Message 11

11. Beloved daughters, who have come to fulfill a delicate mission. I invite you to prayer, to the practice of virtues, toward patience and to humility. Each one of you carries a cross of sufferings through which you will perfect yourselves. Be patient in your trials and persevering in the fight for your spiritual elevation. Comply with your duties as daughters, as disciples and later as companions of men. Carry out your missions as wives, cultivate the heart that has been entrusted to You; be watchful for him and lead him along the best pathway and later, when you have reached the gift of maternity, keep a vigil on your children. They, as part of yourself, will take on the virtues which you wish for them to have. Those spirits shall be filled with gifts to fulfill the mission that the Father entrusted them. Some shall work in silence and others will manifest themselves before multitudes. Some will be prophets and other counselors and instructors; everyone shall have as a mission the universal peace and the keys of regeneration for this world. Look after their actions, their footsteps and thoughts.

12. I am the Mother who watches over the human race and over all the worlds. Women: be strong against temptation and sin; repulse all the impurity. Make your home a temple where there is a worship of peace, of love and of fraternity. Advise righteousness only; never give way to division. You are collaborators of the Divine work. Arise with virtue as a banner. Always speak with prudence and inspiration and your voice shall be heard.

13. Do your best so that your good deeds may multiply and your gifts within you shall not fade away. The greater you practice, they will be more abundant. Each seed that you sow will germinate, and if you do not contemplate it in this world, later, along your spiritual path, the Master will show you the fruits of your labor and fufillment you did on Earth.

14. And you, men, representatives of the Lord on Earth, who bear within your heart the fortitude, the love and justice, watch over the world; pray for the weak and defenseless ones. Each one of you be an apostle of truthfulness. Prepare yourselves so that later on you will remain as preachers among Humanity.

15. The world will look for you and shall put your gifts to the test. Blessed be the strong ones, those who journey along the pathway filled with faith. The lessons of the Master have not been only for yourselves, since tomorrow you must carry them to your brothers, to those who are waiting the fulfillment of the prophecies. You shall raise your voice to those who slumber, as the hour draws near when mankind awakens and knows how to interpret the happenings in their present life and the trials that the Lord is giving them so that they will rise and take heed of the Master's voice, who invites them to become His followers, His disciples.

16. Your actions will be the best testimony; not always shall it be necessary to speak. It will be enough for the needy to enter your home so that they will feel the beneficial influence and peace that reigns within. Go forth in search of Humanity who has ftllen into a deep abyss, and has suffered for the lack of assistance. The powerful arm of the Lord has held the men back so that they fall no more and that they can lift themselves from the abyss and recover what they have lost spiritually.

17. Be rejoiced, because the Father has looked upon you and has granted you great gifts. Love with all the strength of your being. Love the Creator, serve Him and He will come to you to tell you: "Lift your head - you are My beloved son, My disciple".

About Message of Mary

This book is the abridged version of the compiled messages of Mary, the Divine Tenderness that were received by human understanding from 1866 to 1950.