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Your Mission in Life: The Answers
…You are not here by chance; you have not come by reason of coincidence. If you are here, it is because you have been sent to Earth to fulfill a restitution and with a mission. And that has nothing to do with material things nor with the pleasures of the flesh. |
Man, as part of Creation, has a mission to fulfill
Man, as part of Creation, has a mission to fulfill, just as all the works of the Creator have. However, he has been endowed with a superior intelligence and a free will, in order for him to achieve, through his own efforts, the development and spiritual perfection, which is the finality of his existence.
There are bonds between God and His creatures, which will never be broken, but if men feel isolated from their Heavenly Father, it is because of their lack of spirituality or lack of faith.
Neither death nor lack of love will destroy that bond which unites you to Me.
By means of the spirit, man is able to comprehend his Creator; understand His benefits, and admire His knowledge.
If you would identify yourselves with all My Work, instead of becoming conceited by your worldly knowledge, you would realize that mystery would not exist. Then, you would acknowledge and love one another as brothers, just as I teach you in each one of My works. Within you there would be kindness, love, charity, and, therefore, unity.
No one will be able to escape from My presence; there does not exist a place or dwelling where you can conceal yourselves from Me, because wherever you go, I am with you, and wherever you are, you are in Me.
Do not be satisfied in knowing all this, it is necessary that you feel Me, and in that manner, allow Me to manifest Myself through your deeds.
Meditate: if I am within you, where have you taken Me whenever you sin?
I speak in this manner, for I shall remove the ashes that exist in your heart until I find in it a spark of light.
Rejoice that you have in your Master the perfect model. Truly I say to you, that not before or after Christ, have you had an example like that which He gave you.
Would your Master be perfect if His disciple superseded Him in wisdom? No.
I prepare you, O My people, so that you will not profane My Law through ignorance. I open your eyes to the light of truth, so that you may understand the great responsibility that weighs upon you, and at the same time, make you realize how infinitely delicate your mission is within this work which I have entrusted to you.
Be watchful disciples, so that even in the middle of the night while you sleep soundly, you can perceive the hand knocking at your door. That troubled one who seeks you today may be the one who, moved by your charity, will also be converted into My laborer and may lighten your mission tomorrow. How many of those who come today asking for a little love, for understanding, or for justice, tomorrow will be the shield that will defend you or the witness who will save you! But what can you expect of the one who knocked on your door, with all his pain and hope, relying on your charity, but was not heard?
The 144,000 chosen
The chosen 144,000 have the mission to keep watch zealously over My Law, to reanimate the people in their journey; to defend the faith. They will be warriors of peace, teachers within My wisdom, doctors for all illnesses; comforters and prophets.
Do not cease to comply with your mission because you feel unworthy; truly I say to you, that he who knowingly violates the Law, does as much harm as he who has a mission and fails to give it fulfillment.
I awakened your spirit from his deep lethargy, and if I did not augment one more gift, it was because he possessed it all since his creation. But I had to remove from him his fatigue, his sickness, and at that moment judged him through his conscience. Once body and spirit were strengthened, I merged them into one being, into one will, in order for him to comply with My Law. What else can you wish for?
I said to you: Comply with this Law and you will have peace in this world, and afterward your spirit will be in Heaven. And so I awakened you, so that by knowing who you were, you would come to understand the eminence of your destiny and of your mission.
A long time ago, I chose you for this mission
and what I have done during this period, while inscribing a mark upon your forehead, has only been a confirmation of the destiny and gifts that you received from Me since the origin of your being.
Peace, strength, everlasting light, power over confused spirits; the gift of healing, of speech, the spiritual prayer and so many faculties which enrich your spirit, are the weapons with which you can work for the peace of this nation which will be a fruitful land of prophets, emissaries, teachers, and apostles of righteousness.
When all these prophecies are fulfilled, and men seek in the Scriptures some signs of them, they will be surprised to find, at each step, a clear indication of what your eyes beheld during this period and those that are to come. Then, humanity will say: Truly, this is the Third Era, the new coming of the Lord.
For some it will appear that these people enjoy some privilege, but later, all mankind will feel that the Spirit of the Lord is poured upon all his universal family, without distinction.
Disciples, understand and accept your mission with that love and obedience with which Jesus accepted His destiny. Pray; be watchful. Drink off, with patience, your cup of bitterness and learn how to carry your cross with love. Bless everything inwardly, and forgive those who offend you, with deeds from the heart.
The pact you make with Me is not an earthly commitment
it is a spiritual obligation which you have agreed to incur with your Father, with the One who has created everything. I teach you to fulfill your spiritual mission, but I also recommend that you comply with every obligation and every promise you make as a human, so that you may be recognized for the truth of your spirit and for the sincerity of your heart. Make sure that your yes is always yes, and your no, always no; then, there will be confidence that your determinations will always be firm. Never break a sacred vow, like those of marriage, of paternity, and that of friendship.
Awake, My people, so that you shiver before this voice of justice, so that you be moved to announce to your brethren that the Law, the light, the judgment, and with it humanity’s salvation, have arrived to the world.
The time of comprehension for you is here
the moment of lucidity has arrived, and the time when you will rise to make this light shine in other hearts is not far. I give you sensitivity and I give you knowledge so that you may comply with your spiritual mission.
May no one say to Me, that along his pathway there are great obstacles in order to comply, for if you believe that the “leaf of a tree does not move without the will of the Father,” you must understand that beyond what you call obstacles, you must fulfill your mission.
Love, serve, be useful, save, and comfort; make of your life fine examples, a beautiful and practical lesson, so that you will be imitated. Then you will be spreading spiritual light upon your brethren.
Oh, My people! Who have risen in pursuit of this voice, never forget that the charity of God has selected you for a great mission. That Divine mark is My caress of love; it is an antidote, a weapon, and a shield.
By speaking of My Doctrine, you will comply with the mission of sowing the seed of spirituality; but do so with humility, taking into account, that every deed containing vanity, will be a vain seed, never to germinate.
Do not see as impossible your compliance during this struggle.
Now I am anticipating to tell you, that you will not be the only ones who will redeem this humanity, nor will it be you who will transform the life of the peoples; I shall do so because they are superhuman. I only want you to fulfill the mission that corresponds to you and let the new generations take My seed beyond where you have been able to reach.
Live close to Me. I am the life, the beginning and the end of everything created. If I have placed in you mission similar to mine, it is because I love you, and I want you to imitate Me.
Redeem all hearts; perform miracles, love one another.
Can you imagine the joy of the one who returns to the spiritual life having fulfilled in Earth the mission that his Father has assigned him? His satisfaction and his peace are infinitely greater than all the satisfactions that in human life the spirit gathers.
Youth – Inspiring teachings about youth
I speak directly to the youth in order to guide them along the uncertain path of their lives, for I perceive them as fragile boats in the midst of an enraged sea. Those in their youth are the most distant from me.
While man is still a child, he prays and thinks about God. He does the same when he reaches the summit of his life and has begun to descend, as does the sun that sets at dusk. However, when his heart is like a bird that is anxious to fly, and his flesh vibrates when touched by the temptations of the world, he feels strong, and then he departs from the Divine teachings.
The blessed innocent become contaminated with the wickedness of the world. The young, journey at a wild pace, and the young women have also lost their modesty, chastity and decency; all of those virtues have departed from their hearts. They have nourished themselves with worldly passions, and they desire pleasures that only leads them toward the abyss
Depart from the many temptations which entice you during this period. Pray for the sinful cities where so many men and women become lost; where many sanctuaries are dishonored, and where many lamps become extinguished.
Flee from vices so that your blood will be a fertile seed, and the fruits of tomorrow may be pleasing.
Young people: Do not chain your spirit with the false splendor of the world. Be free but within the freedom granted to man by My laws. Do not sow suffering, so that you will not harvest that seed.
I inspire the hearts of the adolescents, young men and young women, in order to form new generations.
As of today, prepare yourselves so that your new role in life will not surprise you. Prepare today the path that your children will travel tomorrow.
Young women, from whom the generations of tomorrow will emerge and give testimony of My truth: persevere in prayer and in virtue.
Honor with your life those who, because of my will, gave you your existence and tomorrow your children will honor you.