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Ordeals and Suffering. Pain and sorrow as spirit’s teachers

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

To you who live tormented by the ordeals, the struggles, by doubts and uncertainties, by sadness and grief: pacify your heart and clear your mind so you can comprehend what I am about to tell you, young novices in life. When you feel the pain penetrate in your heart again, isolate yourselves a few moments from all that surrounds you and seclude yourselves. There, in the intimacy of your home, converse with your spirit; take hold of your ordeal and examine it, as you would do with some object you took in your hand to study. Examine your sorrow the same way, figure out from where it originates, and why it came about. Listen to the voice or your conscience and truly I say to you that from that meditation, you will extract a treasure of enlightnment and peace for your heart.

This life is a continuos ordeal for man, all the way from from his birth until he ceases to exist.

I admonish you, thus so that you may not become confused when you see wars unleashed and a multitude of beings dying day after day in differents accidents right before your eyes. When you cannot find the reason for those trials that make your heart quiver, keep in mind that each spirit has come to Earth to restore for himself what he had previously refused, and that there are beings so letargic that only a trial like that could awaken them.

You are like the shrubs that at times have such dry and sickly branches, that they need the painful pruning in order to turn away your ills and allow you to recover your health. My justice of love, on plucking away from the human tree the infested branches that eat away at heart, elevates it. When a limb of a man´s body is about to be cut off, he groans, trembles and quails, even when he knows that is must be done to remove what ails him. That which is dead threatens what is still able to survive. The roses also suffer at the time of pruning, they pour their sap like tears of pain; but later, they will be covered with more beautiful flowers.

Today many revile suffering, but tomorrow they will bless it as a teacher who taught them elevated and beautiful lessons.

I wish it were always the love of the Master that would show you the way and the finality of life, but you have preferred that the pain do the teaching.

From that bitter teacher you will pass on to receive lessons from Him who teaches you with sweetness.

The ordeals come in such a subtle way that many times you are not even aware when they terminate. What would happen to you if I were to announce the date, the day, and the hour, so that you will wait for them?

Today you are still covered by a veil of ignorance, which in your earthly materialism and in your religious fanaticism, filled with false fears and prejudices, you have not dared to tear down. That is why when a trial comes into your life and you cannot find some clear cause, you cry out saying: “But, what have I done to deserve this punishment?” without being aware that My justice sometimes takes centuries, and even eras to reach a spirit. My justice always comes, and even though apparently it arrives late or out of time, the fact is that is that it always manifests itself in a wise manner. To those who have stopped to ask Me why is it that you have been tested, I say to you: By chance are you aware of your debt to me? Do you know how must I cleanse your spirit so that he will return to Me as pure as he emerged from Me? That is why I say to you: Merely accept with patience and preparation the trials that I send to you each day, for My strength is always with you.

Not always will it be necessary for you to drink to the depths of the chalice of bitterness, because it will be enough for Me to observe your faith, your obedience, your purpose and intention in obeying My mandate for me to absolve you from reaching the hardest moment of your ordeal.

Man is the one who sets up barriers against his own spiritual progress. God does not punish, nor is he an executioner. God is Powerful, and is Strength, Light, Life and Love. Since God is wisdom, understanding, and universal peace, how can you believe that loving you as He does and having endowed man with so many blessings and Divine gifts, and preparing him for an eternal spiritual life, He would punish him?

You attribute to My justice all your suffering, and you are not aware that you are responsible for your downfalls.

There are trials that My justice send to you, but you are sowing the majority of them with your weakness; however in both cases, My love fortifies and asists so that you may continue until the end of the road.

There are no ordeals that are useless. All have a purpose, which is to perfect your spirit.

The big trials are always for the greater spirits, that is why, when you see a whirlwind coming towards you threatening to destroy your tranquility, do not fear, go forth to meet it; conquer it with the power that I have given you. Wait for the time needed and do not weaken in your struggle, do not try to conjure it away at the moment it appears before you. Remain praying and watchful, I am not speaking of Nature´s elements but those that can be a useful crucible to the spirit, and when used advantageously, will aid him to ascend and discover new paths before him. That will make him understand and awaken feelings which have remained dormant and that for him were necessary to help him evolve.

Man alone is incapable of accepting My word and modify his customs, tendencies, ambitions and ideals. That is why I have permited pain to touch him for a time. But when their cup becomes more and more bitter, and they recognize their error before the judge of the conscience, they will invoke My name and they will seek Me.

When the affliction becomes very intense, then man, however indifferent and cold he has become toward My doctrine, he remembers God. He turns his eyes towards Me, in search for My charity, and in his despair he elevates this prayer: “Lord, why do you not grant me that which I ask for you so much? If you do not heed my plea, then shorten my days on Earth, since there is no object in my being here only to suffer”. What ignorance you display speaking in that manner to your Father who is all love towards his children!

You may be certain that those who suffer the most during this time, is because before that, they drank to their depths their cup of pleasures, satisfactions and the glory of the world, and with that they strayed from his spiritual path, and left.

If you wish to dwelve more profoundly into the reason for your ordeals, remember that you are in the period of restitution of all your past faults. When you finally have faith in what I am explaining to you, a pleasing conformity, an infinite peace will invade your being, pondering that I am the only One who knows your past, and can judge it with love.

Man suffers in this times because he has departed from his fulfillment of the Divine Laws, both spiritual and natural, and he seeks the remedy in what is ficticious in this world. He is not aware that the origin of his malady is within his spirit.

Ah! If you would understand the affliction that touches the body is balsam and a relief for the spirit! Because while the flesh maintained its good health and well-being, many times the spirit was dragged toward the depths, or felt imprisoned within a life filled with pleasures and unleashed passions, but void of light for the spirit. Finally the suffering came, like a force more powerful than human passions, to stop man in his blind course, allowing the spirit to become liberated, blessing his affliction and recognizing that there exists no wiser justice than God´s.

Some reach this understanding sooner, thus avoiding much suffering. Others are obstinate and tardy to understand to the point of complaining and blaspheming, thus increasing with that their cup of bitterness.

You ask Me if there is nothing I can do for you? Ah! My little ones! Before you ask Me, I have deposited all that you need upon your hand! But being occupied in the struggle and carrying on without light or faith, you do not know how to feel My presence nor discern what I entrusted to your spirit, nor the light of the next day which only waits for your awakening so that you can see its brilliance at its plenitude.

I am the God of hope and the provider of all the licit desires of My children. When suffering penetrates within you allow it to fulfill its mission, but think that in order to ascend the ladder of perfection, of spiritual evolution, you should not be satisfied just being strong and resigned to your ordeals and to your suffering. You must likewise think about the afflictions of your fellowmen.

Be aware that I do not limit Myself to feel your afflictions but instead, I come to remedy them but in addition to knowing this, it is necessary for you to love and have faith in my Law; that you know how to ask, pray and have patience in your ordeals.

Certainly I test you, touch you and judge you, but at the same time I nourish you, forgive you and uplift you. Never will a spirit part defrauded from My presence, injustice has no place within Me.

The trials you encounter along your way have not come to you by chance. I have sent them to you in order for you to earn merits. The leaf of the tree moves not without the will of the Father. Be vigilant and pray so you will understand what is the fruit you should gather from each ordeal, so that your expiation may be shortened. Pick up your cross with love, and I will make it possible that you bear your restitution with patience.

The moral responsiblity over the environment

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

You have becomed accustomed to your way of life within an environment contaminated in all order of things. You have forgotten to take care and appreciate the elements of life you so sorely need in order to live healthy of body and spirit.

You are so familiarized with this evil that you no longer stop to think about the causes from whence it originates, and the reason is that harmony between man and Creation has been broken.

This world, created with so much love, has been converted into a neglected, forgotten and mistreated valley. Have you not understood what it means to live right and what you need for clean living? Behold this marvelous garden with its sunshine, warmth, life, wind, water, soil, fruits, flowers, countrysides, mountains, stars, lakes, oceans, animals, minerals, vegetables and organisms. All is at your service. Do not forget that!

If men were able to feel and understand all the love wich nature pours out upon them, all would be better persons, but some are ignorant and others ungrateful.

You should appreciate and take care of the pure air you breathe. Preserve the fields with the fruits and flowers. Remember that the earth is like a mother from whose bossom you are nourished and she embraces you when you are born, and she also opens her bossom to receive you when you die.

You have in nature the water you drink, which is similar to the truth, because it is crystal clear, transparent and pure. Through her action, the fields are fertile and the seeds germinate, which is the true fountain of life and health.

Behold in Creation that beautiful and marvelous work. Like the flowers which adorn your view, which perfume the air and inspire you. Have you noticed the harmony in which creation lives? Does it not seem to you that everything obeys a single law? Behold the sun, similar to a father who opens its arms to take in all creatures with an embrace of life and love, of light and energy. Behold how, at the touch of its warmth, the flowers bloom, the birds trill, and all beings labor.

In everything created there is life, and sensitivity exists. Even the very stones are sensitive and you, who are part of life itself, would you not wish, even for a few moments, to reflect upon Creation and be thankful for its generosity, taking care of your world in all order of things?

However, everything has been profaned by man. The waters are contaminated, the air is polluted; therefore, do not be surprised if nature gives you signs of her displeasure. The earth will tremble; the sun will cause candescent rays to fall upon this world, burning its surface. The continents will be touched from one pole to the other; the earth will deny its fruits, and the rivers will dry up. Fire will erupt from the surface of the earth; the winds will be unleashed, and the waters will level regions and nations. Before all this, I ask you: Will it be necessary for suffering to follow you, in order for you to stop and reason? Why do you not decide to live in harmony with all of creation? Obsesve the universe that surrounds you, and admire the obedience and precision with which all kingdoms comply with their destiny! Meditate on the animal kingdom. Behold the bee, the ant, the worm, and understand the joy that exists within the birds’ nests. Learn harmony from them.

If you do it thus, you will again see a clear sky; the fields fertile; the waters in the current will again be pure, and the sea will be more lenient. There will be fruits in the trees, flowers in the meadows, and the harvest abundant. The sun will be the same one that will pour its life-giving warmth; the rivers will be cleansed; the sterile fields will again be fertile; the elements will resume their course because there will be harmony between man and the laws dictated by the Author of life

How to free disturbed spirits. True exorcism

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

There are forces, invisible to the human eye and unintelligible to human science, that constantly influence your life.

These disturbed beings, lacking peace and enlightenrnent, are drawn towards you by your bad thoughts, low passions, bad habits, and vices.

Your negative behavior attracts those beings who seek to dwell in impure mansions since they have not been purified. These are beings without a body who, in their confusion, seek the body of others to express themselves. However, due to their disturbed state and negative influence, the only thing they achieve when they approach others, is to make them ill, to confuse them mentally, and to disrupt their peace.

Those spirits are the symbol of illness, the inhabitants of the darkness, who know neither life nor death.

A man who leads a sinful life is capable of having a legion of beings in darkness following him. These disturbed beings will leave a trail of evil influences along his path.

The forces that make up evil are forming a powerful nucleus, causing worldwide destruction, wars, and disharmony among men. Although the population of earth is very great, it is very small in comparison to the world of spiritual beings that surround mankind.

Those legions interfere greatly with the lives of mankind, but man is not able to perceive, feel or hear that world that is in turmoil around him.

If you do not become aware of this reality, you will never be able to free yourself from their influences, nor will you be able to help them. You will both be ill and will continually contaminate one another.

The way to battle against these numerous and powerful evil influences is to pray.

Utilize the weapons that I give you. These weapons do not destroy lives, cause blindness, shed blood, bring suffering, leave widows or orphans, nor leave homes behind in their wake, submerged in desolation.

The weapons that I have given you are love, charity, and forgiveness, because with their help you will be able to change evil influences into vibrations of light.

In your prayers always dedicate a thought to those whom you cannot visually perceive, but who are near you and who weep; however, do not attempt to reach them nor obligate them to manifest themselves.

Remember that in the Second Era, when the body of Jesus was taken to its tomb, my Spirit went to give light to all spirits that were in darkness and to free them from their chains. From that moment those spirits received light

The tombs keep the dead, but the Spirits escape and materialize in order to give testimony that the spirit survives.

I prepared everything in order to teach you and give you proof of my love; many were astonished, as I healed many through Jesus.

The unbelievers, those who had heard about the power of Jesus and knew of His miracles, sought to make Jesus stumble with very difficult tests and thus demonstrate that He was not infallible. But they became confused when they witnessed that those who were possessed became normal after being healed by Jesus. He would heal them by only touching them, looking at them, or giving the spintual beings a verbal command to abandon the posessed body. Thus He would relieve one and the other of their heavy load.

In the presence of that power, the pharisees, the scientists, the scribes and the publicans had different reactions. Some acknowledged the power of Jesus, others attributed His power to unknown influences and yet, others did not say anything. Some who were ill had been possessed by a single spirit, others had been possessed by seven spirits such as Mary Magdalene, and still others had been possessed by such a large number of spirits that even the spirits described themselves as a legion.

I freed those who were possessed by large legions of perturbed spirits, and those who believed in me arose, glorifying My name and acknowledging my power; those who did not, judge me and attributed My power to an evil source, treating me as a sorcerer.

In the Second Era, after I had healed a man who was possessed, those who saw this, stated that I had a pact with the spirit of evil. However, the spirit who had been tormenting the man spoke to me and said: I know who you are, you are the Son of God.

Nevertheless, also there were some who were amazed with the deeds of Jesus and asked: With what authority and power does He command those impure spirits who obey Him? They were not aware that all men possess this, that all carry this weapon. Later My disciples repeated the deeds of their Divine Master, thus demonstrating that Christ had come as a teacher to mankind. He not only came to demonstrate His power, but also to reveal to humanity the gifts and powers that everyone possesses.

How profound were those teachings! But those who refused to see the light in those teachings, such as the hypocritical priests and pharisees of that period, have attributed all spiritual knowledge to evil forces. Did they not say in that period that Jesus healed those who were possessed because He had a pact with the devil?

In the same manner, you were surprised in this period when I came in my true essence, the Spirit, in order to give you another teaching in the life of the spirit. This teaching is more extensive, dear and profound, and one in which you will be able to experience personally what I have come to reveal to you.

I am going to respond to those who, along their path, have experienced the presence of spiritual beings whom you call dark and disturbed beings.

Truly I say to you that those beings whom you refer to as demons or tempters, are no more than imperfect or disturbed beings whom the Father wisely utilizes to carry out His higher level plans and designs. However, those beings who are presently in darkness and who are making bad use of the gifts that I have granted to them, will be saved by Me at the proper time. I would cease to be God, if I were unable to save a spirit with My power, wisdom, and love.

If you have imagined that the beings in darkness are like monsters, I only perceive them as imperfect creatures whom I will help and save, for they are also My children!

Disincarnated spirits in different conditions, approach my workers seeking charity. When they discover that the door to your heart is closed, and you do not offer them comfort, they will leave you in a state of mental stress, caused by their influence of suffering and restlessness.

The ones you have sensed the existence of spiritual beings who wander through space and sometimes surround you, believing they are spirits who might suffer, you have attempted to help them. Your intention has been good, but always you have lacked the knowledge enabling your charity to be effective. Until now, you have not known how to offer these disturbed and remorseful beings true enlightenment

You have performed ceremonies for them and have offered them material objects. Although this brings tranquility to your heart, in reality these beings have received nothing as the things of the world no longer concern them. These beings seek spiritual charity, comfort, love, and understanding. How can you help them spiritually? My word also comes to explain how you can be charitable with those beings whom you cannot perceive.

If you truly want to help your spiritual brethren and at the same time want to free yourself from their bad influences, you need to pray, a prayer of compassion, full of mercy and of elevated thoughts. If you feel that those beings are manifesting themselves in your life in some form, provide them with good examples and good deeds so that their spirit may receive light. Let them observe you healing those who are ill and forgiving those who have offended you. Allow them to perceive noble ideas illuminating your mind and kind words being spoken.

With your prayer convert those beings who are in darkness, for while you sleep, they fight and battle just as armies do. Be aware that an unknown world surrounds you, a world in a state of distress where light battles darkness. The turmoil and effects of this war disrupts your world, your heart, and your mind.

The greater part of the confused spiritual beings are so because they are not aware that they are already in a spiritual state; they retain the belief that they continue within the material world and persist in wanting to live as when they were human beings.

Though they are in spirit, they insist in believing they are human beings, because the impression left by the flesh in their spirit was very profound, very intense, due to their living submerged in the materialism, in the passions, in sin and fanaticism.

The ignorance they had while in their earthly existence, enveloped the spirit and the latter had no strength left on reaching that transition which you call physical death, to rid himself of that heavy load, that heavy burden.

Those spirits are worthy of your greatest charity, because they are not fully in the material world as you are, nor are they fully in the spiritual valley.

They are beings who wander in a very painful situation, more so in their sadness. The spirit acquires experience, he evolves, and manages to comprehend that he has passed on into a different life. His prostration cannot be eternal and his confusion can be dispelled if he draws near a spirit, a heart obedient to the Law, to a laborer of the Lord.

When you find yourself surrounded by spirits in darkness, being in your home, along the pathway, or in your own person, how should you impart, in an effective manner, the light to those spirits?

Through your spiritual prayer; then, through your charity, and later, by practicing virtue, the good manners and morality in your life. And they who live among you and who see you incessantly, on contemplating that you are stronger in virtue than they are in evil, will began to yield, setting aside their bad inclinations on receiving the light.

Do not cast them away from your life and whenever possible attract them; do it with love, with charity, and then you will form around you an atmosphere of true spirituality.

And those beings who come near you to test your strength and the Doctrine you practice, on seeing themselves illuminated by the light of your love and your charity, will convert themselves into a barrier that will protect you; they will be your shield, your defenders and friends in your human existence; and when your spirit crosses the threshold of the Great Beyond, you will find yourself followed and blessed by those legions of spirits who will receive you with love and peace, and your spirit will be surprised contemplating them so full of light, the light that you were able to give them.


This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Destiny has the compassion which God has put in it; the destiny of men is filled with the Divine Goodness.

Many times you cannot find that Goodness for you do not know how to seek it.

If within the destiny marked by Me for each spirit, you devise a difficult and bitter course, I try to soften it, but never to increase its bitterness.

In the world men need one another; no one is extra and no one is missing. All lives are necessary, one to each other, for the complement and harmony of their existence.

The poor need from the rich and the rich from the poor. The sinful need from the righteous and these from the former. The ignorant need from the wise and those who have knowledge, from the ignorant. The little ones need from the adults and these, in turn, need from the children.

In this world, each one of you is situated, by the wisdom of God, in his place and near whom he should be. To each man is assigned the circle where he should dwell, in which there are incarnated and discarnated spirits with whom he must coexist.

Thus, each in his way, all of you are encountering those who will teach you the love which will elevate you; others will receive sorrow which will purify you. Some will cause you to suffer because you need it thus, while others give you their love to compensate for your bitterness, but all have a message for you, a teaching which you should understand and profit from.

Seek in each of your brethren the good side that he presents, in order to learn from him, as well as his bad side so that you will help him to elevate himself and, in that manner, proceed along the pathway, helping one another.

Each human being is a lesson, a hope of love or lack of love, which will finally give you its pleasant or bitter truth; in that way, you will proceed from lesson to lesson, sometimes learning and sometimes teaching, because you must also deliver to your fellowmen the message which you have brought to Earth.

Why have you neglected your fellowmen whom destiny has placed along your path? You have closed the door of your heart, unaware of the lesson which they brought to you.

How many times you have cast aside the very one who brought a message of peace and hope for your spirit, and then you complain when you yourselves have filled your cup of bitterness.

Life has unexpected changes and surprises, and what will you do if tomorrow you anxiously seek the one whom you arrogantly rejected today?

Why do many of you fear that your destiny has been written by Me with ordeals, suffering, punishment and misfortune? How can you believe that the One who loves you with perfection will provide you with a path full of thorns? Truly l say to you that the difficult path sown by ordeals is the one you have chosen through your own free will. You believe that you will find pleasure, freedom and happiness along that path. You fail to understand that the path from which you have departed is the true path, the path where you will find true peace, security, strenght, health, well-being and abundance.

Do not be a fatalist firmly believing that your destiny is what God has placed along your path, and that if you suffer it is because it was destined, or if you are happy it is because it was also destined. I have convinced you that what you sow you shall also reap.

O humanity, your destiny is to harmonize with everything created; this harmony of which l speak is the greatest of all laws, for in it you will find the perfect communion with God and His works.


This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Holy, you call this night, you who remember when the Rabbi came to the world.

Under the Divine influence of those memories, all beings come closer, those absent are brought to mind, the offenses are forgiven, families are united, friends visit one another, hearts are filled with hope. It seems that everyone awaits something unknown which they are unable to define, on this Night, when men manifest a little tenderness in their hardened hearts, and others a little spirituality over their materialism.

But I ask you: “Do you believe that only this Night deserves to be called holy by men? With a little love, could you not make it possible that every night and day of your existence be holy, so that you may see that all of life, without exception of a single instant, is holy?”

Ah! If you could come with Me in spirit and behold from here all the misery of Humanity!

If the powerful, the wealthy, and those who live surrounded in comfort, would like to be with Me on this night, I would take them in spirit to those places of suffering and poverty which they do not want to see.

Then I would say to them: “Leave your feasting for a while, and together we will go through those places where your poor brethren live. Let us see how they live on this blessed night, of sorrow for some and feasting for others. Do not fear,” I would say to them, “I am only asking for a few moments, and then you can return to your feasting and merriment.”

Then I would take them from place to place, and I would show them an aged mother who, in the loneliness of her miserable bedroom, mourns the loss of her sons who were her hope, and who were snatched from her by the war.

That woman lives only through memories and prayers. While many become intoxicated with pleasure, she drinks her cup of bitterness; her spirit only waits for that hour to leave this world and penetrate into eternity, because her hope in Humanity has long been dead.

Later I would show them the children, wandering among Humanity who does not respect the life of their fellowman; they do not love nor comprehend those in need.

I would make those men listen to the very profound questions of the children, who, in their human innocence, ask themselves the why of so much injustice, so much hatred, selfishness, and cruelty.

Then I would take them to those places where the moanings and lamentations of the sick are smothered; of those who have seen their body succumb, like a twig breaking when lashed by a hurricane; those are the sick, the rejected, the forgotten ones.

Later on I would allow the prison doors to be opened in order to behold the thousands of beings who have fallen into the darkness of captivity for lack of love, charity, light, justice, and peace.

And thus, from place to place, I would present to them, in one single scene, all the misery and pain which has been brought about by the ambitions, the greed, the hatred, the materialism, and the insatiable thirst for power of the conceited ones with their false lordliness, of those who believe themselves powerful, but are not; neither do they allow others to possess what justly corresponds to them.

However, I do not call on them, because I know that even though My voice is heard within their conscience, they are deaf to its calling.

But you, My beloved people, who are listening to Me, who know of privations, of loneliness, indifference, and forlornness, and for that reason vibrate together with that Humanity who weeps in hunger and thirsts for justice, come to Me, and together, in spirit, we shall visit the sick, the sorrowful, all the poor and forgotten ones of the world.

Do you see those multitudes who are full of animation? They are soldiers who have paused briefly from their battle to offer Me a few minutes of prayer and remembrance; but their joy and animation are fictitious; they eat and drink to calm their sorrows, but in their heart there is great pain.

They suffer, O! My people! They suffer very much, and above all during this night, which is torture for them; each memory is a thorn, each name or face they recall is like a wound.

Many of them suffer, taking away lives, destroying homes and cities, sowing pain, grief, and tears, and then they believe to have lost all rights to return home, to peace, to the bosom of their loved ones.

I know that many of them are not guilty; they do not harbor hatred or perversity in their heart. I know that they are victims, slaves, and instruments of the real guilty ones.

Only I can rescue them, only My love can shield them, for they are alone in the world.

Pray, O! My People! and in so doing you make it possible for the world to hope for the dawn of a new day; that men can remember My promise, the one that speaks of better times, of spirituality, and happiness.

I also say to you: “Let us go to the heart of the children and seek those who lack everything. Behold them – they sleep, and in their sleep there is no reproach toward anyone, even though their bed is very hard.”

Today there was no bread upon the table; nevertheless, they rest with hope for a new day. They dress in rags, but they feel no shame, because they are innocent and they smile, though their bodies lack warmth. They are angels on Earth, for in their innocent smiles, they reflect something of the purity of the Heavens.

O! Innocence! Shield them with your mantle, for theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens.

All of you call this night a Holy Night and I pour a shower of blessings upon all My children.

You must know that I am yours and you are mine. Remember that I proved My love, coming to live amongst you humble people, being born in poverty, struggling among thistles, and dying in disgrace.

You cannot say that I do not understand you, for I not only have seen your pain, but I have lived through it.

I also speak about the elderly, those who long ago left the prime of their lives, and now they feel the cold of winter. As they grow older, they are lacking strength, the energy, and health; the work becomes heavy, their limbs turn sluggish, and their services are no longer needed for work.

Thus the elderly see themselves excluded from the struggle of the rest; they feel abandoned, and their heart, depressed, sinks with sadness and has to experience hardship, misery, hunger, and loneliness. I speak about them, because they also need your aid and comfort. Love them, O! My people! And you will have the right to sit at the great table of the spiritual banquet where I will say to you: “Blessed are you who, in imitation of the Master, were able to understand all those who suffer.”

Is it possible that the heart of Mankind is not moved before the great scenes of suffering and misery that this Humanity presents? Yes, yes it is possible: though I see those who do not suffer misery regard, with a caressing look, the wealth they possess, with a greater loving care than for those beings, children of God.

Beloved people: You have accompanied Me during these brief moments to visit the needy; blessed are you for that. Do not think that I forsake the rich and the powerful, because apparently they do not need Me; I am the only One who better knows their misery and their bitterness, and who is better aware of their misfortunes; but today they believe to have it all; therefore, why should they seek Me since I am, according to them, the Christ of the sick, of the outcast, of the sorrowful? They are not aware that My mission is to save them from their false splendor, in order to give them the true and eternal happiness.

Aside from you, My people, do you know who else has tenderly listened to My word and has felt her Spirit vibrate with love? It is Mary, the Maternal Spirit who dwells within the bosom of the Creator, and whose essence will always be united with the memory of Jesus.

Her passage on Earth, although longer than mine – because she came before and departed afterward – was short; Her words, brief and sweet, were a celestial caress.

Sense Her in spirit, love Her and seek Her spiritually; know that in as many charitable deeds that you perform, She will be with you; that She has her mantle of intercession and tenderness extended over an ailing and bloody world, and that in each of your complaints or afflictions, you can hear a voice responding with tenderness: “Do not fear, be confident, for I am here.”

And thus, My people, you have been with Me; My gentle breath has penetrated into your heart on this Holy Night, and I have made you forget every hardship.

My Peace be with you!

Spirituality for Children

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

I dedicate some of my words to children, whom I exhort to become strengthened in virtue and to flee the course of evil which has dragged so many hearts to the abyss.

Blessed children, I am familiar with your prayers and I understand your language. You are not taken into account by the world because you are regarded small and weak, makig the spirit secluded within you suffer.

The children of this period show me their ominous path; they tell me that the environment in which they breathe is not the most favorable one for spiritual progress, and they ask for enlightenment for their parents and teachers. Since childhood they have engaged in a battle between their spirit and their matter. Sometimes Good and reason have triumphed, but at other times matter overcomes.

At this time the children listen to Me and I speak to them in the same manner as I speak to mature men and to the elderly. Why do I not speak differently to children, since their mind is so young? Because their spirit is great, as is yours; because they can comprehend Me; because it is not the flesh to whom I speak, but rather the spirit.

For that reason I say to you: Do not ignore the children, believing that they do not see Me. Let them come! Their spirit hungers. I am going to cultivate them in the same manner as I do you. They are the generations of tomorrow who will place upon your foundation one more stone upon the work of edification, on the work of spirituality.

I say to mothers: teach children how to take their first steps spiritually as well as physically. Clear their path so that they may find me, love me, and elevate themselves. Keep in mind that every new generation that emerges will have greater spiritual progress. Make use of your intuition to guide them. Do not set any bad examples nor give them any bad fruit to eat.

Remember that children also observe you. Why do you argue in front of them? Behold that through that example, you are allowing the evil of Cain to penetrate into your children. Remember that your children are your next heirs; they will talk about what you had learned, and what you were, while in the path of your Lord and Master.

I do not want those new generations to stumble or be led astray because of you. I do not want to see them weeping because of the lack of love within their own family.

I want you to raise families who believe in only one God and to create homes that are temples where love, patience, and unselfishness are put into practice. In these homes you should be teachers of your children, surrounding them with tenderness and understanding. Give the same love to the one who appears ugly as to the one who is endowed with beauty. Not always does a beautiful face reflect a spirit of equal beauty. Or the other hand, behind those children with apparent ugliness, a spirit of great virtue whom you should appreciate, may be hidden.

Parents: Be sensitive to the spiritual progress of your children. Look after the children who have been entrusted to you with love and charity. Do not guide them toward the abyss nor cause them to fall. These spirits should not enter the Sodom and Gomorrah of this time.

No matter how many debts, or blemishes, the spirit may have, when he is in his infancy, the envelop participates in his purity and innocence. That is the time when the spirit needs all kinds of help, so as not to deviate from the path.

Cultivate the hearts of the blessed children, so that from the infancy they will love one another and know how to recognize the path of love and justice.

Teach the children to pray for mankind; their pure and innocent prayer, like the perfume of the flowers, will be elevated to Me and will also reach the hearts of those who suffer.

Once again I say to you: “Let the small children come unto Me”. Do not think that they are unable to receive me because you regard them little. Prepare the children; show them the path so they can overcome the pitfalls, and tomorrow they will take one step further than the one you have taken.

My kingdom is for those with a pure heart. Do not turn away anyone from My presence: neither the adult sinner who comes before Me to purify himself in My word; nor the child, because, though you believe he is unable to comprehend My teachings, many times he possesses a spirit more evolved than yours.

When you observe the children, do so with respect, because you do not know what spirits are hidden within; but of what you can be certain of is, that within each one of those young beings, there exists a past that involves a whole life history, and a whole life of evolution.

The spirit, while living in the infancy of his envelop, needs the help of the elders because his matter is too weak to support him. He requires tenderness, so that his heart does not become hardened, and he also needs examples and teachings to develop and strengthen him until the time comes to manifest himself.

The child intuitively knows that he is powerless to struggle for himself; and then, he places all his trust in his parents. He fears nothing when he is by their side; he expects only goodness, and he knows that he will lack nothing. Then, he discovers that within them, there exists a fountain of knowledge, of tenderness, and of life; that is why he experiences happiness in their company.

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