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The Lessons of Life

All divine teachings elevate us, sometimes to realms still unexplored for us and sometimes to the upper stages of our humanity.

Is in the latter when we find, in the Third Testament’s Master teachings contained in what the Lord calls His Album of Wisdom, the excellency in the explanation of our human journey through life.

The choir in the beautiful music background for this videoclip uses glossolalia (harmonius & euphonic vocal sounds with no specific meaning in any particular language).

The Purpose of Human Life

What is the purpose for the human life existence? What is the reason for it? We could start by looking at this:

“Life, in the material, is an occasion for man to earn merits for his spirit merits which will elevate him until he is worthy of inhabiting a mansion of superior spirituality, where he must again earn merits in order not to become stagnant and continue ascending from step to step, because in the House of the Father there are many mansions.”

“Life is a constant lesson for the spirits. The universe, on being formed under My mandate, had no other mission but to teach.

“Life is crucible and struggle to the spirit; it is not an absolute pleasure, as many would wish it so. The enjoyment, the triumph or the glory, are far beyond every struggle, further than that crucible. The glory of the spirit, with all its happiness, is in the perfection of the spirit.”

“Understand this truth, so that you will not overlook this book which, day by day, shows
you new pages of wisdom.”

Life as a Lesson

Life taken as a lesson, life taken as a book that shows us new pages day by day. The one who apreciates life, benefits from it… let us then benefice, my dearly beloved, from this beautiful lesson that the Father grants us each new day… when we open our eyes at morning, let us bless the fact of being alive, enjoying the privilege of having a life through which we can advance, evolve, perfect…

Is human life sometimes bitter? Yes, it is… and even more in these chaotic times of great
lust for the material, of greed embedded in all human power and the moral confusion spread by mass media; but it also offers us delights and legitimate enjoyments that give us a truce and provides us with an incentive and with an opportunity for peace. And thus we shall carry on, living and learning.

You can read more of the wonderful teaching upon the video was based:


A Spiritual World – The Angels of the Lord and us

A legion of spiritual beings has been sent to assist you. Those beings
will give you courage, inspiration, and will help you to arise when
you stumble.

When your path becomes invaded by beings full of darkness,
the enlightened beings will show you how to illuminate those beings
in darkness and free them from their confusion.
The light of your
guardians will illuminate you so that you may contemplate your path
and discover its dangers.

The Spiritual World of Light

Humanity: I say to you that you only know of things that pertain to this world, for you deny what you cannot verify materially. If you knew just a little about the spirit, you would not dare to deny the existence, nor the communication of the spiritual world.

When I speak of the spiritual world, I am referring to those spiritual beings who are obedient and true servants; they carry out only the will of God. Those are the beings whom I have sent among you as advisors, guardians, doctors, and true brethren among mankind. They offer their assistance at the appropiate times and show humility and concern when they are summoned or needed. If you want to feel the influence and help of those who feel charity toward you, you must develop faith, obey their orders, have trust and sensitivity, and be well prepared
when praying. Then you will be able to contemplate wonderful things along your path in life.
The multitude of beings whom I have destined to accompany and to help you along your journey is so great that it is beyond your imagination. Complete harmony exists among them. The light they emit is wisdom and love, for they have dedicated themselves to helping humanity. The greatest desire is to guide their brethren to the summit of spirituality. Their presence, their influence, and their inspiration will be so subtle that their presence among humanity will only be perceived by those who are prepared.

Some refer to that world as invisible; and others call it the Hereafter. Why? Simply because they lack the faith to “perceive” the spiritual and because their human smallness makes them feel distant and foreign to a world that they should feel in their heart.

The world of virtuous spirits, who have come to help you, is near to you. Ask with faith and with respect and you will receive their benefits. Call them without distinction, for I have prepared all of them in the same manner. All of them have become worthy to help humanity in this period.

When will man prepare himself in order to listen to the wise advice of the spiritual world and guide himself through their inspirations?


To perceive the presence and influence of the spiritual world of light

Truly I say to you that as your thoughts become more pure, and as your deeds become more simple and virtuous, you will perceive the presence and influence of the spiritual world in your life with greater clarity, and greater will be the miracles that you will receive from it.

The great spirits, great because of their struggle, their love, and their great efforts, seek harmony with their younger brethren on earth who are distant and neglectful. They have noble and elevated missions.

Those spirits know that they were created to become elevated and to be active; they know that inactivity is not for the children of God.

Everything in creation is life, movement, equality, and harmony. And thus, those countless beings work, exert themselves, and rejoice in their battle, knowing that they are glorifying the Lord and helping in the progress and perfection of their brethren.

You ignore the influence that those brethren exert over you. But once you develop the sensitivity to perceive their light, inspirations, and the messages that they send you, you will have an idea of the countless tasks and noble deeds to which they dedicate their existence.

It is necessary for you to know that those spirits, because of the love and respect that they have for the laws of the Creator, never undertake what does not correspond to them nor do they undertake that which is prohibited.

They also do not penetrate where they should not, in order not to break the harmony among the elements of creation.


The Angels of the Lord

To battle against the world of darkness, you will need the world of light; to triumph over the influence of war, you will depend upon the angel of peace; to battle against sickness, plagues, and death you will have the charity of those invisible beings who are ready to pour their balsam of charity and comfort upon humanity.

Now that I have informed you of the kindness and elevation of these beings, I must tell you that they are pure and thus can speak to the world about purity. They love me and love you, therefore, they have the right to speak of love. They are saturated with health and well-being and can share this with those who are ill.

Who is God?

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Who is God, where is he? Man has always struggled to reach an understanding of the truth.

In the beginning he attributed everything to Nature, but later on, by observing and meditating, he began thinking that it was not possible that so many marvels and perfect works could surge from nothingness; that there had to exist a creative force, an intelligence and a superior power. Within that belief the faith of men was assured, who at the same time created worships and rituals to venerate the One from who all creatures emerged.

New questions surged from the human heart: Who is God? What is He like? Does He really exist or not? These and other questions were asked among men regarding My existence and My essence, though I have always responded to every call and every question.

I am all that you still cannot understand in all its fullness, for you still dwell in the flesh, and possesing in it a limited mind, you analyze Me in accordance with your materialism. Cease to study Me outside the path which My Law points out, because that would only be misleading you from the pathway.

God has no form, for if He had, He would be a limited being, as the human being is; then He could not be God.

There is no form in My spirit, just as there is no form in intelligence, love or wisdom.

Do not try to seek Me with the poor and limited knowledge you posses at this time, for with it you will confuse yourselves.

Why is that being within you, you are unable to feel Me far beyond all that is material? But truly I say to you, that I am in everything and everywhere. Why should you always search for Me outside of you, when I am also within your own self?

There are some who say that God does not exist and others, while confessing in believing in His existence, show no interest. And one or the other ignoring they carry Him within do not know they cannot live without Him.

When your intelligence leads you to the beginning of life and there you get to discover how creatures are born and transformed, you will marvel while understanding the explanation of so many of my teachings. You will then discover that God manifested in everything, from the imperceptible beings within your gaze, up to the worlds and major stars.

Search for My presence within the works I have carried out, and you will find me at every step. Strive to hear Me, and you will hear me in that powerful voice which emerges from everything created, because I find no difficulty in manifesting Myself through the beings of creation. In much the same way that I manifest myself in a star, in the fury of a storm, I can do it in the gentle light of daybreak. And in the same manner that I allow My voice to be heard through a melodious trill of a bird, I can express it through the fragance of flowers. And each expression of Mine, each phrase, each of My works, speaks to you of love, of a fulfillment toward the laws of justice, of wisdom, of eternity in the spirit.

Men have always lost their balance of justice and truth. They had touched the extremes.

During past times you worshipped God in all material forms placed before your eyes; in the stars, in the elements and the idols made by your own hands. Today man feels greatness; he exhalts his personality, and he feels ashamed to speak of God, calling Him by other names, in order not to jeopardize his arrogance, so as not to descend from the pedestal of his position. That is why they call Me: Cosmic Intelligence, Arquitect of the Universe; however, I have taught you to call Me: Our Father! just as I taught you during the Second Time. Why, after calling Me Father, men believe to lower themselves or lessen their personality?

Nobody should be ashamed to call God, the Creator, “Father”, because that is His real name.

Some say: God is in heaven; others: God dwells in the Beyond; but they know not what they say, nor do they know in what to believe. Certainly I dwell in the Heavens of light, of power, of love, of wisdom, of justice, of happiness and perfection.

I am the Beyond, yes; but beyond human sin, beyond materialism, arrogance and ignorance. For that reason I say that I come to you, because I come toward your smallness, for I speak to you in a way that your senses are able to feel Me and your mind understands Me; not because I come from other worlds or mansions, for My Spirit dwells everywhere.

I am all Spirit, and I am present in all My works. If you look for me in everything that surrounds you on Earth, in the air, in space, in the light, there you will see Me. If you seek My presence in the most insignificant creature, in the leaf of the tree that moves by the breeze, or in the fragance of a flower, there you will find Me. You will discover there and everywhere a trace of love in which the Creator demonstrates all His works.

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