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About the Fear of Death

In many occassions, we have been able to notice the fear that exists in the world about death; but, were does that fear come from? After talking to many people about this, we realized that it basically comes from ignorance, that is to say, from the lack of knowledge regarding death, and this lack of knowledge leads many people to see death as the end, as the consumation of everything, like ceasing to exist, or stop being; to others death signifies the step towards the unknown, fear of judgement and settling accounts; others see death as the loss of all their beloved beings. Many refuse to depart from their richess and pleasures; others are filled with fear to think that the marked hour will arrive without allowing them to finish doing those things that they should have done in their lives; and others (the fewer), see death as the end of problems and tests, and look forward to arrive to death because afterwards they can rest forever.

In order to understand that all these ideas are erroneous, it is first of all necessary to understand two fundemental things: First, that everything that exists in our material universe is formed of energy, and energy does not die, it is simply transformed; and secondly, that our spirit having sprung from an Infinite and Eternal Father, same as Him, His children are infinitely eternal.

It sounds good, no? But, what does all of this mean? Very simple, it means that death does not exist.

Our Father has revealed to us:

“I told you at that time that you should not fear death, because it does not exist; In My creation everything lives, grows and becomes perfect. Bodily death is only the end of a period that the spirit goes through, to return to its original state and thereafter follow its course to evolution.” The Third Testament. T 285:74

Many who will read this page may think at any given time: -If death does not exist, then how is it that God in his commandment told us “Thou Shall not kill?”- A good question! And to reply, we return as in many other occassions to remember that to understand the Divine Word, we have to elevate our thought and take our spirit above the material ideas, so that the heights of knowledge can be reached.

Therefore, let us analyze… If the law was created for the spirit, and the spirit does not die, what does God refer to when He says “Thou Shall not kill”? Could there be another way of taking life, different from that which we commonly know? Indeed, what our eternal Father calls death, is to that state of prostration, that state of lethargy in which the spirit falls into, when it is not given the food that it needs to strengthen and manifest itself. Death to the spirit is all that which slows down its development, its evolution. The homicidal weapon, for example, is only the means to manifest what really harms the
spirit which is the lack of love of those that create weapons or make use of them. Other type of weapons exist which are subtle, but as harmful: Our tongue, for example, is a weapon with which we can kill if we use it to damage the reputation of our brethren;
jealousy, hatred, vengance, and all other low passions are those weapons which darken the spirit, and confuse it, sinking it in that apparent “Death” from which it can only escape through love, goodness, development of the gifts, recognition of committed errors, and the firm purpose to amend them.

Our Father says:

“When will you reach peace of spirit, when you have not even been able to reach peace of heart? I tell you that until the last homicidal weapon has not been destroyed, there will not be peace amongst men. Homicidal weapons are those with which men take away life, kill morality, deprive one another freedom, take away health, shake away tranquility, or destroy faith.” The Third Testament. T 119:53

Then, how can death be defeated? Giving life! In the manner which we can dominate our low passions, in studying, analyzing and living the Divine teachings, in developing our gifts, and put to practice loving one another, in that same manner we will be giving life to our spirit and understanding that what we know as death, is nothing but the end of one period for the spirit and the beginning of another.

Let it not be an obsession to us what we call material death! Instead, let us worry about living, to accomplish harmony between our spirit and matter, to live under the laws of love which God has given us so that when the time comes to leave our body, we do with
the joy of knowing that we have accomplished the mission that we had in this life, and that we are ready to begin what is coming; being either the recognition of our faults and the opportunity to amend same, the acceptance of new missions, the knowledge of new spaces where our spirit can continue its path to evolution… in other words, life continues.

“I told you at that time that nothing within My work would be lost; I also told you that none of my little ones would be lost, and I also revealed to you the inmortality of the spirit when I told you: I am life, he who believes in Me shall never die.” Third Testament. T 186:21 ( John : 11:26)


This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

I told you in the Second Era not to fear death, because it does not exist; in my Creation everything lives, grows and becomes perfect. Death of the flesh is only the end of a period which the spirit goes through, in order to return to its original state and thereafter continue its path of evolution.

Do not think of death, that the unknown should not become for you an obsession.

What do you know about the Hereafter? What does man know about what exists after this life? What do you know as to why you are born and why you die?

And when death halts your heartbeats and light is turned off from your pupils, you shall wake up in a marvelous world because of its harmony, because of its order and its justice. There you shall commence to understand that God´s charity is what can compensate you for all your deeds, trials and sufferings.

Death does not exist for the spirit, death as you conceive it, that is, ceasing to exist. The death of the body cannot be the death or end for the spirit. It is there precisely where the spirit opens his eyes to a superior life, while his body closes them to the world forever. It is only an instant in the transition of the route that conduces to perfection. If you have not yet understood as such, it is because you still love this world very much and you feel tightly linked to it. You are worried to have to abandon this dwelling because you believe to be the owners of what in it you possess.

Truly I say to you that death does not exist, because the Creator is life and His deeds cannot die.

Who can say that he has come to Me in spirit at the precise moment when the timepiece of eternity called him? No one, because many times you cut short your existence, aging prematurely, deteriorated sometimes by causes which are not worthy of one of your tears or a single one of your gray hairs.

Do not forget that within Me, you have had your beginning, and that the end will also be within Me; and that end is eternity, because death of the spirit does not exist.

Your spirit gives you a premonition that when he penetrates in that life that awaits him beyond this world, he will have to continue struggling to ascend. Meditating on this, you come to experience a certain sadness when you consider that rest does not exist when human life terminates. That sadness does not come from the spirit but from the flesh, which is fragile and small, because its nature is not eternal and it tends to become frightened before eternity.

The spiritual rest, according to how your physical body understands and conceives it, does not exist. The rest that awaits the spirit is the activity, the multiplication of doing good and not wasting one instant. Then the spirit rests. His remorse and woes become lighter, and he takes pleasure in doing good. He rests loving his Creator and his brethren.

Truly I say to you, that if I left your spirit to remain inactive just so that he would rest, according to the way you conceive rest to be on Earth, he would be seized by the tenebrae of despair and anguish, because the life and the light of the spirit, as well as his greatest happiness, is the work, the struggle, and the incessant activity.

Here on earth, your spirit does feel oppressed, since in it, everything is limited and fleeting. Here he must be tired of so much sin and so much impurity as it exists in human life. But it is not a weariness like the one that burdens the flesh, rather a loathing of all the wrong, a repulsion for all the impurity, a tiredness of fighting and suffering many times for frivolities or unjustified causes.

Your flesh thinks about rest, because it is fragile; but for the spirit rest would be his worst punishment since the best reward is to be active, to work, to struggle; because within this he glorifies the Father by imitating his God, who never rests, sleeps and who never gets tired. Fatigue does not exist in the spirit who is in full in evolution; neither does the night, hunger nor thirst.

Many men, skeptical in their materialism, smile ironically when they are told about the spiritual life; but the moment of death will come, the one where there is no heart that is not fearful, nor spirit who does not tremble before the imminent presence of eternity.

I only say to you: The sun does not rise nor sets one instant before of after that which is marked by the Creator. Everything is governed by and infallible law. Therefore, you shall not dwell one second longer than what is already marked in your destiny.

Only when you have felt the footsteps of death nearby; when you have been gravely ill; when you have suffered, that is, when you believe to be a step away from the beyond, from that justice, you only fear during those trying moments, then you make promises and vows to the Father to love Him, to serve Him, and obey Him on Earth.

Do not wait for death to surprise you without preparedness. What have you prepared when you return to the spiritual life? Do you wish to be caught unawared while you are still manacled with chains to the material things, passions and wordly posessions? Do you want to enter the Hereafter with eyes closed without finding the pathway, taking the imprint in the spirit of this life´s fatigue? Prepare yourselves disciples and then you will not fear the arrival of death to the body.

Depart from this world without tears. Do not leave sorrow in the hearts of your loved ones. Set yourselves free when the moment comes, leaving on your face a smile of peace which expresses the liberation of your spirit.

The death of your body does not separate you from those who have been entrusted to your care, nor does it remove you from the spiritual responsibility that you have for those who were your parents, brothers or children.

If man was always healthy, how could he die? To this I respond, that it is not necessary that your body be ill to stop living; it is enough for the heart to stop beating, when the hour has come, for it to cease to exist.

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