Teaching 150

8. I have descended among all My children in search of their spirit, because he belongs to Me, but not all wish to follow Me. The greater portion asks for additional time and tells Me that for now they cannot come to Me, and I have given each spirit the necessary time for his fulfillment.

9. It is true that you have suffered much during this era and you hope to live a better life, and the Father says: Work for peace, and whether you are in this world or in the spiritual realm, you will find rest. This world that you live in is a place of expiation, of struggle, of perfectionment.

10. If you wish to remember the life of Jesus during the Second Era, you will find it full of suffering, lacking in comforts and enjoyments of the world. He is the example, the model before your spirit, so that you can imitate Him. But anyone who should come to Me will find comfort, for I am the inexhaustible fountain that pours out in torrents; take from it to water your assigned portions.

The fields are prepared so that men will hurry and cultivate them; the lands are waiting for them, before they are covered with darnel or harmful weeds. Go forth and prepare them, and when you see that the wheat has matured, cut it along with the weeds and later separate the one from other. That is why I am always saying to you: Be watchful and pray, because if you are neglectful, the bad weed will make greater progress than your seed, and its fruit will be the one which will abound on the day of your harvest. Allow your fields to become golden so that your harvest may be abundant and the wheat can be stored in My granaries.

11. Humanity hungers for My Word, for My truth; men demand and long for the light to reach their understanding. They clamor for justice and hope for consolation. This is a decisive period of time. Truly I say to you, that many ideas, theories, and even dogmas, which for centuries had been regarded as truths, will topple and will be abandoned as false. Fanaticism and idolatry will be combated and exterminated by those who were most devoted and involved in them. The teachings of God will be understood; their light, their content and essence, will be comprehended and deeply felt.

12. The men of science, after a period of time of trials in which they will suffer very great confusions, and when their spirit receives the light and listens to the voice of their conscience, they will discover what they had never dreamed of before.

13. Again I say to you: Be watchful, because during that time of struggles, of creeds and doctrines, of religions and sciences, many men will believe that the knowledge which they have acquired from books, will be the weapon with which they will defeat My new disciples, knowing that you do not carry books.

When Jesus preached to the multitudes, He did not speak to them about teachings learned in books; nevertheless, He gave lessons of wisdom. He gave proof of this since His infancy, appearing among the doctors of the law, to confuse them and leaving them speechless with His questions and amazing them with His answers. The knowledge of Jesus emanated from the Divine Spirit who revealed everything to Him.

14. If anyone of you would clean his mind, free his heart of bad sentiments and lower passions, and elevate his spirit to the Father, to surrender to Him in love and service to his fellowmen, he would be converted into a clean fountain which the Master would fill with His inspiration.

That man would be like a clean vessel upon My table, which I would fill to the brim with the wine of life, so that those who perish would mitigate their thirst within it. He who prepares himself in that manner, will convince whoever he talks to; he will give comfort with his word; he will silence the conceited one and will realise surprising deeds, those which the world regards as miracles and which are nothing more than natural manifestations of love and faith of an elevated spirit.

15. When someone asks you: Why, if God is so great, has He availed Himself of an insignificant human being to manifest His wisdom? You will answer: The love of God for His children has no limits. That is why He has used them to realise this miracle.

18. If I had come in a human form to repeat My lesson of the Second Era, I would have hindered the progress of your spirit, and mankind could not have recognised Me. However, I, the Master of all perfection, take you step by step, always toward the top of the mount, each time teaching you new lessons.

19. To the human eye, God is invisible and so is His own Spirit, for He has no form nor limitations; that is why many, on seeing you elevated in prayer and listening to Me, are doubtful, because they do not know that the divine and the spiritual, apparently invisible to human eyes, is felt by the spirit and even by the heart.

21. It has always been the humble and the destitute who discover My presence, because their minds are not occupied with human theories that will separate them from a clear discernment.

22. In the Second Era it also happened that after the coming of the Messiah has been announced, when He appeared, those who felt Him were the simple of heart, those of humble spirit and clean understanding.

23. The theologians had in their hands the book of the prophets, and they daily repeated the words that announced the signs, the time and the manner of the coming of the Messiah. Nevertheless, they saw Me and did not recognise Me; they heard Me and denied that I was the Promised Saviour. They witnessed My deeds, and the only thing they did was to become scandalised, when in truth, all of the signs had been prophesied.

24. When the day came in which the mobs, incited by those who felt uneasy by the presence of Jesus, hurt and flogged Him, and they saw Him shed blood like an ordinary mortal under the effect of the lashes and later die in agony as any other human being, the Pharisees, princes and priests exclaimed with satisfaction: "Behold the one who calls himself the Son of God, he who believed himself to be king and made himself pass as the Messiah!"

25. It was for them rather than others that Jesus asked His Father to forgive those who, though knowing the scriptures, were denying Him and were exposing Him as an impostor before the multitudes.

They were the ones who, calling themselves doctors of the law, in reality on judging Jesus, did not know what they were doing, while there, among the mobs were hearts broken in pain before the injustice that they were witnessing and faces bathed in tears before the sacrifice of the Just One.

These were the men and women of simple heart and a humble and elevated spirit, who knew who was the One who had been among men and realised what they were losing once the Master departed.

26. My people: during this period of time the form of communication by which you have received My Word, will also be badly judged, and also the Doctrine and revelations that I have revealed to you will be denied by those who say they know the manner in which My return will be.

They will not analyse My Word; they will not seek its essence, nor will they take into account the marvels and signs that I have given you concerning My return and My truth. Instead, they will find as reasons to deny Me, the imperfect deeds that they find among these people, their profanations and disobedience.

28. Be watchful and pray, disciples, so you can continue recognizing My voice among all the deceptive ones that the world presents, and thus you will be guided with love and care to the end of your journey, where the bosom of the Father is opened like a fold of infinite magnitude to keep forever those whom He lovingly created and sent to Earth so that their merits there would make them worthy of the perfect mansion.

29. When I tell you that it is Christ who speaks to you, there is always someone who judges as blasphemous these people who transmit My Word. However, this manner of judging and analyzing is not strange, since their insensibility toward the spiritual prevents them from perceiving Me through the essence of My Doctrine.

30. On a certain occasion I said before the Pharisees: "The Father and I are one," and they also called Me a blasphemer and they turned to the Scriptures, trying to demonstrate that what I said was false.

31. Today I say to you that he who does not open the eyes of his spirit, will not be able to see the Divine light, for no one has even been so tested as Jesus was.

41. If you still believe that your suffering is because of your first parents, you will be committing in your judgments a lack of comprehension with your God.

42. In a Divine parable I inspired the first inhabitants so that they could begin to have a knowledge of their destiny, but the meaning of My revelations was erroneously interpreted.

When you were told about the tree of life, of the perception of Good and evil from which man ate, it was only given you to understand that when man attained enough knowledge to distinguish right from wrong and began to be responsible for his actions, from then on he started to gather the fruit of his deeds.

43. There are many men who have accepted that all the tears of this world have been caused by a sin of the first inhabitants, and in their clumsiness to analyse the parable, they have gone as far as to say that Jesus came to wash every blemish with His blood.

If such an affirmation were true, why, in spite of the sacrifice that has already been consummated, do men still continue sinning and also suffering?

44. Jesus came to Earth to teach men the road to perfection, a road which He taught with His life, with His deeds and with His words.

45. You know that God said to all men: "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth." That was the primitive law that you were given, My people. After that, the Father will not ask men that they only multiply and that the species continue growing, but rather that his sentiments become more elevated each time and that his spirit embarks on a sincere development and evolvement.

But if the first law was for the propagation of the human race, how can you conceive that the Father Himself would apply a sanction for obeying and complying with His own mandate? Is it possible, My people, that such a contradiction would exist in your God?

46. Notice how such a materialistic interpretation men gave to a parable in which you were only told about the awakening of the spirit in man; therefore, analyse My teaching and do not say any longer that you are paying a debt because of the disobedience incurred toward your Father by the first inhabitants. Have a more elevated idea about the Divine justice.

47. I have said to you that up to the last blemish will be erased from the heart of man; but I also say that each one of you must cleanse his own blemishes. Remember that I said to you: "The measure you give will be the measure you get back, and what you sow, you shall reap."

48. This is the time when you will understand Me when I say to you: "Be fruitful and multiply," that this must also be done spiritually and that you should fill the universe with your good deeds and with elevated thoughts.

49. I welcome all those who wish to draw near Me; all those who seek perfection.

50. Rest from your earthly tiredness, O! My children! Penetrate inside your being where your temple is, and meditate on My Word.

51. I have destined you to extend Good throughout the land which is the true spirituality.

52. Do you feel incapable and small? Do you judge yourselves too impure to be able to carry on within your spirit a mission of this nature? The fact is that you do not realise My wisdom and My mercy. And that is why you do not observe with purity the examples that I set for you through Nature at every step.

53. Do you not see how the rays of the sun, illuminating everything, reach the most infected puddle, volatilizing it, and elevating it towards outer space, purifying and finally converting it into a cloud which will pass over the fields, fertilizing them?

54. Sometimes you say to Me: "Master, how can you place your eyes upon humanity of this era, when there are no patriarchs, nor just people, nor men who could be your apostles, when you see that we live in a world of mire and sin?" To which I respond that My power will make lilies sprout from that very mire, from where no one could imagine that a flower of such marvelous purity would emerge.

55. Let the sunshine of My Word penetrate within your being, so that it will purify and elevate you, and you may promptly arise and make fertile the heart of your brethren.

56. Allow that in the midst of that life of sin and corruption in which this humanity lives, emerge the limpidity of your deeds and the purity of your prayers, and truly I say to you that your spirit will not have to be envious of the lilies.

58. Truly, truly I say to you that there is more love in the repentant sinners than in those who have always regarded themselves as righteous. Thus, I shall continue speaking and the sinners will continue repenting for their faults and increasing the number of the converted ones.

59. The heart of a sinner is more sensitive toward the touch of love of My Word, and the fact is that there are many men who have sinned because in their lifetime they have lacked love. When they have heard My voice as a Father calling them, forgiving them, healing their wounds, understanding them as no one on Earth has understood them, very soon have felt the Divine touch in their most sensitive fibers and have experienced before them the perseverance of their Master.

60. Thus many men go around the world in search of a phrase or a redeeming light; a comfort for their affliction. They seek someone who will excuse them and not to point out their faults, who will speak to them of a better life. But they cannot find it in the world, and then they go into seclusion; they become hermetic and will not confide their secrets to anyone again.

61. Those hearts can only be opened with the key of love, which I possess, and which I precisely come to entrust to anyone who opens his heart and says to Me: "Master, I wish to follow you."

62. Deep within the heart of the multitude this question emerges: "Are you the Messiah?" I can only say: Listen to My Word, penetrate into its meaning and seek its essence.

63. I speak the truth, I show you the way; I reveal to you the Law of reincarnation so that the spirit may perfect himself and reaches the goal of his destiny. Do you doubt it?

Truly I say to you that the truth is not altered in any way by your doubts. It continues being the same.

64. I say to you that you should never deny something for the simple reason that you do not understand it. Just think that if what your insignificant mind understands were true, nothing would ever exist.

65. There is someone who says to Me: "Master, if you know everything and even before the children come to be, you already know them, did you have knowledge that during that period of time Judas was going to betray you?” Ah! people of rude understanding who even now during these times formulate such question! I know it all. That is why I selected him, because I knew that he could not act in any other way, and it was necessary for Me to avail Myself of each imperfection of My disciples to deliver a lesson.

66. That disciple who betrayed His Master is a symbol, an open book that exists within each human conscience, so that you could understand its significance and perceive its teaching.

67. You should know that within each man there is a Judas. Yes, disciples, because in your case the matter is the Judas of the spirit; the matter is the one that opposes the light of spirituality to glow; the one that waylays the spirit to cause him to fall into materialism, into low passions.

68. Though, just because it is the matter the one that pushes you to the brink of the abyss are you going to condemn it? No. Because you need it for your progress, and you will conquer it with your spirituality, just as I won over Judas with My love.

69. I see that you doubt the power of love, that you doubt the strength of faith.

75. Allow your faith to speak and Heaven will answer you.

76. There was the Divine Spirit filled with love, even though He was the only One who existed.

77. Nothing had been created, nothing surrounded the Divine Being, and, nevertheless, He loved and He felt like a Father.

78. Whom did He love? Toward whom did He feel as a Father? To all beings and all creatures that would emerge from Him and whose power was latent in His Spirit. In that Spirit were all the sciences, all the elements, all natures, all principles. He is Eternity and Time. In Him is the past, present and future, even before the worlds and beings emerged to life.

79. That Divine inspiration became a reality under the infinite power of the Divine love, and thus, life began.

80. The bosom of God was filled with beings, and in everyone, the love, the power and the wisdom of the Father was manifested.

82. First, there was the spiritual existence; and first too, were the spirits and afterward the material Nature.

83. Since it was disposed that many spiritual creatures would take on a corporeal form in order to inhabit material mansions, everything was previously prepared so that the children of God would find everything ready.

84. He strewed with blessings the pathway that His children would take. He inundated the Universe with light and filled the path of man with wonders, in which He deposited a Divine spark: the spirit thus formed with love, intelligence, strength, the will and conscience; and He enveloped everything existent in His power and marked its destiny.

85. Thus the Father remained there as the beginning of everything existent; then after offering the Universe its road of evolution and perfectionment, He would remain waiting for the return of all His children, so that in Him they would also find their goal which would be the perfection of the spirit in eternity.

86. That path laid out for each element, for each creature and each species, was the law that the Creator wrote indelibly in each of His children.

87. Since then everything vibrates toward the purpose for which it was created; since then, too, everything moves toward perfection, revolving unceasingly, with regard to a mandate, a beginning and one law.

88. The Father, alike the sower, took the elements of life which were within Him, as though it were the soil, and there He deposited the seed of life which emanates from His love, to wait for that instant of gathering the fruit as perfect as was the seed and as was the inspiration.

89. The men of science of these times become confused when they discover that their world is older in time than what was assumed before by the first scientists; and when they believe the Earth to be a star on the decline, soon to be extinguished, I say to them that is has lived so short a time that it has yet a long way to go to be able to give shelter to the generations of grace and spirituality.

About Album of Wisdom

This book is the abridged version of the compiled Divine teachings that were received by human understanding from 1866 to 1950.