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Dream Interpretation – The Infinite Language

This is the Time of Prophetic Dreams

This is the period that Joel saw and announced, in which the sons of humanity would have visions and prophetic dreams; in which their mouths would speak, moved by My divine force, because My Spirit would be spread upon all flesh and upon every spirit.

Who has not had dreams that have been true prophecies, and later on has seen them fulfilled? It is the era of light, of the awakening of the spirit who had remained lethargic with science, marveled by material discoveries.

Today the light of the Holy Spirit descends upon the world, so that men can look upwards and recognize that only one God exists, and only one Law to which everyone should unite, so that the deeds of Mankind may be great and worthy of the Creator.

Truly I say to you, that the spirit has many eyes to contemplate Me. Recognize this gift and develop it, because through it will be fulfilled the word of that prophet who said that the time would come, when Mankind would have prophetic visions and dreams.

From the children up to the elders, passing on through the youth, everybody will have manifestations that, in the beginning, will seem strange to them, because it has been a long time that Humanity has stayed away from the spiritual, but they will later take it as something absolutely natural in the superior life of man.

It will be when children speak of profound teachings, when men and women have spiritual visions and prophetic dreams, and when the gift of healing is propagated all over the Earth.

How combated will be the first ones to manifest the awakening of the gifts of their spirit! But I will give them strength and patience to resist the criticism, the judgments, and the mockery.

While We Sleep

If I tell you that your spirit sometimes detaches himself while your body sleeps, and goes near the threshold of the Hereafter searching for Me, I would not be lying to you. However, you have lacked preparation and faith to enable you to take advantage of these moments spiritually. I have had to prepare seers and prophets in order for them to help and speak to you about that tomorrow, which will alert you and admonish you, so that you may be watchful, and pray.

You should be watchful, disciples, for not only will I speak to you through this means, but I shall also seek to communicate with your spirit during the moments when your body sleeps. I will teach you to enter that restfulness with preparation, so that your spirit will be set free and may elevate himself to the regions of light, where he will acquire the knowledge of prophecy that will illuminate his way, transmitting his message to the mind.

Your body is not aware that your spirit, during the moments of praying, communicates with Me; he is unable to perceive the closeness you have with your Father, by means of that gift; and not only with My Spirit, but also with that of your spiritual brothers, whom you remember during those moments of prayer.

Neither are you aware that while you are resting, when the body sleeps, according to his elevation and spirituality, he frees himself from his body to appear in distant places and to spiritual places that your mind cannot even imagine.

When your body is done with his daily duties, and takes a rest in bed, the spirit takes advantage of that time to liberate and occupy himself in his own actions, in the things of the Lord.

However, if your heart, instead of resting from his preoccupation and vicissitudes, instead of elevating himself in prayer, surrenders himself to bitterness; the spirit will have to remain occupied in giving in to the weaknesses of his flesh, disregarding other missions.

That is how you deprive yourself of your virtues, because of your lack of faith and of spirituality. You should realize that one who forsakes his duties toward the others to think only of himself, is selfish toward his fellowmen, and does not have charity toward his own spirit.

The Meaning of the Divine Messages

It is necessary for you to learn to analyze the figurative meaning in which I am speaking to you, so that afterward, you will be able to explain it to your brethren without falling into confusion.

Between you and the spiritual valley exists a veil that does not permit anybody to profane the purity of that sanctuary, and it is only granted to cross those thresholds to those who reach them clothed with respect and humility, with purity and noble ideals, with love and true faith.

Through parables and in a figurative meaning, I have spoken to men during past eras because neither the spirit nor the minds were capable of receiving the light in its fullness. It was indispensable then, to translate and spiritually interpret that language, those figures and parables, until their rightful meaning was found.

Could you tell me what shape or volume does the conscience have? Could you tell me what form does love or intelligence have? “No, Master,” you tell me. Then, in the same way that the conscience has no form, nor does the intelligence, nor love, neither can you compare the earthly things with those of the spiritual life. However, there is nothing more beautiful than the attributes of the spirit, which is a whole of gifts and virtues that have no need of any form to exist.

It is now about time that you interpret, with exactness, the content of all my parables and teachings that I have revealed to you, so that through symbols, the meaning penetrates within your spirit and the symbolic form disappears.

When you reach this knowledge, your faith will be true, since it will have laid its foundation on the truth.

If you would only dedicate a little of your time to spiritual meditation, you would attain great inspirations and you would obtain wisdom.

Your gifts will emerge from your spirit, vigorous and strong, not as an ornament to cause vanity, but rather as virtues and examples that you will show Humanity.

The gift of prophecy will develop greatly among you. The men of science will interrogate you about the future; they will come to your meetings to hear your testimonies and confront the grave trials and resolve the conflicts that will be presented there.

Verily I say to you, that I am the One who is giving you the prophecy. This has never emerged from man; he has only been a channel. The prophesy comes from Me and I allow, up to a certain limit, the possibility of interpreting it, but those which contain greater wisdom, only I will clarify them.

I announced the events that you are now seeing verified.

This is a time of great fulfillment. They are the events which have come to interpret all the announcements that I gave to you in the First and Second Eras.

Allow the prophecy to pass through your spirit and flesh, even if you do not understand it. Your duty is to let it be known; it will be the others who will understand much better what you testify.

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