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The Power of the Elements of Nature

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

If humanity is not in harmony with the Universal law that governs all of Creation, a repercussion will occur which will manifest itself through the power of the elements.

Do you see the unstable equilibrium of Nature and the upheaval it has suffered? Are you aware how you are touched by its unleashed forces? The fact is that you have broken the harmony that exists between the spiritual and the material life, thereby provoking that chaos in which you are being submerged; however, when mankind becomes obedient to the laws that govern life, there will again be peace, abundance and happiness.

When all the elements and all of Creation give evidence and manifestations of My justice, do not regard that as a punishment; it will only be a test that the humankind, who have not listened to My word, will come to recognize their mistake, after going through confusions and bitterness, attributing the commotion of the elements to diverse causes.

Only when the elements manifest My justice men tremble, but not because they understand that it is My voice of justice speaking to them, rather because they fear for their lives or for their earthly goods.

From the beginning of humanity, up to the present, My justice has been felt among men through the elements, since in their simpleness of the first eras and in their materialism in the present time, they have only been sensitive to material proofs.

During past times, when mankind still did not attain the knowledge of the true God, they saw in each element of Nature a divinity. That is why when those forces were unleashed, men said it was the vengeance of their gods, not knowing that, because of their sins, they could not save themselves from the effect of the unleashed elements.

You still retain something of those beliefs, because when you see or hear about earthquakes, tempests or plagues that lash upon towns, cities or nations, you exclaim: It is the punishment of God!

Today you wrongfully believe that My justice punishes you, unleashing the elements to sow desolation, mourning and hunger; however, someday you will understand that your deeds cause those calamities, the justice to unleash upon you. You will also learn that your merits, your faith and prayer can calm down the forces of Nature.

If the elements turn hostile and inclement, it is because no harmony exists between them and men. When mankind lives in accordance with the obedience of my laws like all other creatures live, they will discover in this planet the image of the eternal life.

But you must be watchful, oh peoples of the Earth! For if you apply the limited knowledge you possess to provoke the elements, you will receive when you least expect it, a painful and just response. You provoke the wind, the earth, water and all the forces, and you are already aware what your harvest will be if you do not correct your activities on time in order to halt the unleashed elements because of your folly.

I caution you that you are reaching the limit of your free will that My justice permits. You are provoking Nature excessively and since you are like children who feel themselves superior, this word comes as a warning of the danger you are facing.

In their pride, men have wanted to submit Nature itself and its elements, not being aware that they will in turn become judges to punish their pride and human recklessness.

The imprudent hand of man has opened the doors that held the forces and the elements of purification, which have fallen upon mankind.

The elements become unleashed, awakening the men of science from their slumber, but the latter, too obstinate in their greatness, continue their destructive work among humanity.

Behold that the elements are manifesting to you the fullment of the prophecies of past times. It has been your turn to live and witness these events, do not be frightened by the will of your Father, for everything serves to purify you.

Soon a period of great happenings will begin for the world. The Earth shall tremble, and the sun will cause candescent rays to fall upon this world that will burn its surface. The continents will be touched with suffering from one pole to the other. The four points of the Earth will suffer the puififation, and there will not be a single creature that will not feel the rigor of that expiation. I do not wish to frighten you with this warning, but to alert those who dwell on Earth during that time of ordeals.

For now, they will still be touched by the elements in many ways until they are convinced that there exist superior forces in wich the materialism of man is very insignificant.

The Earth shall tremble. The waters will cleanse and the fire will purify mankind.

All the elements and forces of Nature will be felt all over the Earth where human beings have not learned to live in harmony with the life surrounding them. In so doing, Nature does not seek destruction for those who profane it, but instead seeks a harmony between man and all creatures. If its justice manifests stronger each time, it is because the faults of men and their lack of harmony with the laws are also greater.

I announce to you that you will still witness the greatest calamities fall upon this world which will be the consequence of egotism and human ambition, lack of love and charity. This world will behold the presence of great upheavals; the waters will leave their course and portions of the seas will become lands, and other lands will be inundated by the waters. Men will leave their territories, and even their countries, seeking salvation. The waters will devastate many cities, like the Flood of the First Era, and only a few will escape these rigors.

The elements only await the hour to unleash themselves upon the world, in order to cleanse and purify the Earth. The more sinful and arrogant a nation will be, the greater My justice will be upon it.

The force of the elements will be the voice that will awaken men who stubbornly continue living in darkness; and it will not be that I come to judge them. They will be the ones who will fall within that justice because of their own deeds.

Nature demands a reckoning from man for its profanations; for that reason the elements have been unleashed.

In order to make you understand the erroneous way you are living, volcanoes will erupt, fire will surge from the Earth to exterminate the bad seed. The winds will be released, the Earth will tremble and the waters will devastate regions and nations. In this manner the elements will manifest their resentment against man. They have broken away from him because man has been destroying, one by one, the bonds of friendship and fraternity which binded him with Nature that surrounds him.

A new Flood will be unleashed which will cleanse the Earth of human perversity. It will demolish the false gods from their altars, destroy stone by stone the foundation of that tower of arrogance and iniquity, and will erase every absurd philosophy. But this new Flood will not be of water, like the one of that Era, because the hand of man has unleashed all the elements, visible as well as invisible, against himself. He dictates his own sentence, punishes and does himself justice.

I have to speak to you in this manner, because your world lives involved in wars of all kinds. When the ordeals touch the world, they always catch it unprepared, for while they think and meditate very little on the eternal, they enjoy too much the praises of the world and of the flesh.

Truly l say to you, that if in this period men do not cleanse the blemishes they have left in their spirit, the elements will come as heralds, announcing My justice and My glory and purify mankind of all impurity.

The elements of Nature, in imitation of a sonorous bell, are awakening mankind who sleeps, inviting it to pray and meditate. Those who do not understand that voice is because they are disturbed or deaf to the spiritual messages. Today they even attribute these manifestations to simple phenomenon of Nature, but the moment will come when the ministers of religions and the men of science and power will ask themselves fearfully: Can it really be that the justice of the Lord is at our doorsteps? Can it be the time for His presence amongst us?

Man’s hand has unleashed the justice upon himself. Within his cerebrum a turmoil is agitating; in his heart a tempest rages, and all this is also manifested in Nature. Its elements are unleashed, the seasons become inclement, plagues appear and become multiplied. The fact is that your sins increase, producing illnesses, and your senseless and reckless science does not recognize the order as disposed by the Creator.

You, who have heard this Word, have asked Me whithin your heart why do I not stop this disaster that men, with their science have been preparing, and I answer you: It is necessary for man to drain the cup he has fed. For a long time, nations, with their differences of races and ambitions, have been preparing the battle to destroy themeselves. It has been My charity that has stopped them, but humanity has not wanted to see nor understand that proof of divine mercy.

Your physical life has evolved; it is no longer the same as of previous times, and at the same time that your steps have been leading you along the road of evolution, you have found the fruits of science granted to all who have fulfilled their mission. To those who have mistaken My mandate and penetrated My sanctuary to discover the mysteries of Nature; to those who have taken the power of the elements merely to utilize it towards works of destruction and death, I censure and give them a calling, because I have come to order and motivate all beings and the elements, so that everything be restored and returned to its proper place.

And after this great chaos, the nations will again recover their tranquility and the elements of Nature will calm down. After that stormy night in which this world lives, the rainbow of peace will appear and everything will return to the laws of Nature, to its order and harmony.

You will again see a clear sky and fertile fields; the waters in their course will again be pure, and the sea will be merciful. There will be fruits in the trees, flowers in the meadows, and the harvest will be abundant. And man, who will have been purified and healthy, will again feel worthy, and behold the pathway prepared for his ascent and return to Me.

When you have gone through these tests of My perfect love, that will be the spiritual and physical revival of humanity.

Then men on going through the pathway of virtue and spirituality, will be astonished to understand that this life is the same one I offered to them from the beginning; that nothing within has changed. They will realize that the planet granted them as a temporary dwelling, continues to be generous with blessings; that the merciful mother Nature, like the Author of life, keeps offering her bossom to nourish them with her love, for that is the mission the Father has entrusted to her.

The sun shall be the same that will always send its life-giving warmth, as a symbol of God’s presence. It will be during that time when men will understand that it has been their unrighteous deeds which have embittered their existence.

You are so small, that many times, instead of admiring the Signs of Nature, you are intimidated. When will you be like princes in the midst of this creation, and not slaves, as you are now?

Do you believe that it pleases me to see you praying filled with fright, asking God for mercy for you, when you behold the unleashed elements? I would like to see you filled with serenity, admiring the works of your Father, without fearing for your lives. I would like to receive your prayers emerging from a heart filled with peace, obedience and comprehension.

I still behold weakness in your faith, and you need only to see the elements of Nature unleashed, for your heart to be filled with fright. Why? Have I not told you that the elements will have to obey and respect you, if you are within the path that My law indicates?

When man abides by My will the elements will bow before him like servants. As long as man persists in his disobedience the elements will be unleashed, making him recognize his lack of harmony with everything created.

Have you sometimes observed how even the wild animals gently respond to a call of love? Well, in the same manner, the elements can respond, the forces of Nature, and all that exists within the material and spiritual world.

That is why I say to you, that you should bless everything with love in the name of the Father and Creator of the Universe.

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