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The Way of Christ, the Divine Master
The Way of Christ, the Divine Master
The knowledge of the spiritual existence will permit you to carry out similar deeds to those which your Master performed. Remember that I have said to you, that on developing your gifts, you will perform true miracles.
Do not slumber during this period of waylaying and danger, of pitfalls and temptations. Understand that anyone who possesses a gift, or the mission to convey spiritual light, will have to be besieged and pursued continuously. I do not come to awaken prejudices or superstitions in My people.
I come to strengthen your faith in the existence of the spiritual; to open your eyes to the eternal, and then you can see far beyond that which is material, and so you know that not all that exists in the spiritual realm is enveloped in light, because in the invisible there also exists darkness which must be dissipated, and imperfections which need to be transformed into elevated spirituality.
The Divine Law an The Gifts
Are you not aware that he who walks outside the Law deprives himself of his gifts? That is why I have come during this period, to help your spirit restore all he had lost, and which made him feel weak and needy.
When you emerged from Me, you were endowed with all the necessary attributes to travel the long road of life and be able to return to the point of departure. None of these gifts have been acquired in that journey; your spirit possessed it all since the beginning. The conscience is inborn of the spirit, it is light. At each step it is advising him to earn merits to help him return to the Father.
All the deeds I performed during the Second Era to show you My lessons of charity, you should repeat them today. You beheld that I gave the blind his sight and you, too, can make the blind of this period who live in the darkness of ignorance, see the clear light of My doctrine.
Make the paralytic one who has held back for the lack of teaching, walk. Raise from the dead, the one who has died to the life of grace and spirituality. Make the mute who does not know how to pronounce the words of love and forgiveness, speak. All that you wish to do I shall grant it, because I have endowed you with gifts of invaluable worth so that you may testify My truth.
My love for humanity has been constant. Not only when I have descended to Earth have I performed miracles. My work in giving life and protection to mankind is eternal, and My teaching is also endless. When will you understand My struggle? When will you recognize Elijah who wrote untiringly amongst you?
The End of the Times and the Intiuitive People
The end of the times is already near, and I have come to gather the harvest. I will only receive the wheat that is ripe and only deeds of love, accomplished and perfect, will I take to My granary. And you, as My disciples, must likewise present your work to Me as well and help your brethren.
There are disciples of mine among all the nations, prophets, forerunners, whose gifts are being manifested the same as yours. They seek through prayer, the balsam that cures the sick; they communicate with Me spiritually, seeking the light that will illuminate their pathway, and they recognize Me as their guide and Master.
Do not be surprised that they, without having had My communication through a human spokesman, know about these lessons, for I have said to you, that the spirit has evolved, and each one of My children has a mission to fulfill. His spirit has been purified through suffering, and not finding true guides upon the earth, has searched for Me, knowing that I am in Spirit, illuminating and guiding My children.
Here I am, ready to receive your thoughts and your heart; to offer you the essence of My word like the true wine of eternal life, of which I have said, that anyone who drinks from it, will never thirst again.
No longer should you confuse My word which is the bread of life, with the symbols that only represent an image of it.
To heal! A gift we all have
“Come all to Me and heal your ailments, let your faith make the miracle of returning your health and achieving your salvation. The miracle does not lie on Me, but in you”.
Health is immortal, because it is a gift that springs from the Divine Spirit. We, all humanity, posses the gift of healing, by means of the fluid that is within us and is our vital beginning, that is, the force or our spirit. With it we can heal the sick. With the positive vibrations of our spirit we can redeem the hopeless and cure strange and incurable diseases for the human science.
But this gift has not yet reached in us its maximum development; our spiritual healing gift has encountered many obstacles due to the lack of faith and confidence that we have in it.
“I give you a single balm for all your ailments, they might well be from the spirit or from the body. This balm in order to make wonders, needs of true charity which has prayer as its foundation.”
The Spiritual World tell us that if we devote ourselves with love and spirituality to developing this gift, we would see, in a short time, how the prodigies prophesied and promised by our Lord will take place before our eyes.
The development of the spiritual gifts requires from us more effort, abnegation and sacrifice, greater devotion, spirituality and preparation.
In order for the healing gift to flourish, to develop and to manifest greatly among us, we will have to experience more spirituality, have a greater heart:simply, more love.
When we are going to begin with our spiritual work, and we are ready to give balm to the sick, we have to make sure that our conscience is focused, our mind cleared and our heart cleansed and filled with good feelings, so that it can feel all the tenderness, charity and concern for its fellow man, for the fallen brother, for the brother that is suffering,
bleeding and crying.
“You who have asked for the healing gift, because you know how to feel the pain of your brethren, will contemplate the development of this faculty, and your prayer, your word or glance, will take the balm to the sick”.
If we want to develop the healing gift, it is necessary that our heart feels the pain that others are feeling and that our spirit gets rid of all selfishness, knowing that it carries a precious gift.
When we are performing our healing duties, we have to identify with the Spiritual World of Light that will arrive through our inspiration, as an emissary of the Doctor of Doctors, so that we can make the sick feel the healthy, clean and pure vibrations, filled with relief and light, that coming from them and mixing with our own hearty and kind vibrations, will
make the prodigy in the needy.
“Think that besides teaching you how to pray, I have given you the gift of speech, and I have taught you how to anoint. Many times, I have told you that your presence can make prodigies if you are really prepared”.
We must analyze that if the beneficial fluid comes from the spirit, then, it will flow over the spirit and not over the flesh of the sick person. It is not even necessary that our material hands touch or anoint the person that is sick. The spiritual fluid can be given through a
glance, through a loving thought, or a word of comfort. The most material way to give fluid healing is by touching the sick person; and the most spiritual way is by using the gift of word, words that contain essence, tenderness and balm.
True Freedom
“If you remain within My word you will really be My disciples and will know the truth, and the truth will make you free”, said Christ, our Lord, in the Second Era.
And in the Third Era He explained: “When you get to love the truth, you will enjoy great beauty in your existence and when you will achieve the saint freedom that I have come to offer to your spirit, you will be able to travel through your faculty of thought through the skies, the spaces and the worlds”.
And He mentioned something else: “The true Spirituality is the freedom to your spirit in its journey and to the flesh in its path. The matter should not invade the paths of the spirit nor the spirit should turn to materialism”.
But many still now wonder as Pilate did when he was facing Jesus: “Which is the truth?” And turning his back onto Him, he did not wait for the answer. But we now have the answer.
Our Father says: “The truth has its own arms to defend itself, which lie within the truth itself. And when this question is asked again: Where is the truth?” you will then answer: In love”.
In another of His teachings, He confirms it in all certainty: “I assure you that the only truth is love. The truth is the Divine Love shown in the Universe. The one that can not understand the truth, is not able to recognize God”.
If we meditate about this idea, we will see that all those other ideas that wrongfully focus on conquering the “truth” by means of walking away from the path of divine truth are wrong ideas, misleading ideas, ideas that will make us loose what we are all longing to have, true freedom.
We have to be aware that there is a tendency in the World to change the meaning of the words and of the Divine Teachings. Our Heavenly Father states: “The sense of the essential values has been replaced in such a way that this replacement has led to believe that the truth is exactly the opposite of what it truly is”.
Freedom is the natural state that all spirit yearn for, but to be able to reach it we have to know the way, and which one is it?
Not only did our Father stated it in the Second Era “I am the path, the truth and the life”, but in this Era He explains even further by saying “The one that follows my teachings will find the true happiness, peace, knowledge and spiritual greatness. The one who complies with my Law, conquers freedom”.
This is to say, that the one who does not comply with the Divine Law can not conquer freedom, and when men and women of this world think that to be free is to use the free will and moving forward by human interests and material ideas, they do not realise that they are fooling themselves and what they are really doing are turning themselves into slaves. We are warned by our Father who says: “Those who have entirely surrender
to materialism, without further considering the voice of their conscience, and neglecting all what is related to the spirit, they are no longer fighting, they have been defeated in combat. They think they are triumphant, and they think they are free, they do not realise that they are prisoners and are in need of the legions of light to come to the darkness so they can be freed”.
Oh, how mankind has been mislead by believing that just by the use of the free will freedom is granted!. We see everyday that when we think we are behaving “freely” we fall victims of low passions, of vices, we become slaves of the absurd pharaoh which is the world.
This is how the Master clearly states it in one of the Teachings of the Book of the True Life: “The chalice that you drink is too bitter and the chains that you pull are too heavy. You continue being the captive people of the Pharaoh. The more you wish for your freedom the more you are obliged to work and greater your tributes are. How far would
your bitterness go? The surroundings in which you live and covers you, is the pharaoh of this era which is full of selfishness, hatred, greed and all the sins committed by mankind”.
“The chains represent your needs that force you to subdue to the prevailing selfishness, to injustice and even to wickedness”. “My Law, on the contrary, do not enslaves you, My Law liberates you”.
And this Teaching about the Divine Law taking us to freedom is not a new one, brothers, for a long time it has been known by evolved spirits. David knew it, and he wrote in a psalm: “I will always follow your Law, forever and eternally, and I will always be free because I searched in your commandments…”
David knew as we ought to know ourselves, that only those who fulfill the Divine Laws can be free; all the other ideas about being free are illusions and deceptions…and this seems logic because the one that do not fulfill the Divine Law moves away from God, and the one that moves away form God is vulnerable and falls victim into temptation, into sin, into materialism and finally, into sadness.
And it is not that God withdraws for us, no, it is not! We all know that God never withdraws form us, but He makes us see the difference when he says: “Meditate: If I am within you, where have you taken Me when you sin?”
Its is in vain that men and women wish to find freedom in this world instead of finding it in the Law, this is because their surroundings do not allow them to do so.
Our Father states: “Be free, do not seek in this world your kingdom nor your glory”.
True Love
Truly I say to you that everything great and good that exists in the spirit, you have never given because you do not even know it.
From infancy until old age, you have clear examples of everything that is achieved with love and of the pain that originates from the lack of charity, but you, more insensible than the rocks, have yet to learn the teachings and examples that daily living gives you.
Love is the beginning and reason of your existence. Oh humanity! How could you live without that gift? Believe me, there are many who carry death within, and others who are sick just because of not loving anyone.
Truly I say to you that there exists coldness in the hearts of men, because love has fled from them. It is like those homes in which the sacred flame of affection has been extinguished, be it between spouses, between parents and children, or between brothers. Their bodies are close together, but their spirits are distant. How large is their emptiness, how large is the loneliness, and how cold the inside of those homes!
If men felt true love for their brethren, they should not be suffering the chaos in which they find themselves and everything within them would be harmony and peace; but they do not understand that Divine Love and they only want the truth that reaches the mind, not the one that reaches the heart, and there they have the result of their materialism: a selfish humanity, false and full of bitterness.
For you love is beautiful word, but until today you have not penetrated into its true sense.
When I speak to you about love I refer to the divine bond that unites all beings, I am not referring to love as it is understood by men. Where there is selfishness and low passions, there is no true love. I equally love the one who deceives and offends me, as well as the one who recognizes and honors me with his deeds.
Although much is spoken about love on Earth, actually, it does not exist among you. There are some who feign it, others confuse it with an egotistical sentiment, and others with a passion of the flesh. Falseness reigns within the human heart; falsehood prevails; love, friendship, charity, are simulated.
You were born because of love, you exist because of love, you are forgiven because of love, and you will be in eternity because of love. Love is not learned, it is felt, it is carried within.
Truly I say to you that love is the immutable power that moves the universe. Love is the beginning and the essence of life.
True Prayer – Spirituality
The main reason for the spiritual poverty among men and for earthly vissicitudes is the imperfect way of praying, this is why I emphasize that this knowledge should reach humanity.
True prayer is not practiced in this era by humanity, this is why men have had to create material prayers and phrases to repeat them automatically as many times as necessary.
What can you present to Me, either in your heart or in your spirit that I do not contemplate? What suffering, desires, troubles or secrets can you hide from Me? None of those. Then learn to pray spiritually, to confess from within and before Me. Trust Me so you can allow my peace to penetrate your heart, that peace that you lack so much.
When you question me or ask me for something, do not force yourself to explain your problems with clarity, nor try to be meticulous in searching your mind for well structured phrases. For Me it is enough that your spirit draws away from this world; that moment is when the heart and mind are clean so they can receive my inspiration. What is the use of saying beautiful things if you are not capable of feeling my presence deep inside of you?
I know everything, and you do not have to explain anything to me so that I can understand you.
Do not pray only when you are passing through a painful trial; pray also when you are at peace, it will be then when your heart and mind can take care of others. Do not appeal only for those who have been good to you or for the ones who have not caused you any harm. Though meritorious, it is not as much as being watchful for those who in some way have harmed you.
I do not come to ask men for the unification of customs, material laws or knowledge about science, though sooner or later the time will come when it will become convenient for people to unite. What I have come to inspire you is spiritual harmony, and the unity of thoughts. All human beings must learn and practice the spiritual prayer.
All hours and all places can be suitable for prayer and meditation; I never said in my teachings that there were specific places and moments devoted to this. What is the use of searching the world for given places to pray when your spirit is greater than the world you live in? Why do you limit me in images and in places so limited when I, myself, am infinity?
Prayer is the language of the spirit, be sure to learn that language so that while you talk, to me, you may also know how to listen. Talk to me with respect and humbleness, but with the confidence you have in a father, with the intimacy that you talk to a friend.
They are not the words with which your mind tries to form the prayer that reaches Me, but the love, the faith or the need with which you approach Me; that is why I say to you that there will be occasions when your prayer will last for a second because there will be not time to formulate your thoughts, phrases and ideas as you are accustomed to.
Prayer is a grace that God has given to man so he can use it as a ladder to elevate himself, as a weapon to defend himself, as a book to learn from and a balsam to anoint and heal any malady.
You should be aware of the extent that prayer has, so you will understand the immense power that it has when you elevate it, to cure any spiritual need, as well as to ask for the solution to a material affliction.
You must know that when your heart calls me with tenderness my spirit also trembles with pleasure.
In prayer you will find comfort, inspiration and strength, it will give you the sweet satisfaction of being able to communicate intimately with God, without witnesses or mediators. God and your spirit join in that sweet moment of confidences, of spiritual communication and blessings.
True Spiritualism
Spiritualism is the doctrine of all times. It means the spiritual knowledge of the divine; knowledge of a superior life, which is far beyond all that is matter. It is the doctrine revealed by the Divine Master during the Second Era, and is the basis of all religions; the same which during these moments of discord, I have come to remind humanity so they will not forget its principles.
I have called My Doctrine spiritualism, because it teaches the elevation of the spirit and reveals to man all the gifts that he possesses for his perfection.
This is My Doctrine; therefore, do not permit it to be confused with those sciences and practices through which men seek only the manifestation and materialization of the spirits.
Spiritualism is not a new doctrine that comes to achieve the evolution of the beliefs of past eras, no; it is the same revelation of the First and Second Eras. It is the basis of all religions, the one that, in these moments of division, I have come to remind Humanity, so that it will not forget their principles.
Spiritualism doctrine is not a religion, nor a sect, and certainly not a novelty.
There is no need for material symbols nor rituals. It is a continuation of the doctrine Jesus left in the Second Era, and has nothing to do with traditions or religious ceremonies, for it is above every external worship. This external worship of mankind has been, during all eras, the cause of a spiritual standstill.
You can say with certainty that Spiritualism is the most elevated revelation that God has made for man, because before entrusting you with this knowledge, the Father first made you live two Eras during which He prepared you for this one in which you now live.
Spiritualism is destined by the Father to be extended all over the Earth, because the evolution of Humanity will allow it to be comprehended. It is the light that the world needs; it is the lesson that, without knowing it, every spirit yearns for.
Because spiritualism has a universal mission to fulfill it will be the one to reveal to all of mankind the true life. It is the spiritual doctrine that transform the world. This knowledge I am imparting to you has no limits; it is universal; it is infinite, and within it you will find the true knowledge of the spiritual and the material life.
My divine teaching is a superior science that will teach you to perfect the spirit. In addition I have given you a mind and a heart so that there in you can enhance your inspiration and your sentiments. It teaches you to communicate directly with the Father, and is the revelation which speaks to you about the life of the spirit. Moreover, it teaches you the elevation of the spirit and reveals to man all the gifts that the spirit possesses for his perfection.
Spiritualism is the Law of all ages which dictates what is good, pure, perfect, and the obligation to obey that Law which is for all, but does not force any one to comply with it. Each spirit enjoys a freedom of will, so that his struggles and all his actions, while being judged, may be taken into account on his own merits.
Spiritualism is not new, nor does it pertain to these times; rather it has been a revelation which has been unfolding in accordance with the evolution of humanity.
My teaching during this period comes to awaken the spirit of mankind which has slumbered for a long time, and comes to destroy customs and traditions imposed by men which have delayed the progress of the spirit.
Spiritualism is the revelation that discloses and teaches you everything you posses and carry along with you. It makes you recognize that you are the work of God; that you are not only flesh and that there is something beyond your physical body which elevates you about that level of nature which shelters you, and for the lowliness of your passions as well. Spiritualism shall not have its basis on earth, nor will it represented by a man. Its government will not be of this world, and your only guide shall be the Christ through your conscience.
True Worship
“I am the same Master who during the Second Era spoke to you about the way to the Kingdom of
Heaven. I am the same Christ manifesting the truth across the centuries; the eternal lessons
which are unchangeable, because they are revelations which emanate from My Spirit.”
From The Book of The True Life 9:47 (The Third Testament)
“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him.”
“God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23,24 |
The Worship in the Beginning
You are not more developed than the primitive men, who were able to discover in each element, and in each marvel of Nature, the Works of a Divine Being, superior, wise, just, and powerful, to whom they attributed all goodness, everything existent, and for that reason they worshipped Him.
Through a growing intelligence, they attempted to understand what their corporal senses received. What perfect worship could they offer Me? What full comprehension could they have of the truth? Nevertheless, their amazement, their faith, and their worship, were received by Me as the first fruits of an extensive field that My Spirit would cultivate throughout the times.
Since then until now, how many revelations My love has entrusted to Mankind! Nevertheless, when these men should have reached the pinnacle of comprehension, and when their worship should be perfect, it is then when their science, egotistical, arrogant, and inhuman, has risen to deny Me. And regarding the existing worships, they live in a lethargy of routine and traditions.
Love Me through everything created by Me and discard the idea that God can be limited in some form. Mankind has created My image under different forms to feel that I am with them.
Why do you not seek Me through My deeds? I have allowed that everyone may contemplate the wonders around you so that through them, you can behold My power, from the least perceptible up to the majestic sun king.
However, I do not say that I am Nature, nor that it is God. Neither do I say that the sun is the Divine Spirit, since they are merely atoms in the Work of the Creator.
If you limit your mind to those beliefs, you would be imitating your predecessors, those who worshipped Me through the sun. However, you should not judge your forefathers badly, because at that time, man was hardly able to conceive the power of God from that force, because there he found warmth, light and life. Keep in mind that they were not very far from the truth.
In the same manner that I have not come to judge your imperfections, neither do I want you to judge those of your brethren.
The Spiritual Worship
Today I come to spread My spirit among you, so that you may learn to render Me a spiritual and simple worship, free of materialism, of traditions, and fanaticism.
You, who have overthrown the false gods you worshipped in past eras, will be able to enter this sanctuary that today I am engraving in your spirit with My word.
In this period I came to liberate you from a new bondage: the temptations, the pleasures, the vices, which are like the cruel tyrant Pharaoh, who has burdened you with chains. Tomorrow this new freedom will be celebrated by mankind, not with feasts or traditions, but with a spiritual love for one another.
The victims whom you offered before the altar of Jehovah were received by Him, but it was not the most adequate form to elevate your spirit to the Father. It was then that I came to you as Jesus to teach you the Divine commandment which says: “Love one another.” I say to you today, that the lessons I taught you during the Second Era through the deeds of Jesus, have been altered sometimes and misinterpreted on others. That is why I have come as I announced, to clarify My truth.
My sacrifice of that period prevented the sacrifice of many victims, and I taught you a more perfect worship. My new manifestation of this period will allow mankind to understand that the symbolic forms should not be adopted without first analyzing their significance, since they are only a representation of My lessons.
One God, one worship
The moment of silence has come, the moment of your communion with Me, for in the same way that the ocean waves blend with one another, you will unite with My Divine Spirit; a silence not only in the lips, but also within the inner temple of man, because it is your spirit who speaks to Me, and it is a solemn moment.
Enter into silence and listen to Me, O travelers of many pathways who carry the dust of different roads; let Me be the light in your destiny.
All the religions will disappear and only the light of the Temple of God will remain shining within and outside of man, in which everyone will render only one worship of obedience, of love, of faith, and good will.
I have seen that your religions do not have the necessary strength to contain your wickedness, nor the sufficient light to touch the conscience and illuminate your reason. And that is because they have departed from the essence of My Doctrine, which is solely for the spirit.
The perfect worship
My pathway remains outlined within your conscience. Soon you will not have any pastor on Earth, nor ministers who celebrate rituals before your eyes, nor houses of prayer that symbolize the universal temple of God.
The universe will be your temple; before your spirit shall be the Lord, the Master, your sweet Christ, filled with wisdom and with love, always ready to listen to you. You shall have no altar but your heart, nor any other guide but your own conscience.
These lessons have been revealed to you and have taken form within your spirit. You cannot stray from the pathway because you have seen it very well.
When the world contemplates you walking along without material gods, without rituals, and without pastors, it will be amazed, it will judge you, and what will enable you to give testimony to them of My truth, that you are not alone, shall be your deeds, your virtue, your life, for you will not only spread My work through the instrument of your lips, you must live it, because one action in your existence is worth more than a thousand of your words, however convincing they may be. Love, gentleness, humility, sacrifice. In this manner, the world will recognize Me through you.
In that way, My people, in that manner, disciples, I want to take you to perfection; that is the way I want you to reach that great city that has been prepared since eternity, so you may be the dwellers, the eternal inhabitants within that peace and within that perfection.
All the texts of this topic are excerpts taken from The Book of the True Life.
WAR: the greed and pride of some few men without love
How far from harmony man has lived since he began his journey on earth! Proof of this are his incessant blunders, the inexhaustible chalice of suffering he has experienced and his lack of peace. Behold the war, the hunger, the pestilence and death like a somber procession that moves from city to city, sowing mourning, desolation and destruction.
How much harm men have done to themselves with their fraticidal wars! Days and months pass without having within a trace of peace in their hearts; living in constant uneasiness and in danger from their own brethren who have become their enemies. Is this living, or at the very least, a struggle for an elevated ideal? No! Men kill each other because of their human ambitions which are worth much less than their own lives. They do not want to know the price of a life. They do not want to know that man´s existence is sacred, and that it can only be disposed of by the One who created it.
Do you observe people in eternal conflict? Do you see those wars which are the absolute denial of the love I taught you? From those wars provoked by human ambitions and differences of creeds, how much misery and bitterness has befallen upon humanity!
Behold the battlefields where only the sound of firearms and the anguished cries of the wounded are heard. Mountains of mutilated corpses who only yesterday were bodies of strong, young men. Can you picture them when for the last time they embraced their mother, their wife or their child? Can one who has not drunk the cup imagine the grief of those farewells?
Thousands and thousands of anguished parents, wives and children have seen their loved ones depart toward the fields of battle, of hate and vengeance, forced by the greed and pride of some few men without light and without love for their fellowmen.
Those legions of strong young men have not returned home, because they were wasted on the fields. Behold the earth, Mother Earth, more merciful than those men who govern the people and who believe themselves masters of the lives of their fellowmen, has opened her bosom lovingly to receive and cover them.
Behold the caravans of men of all ages, of women and children, fleeing from that destruction, wearily seeking peace and protection. Their feet are already mutilated and bloody; their heart cannot stand anymore pain, but there still remains a glimmer of hope in their innermost being.
How much suffering oppresses mankind during this era! No sooner is a child born when already he begins to drink up his cup of bitterness because of his brethren. Some suffer the loss of their mother before feeling the first caress, others become deaf with the thunder of war, instead of hearing the sweet, maternal lullaby.
The children of this period are moved before the chaos which they are feeling, and their innocent hearts lift up to Me pleading for light for the rulers and correctness in their decisions. They also present to Me those nations that have suffer under the yoke of stronger ones and ask Me that they be free again. Their gifts of love and justice vibrate within them, and their cry is one of peace and goodwill among men. I receive their prayer and cause it to be spread like a balsam over the needs of those nations at war.
Why does sinfulness exist and evil predominates, and why are wars unleashed? Because man does not listen to the dictates of his conscience and uses his free will badly.
Wars continue in the world; the threat of death and extermination hangs over the nations. The fact is that men stubbornly hold on to their philosophies and doctrines and do not wish to confront the truth. Do you not believe that the division of humanity into nations and races is something primitive? Don´t you think that if the progress in your civilization, of which you are so proud of, was true, would the law of violence and wickedness prevail? You must understand that this planet is for all men, and that the divisions of nations which exists since the beginning of humanity, is undeniable proof of envy, resentment, mistrust, separation and hatred among mankind.
Humanity has not wanted to comprehend that its happiness can only be found in peace, but still persists in following its ideals of power and false grandeur, spilling fraternal blood, uprooting lives, and destroying the faith of men. Behold how war destroys everything.
You have seen how the fields which yesterday were productive and offered their abundant fruits of peace and happiness to the world, are converted today into fields of blood, destruction and death.
The noise and the horrors of fratricidal wars have dulled the sensitivity of human heart. They have prevented the manifestation of every elevated sentiment, like charity and compassion.
From the West to the East, nations will arise disregarding one another, and from the North to the South, they will also arise to meet at the crossroads, and the resulting collision will produce an immense fire in which hatred will burn, pride will be extinguished, and the bad weed will be consumed.
And when you comprehend that everything which emerged from Me is perfect, harmonious and beautiful, you will ask yourselves: Why, then, do the children of God keep on destroying and annihilating? What force moves them to disregard and destroy one another, when they all emanated from the Father´s limpid fountain? What are those forces and why has God not, with His infinite power, stopped the progress of men who destroy the peace? Why does He permit wickedness among mankind? I have permitted suffering, destruction and death to be felt in your life so that those bitter fruits will make you understand the kind or tree you cultivated.
While the world agitates, and the shadow of chaos looms over the nations, and the war shakes mankind, I hear those who say: “If nothing is impossible for God, why does He not stop the war and create a world filled with peace?” And I say to you: That just as war is in man, there is also peace.
Already, a new conflict has been unleashed in the world. Entire nations fight, eager to conquer over their enemies; others seek superiority to dominate nations and have slaves, and others to demonstrate that their race is the most elevated of all, but they do not understand, in their blindness, the abyss that awaits everyone.
Mankind asks Me for tranquility, even though it carries within itself the gift of peace which can be reached through fulfillment of its duties. And I ask you: Is it necessary to experience war before you can have peace? Observe how the good seed has been overrun by wickedness. Some nations destroy others, and those which are strong today, will be annihilated tomorrow.
By making use of force, men destroy the world. Do you believe that their strength supersedes My power? Nevertheless, it is my will that they themselves recognize their errors, correct them and then reconstruct all they have destroyed and profaned.
What will be the debt of those men before God and how will they be able to pay it? Only I know that, but truly I say to you that no one will escape the law of restitution. That is why I say to you: While they keep on destroying the world which God granted them to live in, you must be watchful and pray for your brethren, for they know not what they do, for if they did, they would be constructing, long ago, all they have destroyed, with their tears, with their blood, and even with their life.
If My presence amongst you during those time coincides with the great calamities and the terrible wars that afflict you today, do not attribute that cup of bitterness which men drink to Me. The hardships are fruits of your sins, and these have not emerged from Me. If I announce to you that in the period when I would speak to you as the Holy Spirit, suffering would be widespread among mankind, I did not dictate that sentence upon you. I knew that when those ordeals came, you would need Me; I only announce it so that you would be watchful and pray, awaiting My arrival.
Now you only contemplate wars, and you clamor that it is a punishment of God, when I have taught you that God, who is the Father, does not punish; that these happenings occur because of their own faults.
I have only given you My proofs of love. I sent you to Earth, which is like a fertile, loving and tender mother. I gave you the fire of life, the air, which is the breath of the creator, and the water which is fruitfulness and freshness, and you have taken it all to sow destruction and death. Everything has been profaned, and it will be even more so. Your rivers will be of blood, your fire will be of extermination; the air will be saturated with the breath of death, and all the Earth will be thrown into convulsion. During the moment of judgement many will say to Me: “Lord, forgive me I had a veil of darkness over my eyes”.
I am the peace. In My infinite wisdom there exists all you would wish for. But when have the nations prayed to gain My peace? When have the armies kneeled to plead for forgiveness after they have killed their fellowmen?
Since the beginning of mankind there have been a few who have sought peace, or remained within it once they have attained it, because man only searches for it when suffering overcomes him. That is why you see how, after each one of your inhuman fratricidal and injust wars, thousands of beings arise hungering for peace, which they were unable to appreciate before, because they were not aware of the value that divine gifts holds. Do not wait for the lamentations on Earth to multiply and for the rumors of war to increase before you wake up. Pray and perform deeds of charity everyday, for in that way you will counteract the forces of evil.
Many men and women, because of so much pain and destruction, begin to yearn for My Law, for My word and for My peace, but they know not where to direct their steps to find Me.
Do you see during these times of materialism, nations engaged in making war against each other? And I say to you that right there, in the middle of those wars, many men have found the secret of prayer; the one which comes from the heart to reach Me, like an imperious calling, like a lamentation, like a supplication, and when they have beheld their miracle sought emerge along the way, they have learned that there does not exist another way to speaking to God, but through the language of the spirit.
Truly I say to you that there in the middle of the armies who fight for earthly ideals and ambitions, I have discovered during their moments of repose, men of peace and good will who have been converted into soldiers by force. From their heart escapes a sigh when my name emerges from their lips and the tears run down their cheeks with the memory of their loved ones: parents, wives, children or brothers. Then their spirit, without any temple other than the sanctuary of their faith, without any altar other than their love, nor any light other than that of their spirit, elevate themselves before Me, asking forgiveness for the deaths they have involuntarily caused with their weapons. They look for Me to beg with all the strength of their being to permit them to return to their home or that, at least, if they are to fall under the attack of the enemy, to cover with My mantle of mercy those whom they leave behind on Earth.
To all those who seek my forgiveness in that manner, I give My blessing, for they are not the ones to blame for killing; others are the assassins, the ones who will answer to Me for what they have done with human lives, once the moment of their judgement arrives. Pray for the peace of nations. I have spoken to men through their conscience, to those who govern these nations, and I have contemplated their heart to be stubborn, and that hatred and ambition does not leave them. Behold the wake of suffering that war is leaving, and men do not want to awaken from their lethargy, but soon events will surge in the world that will move mankind and make it change its course.
Pray, so you may help the representatives of the nations who meet to resolve the conflicts between the people. Do you believe that all of them have a different concept for each solution? No, My people. They deceive themselves, and inwardly their conscience is in agreement. Their material interests forces them to overpass their own convictions. How easy the solution of all conflicts would be if each one would act according to their conscience, then the world would be at peace. Men who govern the destinies of people, far from thinking of their own greatness, should first keep in mind the well-being of all. However, nothing like that exists, and distrust compels men to always be on the alert.
Once again I say to you: When the world retraces its steps along My pathway and puts My doctrine into practice, it will resolve its problems and will live in peace.
Do you want to stop suffering humanity? Love. Do good along your way, and reconstruct your life. Do you wish to be great and be happy? Love abundantly, love always. Do you wish to weep? Do you wish bitterness to overcome you? Do you wish for wars and desolation? Continue living as you are now. Let egotism, hypocrisy, vanity, idolatry and materialism to rule over your life.
I know that not all of you have an equal share of blame for the chaos that you live in. That is true, but I say to you, that those who are not the contrivers of the war, are responsible for peace.
Pray, humanity, and think of the arrogance and ambition which germinates within the minds of men who have taken to ruin, desolation and death other men who are not at fault. If you, instead of feeling merciful, feel anger or disdain toward those who cause so much suffering to humanity, verily I say to you that you deprive yourselves of all spiritual elevation and understanding.
When you succeed in elevating your feelings above so much human misery, a most sensitive and sincere petition in favor of your brethren will emerge from you, and that vibration of love, that purity of your sentiments, will be the most powerful swords which will destroy the darkness that wars and passions of men have been creating.
How many dreadful wars await mankind, much more terrifying than those that have taken place in which the fury of the unleashed elements will be confused with the thunder of your weapons. The world will be too small to contain in its bosom so much destruction. All of this will bring as a consequence, that men, after having reached their greatest suffering and desperation, will direct their supplications to the true God, to the One whom they did not want to reach through the pathway of love, to ask Him for his divine peace. Then, I, the Christ, the Word, will resurrect within the hearts, because that time will be the third day in which I will fulfill My promise of salvation, to construct the temple as I promised you.
Just I have announced the war and disasters awaiting mankind, I also say to you, that the day will come when all nations of the Earth will enjoy peace and men will love one another in Me, and their life, their work and their deeds in the world, will be and enjoyable worship, which like a fragant incense will rise to Me from this planet. The bad weed will be uprooted from the hearts of men, and the good seed will be preserved to form with it a new humanity.
This world, converted now into an apple of discord, because of human ambition and selfishness, will at last be shared by everyone without being owners, because at the calling of the Real Owner of all creation, you will obediently leave all your possessions.
Only spirituality will save this humanity from its chaos. Do not expect another solution. Oh, people and nations of the Earth! You can sign peace treaties, but while that peace is not based upon the light of the conscience, you will be foolish, for you will be building on sand!
I have said to you that I am the Great Warrior whose sword has come ready for battle, but understand that I have not come to provoke wars amongst men, like the ones you always cause. Mine is a war of ideas, of persuasion, in which the truth, love, reason, justice and true wisdom shines.
When Was Jesus Born?
Nowadays, most serious Bible students and scholars agree in that Jesus was not born on December 25th. Why? It is simple. Because the shepherds had their flocks in open field [1] which implies a date prior to October. And having in mind that the reason why Joseph and his pregnant wife, Mary, traveled to Jerusalem in order to be taxated. No competent Roman administrator would require registration involving travel during the season when Judea was impassable. [2]
Who decided December 25th as Jesus’ birthdate?
The early Christian church did not celebrate Jesus’ birth, and therefore the exact date has not been preserved in festivals. The first recorded mention of December 25th is in the Calendar of Philocalus (354 A.D.) which assumed Jesus’ birth to be Friday, December 25, 1 A.D.
December 25th was officially proclaimed by the church fathers in 440 A.D. as a sincretism between the new religion of the Roman Empire and the tradition of the Roman holiday of Saturnalia, observed near the winter solstice, which was among the many pagan traditions inherited from the earlier Babylonian priesthood. [3]
So the, just when was Jesus born? Although the Bible doesn’t explicitly identify the birthday of our Lord, many scholars have developed diverse opinions as to the likely birthday of Jesus.
The Year of Jesus’ Birth
In the other hand, the year of Jesus’ birth is broadly accepted as 4 B.C., primarily from erroneous conclusions derived from Josephus’ recording of an eclipse, assumed to be on March 13, 4 B.C., “shortly before Herod died.” There are a number of problems with this, in addition to the fact that it was more likely the eclipse to happened on December 29, 1 .B.C. Considerable time elapsed between Jesus’ birth and Herod’s death since the family fled to Egypt to escape Herod’ edict and they didn’t return until after Herod’s death.[4] Furthermore, Herod died on January 14, 1 B.C. [5]
Fact: Tertullian, (born about 160 A.D.) stated that Augustus began to rule 41 years before the birth of Jesus and died 15 years after that event. [6] Augustus’ died on August 19, 14 A.D., placing Jesus’ birth at 2. B.C. [7]
Fact: Tertullian also notes that Jesus was born 28 years after the death of Cleopatra in 30 B.C., which is consistent with a date of 2 B.C.
Fact: Iraneus, born about a century after Jesus, also notes that the Lord was born in the 41st year of the reign of Augustus. Since Augustus began his reign in the autumn of 43 B.C., this also appears to substantiate the birth in 2 B.C.
Fact: Eusebius (264-340 A.D.), the “Father of Church History,” ascribes it to the 42nd year of the reign of Augustus and the 28th from the subjection of Egypt on the death of Anthony and Cleopatra. [8] The 42nd year of Augustus ran from the autumn of 2 B.C. to the autumn of 1 B.C. The subjugation of Egypt into the Roman Empire occurred in the autumn of 30 B.C. The 28th year extended from the autumn of 3 B.C. to the autumn of 2 B.C. the only date that would meet both of these constraints would be the autumn of 2 B.C.
John the Baptist
Fact: Other approach to determining the date of Jesus’ birth is from information about John the Baptist. Elizabeth, John’s mother, was a cousin of Mary and the wife of a priest named Zacharias, who was the “course” of Abijah. [9]
(Priests were divided into 24 courses[10] and each course officiated in the Temple for one week, from Sabbath to Sabbath.)
When the Temple was destroyed by Titus on August 5, 70 A.D., the first course of priests had just taken office. [11]
Since the course of Abijah was the 8th course, we can track backwards and determine that Zacharias ended his duties on July 13, 3 B.C. If the birth of John took place 280 days later, it would have been on April 19-20, 2 B.C., precisely on Passover of that year. The birth of John and the birth of Jesus was separated by 5 months. Therefore, we have again the autumn of 2 B.C. as Jesus’ probable birthdate.
Fact: John began his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar. [12] The minimum age for the ministry was 30. [13] As Augustus died on August 19, 14 A.D., that was the accession year for Tiberius. If John was born on April 19-20, 2 B.C., his 30th birthday would have been April 19-20, 29 A.D., or the 15th year of Tiberius. This seems to confirm the 2 B.C. date and, since John was 5 months older, this also confirms the autumn birthdate for Jesus.
John’s repeated introduction of Jesus as “The Lamb of God” [14] is interesting if John was indeed born on Passover.
Jesus’ Birthdate
CONCLUSION: Elizabeth hid herself for 5 months and then the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary both Elizabeth’s condition and that Mary would also bear a son who would be called Jesus. Mary went “with haste” to visit Elizabeth, who was then in the first week of her 6th month, or the 4th week of December, 3 B.C. If Jesus was born 280 days later it would place his birth on September 29, 2 B.C.
- Luke 2:8.
- Matthew 24:20.
- Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, Loizeaux, Neptune NJ, 1916.
- Matthew 2:15, 19-22.
- Magillath Ta’anith, an ancient Jewish scroll contemporary with Jesus.
- Tert. adv Judaeous, c.8.
- No year 0 between B.C. and A.D.
- Eccle. Hist., i.5. 9.
- Luke 1:5, 8-13, 23-24.
- 1 Chronicles 24:7-19.
- Both the Talmud and Josephus confirm this.
- Luke 3:1.
- Numbers 4:3.
- John 1:29, 36.
Who is God?
Who is God, where is he? Man has always struggled to reach an understanding of the truth.
In the beginning he attributed everything to Nature, but later on, by observing and meditating, he began thinking that it was not possible that so many marvels and perfect works could surge from nothingness; that there had to exist a creative force, an intelligence and a superior power. Within that belief the faith of men was assured, who at the same time created worships and rituals to venerate the One from who all creatures emerged.
New questions surged from the human heart: Who is God? What is He like? Does He really exist or not? These and other questions were asked among men regarding My existence and My essence, though I have always responded to every call and every question.
I am all that you still cannot understand in all its fullness, for you still dwell in the flesh, and possesing in it a limited mind, you analyze Me in accordance with your materialism. Cease to study Me outside the path which My Law points out, because that would only be misleading you from the pathway.
God has no form, for if He had, He would be a limited being, as the human being is; then He could not be God.
There is no form in My spirit, just as there is no form in intelligence, love or wisdom.
Do not try to seek Me with the poor and limited knowledge you posses at this time, for with it you will confuse yourselves.
Why is that being within you, you are unable to feel Me far beyond all that is material? But truly I say to you, that I am in everything and everywhere. Why should you always search for Me outside of you, when I am also within your own self?
There are some who say that God does not exist and others, while confessing in believing in His existence, show no interest. And one or the other ignoring they carry Him within do not know they cannot live without Him.
When your intelligence leads you to the beginning of life and there you get to discover how creatures are born and transformed, you will marvel while understanding the explanation of so many of my teachings. You will then discover that God manifested in everything, from the imperceptible beings within your gaze, up to the worlds and major stars.
Search for My presence within the works I have carried out, and you will find me at every step. Strive to hear Me, and you will hear me in that powerful voice which emerges from everything created, because I find no difficulty in manifesting Myself through the beings of creation. In much the same way that I manifest myself in a star, in the fury of a storm, I can do it in the gentle light of daybreak. And in the same manner that I allow My voice to be heard through a melodious trill of a bird, I can express it through the fragance of flowers. And each expression of Mine, each phrase, each of My works, speaks to you of love, of a fulfillment toward the laws of justice, of wisdom, of eternity in the spirit.
Men have always lost their balance of justice and truth. They had touched the extremes.
During past times you worshipped God in all material forms placed before your eyes; in the stars, in the elements and the idols made by your own hands. Today man feels greatness; he exhalts his personality, and he feels ashamed to speak of God, calling Him by other names, in order not to jeopardize his arrogance, so as not to descend from the pedestal of his position. That is why they call Me: Cosmic Intelligence, Arquitect of the Universe; however, I have taught you to call Me: Our Father! just as I taught you during the Second Time. Why, after calling Me Father, men believe to lower themselves or lessen their personality?
Nobody should be ashamed to call God, the Creator, “Father”, because that is His real name.
Some say: God is in heaven; others: God dwells in the Beyond; but they know not what they say, nor do they know in what to believe. Certainly I dwell in the Heavens of light, of power, of love, of wisdom, of justice, of happiness and perfection.
I am the Beyond, yes; but beyond human sin, beyond materialism, arrogance and ignorance. For that reason I say that I come to you, because I come toward your smallness, for I speak to you in a way that your senses are able to feel Me and your mind understands Me; not because I come from other worlds or mansions, for My Spirit dwells everywhere.
I am all Spirit, and I am present in all My works. If you look for me in everything that surrounds you on Earth, in the air, in space, in the light, there you will see Me. If you seek My presence in the most insignificant creature, in the leaf of the tree that moves by the breeze, or in the fragance of a flower, there you will find Me. You will discover there and everywhere a trace of love in which the Creator demonstrates all His works.