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Spiritual Gift Of Prophecy

This entry it's part of the The Spiritual Gifts Within series. Part [part not set] of 7

The New Prophets

You will receive in one single inheritance the Three Testaments, and when you find along your pathway those who wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, you will show them My message and you will tell them not to imitate the Jewish people who, while waiting for the Messiah, did not recognize Him when He arrived among them and they are still waiting for Him.

Journey along the pathways of your spiritual mission in such a manner that when your brethren contemplate your way of living and listen to your word, they will recognize you as the seed for a new world, as the generations who will serve as the foundations of a new Humanity.

The Example of John

John is an example of what the spirit of Humanity will attain in the near future. The ecstasy of John, through whom he talked, saw and heard, was the revelation of what you would be contemplating in this period. The spiritual images, represented by symbols, were seen through the gift of spiritual vision, that is, spiritual perception.

The divine voice and the voice of the spiritual world that reached up to his brain and touched his heart, were precursory signs of the communication that you have had through spokesmen and faculties during this period.

And finally John, writing by indication of an angel of all that he envisioned and heard, revealed to Mankind the communication from spirit to Spirit that should come when men would have divested his existence of impurities and materialism.

When will men fix their attention on what was left written by My beloved disciple? Strange is the way in which the revelation is described, mysterious in its meaning, his words so infinitely profound. Who could understand them?

The men who begin to interest themselves in John’s revelation study in depth, analyze, and observe and study, some draw near the truth, others believe they have discovered the contents of the revelation and they proclaim it to everybody, others are confused or get tired of searching and conclude denying the divine essence of that message.

Now I come to say to you, disciples of the Third Era, that if you truly yearn to penetrate into that sanctuary and know the profoundness of those revelations, you will have to initiate yourself in prayer from spirit to Spirit, the same that John practiced during his exile.

You will have to understand beforehand that the divine revelation, though represented in forms and material figures, all of it speaks to the spirit of Mankind, of their evolution, struggle, of their temptations and falls, of their profanation and disobedience. It speaks of My Justice, of My Wisdom, of My Kingdom, of My trials and of My communication with men, of their awakening, of their regeneration, and finally of their spirituality.

There I reveal to you the spiritual journey of Humanity divided into eras, so that you better understand the evolution of the spirit.

Now then, disciples, if the revelation refers to your spiritual existence, it is only fair that you study it and you visualize it from a spiritual standpoint, because if you go by analyzing it only through the material things, you will end up confusing yourselves as many others.

Of course, many material events are and will be related with the fulfillment of that revelation, but you must know that those happenings and signs are also forms, figures, and examples that come to help you understand My truth and to help you fulfill your destiny of elevation towards Me along the spiritual limpidity of which John, My disciple, left you a luminous example, who advanced ahead of Humanity thousands of years on communicating spirit to Spirit with his Lord.

Prodigies of Israel

This entry it's part of the The Spiritual Gifts Within series. Part [part not set] of 7

The Prodigies of the Children of Israel

During past times, there were periods when the people of God knew how to spiritually interpret everything that occurred around them, because they were the people who lived within the Law, who loved Me, and who lived a simple and virtuous life. The fibers of their heart were still sensitive, as was their spirit.

Those people lived in continuous spiritual communication with their God. They heard the humanized voice of their Creator; they knew how to receive messages from the spiritual world; from those beings whom they called angels; and during their evening of repose, in the peacefulness of their heart, and through the gift of dreams, they received messages, warnings, and prophecies, to which they gave credit and obedience.

God was not only on their lips, but also dwelled in their heart. The Law for them was not merely something written, but it was lived by men. It was only natural that their existence was filled with miracles that you do not contemplate now.

When I speak of My people of Israel, of the people of the Lord, I refer to those who made My Law known; to those who announced Me; to those who were faithful to Me; to those who proclaimed the existence of the living God; to those who perpetuated the seed of love, and to those who were able to recognize in the Son, the presence and the word of the Father.

Those are the ones who form the people of God, that is Israel; the strong one, the faithful, the prudent one.

Those who persecuted My prophets, those who lacerated the heart of My envoys, those who turned their backs on the true God, to bow before the idols; those who denied Me and mocked Me and demanded My blood and My life, those, though they call themselves Israel because of their race, were not the chosen people; they were not the people of the prophets, of the legion of illuminated ones, of the faithful soldiers.

Because Israel is a spiritual name that was unduly taken to denominate a race.

You should also know, that all those who aspire to form part of My people, can achieve it with his love, his charity, with his zeal and fidelity to the Law.

My people do not have lands nor specific cities in the world. My people have no race, but rather, is within all races, among all of Humanity.

Those are My people; the one who recognizes Me and loves Me; the one who obeys Me and follows Me.

Spiritual Ignorance

A great spiritual ignorance envelops Mankind. They are unaware of their destiny and of their responsibility on Earth, and that is why they have lost their way.

Man is ignorant of who he is, and for that reason, he is unaware of the wealth amassed within his spirit. He has confined himself to develop his human faculties, but has ignored those of the spirit due to his lack of interest in what is elevated and noble.

How could Humanity discover the powers that it carries within?

It has been necessary for Me to draw near your heart, to awaken you from your profound spiritual lethargy in which you were submerged, and remind you that you are not only flesh; that you are not small, and much less outcasts.

Upon hearing My word, you have said to Me, filled with joy: “Father, is it possible for so many gifts to exist within our being?” Then you have begun to comprehend something of what you are, and what you signify within the Universe.

The Doubt

Sometimes you have doubted about the gifts which I have said you are possessors of, and I say to you, that your doubt originates from the fact that you have not developed them and therefore, they have not become manifest in the manner you would wish.

It is true that there are cases in which, just with some faith, you may realize surprising deeds, but you should know that it was My love that granted you that miracle in order to encourage your faith, even though you are still not capable of carrying out that deed.

The development of the powers of the spirit is lengthy, so much so, that one physical body is not enough for him, nor is only one existence on Earth sufficient. However, My providence, which is in everything, is preparing new bodies for each spirit, where he will continue his development, aiding in his perfection, in order to reach the place destined for him.

Spiritual Gifts of Healing

This entry it's part of the The Spiritual Gifts Within series. Part [part not set] of 7

Of Spiritual Healing

Heal all the sicknesses of the body as well as the spirit, because you have the mission to console, to fortify, and to heal your fellowmen.

But I ask you: What healing could you transmit to the needy, if you were sick? What peace would you emanate from your spirit, if he is disturbed by worries, suffering, remorse, and low passions?

You can only offer your brethren what you treasure in your heart.

You must now store as much as you can of the good things that I have been imparting among these people, and learn to preserve them through adversities and setbacks, so that when the time comes to fulfill your mission, you may come out victorious in the struggle. The peace, the light, and the balsam, will form one single part with your whole being, in such a way, that not only by anointing a sick person will you heal him, but with your word, your thought, and with your eyes, you shall transmit health, peace, and fortitude, and in many cases, your presence alone will emanate those virtues.

The Power of Faith

But do not believe that just by knowing that I have granted you these gifts will be enough; no, besides, you should know, that you need the power to manifest them, and it is indispensable to conquer it with your faith in Me, with charity towards your fellowmen, with limpid sentiments, and unselfishness.

He who does not work within these principles, even though gifted by Me, nothing good will he deliver, because those gifts only flourish and are lavished through noble, pure, and elevated sentiments.

Of course, in spite of their lack of preparation, there are many who are leaving traces of miracles along their way, but they are not the ones who are giving. It is I who has mercy of the needy, of the sick, of the poor in spirit, and of the men of good faith; and then, those workers attribute My miracles to themselves.

There are other cases in which the one who is going to deliver what I have entrusted to him, is unable yet, because he ignores the manner of getting prepared, but his faith is great and he feels charity towards his fellowman. To the latter, I grant him to perform miracles to stimulate him at his work, so that he perseveres and perfects himself.

The Neverending Heritance

To say that I deprive of his gifts, the one who does not use them well, is a mistake, but the one who does not apply them for the purpose I have outlined, instantly looses the power to manifest them.

How could I deprive man of his spiritual gifts, when these are the means to attain his salvation and his only weapons to defend himself?

If My justice worked as you believe it does, I would have already taken away the light from his conscience and from many minds I would have retained the intelligence; but again I say to you, that I do not want to retain those gifts from men, because those attributes are precisely those through which they will redeem and elevate themselves towards perfection.

You tell Me that there are those who lose their reason and those who prematurely lose their life or some faculty. True, but it is not I who wrenches from them what is already theirs. They are the ones who, because of their weakness, imprudence, or blindness, deprive themselves of what the Father has given them as a freedom.

Is it not true that My hand of justice is present in all of this?

But if you ponder a little bit, over the way I apply My perfect justice, you will be convinced that it is My love that appears in each of those cases, returning the light to some, the peace to others, and the life to still others, though to recover what they have lost, I tell you also that before that, they have to pass through a great purification.

Paranormal experiences: Spiritual Gifts or just mind games?

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

How beautiful your world will be when men discover in their spirit, the blessed treasure with which the Creator endowed them with at the precise moment of his formation.

My messages will give way to discussions. Some declaring that it is a truth, others trying to prove it false. Some giving testimony of their own spiritual experiences and others denying the existence of such manifestations. But the truth will prevail, because this is the Era in which the dormant gifts and faculties within the spirit will be freed and manifest themselves through man, because in this Era he has reached the evolution and the necessary sensitivity to communicate with the spiritual realm.

Children, even old people, and through youths, all shall have manifestations that in the beginning might seem strange because for a long time mankind has departed away from the spiritual, but they will later consider this to be absolutely natural in the superior life of man. This will be when the children will talk of very profound teachings; when men and woman will have spiritual visions and prophetic dreams and when the gift of healing will spread throughout the Earth.

In the same manner as in other times, man’s life has been divided into eras or ages, and each one has been distinguished in some way. It may be for its discoveries, for the Divine revelations that within that life that man has received for his development in the sense of beauty which you call art, or for its science, I say to you that this Era will be significant for the development of the gifts of the spirit, that part of your being which you should have begun cultivating to avoid so many evils and mistakes.

I have come to reveal to you the spiritual gifts that you possess and to teach you the use you must give them, so that you will never employ them for deeds that are not within My Law, because if you do, instead of imparting light you would sow darkness and confusion.

You have within yourselves the gifts of spiritual visions, prophetic dreams, inspiration, intuition, gift of speech, revelation and spiritual communication.

Could you tell me the shape or volume of the conscience? Could you tell me what form love or the intelligence has? No, you respond. Well, in the same way that conscience, intelligence and love have no form, you cannot compare the worldly things with those of the spiritual life. Nevertheless, there is nothing more beautiful than the attributes of the spirit, which is the whole of gifts and virtues that do not require a given shape in order to exist.

From generation to generation the gifts of the spirit will be manifested greater and clearer, emerging even from the most skeptical and incredulous.

Spirit and Flesh

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Since the begining of humanity, man had the intuition that there was a spiritual being within him, a spiritual being who, though invisible manifested himself through the various deeds in his life.

Pity, compassion, tenderness, kindness and gentleness; these are not attributes of the matter.

All of those powers belong to the spirit. The spirit is great because he is an atom of God.

You have discovered in your being something more that its bodily parts and those are the spiritual gifts faculties, powers and attributes which have been dormant in man for many centuries. These lack form and substance.

Some feel fear, others distrust, others confusion and some have even felt horror at the mention of the word spirit, failing to remember that man carries spirit within, spirit given to him by the Creator who is also a Spirit. Who has instilled that faar? Who has made feel this dislike for the spirit? Have you not considered that the material body that you love so much is only dust that will return to the soil?

The body is only a casing. And inside that cover there exists a small bottle whose perfume or essence is the spirit. Do you not believe that it is injust for that perfume to be enclosed, when its aroma could perfume an entire house? Today, that house could be your home, tomorrow the world, and later, the infinite space.

Seek the mansion of the spirit in the depth of your being, and seek supreme wisdom in the greatness of love.

Justice is that the spirit should reveal wisdom and knowledge to the human mind, rather than the mind giving light to the spirit. Many will not be able to comprehend what I am saying, because man changed the natural ways of life long ago.

There is a battle between the spirit and the material body, an ancient battle between the eternal and the temporary with the spirit confronting the material body. Which will triumph? Some say the spirit and others say the material body. But I say to you that neither one will win.

In that battte the spirit should not humiliate the matter and defeat it. If that occurred it would not be a true victory. The true victory is when matter and spirit unite and are in perfect harmony. Thus both will be fulfilling the same ideaL Then, they will be following the path of justice and love as outlined by My Law.

I do not come to tell you to neglect your worldly obligations since you need them for your self-perservation, satisfaction and perfection. But be honest and just to the needs of the spirit.

Man is a slave to the will of others; he is victim of their anathemas, condemnation and threats. What has been gained from this? Man has abandoned his desire to comprehend and gain the elevated knowledge that he should possess, thus he is prevented from clarifying what he always has considered a mystery: the spiritual life

Do you believe that the life of the spirit will eternally be a puzzle for man on earth? You are greatly mistaken if you do. In spite of your scientific progress, as long as you are unaware of your origin and ignore all that relates to the spirit, you will continue to be creatures who dwell in a small world among the plants and animals.

If for a moment your material eyes were able to contemplate your own spirit, you would be astonished to realize who you are and what you are; and, thus, you would feel respect and charity for yourself and feel a profound sorrow on contemplating to what extent you have guided your spirit

Man is unable to contemplate what is most noble and pure within his being because of the very dense veil that surrounds him in his materialism.

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