Teaching 316

5. Great portion of Humanity calls itself Christian and the Master says to you: If in all truthfulness they were Christians, they would have already, with their love, their humility and their peace, won over all the remaining men.

But the doctrine of Christ, bequeathed since the Second Era, is not within the heart of Humanity, it does not vibrate nor does it flourish in the deeds of men, it is withheld in dusty books and I have not come to talk them about those books.

As for books, I brought to you My life, My Word and My deeds, My passion and My death as man and that is the reason why the major part of Humanity, calling itself Christian, does not have the peace nor the grace of Christ, because they do not imitate Him, because they do not practice His doctrine.

7. Why does injustice prevail in this period of time? Because, I contemplate as kings those who should be servants, and those who should be lords in their love and humility, I contemplate them like slaves.

8. He who steals and surprises the good faith of others I find enriched, and the tyrant is praised and surrounded by adulation; the one who smears himself with the blood of his brothers is elevated to a high seat of honour, but those who are victims of human cruelty are humiliated.

9. That is how I contemplate your life, Humanity. I see many institutions with beautiful names, but from them no truth, love or charity pours out.

I contemplate that in the bosom of sects and religions, the ministers rise up telling their people: “Do good,” and truly I say to you: The only one who can say “Do good” is I, because only I do good for you; men should always say: “Let us do good”.

23. When this divine revelation has been properly interpreted by everyone, there will no longer be suicides and homicides; not one shall take his life, and least of all, that of his fellowman.

24. If, in the Second Era, I said to you that every eye shall see Me, I shall fulfill My promise, making myself be seen and felt by all men in all My truth.

About Album of Wisdom

This book is the abridged version of the compiled Divine teachings that were received by human understanding from 1866 to 1950.