by Grolier, which could be easily searched by anybody.
The black plague devastated Europe in the 16th century and killed millions of people. In America, millions of Indians died from various contagious illnesses: syphilis, tuberculosis, etc., which were caught from the Spanish conquistadors. The Bubonic Plague also took millions of victims in Asia, in Asia, Africa and parts of Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries.
Great famines during the 17th century devastated Europe, Asia and Africa;India lost more than 10 million of its people in 1769. Between 1845 and 1850 took place in Ireland what is known as The Great Potato Famine killing almost 2,000,000 people and in 1866, more than 1,500,000 people died in Ovissa!
Terrible earthquakes have devastated many nations and areas of the world. Iran, Turkey, Greece, Argel, Japan and South America have suffered repeatedly massive destructions caused by these quakes. Lisbon was destroyed in 1755 by an earthquake that killed 60,000 people; Voltaire narrates this in his novel “Candida”. In 1812, the New Madrid earthquake altered the Mississippi River’s course.
War Rumors
It could be said, that after knowing the magnitude of destruction that humanity reached during the two World Wars, that the constant wars that spread all over the world since the invention of the fire arms in the 15th century were really rumors of genocidal wars that would come later. The 30 Year War, the 100 Year War, the Great War of Northern Europe, The Crimean War, the War of the Seven Weeks, the Civil War of the Ottoman Empire, the US Civil War and many more give funereal testimony of this.
Nation Against Nation
Experts say that the Russian invasion by Napoleon in 1812 started a new way to begin a war, not only because of religious motives between the small cities-state, but also because of secular economical and political motives among the great nations. The Franco-Prussian War, the Russian-Japanese war and several more; all of them were the prelude of a new era for humanity and ended at the First World War. A conflagration of such magnitude that humanity had never witnessed, but that was easily surpassed by the horrors of the World War II.
Signs for the opening of the Third Era and with it, the Sixth Seal.
There are several prophecies that describe this Third Era, prophecies that have come to pass in such a way that can be corroborated by anyone. Joel’s prophecy is particularly specific:
And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my spirit upon all
flesh; and your sons and your daughters
shall prophesy, your old men shall
dream dreams, your young men
shall see visions:
And also upon the servants
and upon the handmaids
in those days will I
pour out my spirit.
And I will show wonders in the heavens
and in the earth, blood, and fire,
and pillars of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
and the moon into blood,
before the great and the terrible day
of the Lord come.
2 Joel 2:28-31
Today, it no longer surprises anyone to learn of the multiplicity of visions and prophetic dreams that many people from any social condition, nationality, race and age, experience every day of the year.
This has provoked the creation of the new science of parapsychology, which tries to study these spiritual manifestations, which are so vast, that they are already seen like something natural, but at the same time they don’t stop being extraordinary events in humanity’s history.
But, what about the signs in the skies and on earth? Did they come to pass? When and where? Let’s see.
Prodigies in the Skies
1858, Comet Donati. The triple tail of this phenomenon covered 50 degrees of arc in the sky. It is calculated that this corresponded to lineal figure of 70 million kilometers!
August 1862. The first of two meteor showers (Perseids) observed from practically everywhere in the world; scientists explain now that they are a residue of Comet 1866 III and flared up when entering the earth’s atmosphere.
November 1862. The second – and notable- meteor shower, this one belonging to the luminous residue of Comet 1866 I.
1882, the appearance of a comet close to the sun, its brightness so unusual that it provoked wonderment and terror in many countries.
Prodigies on Earth
This portion of the prophecy could have a different interpretation from the natural phenomena when we realize the great and surprising advance of science and human technologies. The list of inventions and scientific discoveries since the 19th century is long, and we will only mention some of the more relevant.
1802. Fulton invents the boat with steam power.
1837. Morse invents the telegraph.
1839. Daguerre invents the first photographic camera.
1840. Cayley, considered by many the father of aviation, invents the first flying machines for passenger transportation.
1858. Marsh and Marsh invent the harvester.
1866. Tilston Bright installs the first transatlantic cable between the U.S. and England.
1866. Nobel invents dynamite.
1868. Glidden and Latham invent the automatic typewriter.
1876. Graham Bell invents the telephone. (It is also attributed to Elmo).
1877. Edison invents the phonograph.
1877. Berliner invents the microphone.
The sun in darkness and the moon in blood
1883. The explosion of the Krakatoa, the volcano between Java and Sumatra, is perhaps the most impressive material sign of all the ones that announced the arrival of a new era and the fulfilling of the prophecies of Joel and John in the Apocalypse. The night of August 27, 1883; the most violent volcanic eruption that is recorded in history took place, it destroyed the island where it stood and the consequences of such a disaster were felt all over the world; the gas cloud, dust and vapor were projected 27 kilometers into the sky, and the ocean waves or tsunamis provoked by the phenomenon reached more than 15 meters in height, reaching as far as 12,000 kilometers and killing thousands of people in the coasts of Java and Sumatra. The sound from the explosion is considered the greatest one in history and was heard in Australia and in the US Pacific Coast. The dense dust cloud emitted by the volcano, very much in the likeness of a 200 million tons nuclear blast, covered the sun light for over a day and after that, the moon looked like if it was painted red, very much like the color of blood. During the following three or four days, observers from all over the world reported bright strange colorations during sunrise and sunset due to the solar light refraction in the suspended particles of the dust cloud product of the explosion.
Fulfilled Prophecies – Part II
In the first section we saw the prophecies from Jesus and Joel, in relation to the opening of the
Sixth Seal and
the Third Era, that have come to pass.
We will now see the prophecies from John related to the same topic and which appear in the
Book of Revelation or
Apocalypse, and which real name is the Book of the Seven Seals.
Apocalyptic prophecies about the opening of the Sixth Seal.
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal,
and, lo, there was a great earthquake;
and the sun became black as
sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
Apocalypse/Revelation 6:12
So far John’s prophecy repeats the prophecies delivered by Jesus to His apostles before the crucifixion and that we have seen in the first part of this work.
But further ahead, even when it takes the allegoric view of the star shower that is part of the material signs that Joel had anticipated, the context seems to refer to something else: The beginning of the communications with the spiritual world, which prelude became Spiritism, so popular in Europe and some American countries in the middle of the last century.
One warning: In some Bibles, especially the catholic ones, a verse was added in Deuteronomy or Leviticus, depending on the version, against Spiritism, quoted even by its name, and this verse does not even appear in any of the original biblical texts. We can easily deduce that it was simply a reaction from the religious hierarchies of that time towards the attention that the Spiritism movement was getting from the beginning.
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even
as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs,
when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is
rolled together; and every mountain and island
were moved out of their places.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men,
and the rich men, and the chief captains,
and the mighty men, and every bondman,
and every free man, hid themselves in the dens
and in the rocks of the mountains;
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us,
and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne,
and from the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come;
and who shall be able to stand?
Rev. 6:13-17
Here the scatological prophecy of John gets into a more abstract and metaphoric terrain, anticipating the beginning of the communication with spiritual entities which descend from on high to humanity. The appearance of new philosophies and thought currents are commonly spread after the fall of the monarchies.
The Stars of Heaven Fell
1840 Germany. Jacob Lorber receives messages through automatic writing which he called “the New Revelation”.
1849. Paris and all of Europe is in commotion because of the phenomenon known as “levitating tables”.
These would inexplicably elevate without apparent physical cause.
1850. Leon Rivail “Allan Kardec” takes notes of communications from what he calls superior intelligences, which manifests through two young ladies or “mediums”. He took notes during a period of two years and published them in the book “The Book of Spirits”, fundamental work for Spiritism.
1862. Roque Rojas, Mexican ex-seminarist has a vision that announces the imminent opening of the Sixth Seal.
1866. In Mexico, the beginning of the Third Era opens with the manifestation of the Prophet Elijah’s spirit through the human understanding of Roque Rojas.
1871. In Scotland, Daniel Dunglas-Hume shows manifestations that he assures come from the spiritual world, reaching to the point of materializing some of them in plain daylight. His works were never able to be refuted.
1884. Damiana Oviedo becomes the first spokesman of the Holy Spirit and begins the delivery of
the Third Testament, taking place in Mexico City.
1887. In Mexico City, the beginning of the manifestations of the spiritual world of light through human understanding takes place. This continues until December 1950. During all this time there are multiple healings. Time-Life has published a book that covers part of these astonishing events.
Heaven Departed as a scroll when it is rolled together…Rev. 6:14
This allegory is clear when it refers to the disappearance of the old order of ideas, being
replaced by a new one.
1762. Rousseau writes “Social Contract”, a master piece that has a decisive influence over the freedom movements all over the world.
1776. Adam Smith publishes “Wealth of Nations” and establishes the basis of capitalism.
1776. Proclamation of the Bill of Rights in the American Colonies from England.
1776. Declaration of Independence of these Colonies, establishing the United States of
1781. Kant publishes his master work “Critique of Pure Reason”, and proposes rationalism as a theory.
1786. The Taking of the Bastille in France. The beginning of the French Revolution.
1789. Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen by the French Assembly.
1810. Mexico and the South American countries initiate independence movements.
1848. Marx and Engels deliver “The Communist Manifesto”
1866. The First International meets in Geneva. Socialism is born.
The kings and great men hide themselves…
The fall of the monarchies is anticipated in this verse. And in fact, by the end of the 19th century,
absolutism practically disappears as a governing system; there are some countries with kings and queens that have no ruling power and their position is merely symbolic.
1649. Charles II from England is executed.
1793. Louis XVI, deposed King of France, goes under the guillotine.
1832. England’s Great Reform Act transfers power to the common man, above the royal power.
…and every bond man and every free man….
Not only human power was moved; every social class felt the arrival of that new era.
1793. Robespierre restores the “Kingdom of Terror”, the guillotine colors with blood all of France.
1861. The opposition of the southern American states, abolition of slavery, the bloody Civil War breaks.
The opening of the Sixth Seal.
This is the period that Jesus describes as “the beginning of birth pains” (Matthew 24:7). As you will see, humanity entered a phase so turbulent as history has never recorded before.
And after these things I saw four angels standing on
the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth,
that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any
And I saw another angel ascending from the east,
having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to
the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the
trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
And I heard the number of them which were sealed:
and there were sealed a hundred and forty and four thousand of
all the tribes of the children of Israel.
Rev 7: 1-4
And I saw another angel ascending from the east…
Since the times of Augustine, theologians and analyzers of the Bible agree that here, John is speaking about the Prophet Elijah, agreeing with the words from Luke 1:78 and 2 Kings 2:11. There is a hypothesis that the Greek myth of Helios came from this last verse.
1866. The spirit of Prophet Elijah manifests through the human understanding of Roque Rojas; he declares that it is the opening of the Sixth Seal as well as the beginning of the Third Era. The first “signs” are delivered to men and women who subsequently would bring forth the communications from “the stars in the sky”, the spiritual world of light.
After the sign, John’s report about his vision of the Sixth Seal seems to jump to Rev. 9:13, where the sixth angel represents the same seal.
And the sixth angel sounded,
and I heard a voice from the four horns of
the golden altar which is before God,
Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet,
Loose the four angels which are bound
in the great river Euphrates.
And the four angels were loosed,
which were prepared for an hour, and a day,
and a month, and a year, for to slay the
third part of men.
And the number of the army of the horsemen
were two hundred thousand:
and I heard the number of them.
And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and
them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire,
and of jacinth, and brimstone:
and the heads of the horses were as
the heads of lions;
and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke
and brimstone.
By these three was the third part of men killed,
by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone,
which issued out of their mouths.
Rev. 9:13-18
Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates…
1981. Iraq and Iran, on each side of the river Euphrates, begin to war.
Fire, smoke and sulfur….
1981-1991. During a conflict where more than a million people died and more than two million are hurt, there were land to land missiles, land to air and air to land, as well as millions of rockets and mortars that were used by tanks with metallic armors on both sides, they truly looked like they were throwing fire and sulfur over the war zone, and the smoke columns are visible for several miles.
Gifts Within
The Spiritual Gifts in All of Us
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.
And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.
Joel 2:28-30
The period that Joel prophesied that men would receive upon their spirit and flesh, the Spirit of God, is this; and it is only the beginning. It is necessary for you, as the first disciples, to leave a good seed, in order for your good deeds to bear good fruits, which will encourage the wayfarers of tomorrow along their journey, and not be a stony path on which they could stumble.
Truly I say to you, that the spirit has many eyes to contemplate Me. Recognize this gift and develop it, because through it will be fulfilled the word of that prophet who said that the time would come, when Mankind would have prophetic visions and dreams.
Spirituality will bring the awakening to the dormant gifts or faculties and the sensitivity to all the fibers of the heart.
My presence will be palpable. When you speak about My Doctrine, you will be inspired by Me and you will speak with phrases of immense wisdom, which will even surprise men of great learning.
From generation to generation, the gifts of the spirit will be manifesting themselves greater and clearer, and those things, emerging from even the most skeptical and unbelieving, will be a truthful testimony of what I announced in past eras and have come to confirm in this period.
This is the time when the dormant gifts and faculties in the spirit become unleashed and manifest themselves through men, because the bodies by this time have already attained the evolution and the indispensable sensitivity for the communication with the spiritual.
From the children up to the elders, passing on through the youth, everybody will have manifestations that, in the beginning, will seem strange to them, because it has been a long time that Humanity has stayed away from the spiritual, but they will later take it as something absolutely natural in the superior life of man.
It will be when children speak of profound teachings, when men and women have spiritual visions and prophetic dreams, and when the gift of healing is propagated all over the Earth.
The Denial
How combated will be the first ones to manifest the awakening of the gifts of their spirit! But I will give them strength and patience to resist the criticism, the judgements, and the mockery.
Great will be the surprise among the gentlemen and the distinguished ones of the Earth, when they confirm the truth of My return, because in their hearts they will ask themselves why has He come.
Among the poor there will be a great rejoicing because their heart will tell them that the moment of grace, of liberty and peace for the oppressed and for those who have had infinite hunger of love and justice, draws near.
This Work, that you now see limited to your smallness and hidden in poverty, will surge as a divine splendor, illuminating all the Earth, wakening the dormant spirits, lighting up the faith in the hearts, opening before the mind of Mankind, the Book of the True Life, the book of the truth.
You have marveled at the gift of intuition; and the gift of healing has amazed you. It is necessary, then, that you leave a good example to the spiritualists of tomorrow.
Those who will manage to attain great progress in this communication, will receive not only words, phrases, or ideas, but also teachings, filled with perfection. Your hands shall be like those of the designated scribes, writing, as did John the apostle, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
When you find yourselves surrounded by unbelievers, of scribes and priests, and you feel inspired by My Spirit, do not tell anyone that it is the Father speaking to Humanity through you. In that communication your eyes will be open and your spirit in ecstasy, marveling in what the lips are revealing at that instant.
The gift of prophecy through vision, will also be spread, and will uncover mysteries not yet revealed, and will allow you to see the future. However, the seer will never be a judge or informer of his brethren.
Glory – The perfection of the spirit
Eliminate the wrong interpretations you have been taught concerning scriptures of past times. Those erroneous interpretations have been like a thick veil preventing you from perceiving the truth.
The glory of the spirit, with all its happiness, is in the perfection of the spirit.
Glory it is not a specific place. It is when the spirit comes to the end of his evolution. It is necessary for you to comprehend why those who doubt the existence of the spirit proclaim, “I will die”, believing that death represents the end. But those who believe in eternal life will proclaim, “I will live eternally”.
Your ideas are incorrect about the meaning of life on the earth, the spirit, and the spiritual valley. Many believe that if one has certain virtues or repents for his sins before he dies, he will have assured glory for his spirit.
This false belief does not permit man to persevere in the fulfillment of my law throughout his life. When he leaves earth and enters the spiritual mansion, his spirit reaches a site that does not have the wonders that he had imagined, nor does he feel the supreme happiness he thought he deserved.
It is necessary to clarify these mysteries to humanity so that it can understand that the material life offers man the opportunity to achieve merits for his spirit, merits that will help his spirit to elevate until he is worthy of inhabiting a mansion that is spiritually superior. But once he reaches this state, he will need to continue to achieve merits so that he does not become stationary. The spirit will continue to ascend step by step because in the Father´s house there are many mansions.
True merit is of the one who having everything in the world, would at any instant promptly renounce his possessions and comforts, because then he would be demonstrating his spiritual elevation and testifying that Heaven or Glory is not a specific place created by the imagination of men through the eras and ages, but rather a state of the spirit who could live, experience, and enjoy from their human existence, a condition that will be more pure and perfect as the spirit continues ascending along the ladder that leads him to the summit of the spiritual life.
These merits can be achieved only through love, as taught by the Eternal Law of the Father. And thus, your spirit will go step by step on the ladder of perfection, knowing the path that leads to true glory is the perfection of the spirit.
Heaven is not a predetermined place in the Universe. My Glory is everywhere; in the spiritual and in the material. Do you not say that God is in Heaven, on Earth, and in every place? Then understand what you say so that you will know that where God is, His Glory has to be there.
Heaven – The invisible Kingdom
Man believes that the Heavens are so distant and high above, and that is because man has only a vague notion of what heaven is and what means. He ignores that heaven is a state of perfection for the spirit, a state of purity and of light that all spirits have to reach, and is not a specific place in the universe.
All of you dream of knowing Heaven. But I say to you that you make very little effort to accomplish this, and that frecuently, instead of searching, you avoid the means to obtain it.
Certainly, I dwell in the Heavens, but not in the specific place that you have imagined. I dwell in the Heavens of light, of power, of love, of wisdom, of justice, of happiness, of perfection.
You should no longer limit what is infinite and divine. Do you not understand that if Heaven were as you believe, a mansion, a region, or a specific place, then it would no longer be infinite? It is now time for you to think about spiritual things in a more elevated manner. Even though you will not comprehend that truth completely, at least you will draw near it.
That infinite that I am telling you about, you will neve be able to measure with your mind. That infinite speaks to you of tenderness, purity, enlightenment, wisdom, love, and perfection, because all of these things have no beginning nor end, since they are attributes of God.
I do not have a determined or limited place to dwell in the infinite because my presence is found in everything that exists, the same in the divine as it is in the spiritual and in the material. You cannot point to the direction of my kingdom; when you look up to the sky, pointing toward the heavens, do so only symbolically, because your planet constantly revolves, presenting a new heaven and altitude at every moment.
Thus, I say to you that there is no distance between us. The only thing separating you from me is your wrong deeds, which you place between your spirit and My perfect Law.
You believe that Heaven is a region in the infinite, and that through a sincere repentance of your faults, you will be able to reach it at the hour of your physical death. You trust that you will be forgiven at that moment and led by me toward the Kingdom of Heaven. That is what you believe. On the other hand, I say to you that Heaven is not a place, a region, nor a mansion; the kingdom of the spirit is his elevation, his perfection, and his state of purity. Who has the right to allow you to enter Heaven? Is it I, the one who has always called you, or is it you, the one who has always been slow to understand?
Always remember that the spirit who attains a high degree of virtue, wisdom, purity, and love is beyond time, pain and distances. He is not limited to inhabit a certain place, for he can be everywhere, and find in everything a supreme delight in existing, feeling, learning, loving, and knowing that he is loved. That is the Heaven of the spirit!
Hell – Infernos
Men have imagined hell as a place of eternal torture where all who disobey my laws are sent. And they have created a hell for those with great faults, have imagined another place for those with lesser faults, and yet another for those who have done neither wrong nor right.
In this period, I will abolish with my word that hell that men have created through their religions and erroneous interpretations. They have done this to instill fear, placing a veil of ignorance upon humanity.
The spirit cannot suffer the physical pain that the flesh experiences. The suffering of the spirit comes when the conscience makes him aware of his deeds, making the spirit see and understand clearly his mistakes and imperfections.
There is only confusion in the heart of humanity, and that confusion forms part of a foundation upon which rests the beliefs of most individuals.
Do you believe that I, your Father, have created places specifically destined to punish you, thus eternally taking vengeance for your faults?
Or what benefit would it be to Me, if I punished you with eternal fire? You would only curse eternally a God whom you felt judged you injustly, cruelly and vengefully.
I did not create death nor hell. When My Spirit conceived the idea of creation, I only felt love. Thus, only life emerged from My bosom. If death and hell exist they are human deeds, though small, and you know that nothing human is eternal.
I have told you in this period: Do not harbour the idea of hell that exists among humanity. There is no hell other than the life you have created with your wars and hatred. In the Hereafter, there is no fire other than the repentance of the spirit when the conscience points out his mistakes. Hell is a symbol of the great sorrow, terrible remorse, desperation, pain, and bitterness experienced by those who have greatly sinned. But they will free themselves from those feelings as their spirits evolve with love.
Question your conscience and you will know if you are living in hell and atoning for your faults, or if you are experiencing the peace of Heaven.
What men call Heaven or hell are not specific sites; they symbolize the essence of the deeds which the spirit will harvest when he reaches the spiritual valley. Each one lives in his own hell, inhabiting his own world of restitution or blissful joys, which gives elevation and harmony with the Divine spirit.
How different spiritual reality is from that which man has imagined! Neither is My justice what you believe it to be, nor is it as easily and quickly attained as you have imagined. Also spiritual restitution is not as you have described it, nor is temptation a spirit.
My justice does not condemn anyone and much less for eternity. The fire described in the scriptures, is the unyielding conscience that will burn like fire until the spirit is purified of every blemish. That fire will cease when all trace of sin disappears. Understand that it is not I who dictates your sentence, but you yourself.
If human sins were punished with fire, then the material bodies of all sinners would have to be thrown into the fire while alive on earth, because they would no longer feel anything once they were dead. The physical body does not elevate toward the spiritual space but descends to the inner surface of the earth once it has concluded its mission. Once there, it unites with nature, where material life began.
If you believe the eternal fire is for the spirit and not the body, then this is another grave error, because there does not exist any material elements in the spiritual kingdom, nor does fire have any effect upon the spirit. What is born of flesh, is flesh, and what is born of spirit, is spirit.
How to free disturbed spirits. True exorcism
There are forces, invisible to the human eye and unintelligible to human science, that constantly influence your life.
These disturbed beings, lacking peace and enlightenrnent, are drawn towards you by your bad thoughts, low passions, bad habits, and vices.
Your negative behavior attracts those beings who seek to dwell in impure mansions since they have not been purified. These are beings without a body who, in their confusion, seek the body of others to express themselves. However, due to their disturbed state and negative influence, the only thing they achieve when they approach others, is to make them ill, to confuse them mentally, and to disrupt their peace.
Those spirits are the symbol of illness, the inhabitants of the darkness, who know neither life nor death.
A man who leads a sinful life is capable of having a legion of beings in darkness following him. These disturbed beings will leave a trail of evil influences along his path.
The forces that make up evil are forming a powerful nucleus, causing worldwide destruction, wars, and disharmony among men. Although the population of earth is very great, it is very small in comparison to the world of spiritual beings that surround mankind.
Those legions interfere greatly with the lives of mankind, but man is not able to perceive, feel or hear that world that is in turmoil around him.
If you do not become aware of this reality, you will never be able to free yourself from their influences, nor will you be able to help them. You will both be ill and will continually contaminate one another.
The way to battle against these numerous and powerful evil influences is to pray.
Utilize the weapons that I give you. These weapons do not destroy lives, cause blindness, shed blood, bring suffering, leave widows or orphans, nor leave homes behind in their wake, submerged in desolation.
The weapons that I have given you are love, charity, and forgiveness, because with their help you will be able to change evil influences into vibrations of light.
In your prayers always dedicate a thought to those whom you cannot visually perceive, but who are near you and who weep; however, do not attempt to reach them nor obligate them to manifest themselves.
Remember that in the Second Era, when the body of Jesus was taken to its tomb, my Spirit went to give light to all spirits that were in darkness and to free them from their chains. From that moment those spirits received light
The tombs keep the dead, but the Spirits escape and materialize in order to give testimony that the spirit survives.
I prepared everything in order to teach you and give you proof of my love; many were astonished, as I healed many through Jesus.
The unbelievers, those who had heard about the power of Jesus and knew of His miracles, sought to make Jesus stumble with very difficult tests and thus demonstrate that He was not infallible. But they became confused when they witnessed that those who were possessed became normal after being healed by Jesus. He would heal them by only touching them, looking at them, or giving the spintual beings a verbal command to abandon the posessed body. Thus He would relieve one and the other of their heavy load.
In the presence of that power, the pharisees, the scientists, the scribes and the publicans had different reactions. Some acknowledged the power of Jesus, others attributed His power to unknown influences and yet, others did not say anything. Some who were ill had been possessed by a single spirit, others had been possessed by seven spirits such as Mary Magdalene, and still others had been possessed by such a large number of spirits that even the spirits described themselves as a legion.
I freed those who were possessed by large legions of perturbed spirits, and those who believed in me arose, glorifying My name and acknowledging my power; those who did not, judge me and attributed My power to an evil source, treating me as a sorcerer.
In the Second Era, after I had healed a man who was possessed, those who saw this, stated that I had a pact with the spirit of evil. However, the spirit who had been tormenting the man spoke to me and said: I know who you are, you are the Son of God.
Nevertheless, also there were some who were amazed with the deeds of Jesus and asked: With what authority and power does He command those impure spirits who obey Him? They were not aware that all men possess this, that all carry this weapon. Later My disciples repeated the deeds of their Divine Master, thus demonstrating that Christ had come as a teacher to mankind. He not only came to demonstrate His power, but also to reveal to humanity the gifts and powers that everyone possesses.
How profound were those teachings! But those who refused to see the light in those teachings, such as the hypocritical priests and pharisees of that period, have attributed all spiritual knowledge to evil forces. Did they not say in that period that Jesus healed those who were possessed because He had a pact with the devil?
In the same manner, you were surprised in this period when I came in my true essence, the Spirit, in order to give you another teaching in the life of the spirit. This teaching is more extensive, dear and profound, and one in which you will be able to experience personally what I have come to reveal to you.
I am going to respond to those who, along their path, have experienced the presence of spiritual beings whom you call dark and disturbed beings.
Truly I say to you that those beings whom you refer to as demons or tempters, are no more than imperfect or disturbed beings whom the Father wisely utilizes to carry out His higher level plans and designs. However, those beings who are presently in darkness and who are making bad use of the gifts that I have granted to them, will be saved by Me at the proper time. I would cease to be God, if I were unable to save a spirit with My power, wisdom, and love.
If you have imagined that the beings in darkness are like monsters, I only perceive them as imperfect creatures whom I will help and save, for they are also My children!
Disincarnated spirits in different conditions, approach my workers seeking charity. When they discover that the door to your heart is closed, and you do not offer them comfort, they will leave you in a state of mental stress, caused by their influence of suffering and restlessness.
The ones you have sensed the existence of spiritual beings who wander through space and sometimes surround you, believing they are spirits who might suffer, you have attempted to help them. Your intention has been good, but always you have lacked the knowledge enabling your charity to be effective. Until now, you have not known how to offer these disturbed and remorseful beings true enlightenment
You have performed ceremonies for them and have offered them material objects. Although this brings tranquility to your heart, in reality these beings have received nothing as the things of the world no longer concern them. These beings seek spiritual charity, comfort, love, and understanding. How can you help them spiritually? My word also comes to explain how you can be charitable with those beings whom you cannot perceive.
If you truly want to help your spiritual brethren and at the same time want to free yourself from their bad influences, you need to pray, a prayer of compassion, full of mercy and of elevated thoughts. If you feel that those beings are manifesting themselves in your life in some form, provide them with good examples and good deeds so that their spirit may receive light. Let them observe you healing those who are ill and forgiving those who have offended you. Allow them to perceive noble ideas illuminating your mind and kind words being spoken.
With your prayer convert those beings who are in darkness, for while you sleep, they fight and battle just as armies do. Be aware that an unknown world surrounds you, a world in a state of distress where light battles darkness. The turmoil and effects of this war disrupts your world, your heart, and your mind.
The greater part of the confused spiritual beings are so because they are not aware that they are already in a spiritual state; they retain the belief that they continue within the material world and persist in wanting to live as when they were human beings.
Though they are in spirit, they insist in believing they are human beings, because the impression left by the flesh in their spirit was very profound, very intense, due to their living submerged in the materialism, in the passions, in sin and fanaticism.
The ignorance they had while in their earthly existence, enveloped the spirit and the latter had no strength left on reaching that transition which you call physical death, to rid himself of that heavy load, that heavy burden.
Those spirits are worthy of your greatest charity, because they are not fully in the material world as you are, nor are they fully in the spiritual valley.
They are beings who wander in a very painful situation, more so in their sadness. The spirit acquires experience, he evolves, and manages to comprehend that he has passed on into a different life. His prostration cannot be eternal and his confusion can be dispelled if he draws near a spirit, a heart obedient to the Law, to a laborer of the Lord.
When you find yourself surrounded by spirits in darkness, being in your home, along the pathway, or in your own person, how should you impart, in an effective manner, the light to those spirits?
Through your spiritual prayer; then, through your charity, and later, by practicing virtue, the good manners and morality in your life. And they who live among you and who see you incessantly, on contemplating that you are stronger in virtue than they are in evil, will began to yield, setting aside their bad inclinations on receiving the light.
Do not cast them away from your life and whenever possible attract them; do it with love, with charity, and then you will form around you an atmosphere of true spirituality.
And those beings who come near you to test your strength and the Doctrine you practice, on seeing themselves illuminated by the light of your love and your charity, will convert themselves into a barrier that will protect you; they will be your shield, your defenders and friends in your human existence; and when your spirit crosses the threshold of the Great Beyond, you will find yourself followed and blessed by those legions of spirits who will receive you with love and peace, and your spirit will be surprised contemplating them so full of light, the light that you were able to give them.