
This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

You have been told about the anti-Christ, to which My disciple John refers in Revelation; and in your confusion you have attributed that personality to many of your brethren, as much of the past, as well as in the present.

Today I say to you, that this anti-Christ, as Humanity has conceived him, has never existed, nor will ever exist. Anti-Christ is anyone who does not love, because Christ is the love of the Creator. Be aware then, how your world is full of anti-Christs, blinded by materialism.

I say to you, that it is better for you to be filled with uncertainties and denials, than filled with false affirmations or falsehoods that you regard as truths. A sincere denial, born from doubt or from ignorance, is less harmful than a hypocritical affirmation of a falsehood.

A clear doubt which hungers for comprehension, is better than the firm belief of any myth. A desperate uncertainty, which cries out for enlightenment, is better than a fanatical or idolatrous firmness.

Today there is an abundance everywhere of unbelievers, distrustful and embittered ones. They are the rebellious, ones who many times see more clearly than the rest, who do not feel ritualism, nor are they convinced of the affirmations they hear from those who guide Mankind spiritually, because all those complicated theories do not fill their heart that thirsts for pure waters, which will calm their anguish.

Those whom you judge as rebellious, many times have in their questions more light than the answers given by those who believe to be wise or great. They feel, see, sense, hear, and understand more clearly than many who regard themselves as masters in the divine teachings.

You have believed right down to the letter in the coming of men who would call themselves Christs, and you have ended up believing and understanding that those will be the false Christs.

You persist in regarding the symbols the other way around, and you become attached to them in such a way, that you become confused; and finally you do not know what to think. Stop thinking so much. Purify your spirit and your heart and come to Me. I shall give you the light, and I will reveal to you what you should know, both for your material improvement, as well as for your spiritual ascension.

Who are the false Christs? All those who, proclaiming superiority and virtue, and claiming to be propagators of righteousness, do everything just the opposite.

The so-called Devil

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Today man cannot think about God without giving Him some type of material form. Man cannot talk of temptation without personifying the influence of evil as a being, whose mission is to induce spirits to become lost; nor can he think of the restitution of one who has sinned without imagining the punishment of the fires of hell, a hell which has never existed.

Why do you not call men who are evil on earth demons if they also tempt you, induce you to the evil deeds, and separate you from the true path?

Truly I say to you that I do not have an enemy among those who dwell on earth or those found in the spiritual valley. There does not exist one being who dedicates himself to hating me, cursing me, or separating his fellow beings from the righteous path, solely for the pleasure of hurting me. Lies! Those who separate men from their faith, who erase my name from the heart of men, and who fight against the spiritual, do not do it to offend me. They do it because is convenient to their terrestrial ambitions and their dreams of greatness and human glory.

The existence of the Prince of Darkness has been interpreted erroneously!

Many have come to believe more in his power than in mine; these men are far from the truth.

Evil exists, and all vice and sin originate from it. Sinners, or rather those who practice evil, have always existed, as much on earth as in other dwelling places or mansions. Therefore, why do you personify all existent evil into one being? Why do you put him in opposition to my Divinity? I ask you: Of what significance is an impure being compared to my absolute and infinite power? What does your sin signify in the presence of my perfection?

Humanity has misinterpreted the words of parables of the first times. Those revelations were symbolic. The intuition that man had about the supernatural became influenced by his imagination. Man created sciences, cults, superstitions, and myths related to the force of evil which have remained to the present day.

No devils could emerge from God; you have created them with your own imagination. The concept that you have of that being, whom you constantly place before me as an adversary, is false.

How can you conceive that I would ever place in the path of man a being infinitely more powerful than he, continually tempting him and leading him to eternal condemnation?

How badly you think of Me and My justice, those who say that you know Me and love Me!

Hell – Infernos

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Men have imagined hell as a place of eternal torture where all who disobey my laws are sent. And they have created a hell for those with great faults, have imagined another place for those with lesser faults, and yet another for those who have done neither wrong nor right.

In this period, I will abolish with my word that hell that men have created through their religions and erroneous interpretations. They have done this to instill fear, placing a veil of ignorance upon humanity.

The spirit cannot suffer the physical pain that the flesh experiences. The suffering of the spirit comes when the conscience makes him aware of his deeds, making the spirit see and understand clearly his mistakes and imperfections.

There is only confusion in the heart of humanity, and that confusion forms part of a foundation upon which rests the beliefs of most individuals.

Do you believe that I, your Father, have created places specifically destined to punish you, thus eternally taking vengeance for your faults?

Or what benefit would it be to Me, if I punished you with eternal fire? You would only curse eternally a God whom you felt judged you injustly, cruelly and vengefully.

I did not create death nor hell. When My Spirit conceived the idea of creation, I only felt love. Thus, only life emerged from My bosom. If death and hell exist they are human deeds, though small, and you know that nothing human is eternal.

I have told you in this period: Do not harbour the idea of hell that exists among humanity. There is no hell other than the life you have created with your wars and hatred. In the Hereafter, there is no fire other than the repentance of the spirit when the conscience points out his mistakes. Hell is a symbol of the great sorrow, terrible remorse, desperation, pain, and bitterness experienced by those who have greatly sinned. But they will free themselves from those feelings as their spirits evolve with love.

Question your conscience and you will know if you are living in hell and atoning for your faults, or if you are experiencing the peace of Heaven.

What men call Heaven or hell are not specific sites; they symbolize the essence of the deeds which the spirit will harvest when he reaches the spiritual valley. Each one lives in his own hell, inhabiting his own world of restitution or blissful joys, which gives elevation and harmony with the Divine spirit.

How different spiritual reality is from that which man has imagined! Neither is My justice what you believe it to be, nor is it as easily and quickly attained as you have imagined. Also spiritual restitution is not as you have described it, nor is temptation a spirit.

My justice does not condemn anyone and much less for eternity. The fire described in the scriptures, is the unyielding conscience that will burn like fire until the spirit is purified of every blemish. That fire will cease when all trace of sin disappears. Understand that it is not I who dictates your sentence, but you yourself.

If human sins were punished with fire, then the material bodies of all sinners would have to be thrown into the fire while alive on earth, because they would no longer feel anything once they were dead. The physical body does not elevate toward the spiritual space but descends to the inner surface of the earth once it has concluded its mission. Once there, it unites with nature, where material life began.

If you believe the eternal fire is for the spirit and not the body, then this is another grave error, because there does not exist any material elements in the spiritual kingdom, nor does fire have any effect upon the spirit. What is born of flesh, is flesh, and what is born of spirit, is spirit.

Heaven – The invisible Kingdom

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Man believes that the Heavens are so distant and high above, and that is because man has only a vague notion of what heaven is and what means. He ignores that heaven is a state of perfection for the spirit, a state of purity and of light that all spirits have to reach, and is not a specific place in the universe.

All of you dream of knowing Heaven. But I say to you that you make very little effort to accomplish this, and that frecuently, instead of searching, you avoid the means to obtain it.

Certainly, I dwell in the Heavens, but not in the specific place that you have imagined. I dwell in the Heavens of light, of power, of love, of wisdom, of justice, of happiness, of perfection.

You should no longer limit what is infinite and divine. Do you not understand that if Heaven were as you believe, a mansion, a region, or a specific place, then it would no longer be infinite? It is now time for you to think about spiritual things in a more elevated manner. Even though you will not comprehend that truth completely, at least you will draw near it.

That infinite that I am telling you about, you will neve be able to measure with your mind. That infinite speaks to you of tenderness, purity, enlightenment, wisdom, love, and perfection, because all of these things have no beginning nor end, since they are attributes of God.

I do not have a determined or limited place to dwell in the infinite because my presence is found in everything that exists, the same in the divine as it is in the spiritual and in the material. You cannot point to the direction of my kingdom; when you look up to the sky, pointing toward the heavens, do so only symbolically, because your planet constantly revolves, presenting a new heaven and altitude at every moment.

Thus, I say to you that there is no distance between us. The only thing separating you from me is your wrong deeds, which you place between your spirit and My perfect Law.

You believe that Heaven is a region in the infinite, and that through a sincere repentance of your faults, you will be able to reach it at the hour of your physical death. You trust that you will be forgiven at that moment and led by me toward the Kingdom of Heaven. That is what you believe. On the other hand, I say to you that Heaven is not a place, a region, nor a mansion; the kingdom of the spirit is his elevation, his perfection, and his state of purity. Who has the right to allow you to enter Heaven? Is it I, the one who has always called you, or is it you, the one who has always been slow to understand?

Always remember that the spirit who attains a high degree of virtue, wisdom, purity, and love is beyond time, pain and distances. He is not limited to inhabit a certain place, for he can be everywhere, and find in everything a supreme delight in existing, feeling, learning, loving, and knowing that he is loved. That is the Heaven of the spirit!

Glory – The perfection of the spirit

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Eliminate the wrong interpretations you have been taught concerning scriptures of past times. Those erroneous interpretations have been like a thick veil preventing you from perceiving the truth.

The glory of the spirit, with all its happiness, is in the perfection of the spirit.

Glory it is not a specific place. It is when the spirit comes to the end of his evolution. It is necessary for you to comprehend why those who doubt the existence of the spirit proclaim, “I will die”, believing that death represents the end. But those who believe in eternal life will proclaim, “I will live eternally”.

Your ideas are incorrect about the meaning of life on the earth, the spirit, and the spiritual valley. Many believe that if one has certain virtues or repents for his sins before he dies, he will have assured glory for his spirit.

This false belief does not permit man to persevere in the fulfillment of my law throughout his life. When he leaves earth and enters the spiritual mansion, his spirit reaches a site that does not have the wonders that he had imagined, nor does he feel the supreme happiness he thought he deserved.

It is necessary to clarify these mysteries to humanity so that it can understand that the material life offers man the opportunity to achieve merits for his spirit, merits that will help his spirit to elevate until he is worthy of inhabiting a mansion that is spiritually superior. But once he reaches this state, he will need to continue to achieve merits so that he does not become stationary. The spirit will continue to ascend step by step because in the Father´s house there are many mansions.

True merit is of the one who having everything in the world, would at any instant promptly renounce his possessions and comforts, because then he would be demonstrating his spiritual elevation and testifying that Heaven or Glory is not a specific place created by the imagination of men through the eras and ages, but rather a state of the spirit who could live, experience, and enjoy from their human existence, a condition that will be more pure and perfect as the spirit continues ascending along the ladder that leads him to the summit of the spiritual life.

These merits can be achieved only through love, as taught by the Eternal Law of the Father. And thus, your spirit will go step by step on the ladder of perfection, knowing the path that leads to true glory is the perfection of the spirit.

Heaven is not a predetermined place in the Universe. My Glory is everywhere; in the spiritual and in the material. Do you not say that God is in Heaven, on Earth, and in every place? Then understand what you say so that you will know that where God is, His Glory has to be there.

The Scriptures – The rightful interpretation

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Humanity, where are you going? You are guided by those whom you admire as great teachers of the sacred revelations, but whom I perceive as confused.

Not all who preach along the streets and roads of life, speaking of the events of past eras, interpreting the prophecies or explaining revelations, are my messengers. Many of them, because of vanity, ill will and human interests, have utilized those teachings to offend, to judge, to humiliate, to injure, and to destroy.

It is time that you interpret correctly my parables and teachings which I have revealed to you through symbols. Thus, their significance can penetrate into your spirit and their symbolic forms can disappear.

Once you achieve that understanding, you will develop true faith, for you will have strengthened it with the truth.

Humanity has inaccurately interpreted my parables and teachings literally, giving material meaning to my teachings. It has given a material or human form to everything Divine.

Because of the material interpretation that man has given to my revelations, many beliefs about spiritual life are far from the truth.

Thus, how can man give a true interpretation to that which I call Kingdom of Heaven? How can he understand My justice, when he believes that there is a hell which his imagination has created? And when he will accept and understand that the law of reincarnation is not a simple theory? It is also not something false that only a few men believe, but rather a law of eternal justice and loving restitution. Through reincarnation the spirit has the opportunity to be purified, perfected, molded, and elevated.

Throughout the times those writings left by my disciples have been adulterated, changed by man. That is why there is disagreement among the religions. But I have come to clarify all of my teachings in order to unite humanity into only one light and only one will.

The scriptures of the past could reveal to you what I repeat to you today, but man has dared to falsify my truths to spread them adulterated. And there you have a spiritually sick, weary, and abandoned humanity.

Behold the material interpretation that you have given my revelations of the First and Second Eras, when in reality they only speak of the divine and the spiritual. Behold how you confuse material nature with spirituality. Thoughtlessly, you convert that which is profound and elevated into something that is superficial and lowly. And why have you done it this way? Because, wanting to do something for the work of God, you seek a way of adapting my doctrine to your material life and human needs that is what you believe are your best interests.

Those who live studying the scriptures of past eras, and who have divided into various sects and congregations because of differences in their interpretation of the word of God, will become unite through spirituality. As their analysis and interpretation of my scriptures becomes elevated, they will discover the true essence of my teachings. In the past, they had always given a human and material meaning to the divine revelations.

Man has dedicated himself to scrutinize the past testaments, torturing his mind in his analysis and interpretation of the prophecies and promises. Those who have come closest to the truth are the ones who have found the spiritual meaning of my teachings. Those who persist in a material interpretation and who do not know or refuse to discover the spiritual meaning of my manifestations, will experience confusions and deceptions like those suffered by the Jewish people when the Messiah came. They had expected and imagined his arrival to be in a manner different from that which He, in reality, arrived.

When you renounce your fanaticism, which is what blinds and prevents you from perceiving the truth, you will begin to understand. Then you shall behold the contents of my revelations of the present and past emerge before you in its full light. And then you will regard as perfect justice what you called a mystery. You will also give an eternal value to what is unchangeable, and give to what is human and temporary its proper importance.

Religions – Divine or human creation?

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Where is the true wisdom? And I say to you: It is in God. Which is the true religion? And the Master answers: He who loves Me and loves his brother, has found the truth and has complied with the Law.

Every religion that teaches righteousness and love, and extols charity, is good because it harbours the light of truth, but when within them, man degenerates and converts into evil what was good at the beginning, then the path is lost between materialism and sin.

There you have a humanity languishing in their religions without taking a step towards the light, because they have not submitted to what the Divine Law ordains. Instead, they have attempted to conform it to their will, filling it with myhts and errors.

As such, I behold all churches, all religions, all sects that man has created upon the face of the Earth. They are so involved in materialism, fanaticism, idolatry, mysticism and profanations!

What do I receive from all this? Only the intention. However, not because I can receive the good intentions of mankind, will I allow them to eternally remain in darkness, involved in their idolatry and fanaticism.

Do the religions believe they are complying with the maxim of loving one another, recognizing only their followers and excluding those who belong to another sect?

Today I have come to free you from your spiritual stagnation, because for some time mankind have slept profoundly in a state of religious fanaticism, idolatry, false sects and materialism, with which they have wanted to substitute the practice of love for one another, charity, forgiveness, and all that is derived from the same Law.

Do not confuse the Law with the religions or forms that you may have to interpret that Law.

Do not be a preserver of habits, forms or traditions, because you will remain submerged for centuries in the lethargy of fanaticism and ignorance. On the other hand, be upholders of the Law and of the truth.

I see the great temples, the great religious organizations, the pomp and the riches; the splendor and the power, but I do not see spiritual magnificence; I do not see a gala of virtues; I do not see any spiritual might that is part of My universal power. I do not discern that might that should be part of My universal power; and, I can only say that men have built on sand, like foolish ones, and have not been able to construct on the solid rock, upon which men should have raised the true church for their Lord and God. And I also say to you: Of all that greatness, of all that power, no stone will remain one upon the other.

No one should believe that I have come to take away the gifted, the faithful or the followers from the different religions. No, but the hour has come when a new Era makes its appearance, stirring forgotten lessons; erasing customs, beliefs and useless traditions; purifying and divesting the spirit of all falsehood in order to give man the true bread of the spirit which he has always exchanged for rituals.

How much will you have to fight against the idolatry and the fanaticism of the different religions, warning you that this is the greatest poison that could surprise all men on Earth!

Observe how the spirit of all Humanity has awakened. See how all their congregations are touched. Observe in each religion, in each sect, a kingdom, a dominion, and all those kingdoms will rise calling each other for unification, and because not one will be disposed to humble itself and come forward on the calling of the others, the conflict will come.

The words of love will disappear to give way to the anathemas, the threats, the condemnations, and the excommunications. All this you will have to contemplate, oh my children!

The tongues will loosen, the human passions will become unleashed, everyone will use My name, My word, and My laws to cause a war against one another, to combat each other, to exterminate and humble one another.

Be on the alert, my people! Because Humanity will rise against their own idols, their fanaticism and their traditions, and a movement will begin among religions toward the beginning of spirituality.

I know that many will be scandalized when they learn about this word, but it will be those who in their confusion may not wish to recognize that there exists in man a spiritual part besides his human nature, or those who, relying on the spirit clinging on to the routine of their traditions and their beliefs, will deny that there exists a road of infinite evolution for the spirit.


This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Learn to forgive whoever has offended you. I told Peter that if he were offended by his brother seventy times seven, he should forgive him the same amount of times. By this, I wanted Peter to understand that he should always forgive his brother, whether the harm was small or great. How many beings have moved along through this world calling themselves Christians without being able to forgive at least once during their lifetime!

Learn to forgive the defects of your brother. If you are unable to correct their faults, at least be tolerant with your brethren.

Eliminate your pride so that you may practice humility with your brethren. Humility represents triumph, and vanity represents defeat, even though you may value these two things differently on earth.

Be watchful always so that you are able to forgive with your heart whoever offends you. Meditate beforehand, for whoever offends his brother does so because he lacks enlightenment. And I say to you that forgiveness is the only way that can bring enlightenment to those hearts.

Anger born from vengeance increases darkness and attracts suffering. How could you not forgive someone who does not understand what he has done? He is not aware of his deed because he is ignorant of the fact that the wrong that he is doing to himself.

Once again I say to you, examine yourself carefully, and thus you will begin to feel more compassion, understanding, and brotherly love toward humanity, for you still consider disgusting the deeds of others simply because you have forgotten your own faults. But when you become aware of your own faults and mistakes, then you will understand my love, that love which awaits and forgives you. Then you will have no choice but to say: If my Father has forgiven me after having offended Him so much, I, too, am binded over to forgive my brethren.

I divide those who have tried to practice forgiveness into three groups. The first one consists of those who have forgotten my teachings and do not hold back when they are offended. They are confused and avenge themselves, returning blow for blow. This group has been overcame by temptation and are slaves of their passions.

The second group consists of those who, when offended, remembering my example, close their mouth, and hold back their impulses. Then they say to me: Lord, they have offended me, but I have forgiven them instead of avenging myself. But I, who penetrates into the depths of human heart discover in that individual a desire for me to avenge him and to carry out my justice upon his brother. This group is in full battle.

The third group, the smallest, is the one who imitates Jesus. When they are offended, they elevate themselves toward the Father filled with pity for their brethren and tell me: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

Who is God?

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Who is God, where is he? Man has always struggled to reach an understanding of the truth.

In the beginning he attributed everything to Nature, but later on, by observing and meditating, he began thinking that it was not possible that so many marvels and perfect works could surge from nothingness; that there had to exist a creative force, an intelligence and a superior power. Within that belief the faith of men was assured, who at the same time created worships and rituals to venerate the One from who all creatures emerged.

New questions surged from the human heart: Who is God? What is He like? Does He really exist or not? These and other questions were asked among men regarding My existence and My essence, though I have always responded to every call and every question.

I am all that you still cannot understand in all its fullness, for you still dwell in the flesh, and possesing in it a limited mind, you analyze Me in accordance with your materialism. Cease to study Me outside the path which My Law points out, because that would only be misleading you from the pathway.

God has no form, for if He had, He would be a limited being, as the human being is; then He could not be God.

There is no form in My spirit, just as there is no form in intelligence, love or wisdom.

Do not try to seek Me with the poor and limited knowledge you posses at this time, for with it you will confuse yourselves.

Why is that being within you, you are unable to feel Me far beyond all that is material? But truly I say to you, that I am in everything and everywhere. Why should you always search for Me outside of you, when I am also within your own self?

There are some who say that God does not exist and others, while confessing in believing in His existence, show no interest. And one or the other ignoring they carry Him within do not know they cannot live without Him.

When your intelligence leads you to the beginning of life and there you get to discover how creatures are born and transformed, you will marvel while understanding the explanation of so many of my teachings. You will then discover that God manifested in everything, from the imperceptible beings within your gaze, up to the worlds and major stars.

Search for My presence within the works I have carried out, and you will find me at every step. Strive to hear Me, and you will hear me in that powerful voice which emerges from everything created, because I find no difficulty in manifesting Myself through the beings of creation. In much the same way that I manifest myself in a star, in the fury of a storm, I can do it in the gentle light of daybreak. And in the same manner that I allow My voice to be heard through a melodious trill of a bird, I can express it through the fragance of flowers. And each expression of Mine, each phrase, each of My works, speaks to you of love, of a fulfillment toward the laws of justice, of wisdom, of eternity in the spirit.

Men have always lost their balance of justice and truth. They had touched the extremes.

During past times you worshipped God in all material forms placed before your eyes; in the stars, in the elements and the idols made by your own hands. Today man feels greatness; he exhalts his personality, and he feels ashamed to speak of God, calling Him by other names, in order not to jeopardize his arrogance, so as not to descend from the pedestal of his position. That is why they call Me: Cosmic Intelligence, Arquitect of the Universe; however, I have taught you to call Me: Our Father! just as I taught you during the Second Time. Why, after calling Me Father, men believe to lower themselves or lessen their personality?

Nobody should be ashamed to call God, the Creator, “Father”, because that is His real name.

Some say: God is in heaven; others: God dwells in the Beyond; but they know not what they say, nor do they know in what to believe. Certainly I dwell in the Heavens of light, of power, of love, of wisdom, of justice, of happiness and perfection.

I am the Beyond, yes; but beyond human sin, beyond materialism, arrogance and ignorance. For that reason I say that I come to you, because I come toward your smallness, for I speak to you in a way that your senses are able to feel Me and your mind understands Me; not because I come from other worlds or mansions, for My Spirit dwells everywhere.

I am all Spirit, and I am present in all My works. If you look for me in everything that surrounds you on Earth, in the air, in space, in the light, there you will see Me. If you seek My presence in the most insignificant creature, in the leaf of the tree that moves by the breeze, or in the fragance of a flower, there you will find Me. You will discover there and everywhere a trace of love in which the Creator demonstrates all His works.

The divine law of restitution

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How very important it is that this Humanity comes to acquire the knowledge of what spiritual restitution signifies, so that knowing that the spirit bears a past that only God knows, will accept with love, patience, respect, and even joy, the chalice of bitterness, realizing that it is cleansing past or present blemishes, and is settling accounts and attaining merits with regard to the Law!

The time of restitution and purification had to come, even if centuries had to pass by this world, and your spirit had to await that hour. And now that time is here. This is it. Understand it, live it, and take advantage of it.

Blessed are those who take advantage of this period as a restitution, for they will come out unharmed from that struggle. However, those who still love the wealth of the Earth and ambition first places, and the glory of the word, will have to endure their restitution with greater pain in the spirit.

Today I say to those whom I have named beginners and disciples during this period, that no one will reach Me without first having travelled the pathway pointed out to his spirit for his complete evolution. This period is of restitution and justice. Only I know the judgement of each one; every previous fault will be atoned, it suffices to say to you that he who yesterday killed his fellowmen, has now had to return to resurrect the dead.

Fulfill your destiny. Do not wish your return to Me without first travelled the road which I outlined for you, because you would experience the pain of contemplating flaws in your spirit which he was unable to cleanse, because he did not reach the end of his restitution. The reincarnations have passed over you, and many of you have not value the infinite grace and love with which the Father has entrusted you. Behold that the bigger the number of opportunities, the greater your responsability will be, and if these opportunities are not put to good use, there will be an increase of restitution and justice in each one. That is a burden whose unbearable weight many beings cannot explain, and only My doctrine can reveal it.

Let it be My word that will free you of blemishes and impurities, and remain ready for suffering to purify you. There in the profoundness of My word, you will be able to find all you need to understand the perfect form of practicing My doctrine and to have faith to fulfill your restitution.

When you become tormented by grave problems, overwhelmed by poverty or filled with anguish by the grief of your ordeals, you seek within My word some phrase for your afflictions; some word which will indicate that My gaze has found you and that I am hearing your voices. Then I touch your heart, providing you that nothing is hidden from Me. I bestow My peace upon you. I give you the exquisite nourishment of My teachings and send you forth, strengthened anew along the path of life, of struggle, and restitution.

When a man tends to believe that his faults have no forgiveness, he deviates more and more from the pathway. Oh! If he only knew that an instant of sincere repentance could save him, leading him toward his restitution, and that the more distant he believes to be from My Divinity, only one step separates him, and that step is his repentance.

Do you not hear My voice? Do you not feel that I come as a most loving Father; as a faithful friend? You sleep, and that is why you do not hear My calling. How can you expect to hear My steps if I come on a “cloud”?

I have not forced anyone to follow Me, nor have I threatened anybody for not doing so. Certainly the law of restitution exists which each one causes for himself, so that his spirit may evolve and attain his purity and his light. However, the hell of eternal fire and Divine punishment does not exist. Do not interpret erroneously that in which past eras has been said in a figurative meaning.

The ordeals which you encounter along your path have not ocurred by chance. I have allowed them so you can earn merits. The leaf of a tree does not move without My will, and I am also within the great works of Creation as well as the smallest ones. Be watchful and pray so that you will understand what fruit you should gather from each ordeal, in order for your purification to be shortened. Bear your cross with love and I will make it possible for you to endure your restitution with patience.

I contemplate everyone with love and I say to you, that during this era I have not only come to caress you and grant you My peace, but I also come to teach you, to make you understand that you are holders of spiritual gifts with which you should help mankind in its tribulation, to guide it toward its final restitution.

If you wish to dwelve deeper into the reason for your ordeals, remember that you are in the time of restitution of all your past faults. When you have faith in what I am explaining to you, a sweet conformity and an infinite peace will invade your being, knowing that I am the only One who knows of your past and can judge it with love.

No one escapes My justice. I am judging the living and the dead; but truly I say that if you do not rise to practice My doctrine with truth and purity, the justice of men will judge you. How much has mankind defiled itself! The blood of the Lamb showed men the path of evolution of the spirit through which they should travel to restitute for committed sins but despite that Divine blood, you have sinned again. The world has captivated you, but I have come to claim what belongs to Me.

Accept your destiny. Be satisfied with what you possess, have patience. Why do you sometimes lose your calm and sink into despair? Because you forget your beginning, as well as the debts which you must restitute.

Allow your spirit to understand, and be satisfied with his restitution, and you will feel that the light will penetrate within your inner self, filling you with hope, strength and happiness.

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