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Humanity – Prologue

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Humanity: You have become so accostumed to your way of life in your world; that the existing evil, manifested in diverse forms, seems to be so familiar that you no longer stop to reflect on the causes of its origin.

The cause of so much pain and bitterness in the world, is due to your having made bad use of your free will, and you have broken the harmony that should exist between man and the laws dictated by the Author of life. Everything has been profaned by man, therefore, it mus be restored to its proper course.

Oh, humanity saddened, shadowed by pain and bitterness! How much evil I contemplate in your world! Children are already acquainted with bitterness and their heart quickly hardens. Flowers wilt while still in full bloom, gray hairs begin to shine prematurely. Discord has invaded the most intimate part in the life of men; very bitter has been the fruits produced by the lack of harmony amongst humanity. The world is agitated in the midst of a storm and has forgotten its spirit in the profoundness of its being. There is hunger in the heart of men, there exist spiritual decline and the need to live. I see you contemplate the course of this world with indifference.

Religions disregard one another and pull apart among themselves and vices gather strength within men. Attempt is made against life, which is sacred. My spirit contemplates humanity´s orphanhood, the emptiness that each carries in his heart, I see how they search for ways to satisfy it with pleasures and yet cannot find the means to calm their thirst, even within the spirit; I see it agitate in chaos, harboring war in the heart and even in the spirit; taking the homicidal weapon and giving loose rein to the tongue as a veritable two edge sword. Some attack, others defend themselves. Some sow death, while others cling on to life. Sin has multiplied and the enviroment is contaminated, confusing the mind and the heart.

Millions of people who are ill, inhabit the earth; children wandering throughout the world abandoned to their own fate, with no set path to follow; multitudes of elderly people without comfort; helpless widows and women who ignore the pleasures of that warmth in a true home.

Humanity, have you not become weary of struggling uselessly, unable to find the purpose of your existence? You present to Me a life without ideals because you have not found the joy in love, in charity and in benevolence.

Humanity raises the following questions to God: The pain that afflicts this world, will it be prolongued forever? When shall we be able to live within morality and virtue? When shall we see that mutual respect between parents and children and between spouses? When shall we see again the innocence in children, purity in maiden, righteousness in males, dignity in the elderly, justice in the judges, magnanimity in the rulers, in one word, love amongst men? I say to you, humanity, pain will disappear when there is respect, and charity between one another, when you recognize that you shall not dispose the life of another fellow-being or of your own. When you learn to see beyond yourselves; when you learn how to love and forgive; when hatred and selfishness disappear from your lives, and when you penetrate within yourselves and meditate on the origin of evil.

Up until now, even though the world is small, you have not learned to live as one family. In how many confusions you have fallen humanity! In spite of this, here before you is the one who has never become tired of waiting for you and who comes near your heart to fill its inmense emptiness with My love. Trust, and have hope; your days or expiation have been great; but soon you will contemplate a more limpid path and you shall have that peace you have longed for.

Beloved humanity, whom I have come to visit in exile and to comfort within its prision, feel My presence and you will lack nothing! I can only tell you that what is mine I will not let it become lost. I love you even before you existed, and I shall love you eternally.

I leave you this lesson, so that through it, you can look into the past, seeking your beginning, examine the present and look towards the future. Behold that the earth now seems so small to contain so much human pain. This world which should be the home of just one family, is the apple of discord and cause of absurd ambitions, treason and wars, allowing its heart to become poisoned with rebelliousness, bitterness, materialism and incomformity. Meditate in all this, and do not give judgement so I do not have to repeat to you: “He who is free of sin, cast the first stone”.


This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Sinners, do not fear that when you come before My presence My voice will judge you before your brothers, because I will not denounce you.

Do not fear, as Magdalene did not fear when, drawing close to Me, she divested herself of the heavy burden of sins, without caring who looked at her, who heard her, or judged her. She was at peace because she knew she was no longer a woman stained by sin, but rather a sinner purified by repentance.

Imitate her, in her repentance and in her love.

Truly, truly I say to you, that there is more love in repented sinners than in those who have always considered themselves righteous.

The heart of the sinner is more sensitive when touched with the love of my word, because there are many who have sinned because they lacked love in their lives. When they have heard the Father´s voice calling them, forgiving them, healing their wounds, and understanding them, they quickly felt the Divine touch in their most sensitive fibers. Thus, they experienced the Master´s enduring patience before them.

There are many men who journey through earth, seeking a phrase or a redeeming light to comfort them in their grief, they seek someone who will speak to them of a better life and not point out their faults. However, they have not discovered such a person on earth! Thus, they withdraw from people, become hermits, and confide their secrets to no one.

Do not speak harshly to anyone, for redemption does not occur in such a manner. You will learn that a sinner should not be harmed as apunishment for his mistakes.

I tell you that if you speak to beasts with love, they will bow their heads.

Those who Have not stumbled into the abyss, are always accusing and quickly judging your fellowmen without the least pity, and that is not my Doctrine.

And you, women, who believe that you belong to a superior class and are ashamed to get near those who have sinned: Woe unto you if you feel offended or complain for that reason, because you have failed to understand that everyone is spiritually equal! How many of you have not sinned with your deeds, but have concealed your own downfalls! Therefore, if you have sinned, why do you scandalize?

I assure you that your juedgement would show more compassion, if before judging others, you would analyze yourself and your defects. You feel that those who are in prison are evil and that those in hospitals are unfortunate. You depart from them not realizing that they are also worthy of entering the kingdom of my love. You do not want to consider that they also have the right to feel the rays of the sun which I created to give life and warmth to all creatures, without exception.

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