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True Worship
“I am the same Master who during the Second Era spoke to you about the way to the Kingdom of
Heaven. I am the same Christ manifesting the truth across the centuries; the eternal lessons
which are unchangeable, because they are revelations which emanate from My Spirit.”
From The Book of The True Life 9:47 (The Third Testament)
“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him.”
“God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23,24 |
The Worship in the Beginning
You are not more developed than the primitive men, who were able to discover in each element, and in each marvel of Nature, the Works of a Divine Being, superior, wise, just, and powerful, to whom they attributed all goodness, everything existent, and for that reason they worshipped Him.
Through a growing intelligence, they attempted to understand what their corporal senses received. What perfect worship could they offer Me? What full comprehension could they have of the truth? Nevertheless, their amazement, their faith, and their worship, were received by Me as the first fruits of an extensive field that My Spirit would cultivate throughout the times.
Since then until now, how many revelations My love has entrusted to Mankind! Nevertheless, when these men should have reached the pinnacle of comprehension, and when their worship should be perfect, it is then when their science, egotistical, arrogant, and inhuman, has risen to deny Me. And regarding the existing worships, they live in a lethargy of routine and traditions.
Love Me through everything created by Me and discard the idea that God can be limited in some form. Mankind has created My image under different forms to feel that I am with them.
Why do you not seek Me through My deeds? I have allowed that everyone may contemplate the wonders around you so that through them, you can behold My power, from the least perceptible up to the majestic sun king.
However, I do not say that I am Nature, nor that it is God. Neither do I say that the sun is the Divine Spirit, since they are merely atoms in the Work of the Creator.
If you limit your mind to those beliefs, you would be imitating your predecessors, those who worshipped Me through the sun. However, you should not judge your forefathers badly, because at that time, man was hardly able to conceive the power of God from that force, because there he found warmth, light and life. Keep in mind that they were not very far from the truth.
In the same manner that I have not come to judge your imperfections, neither do I want you to judge those of your brethren.
The Spiritual Worship
Today I come to spread My spirit among you, so that you may learn to render Me a spiritual and simple worship, free of materialism, of traditions, and fanaticism.
You, who have overthrown the false gods you worshipped in past eras, will be able to enter this sanctuary that today I am engraving in your spirit with My word.
In this period I came to liberate you from a new bondage: the temptations, the pleasures, the vices, which are like the cruel tyrant Pharaoh, who has burdened you with chains. Tomorrow this new freedom will be celebrated by mankind, not with feasts or traditions, but with a spiritual love for one another.
The victims whom you offered before the altar of Jehovah were received by Him, but it was not the most adequate form to elevate your spirit to the Father. It was then that I came to you as Jesus to teach you the Divine commandment which says: “Love one another.” I say to you today, that the lessons I taught you during the Second Era through the deeds of Jesus, have been altered sometimes and misinterpreted on others. That is why I have come as I announced, to clarify My truth.
My sacrifice of that period prevented the sacrifice of many victims, and I taught you a more perfect worship. My new manifestation of this period will allow mankind to understand that the symbolic forms should not be adopted without first analyzing their significance, since they are only a representation of My lessons.
One God, one worship
The moment of silence has come, the moment of your communion with Me, for in the same way that the ocean waves blend with one another, you will unite with My Divine Spirit; a silence not only in the lips, but also within the inner temple of man, because it is your spirit who speaks to Me, and it is a solemn moment.
Enter into silence and listen to Me, O travelers of many pathways who carry the dust of different roads; let Me be the light in your destiny.
All the religions will disappear and only the light of the Temple of God will remain shining within and outside of man, in which everyone will render only one worship of obedience, of love, of faith, and good will.
I have seen that your religions do not have the necessary strength to contain your wickedness, nor the sufficient light to touch the conscience and illuminate your reason. And that is because they have departed from the essence of My Doctrine, which is solely for the spirit.
The perfect worship
My pathway remains outlined within your conscience. Soon you will not have any pastor on Earth, nor ministers who celebrate rituals before your eyes, nor houses of prayer that symbolize the universal temple of God.
The universe will be your temple; before your spirit shall be the Lord, the Master, your sweet Christ, filled with wisdom and with love, always ready to listen to you. You shall have no altar but your heart, nor any other guide but your own conscience.
These lessons have been revealed to you and have taken form within your spirit. You cannot stray from the pathway because you have seen it very well.
When the world contemplates you walking along without material gods, without rituals, and without pastors, it will be amazed, it will judge you, and what will enable you to give testimony to them of My truth, that you are not alone, shall be your deeds, your virtue, your life, for you will not only spread My work through the instrument of your lips, you must live it, because one action in your existence is worth more than a thousand of your words, however convincing they may be. Love, gentleness, humility, sacrifice. In this manner, the world will recognize Me through you.
In that way, My people, in that manner, disciples, I want to take you to perfection; that is the way I want you to reach that great city that has been prepared since eternity, so you may be the dwellers, the eternal inhabitants within that peace and within that perfection.
All the texts of this topic are excerpts taken from The Book of the True Life.
Fulfilled Prophecies – Part II
In the first section we saw the prophecies from Jesus and Joel, in relation to the opening of the
Sixth Seal and
the Third Era, that have come to pass.
We will now see the prophecies from John related to the same topic and which appear in the
Book of Revelation or
Apocalypse, and which real name is the Book of the Seven Seals.
Apocalyptic prophecies about the opening of the Sixth Seal.
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal,
and, lo, there was a great earthquake;
and the sun became black as
sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
Apocalypse/Revelation 6:12
So far John’s prophecy repeats the prophecies delivered by Jesus to His apostles before the crucifixion and that we have seen in the first part of this work.
But further ahead, even when it takes the allegoric view of the star shower that is part of the material signs that Joel had anticipated, the context seems to refer to something else: The beginning of the communications with the spiritual world, which prelude became Spiritism, so popular in Europe and some American countries in the middle of the last century.
One warning: In some Bibles, especially the catholic ones, a verse was added in Deuteronomy or Leviticus, depending on the version, against Spiritism, quoted even by its name, and this verse does not even appear in any of the original biblical texts. We can easily deduce that it was simply a reaction from the religious hierarchies of that time towards the attention that the Spiritism movement was getting from the beginning.
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even
as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs,
when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is
rolled together; and every mountain and island
were moved out of their places.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men,
and the rich men, and the chief captains,
and the mighty men, and every bondman,
and every free man, hid themselves in the dens
and in the rocks of the mountains;
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us,
and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne,
and from the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come;
and who shall be able to stand?
Rev. 6:13-17
Here the scatological prophecy of John gets into a more abstract and metaphoric terrain, anticipating the beginning of the communication with spiritual entities which descend from on high to humanity. The appearance of new philosophies and thought currents are commonly spread after the fall of the monarchies.
The Stars of Heaven Fell
1840 Germany. Jacob Lorber receives messages through automatic writing which he called “the New Revelation”.
1849. Paris and all of Europe is in commotion because of the phenomenon known as “levitating tables”.
These would inexplicably elevate without apparent physical cause.
1850. Leon Rivail “Allan Kardec” takes notes of communications from what he calls superior intelligences, which manifests through two young ladies or “mediums”. He took notes during a period of two years and published them in the book “The Book of Spirits”, fundamental work for Spiritism.
1862. Roque Rojas, Mexican ex-seminarist has a vision that announces the imminent opening of the Sixth Seal.
1866. In Mexico, the beginning of the Third Era opens with the manifestation of the Prophet Elijah’s spirit through the human understanding of Roque Rojas.
1871. In Scotland, Daniel Dunglas-Hume shows manifestations that he assures come from the spiritual world, reaching to the point of materializing some of them in plain daylight. His works were never able to be refuted.
1884. Damiana Oviedo becomes the first spokesman of the Holy Spirit and begins the delivery of
the Third Testament, taking place in Mexico City.
1887. In Mexico City, the beginning of the manifestations of the spiritual world of light through human understanding takes place. This continues until December 1950. During all this time there are multiple healings. Time-Life has published a book that covers part of these astonishing events.
Heaven Departed as a scroll when it is rolled together…Rev. 6:14
This allegory is clear when it refers to the disappearance of the old order of ideas, being
replaced by a new one.
1762. Rousseau writes “Social Contract”, a master piece that has a decisive influence over the freedom movements all over the world.
1776. Adam Smith publishes “Wealth of Nations” and establishes the basis of capitalism.
1776. Proclamation of the Bill of Rights in the American Colonies from England.
1776. Declaration of Independence of these Colonies, establishing the United States of
1781. Kant publishes his master work “Critique of Pure Reason”, and proposes rationalism as a theory.
1786. The Taking of the Bastille in France. The beginning of the French Revolution.
1789. Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen by the French Assembly.
1810. Mexico and the South American countries initiate independence movements.
1848. Marx and Engels deliver “The Communist Manifesto”
1866. The First International meets in Geneva. Socialism is born.
The kings and great men hide themselves…
The fall of the monarchies is anticipated in this verse. And in fact, by the end of the 19th century,
absolutism practically disappears as a governing system; there are some countries with kings and queens that have no ruling power and their position is merely symbolic.
1649. Charles II from England is executed.
1793. Louis XVI, deposed King of France, goes under the guillotine.
1832. England’s Great Reform Act transfers power to the common man, above the royal power.
…and every bond man and every free man….
Not only human power was moved; every social class felt the arrival of that new era.
1793. Robespierre restores the “Kingdom of Terror”, the guillotine colors with blood all of France.
1861. The opposition of the southern American states, abolition of slavery, the bloody Civil War breaks.
The opening of the Sixth Seal.
This is the period that Jesus describes as “the beginning of birth pains” (Matthew 24:7). As you will see, humanity entered a phase so turbulent as history has never recorded before.
And after these things I saw four angels standing on
the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth,
that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any
And I saw another angel ascending from the east,
having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to
the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the
trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
And I heard the number of them which were sealed:
and there were sealed a hundred and forty and four thousand of
all the tribes of the children of Israel.
Rev 7: 1-4
And I saw another angel ascending from the east…
Since the times of Augustine, theologians and analyzers of the Bible agree that here, John is speaking about the Prophet Elijah, agreeing with the words from Luke 1:78 and 2 Kings 2:11. There is a hypothesis that the Greek myth of Helios came from this last verse.
1866. The spirit of Prophet Elijah manifests through the human understanding of Roque Rojas; he declares that it is the opening of the Sixth Seal as well as the beginning of the Third Era. The first “signs” are delivered to men and women who subsequently would bring forth the communications from “the stars in the sky”, the spiritual world of light.
After the sign, John’s report about his vision of the Sixth Seal seems to jump to Rev. 9:13, where the sixth angel represents the same seal.
And the sixth angel sounded,
and I heard a voice from the four horns of
the golden altar which is before God,
Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet,
Loose the four angels which are bound
in the great river Euphrates.
And the four angels were loosed,
which were prepared for an hour, and a day,
and a month, and a year, for to slay the
third part of men.
And the number of the army of the horsemen
were two hundred thousand:
and I heard the number of them.
And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and
them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire,
and of jacinth, and brimstone:
and the heads of the horses were as
the heads of lions;
and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke
and brimstone.
By these three was the third part of men killed,
by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone,
which issued out of their mouths.
Rev. 9:13-18
Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates…
1981. Iraq and Iran, on each side of the river Euphrates, begin to war.
Fire, smoke and sulfur….
1981-1991. During a conflict where more than a million people died and more than two million are hurt, there were land to land missiles, land to air and air to land, as well as millions of rockets and mortars that were used by tanks with metallic armors on both sides, they truly looked like they were throwing fire and sulfur over the war zone, and the smoke columns are visible for several miles.
Fulfilled Prophecies – Part I
Have the prophecies from the Bible regarding the end of times been fulfilled?
Some skeptics say no. Others, in blind faith because of their different religions or philosophies, believe that it is so…but they don’t really know, nor can they prove it.
But actually, several biblical prophecies that tell us about this era have been fulfilled…and there
is data to prove it.
The biblical language of the prophecies.
Probably, the most common reason for so much misunderstanding and obscure interpretations of the Bible is the fact that many of its writings are presented in an allegoric, metaphoric and symbolic language.
And why is this?
Couldn’t these messages from above had been delivered in a simple language without the need of metaphors or allegories?
The answer is no.
Human languages are poor to describe things and concepts far beyond the ordinary.
It does not matter which road you take to describe them, you will have to resort to the use of allegories, metaphors, parables and symbols, taking objects and ideas that surround ordinary people to make those things and concepts comprehensible at least in a figurative and, therefore, incomplete manner.
Simply speaking, this is why the messengers of the Divinity used symbols and allegories (flying scrolls, thrones, candlestands, oil vases, etc. etc.) to put in limited terms what is of an indescribably superior nature. Of course, we have to consider the cultural context of the recipient of the messages. With this in mind, is only natural to learn that, for example, the punishments and consequences for evil behavior for the Eskimos or the Laplanders would be described as a cold of a terrifying magnitude, while for the inhabitants of warmer zones, the more suited allegory is that of a burning fire.
Imagine someone asking you to transcribe “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy, using a typing machine which has four or five letter keys missing. Or try to play “Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony” on a piano that has three natural keys missing in each octave, let’s say, do, mi and sol. In both cases, your readers or listeners would have to rely on their imagination to deduce all that is missing due of the lack of enough elements to transmit that idea or concept.
After these examples, it will be easier to comprehend the reasons for that apparently obscure or ciphered language in which the prophecies about the Third Era were delivered.
An then, there is the problem of literal interpretations while reading the Scriptures, that leads to severe contradictions and dogmatism. Paul warns about this: “..for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life”. (2 Cor. 3:6)
Take, for instance, John 3:13 where Jesus said that no man but himself has ever ascended to Heaven, and compare it with Hebrews 11:5, where Paul asserts that Enoch was taken bodily into Heaven. If you try to explain this following the letter of the Scriptures, you will have a very hard time. And there are many similar passages, where apparently the Bible contains contradictions.
The Prelude of a New Era
There are references in diverse passages from the Bible that, considering the explanation at the beginning of this page, are very clear and precise to describe the events that would be the prelude to the arrival of a new era for humanity, an era marked by great events of worldwide scale.
But, how we can be sure of that these are the times of the end? In Luke, Jesus gives the sign to recognize the time of the end.
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come”… (Matthew 24:14)
We could easily deduce that the final advent is very close to us (if it hasn’t already started) when we see that through the modern systems of global communication, the Evangelist preachers (mainly North Americans) have reached practically every corner of the Earth with the Gospel. In fact, inadvertently or not, Billy Graham, a very well know and respected Christian preacher, made a crusade as few years ago exactly with this purpose, which had a very wide success.
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple:
and his disciples came to him to show him
the buildings of the temple.
And Jesus said unto them,
See ye not all these things? verily I say
unto you, There shall not be left here one stone
upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives,
the disciples came unto him privately, saying,
Tell us, when shall these things be? and what
shall be the sign of thy coming,
and of the end of the world?
And Jesus answered and said unto them,
Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying,
I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars:
see that ye be not troubled: for all these things
must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pestilences,
and earthquakes, in diverse places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Matthew 24:1-8
There are idiomatic expressions within the vernacular of the Aramaic and the Hebrew languages that change the meaning of the expression when they are translated literally. In the first century, after the crucifixion, many were waiting for Jesus’ return at the end of that century. Simon Peter, considered by many to be the prince of the apostles, clearly knew the meaning of that expression. This is how he explained to those who believed Jesus was returning at the end of the first century:
“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
2 Peter 3:8
When Jesus warned His disciples about the arrival of false Christs and prophets, He gave a glimpse that His return was to be in spirit, which the following verse clears up even further:
Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
Matthew 24:23
According to this, we could be sure that the presence of Christ on Earth, at the end of times, was
not be expected as physical or material, but rather as spiritual, subtle, sublime.
Following is a description of the period that anticipated the opening of the Third Era and therein the Sixth Seal. From now on we will give you some references that were taken from the Encarta Encyclopedia by Grolier, which could be easily searched by anybody.
The black plague devastated Europe in the 16th century and killed millions of people. In America, millions of Indians died from various contagious illnesses: syphilis, tuberculosis, etc., which were caught from the Spanish conquistadors. The Bubonic Plague also took millions of victims in Asia, in Asia, Africa and parts of Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries.
Great famines during the 17th century devastated Europe, Asia and Africa;India lost more than 10 million of its people in 1769. Between 1845 and 1850 took place in Ireland what is known as The Great Potato Famine killing almost 2,000,000 people and in 1866, more than 1,500,000 people died in Ovissa!
Terrible earthquakes have devastated many nations and areas of the world. Iran, Turkey, Greece, Argel, Japan and South America have suffered repeatedly massive destructions caused by these quakes. Lisbon was destroyed in 1755 by an earthquake that killed 60,000 people; Voltaire narrates this in his novel “Candida”. In 1812, the New Madrid earthquake altered the Mississippi River’s course.
War Rumors
It could be said, that after knowing the magnitude of destruction that humanity reached during the two World Wars, that the constant wars that spread all over the world since the invention of the fire arms in the 15th century were really rumors of genocidal wars that would come later. The 30 Year War, the 100 Year War, the Great War of Northern Europe, The Crimean War, the War of the Seven Weeks, the Civil War of the Ottoman Empire, the US Civil War and many more give funereal testimony of this.
Nation Against Nation
Experts say that the Russian invasion by Napoleon in 1812 started a new way to begin a war, not only because of religious motives between the small cities-state, but also because of secular economical and political motives among the great nations. The Franco-Prussian War, the Russian-Japanese war and several more; all of them were the prelude of a new era for humanity and ended at the First World War. A conflagration of such magnitude that humanity had never witnessed, but that was easily surpassed by the horrors of the World War II.
Signs for the opening of the Third Era and with it, the Sixth Seal.
There are several prophecies that describe this Third Era, prophecies that have come to pass in such a way that can be corroborated by anyone. Joel’s prophecy is particularly specific:
And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my spirit upon all
flesh; and your sons and your daughters
shall prophesy, your old men shall
dream dreams, your young men
shall see visions:
And also upon the servants
and upon the handmaids
in those days will I
pour out my spirit.
And I will show wonders in the heavens
and in the earth, blood, and fire,
and pillars of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
and the moon into blood,
before the great and the terrible day
of the Lord come.
2 Joel 2:28-31
Today, it no longer surprises anyone to learn of the multiplicity of visions and prophetic dreams that many people from any social condition, nationality, race and age, experience every day of the year.
This has provoked the creation of the new science of parapsychology, which tries to study these spiritual manifestations, which are so vast, that they are already seen like something natural, but at the same time they don’t stop being extraordinary events in humanity’s history.
But, what about the signs in the skies and on earth? Did they come to pass? When and where? Let’s see.
Prodigies in the Skies
1858, Comet Donati. The triple tail of this phenomenon covered 50 degrees of arc in the sky. It is calculated that this corresponded to lineal figure of 70 million kilometers!
August 1862. The first of two meteor showers (Perseids) observed from practically everywhere in the world; scientists explain now that they are a residue of Comet 1866 III and flared up when entering the earth’s atmosphere.
November 1862. The second – and notable- meteor shower, this one belonging to the luminous residue of Comet 1866 I.
1882, the appearance of a comet close to the sun, its brightness so unusual that it provoked wonderment and terror in many countries.
Prodigies on Earth
This portion of the prophecy could have a different interpretation from the natural phenomena when we realize the great and surprising advance of science and human technologies. The list of inventions and scientific discoveries since the 19th century is long, and we will only mention some of the more relevant.
1802. Fulton invents the boat with steam power.
1837. Morse invents the telegraph.
1839. Daguerre invents the first photographic camera.
1840. Cayley, considered by many the father of aviation, invents the first flying machines for passenger transportation.
1858. Marsh and Marsh invent the harvester.
1866. Tilston Bright installs the first transatlantic cable between the U.S. and England.
1866. Nobel invents dynamite.
1868. Glidden and Latham invent the automatic typewriter.
1876. Graham Bell invents the telephone. (It is also attributed to Elmo).
1877. Edison invents the phonograph.
1877. Berliner invents the microphone.
The sun in darkness and the moon in blood
1883. The explosion of the Krakatoa, the volcano between Java and Sumatra, is perhaps the most impressive material sign of all the ones that announced the arrival of a new era and the fulfilling of the prophecies of Joel and John in the Apocalypse. The night of August 27, 1883; the most violent volcanic eruption that is recorded in history took place, it destroyed the island where it stood and the consequences of such a disaster were felt all over the world; the gas cloud, dust and vapor were projected 27 kilometers into the sky, and the ocean waves or tsunamis provoked by the phenomenon reached more than 15 meters in height, reaching as far as 12,000 kilometers and killing thousands of people in the coasts of Java and Sumatra. The sound from the explosion is considered the greatest one in history and was heard in Australia and in the US Pacific Coast. The dense dust cloud emitted by the volcano, very much in the likeness of a 200 million tons nuclear blast, covered the sun light for over a day and after that, the moon looked like if it was painted red, very much like the color of blood. During the following three or four days, observers from all over the world reported bright strange colorations during sunrise and sunset due to the solar light refraction in the suspended particles of the dust cloud product of the explosion.
Daniel’s prophecies explained – Book of Daniel
The Endtime Key of Knowledge
to look at some basic things:
1 day = 1 year
1 week of years = 7 years
1 threescore = 420 years (60 x 7)
1 Time = 700 years (100x 7)
In the following chart you will see in the first column the exact words taken from the Bible, separated in rows by its relevance, followed in the second column by its analysis and on the third one you’ll find, marked in red and underlined, the historic date to start the count from followed by the explanation and the year in which every sign took place.
Biblical Text | Analysis | Year |
“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.” “ Daniel 9:24 “And after |
What we should take as a beginning to the correct analysis is to understand, that in Daniel’s view, those weeks represented years, so the 70 weeks of Daniel represent 490 years -70 times 7 years- that ended with the death of Jesus the Christ: The outline of these 490 years is what follows.
This prophecy of the Messiah relates to both comings The dispersed Jews became a people There were not one but two returns from Now the years of this Artaxerxes was in |
457 B.C. If we extract this number to 490 (490-457=33) So, here we see that the 70 weeks of Daniel were completed with the death by crucifixion of Jesus around the year 33 A.D. |
“Know also and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to cause to return and to build Jerusalem, unto the Messiah, the Prince, shall be seven weeks.” Daniel 9:25 | This means that we should count 49 years from the order to rebuild Jerusalem, and that would be the year the King or Prince will be born on. The former part of the Prophecy relates to the first coming of Christ -The Messiah (annointed in Hebrew)-, being dated to his coming as a Prophet; this being dated to his coming to be Prince or King, is related to His Second Coming. There, the Prophet was consummated, and the most holy anointed: here, he that was anointed comes to be Prince and to reign. Because Daniel’s Prophecies extents up to the end of the world; and there is scarce a Prophecy in the Old Testament concerning Christ, which does not in one way or another relate to His Second Coming |
51 B.C Now if we extract 49 from this number (51-49) equals 2 B.C. this is the exact year when Jesus the Christ was born. Please read When was Jesus born? |
Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times” Daniel 9:25 | Now we shall count from the date Nehemiah came to Jerusalem in the 20th year of this same Artaxerxes, while Ezra still continued there, Neh. 12:3,6, and found the city lying waste, and the houses and wall unbuilt, Neh. 2:17; 7:4, and finished the wall the 25th day of the month Elul, Neh. 6:15, in the 8th year of the King, that is, in September in the year (437 – 436 BC). Count now from this year threescore and two weeks of years, that is 434 years, and the reckoning will end in September. If we check this date with the last prophecy we can see that Jesus the Christ was born in September of the year 2 B.C. It is a known fact that the Gregoryan calendar that we use everyday, starts its count from the year of the alleged birthdate of Jesus which was decided by the Roman Church without any factual sustantiation at all. And even the day of birth was decided to make it coincide with the Roman festivities at the last week of every year. Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus states differently and very clearly: “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night” Luke 2:8. In other words, surely it was not Winter season (the shepherds were out at night). |
436 B.C. Lets count from these year threescore and two weeks 420+14=434 (436-434=2 B.C.) |
“Yet shall he confirm the covenant with many for one week.” Daniel 9.27 |
Did Jesus confirm His covenant of love and mercy with Daniel’s people for 7 years? There was a 7 year period between the death of Christ and the time the Gospel was sent out to the Gentiles at the calling of Cornelius. This is the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy. | 5 A.D. The most probable year of Cornelius calling. Shortly after that, Saulus will start his work all through the Ancient world (“confirm the covenant with many”), spreading the teachings of Christ. |
“And in half a week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease” Daniel 9.27 | Which sacrifice and oblation will the Messiah cause to cease? Those of the traditions and rituals carried on in Jerusalem’s Second Temple. And the ceasing of all rights, when, by the war of the Romans upon the Jews the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed, which war, after some commotions, began in the 13th year of Nero, A.D. 67, in the Spring when Vespasian with an army invaded them; and ended in the second year of Vespasian, A.D.70 in autumn, September 7, when Titus took the city, having burnt the Temple 27 days before; so that it lasted three years and an half! Daniel’s prophecy mentions a 3 1/2 year period (the half week of years) after which Temple sacrifices would cease. |
67 A.D If we add to this year 1/2 week(67+31/2=701/2) then we have: September 7th 70 A.D. Year of the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem and the beginning of the Diaspora, the exile of Israel that ended in May 1948.
“How long shall it be to the end of these wonders…it shall be for a time, times and a half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these shall be finished” Daniel 12:6,7 “But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not (let him that readeth understand) then let them that be in Judea flee to the mountains…for in those days shall be affliction such as was not from the beginning of the Creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be…but in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that in heaven shall be shaken. Ant then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory…verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done”. Mark 13:14,19,24,25,26,30, Matthew 24:30, 31,34 |
Following Daniel’s count in which he used the figure of “week of years”, we can assume that “time” is a week of centuries; therefore, one time equals seven centuries and so forth. This is the time to be counted starting from the beginning of the prophecy, which was in the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia (556 BC), until humanity reaches the end of times. The span of time that Daniel’s prophecy covers, includes the signs of the opening of the Sixth Seal and with it, of the Third Era, as explained by Jesus the Christ. Please read The Prophecies Fulfilled for further information on this subject. |
556 BC If we extract time, times and and a half to 556 (700+1400+350=2450) then we have: 2450-556= 1894 that aligns with the stage of the communications of the Holy Spirit in Mexico, at the dawning of the Third Era. See The Advent |
“Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build JERUSALEM unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks…” Daniel 9:25
"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars…..And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth near."Luke 21:25 & 28) |
Now in this verse notice the clue about Jerusalem. Biblecast scholars missed that before and used the wrong date.
But why is it wrong? Because Israel’s capital was not Jerusalem but until two years later. Amazingly, the resulting date is the same as when the world wide diffusion of The Third Testament started on 1444000.net, aligning with an outstanding sign in the stars |
May 14, 1948 The proclamation of a Jewish state in Palestine. January 23rd 1950 The proclamation of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the Seat of the Knesset January 23rd 1999 |
The Signs in ths Stars: What happened on January 23rd 1999?
On January 23, 1999, exactly 49 years after the proclamation of Jerusalem as the capital of the restaured Israel, astronomers discovered a big flash brighter than all of the rest of the Universe put together. Scientists recorded the biggest explosion ever to occur in the heavens in what is known as a Gamma Ray Burst. This burst lasted approximately 40 seconds, yet it turned out to be the brightest object ever detected.
It was a burst of energy equal to “BILLIONS OF YEARS OF LIGHT FROM THOUSANDS OF SUNS.”
Known as GRB 990123, it released 10,000 times more energy than the Sun could emit over a 5 billion year period or 10 to the power of 47 joules – a million billion billion billion times as great as that released at Hiroshima by the atomic bomb. The fact that it also coincides with the 49 year period of Daniel’s prophecy is beyond the realm of mere chance.
If you wish, you can check the data in these science websites:
Why, then, this important sign hasn’t been noticed by the great religions and the powerful spiritual leaders of mankind?
Because, as the Scripture warns, God’s word is to those who have ears to listen, and signs in the stars are telling us the time of redemption has come. Amazingly, this Gamma Ray Burst occurred in the Constellation of Bootes (which in Greek Mythology is pictured as a man walking rapidly) with a spear in his right hand and a sickle in his left hand. The Greeks called him Bo-o-tes, which is from the Hebrew root BO (to come), meaning ‘The Coming’. The recent Gamma Ray Burst took place right at the Tip of the Spear in the hand of Bootes, the Coming Judge. The heavens metaphorically have declared that Judgement Day is here.
And what should we understand as Judgement Day?
Well, let’s take a look on the words of our Heavenly Father as written in The Third Testament:
“16. This is the great day and it is not composed of twenty-four hours, because the day of judgement you do not know how long it will be prolonged; you do not know when it will terminate, but you are truly in the culmination of these times, and you are living under the judgement of the Lord.” From Teaching 366.
Furthermore, here is the main event that marked us the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy: In January 23rd of 1999, it begun the global diffusion of the Third Testament, as a spiritual burst of divine light, thru the 144000.net website, beeing the mere existence of the Internet a wonderful sign by itself. Are we sure? Just read the following:
“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the the words, and seal the book to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased“.
“Running to and fro” Email? Air travel between countries in one and the other end of the world?
“Knowledge Shall be Increased” The spectacular advance of techonology? The Internet?
Page compiled by the Little Worker from different inspired sources
Spirituality will bring the awakening to the dormant gifts or faculties and the sensitivity to all the fibers of the heart.
Spirituality means harmony of the spirit and the flesh. It is the level of elevation which permits man to conceive ideas far beyond what his mind foresees, and have power over the material.
Spirituality means development of all the faculties of man, those which correspond to his human part, as well as those which vibrate far beyond the senses of the body and which are the powers, attributes, faculties, and senses of the spirit.
Spirituality is the just and good application of all the gifts that man possesses.
Spirituality is harmony with everything that surrounds you. It is the knowledge of eternal life and, if you manage to harmonize with Creation, you will have found one more form of spirituality, for you would be living with My Laws.
You will recognize that you are not only substance but also essense, because you will learn that when the life of man terminates, it is not the end of the pathway for the spirit.
Spirituality means freedom of the spirit which will allow you to feel a great love for God. A man spiritually prepared by My doctrine will be able to realize superhuman deeds, and from his spirit and from his body will emanate light, power and strength which will permit him to realize that the human intellect alone is unable to carry out. Moreover, it is elevation of thought, purity of deeds and of words, an elevated and generous life.
In spirituality there is no room for fanatism, prejudice or superstition. When you suceed in practicing it, then you will understand the importance of life. You will contemplate its beauty, and you will discover its wisdom. Then you will surely realize why I have called it life. Therefore, you shall be in the condition to comprehend that in its spirit the Kingdom of God exists.
Spirituality is elevation of the sentiments, purity in life, faith, love for others, charity, humility before God and a profound respect for all the spiritual gifts received. And, in order to begin the luminous journey of spirituality, you do not need symbols, only light, faith, will, power and love. If you have love, you will reach great heights; if you have faith in Me, you will not stumble during your life time. The faculties of healing, speech and persuasion, which are within you, will be developed, and all shall be toward the progress of the spirit.
How can you obtain spirituality? By praying from spirit to Spirit; by striving to be just in all your actions; by practicing charity with your brethren. When you live in that manner, the spirit is free, and he will guide the steps of man, illuminated by the light of his conscience.
Spirituality will guide man toward perfection, and when he has obtained it, he will no longer say: Father, give me sustenance, give me intelligence, give me material riches.
The spirituality, which is My own Kingdom, approaches with long footsteps like those winds that come from the north, razing everything, shaking all the trees, agitating all the forests, knocking at the doors and lashing at the faces of all beings; likewise spiritualism comes, like a strong wind of light and love, a wind that drags and razes it all, and it will come to establish itself in the heart of man, in the heart of all the institutions, in the bosom of all nations and of all the human races. It is My Kingdom, the reign of the Holy Spirit, reign of spiritual elevation, of peace and love.
Spirituality and Science
Am I by any chance the enemy of science? Am I an obstacle for the progress and evolution of My children? He who believes this, has not known how to interpret My word. He has not comprehended the Father in his truth, because any gift or faculty that is found within man must have a development, because evolution is a universal law.
Men still have not as yet fulfilled on Earth their greatest deeds; those which would give My heart of a Father, a Divine satisfaction. Many of his marvelous deeds, within human life, still result insignificant, if their authors were to judge them with My laws of love. There you have the reason why many men of science do not wish to peer into the spiritual, because they know that there exists the presence of the One who knows all; of the One who sees and judges all. They prefer to deny My existence, believing that by doing that, they will silence the voice of their conscience.
Do not believe that I judge My children wrongly for wanting, in fact, to know the mysteries of Nature. No, My wisdom is a Divine heritage that I have for My children; but I do judge their objective, or the intention of the men of science, when it is not directed toward the purpose for which it was revealed.
If I say to you, that My wisdom will be yours, do you believe that only one existence would be sufficient to learn all that I have to reveal to you? If I say that you could not acquire the human science without traveling the extensive road of evolution, much less will you be able to acquire the knowledge of the spiritual without a complete evolution of your spirit.
I do not come to put into conflict spirituality with science, because that error has been by men, but never mine. On the contrary, I come to teach you to harmonize the spiritual with the material; the human with the Divine; what is temporary with the eternal. However, I declare to you that in order to travel through the roads of life, it is necessary to know beforehand, the path outlined by your conscience whose spiritual law comes from the Divine Spirit.
Men who study God do not agree. Who holds the truth? Men of the sciences contradict themselves. Who is right? Religion and science have always been in conflict, without men understanding that the spiritual and material live in perfect harmony and with it they create the true work of the Creator.
How many anathemas have religions cast upon science and how many times has science denied religion the existence of the spiritual life! Religion bases its attacks on the evil brought upon mankind by science, and science use as a weapon the fanaticism and superstitions that the ministers of the religions have instilled in mankind. Truly I say to you that in some there is the need of knowing the truth of what nature encompasses, and for others to justly interpret My law.
If scientists who move and transform your world were inspired by love and goodness, they would have already discovered all the knowledge I have reserved for science during this Era and not that minimal part for which they have greatly become so vain.
The true wise man is not the one who stays awake trying to discover the best way to destroy, to dominate and to annihilate but he who elevates himself to create, to harmonize the life of human beings, inspiring himself in the love towards the God of all creation and in the love for all creatures.
Men that believe to be wise seek the cause of all that exists and occurs, and hope to demonstrate with their science that there is no principle or truth outside of Nature. But I contemplate them as small, weak and ignorant. Then, where are the true wise men?
As time passes, men tend to love the terrestrial more because their science and their discoveries make them feel in a kingdom of their own, a world created by them. They have extended their dominions. There are no longer continents, lands nor oceans unexplored. They have devised ways on land, the sea and the sky, and not satisfied with what they possess on their planet as a birthright, they probe and scrutinize the sky in search of greater domains and declare they have found the truth.
I say to you that no one knows the absolute truth, since that part that has been revealed to man, he has not been able to grasp it all within his mind. Many marvelous things have been discovered and created by science, but man has not done it all because I placed in him the elements of life.
In this way you will understand that man is not the creator of life nor the elements, and that he simply transforms and uses what is already created. Creation is God himself and the time will come when men who ignore the bond that exist between the Creator and man, will understand that all that man does he takes from the Divine power.
Why have you forsaken Me and have attempted to compare your power with Mine? I say to you that when a wise man creates a being similar to you and provides him with a spirit and a conscience, I will place my scepter on his hand. Can man with all his science create something that I have done? Human science has its limits and God has not Science is light but in the hands of many men it turns into darkness.
If you have heard that I condemn the work of scientists; that I caution science, this is because that source of life has not been used for the good and progress of mankind but have placed it in the service of evil and destruction.
I bless the desire for knowledge and am infinitely gratified for their ambition to become great and strong wise me~ But what my justice does not approve is the vanity with which many times you base your ambitions and the egotistical objetives that are sought occsionally.
What do you want Me to say concerning the wise men of today, of those who provoke nature and challenge the forces and the elements? You have familiarized yourself in such a manner with evil that you call those who build the new lethal weapons great, because they can destroy millions of beings in an instant. And you even call them wise men. Where is your faculty of reasoning?
The men of this Era become amazed when they discover that their world is older than what it was thought to be by the first scientists. Question the wise men and if they are sincere, they will say that they have asked God for inspiration. And I would give them more if they would ask Me with the love towards their brethren and less vanity towards themselves.
How much shade and how much fruit has the tree of life and of science given to man! Then, why is it that now that in the world exists an evolved Humanity, it seems blind, provoking the same elements which have given it life and is shaking the tree which has never denied it the fruit of wisdom?
I will tell you why: It is because man has ceased to pray, and on ceasing to pray he has forgotten all that corresponds to the life of the spirit. Once dedicated to the life on Earth, his greatest ideal, his greatest ambition, has been to be powerful, wealthy, wise, absolute lord, and all this has dragged him towards the abyss, because he has gone in pursuit of a transitory glory.
What do you want Me to say to you about your wise men of today, those who provoke Nature and defy the forces and the elements, making Good appear as though it is bad? They will suffer great pain for cutting and eating a green fruit from the tree of science, a fruit which could only have ripened with love.
I truly say to you, that after this Era of materialistic, egotistical, and perverse science, a time will come when the men of science will know how to penetrate into the arcanums of Nature, spiritually prepared with prayer, enveloped in humility and respect, inspired in ideas and noble, elevated, human intentions.
The Stone Age is already long gone. The era of science will pass on, and then the era of the Spirit will come to flourish among men.
Glory – The perfection of the spirit
Eliminate the wrong interpretations you have been taught concerning scriptures of past times. Those erroneous interpretations have been like a thick veil preventing you from perceiving the truth.
The glory of the spirit, with all its happiness, is in the perfection of the spirit.
Glory it is not a specific place. It is when the spirit comes to the end of his evolution. It is necessary for you to comprehend why those who doubt the existence of the spirit proclaim, “I will die”, believing that death represents the end. But those who believe in eternal life will proclaim, “I will live eternally”.
Your ideas are incorrect about the meaning of life on the earth, the spirit, and the spiritual valley. Many believe that if one has certain virtues or repents for his sins before he dies, he will have assured glory for his spirit.
This false belief does not permit man to persevere in the fulfillment of my law throughout his life. When he leaves earth and enters the spiritual mansion, his spirit reaches a site that does not have the wonders that he had imagined, nor does he feel the supreme happiness he thought he deserved.
It is necessary to clarify these mysteries to humanity so that it can understand that the material life offers man the opportunity to achieve merits for his spirit, merits that will help his spirit to elevate until he is worthy of inhabiting a mansion that is spiritually superior. But once he reaches this state, he will need to continue to achieve merits so that he does not become stationary. The spirit will continue to ascend step by step because in the Father´s house there are many mansions.
True merit is of the one who having everything in the world, would at any instant promptly renounce his possessions and comforts, because then he would be demonstrating his spiritual elevation and testifying that Heaven or Glory is not a specific place created by the imagination of men through the eras and ages, but rather a state of the spirit who could live, experience, and enjoy from their human existence, a condition that will be more pure and perfect as the spirit continues ascending along the ladder that leads him to the summit of the spiritual life.
These merits can be achieved only through love, as taught by the Eternal Law of the Father. And thus, your spirit will go step by step on the ladder of perfection, knowing the path that leads to true glory is the perfection of the spirit.
Heaven is not a predetermined place in the Universe. My Glory is everywhere; in the spiritual and in the material. Do you not say that God is in Heaven, on Earth, and in every place? Then understand what you say so that you will know that where God is, His Glory has to be there.
Who is God?
Who is God, where is he? Man has always struggled to reach an understanding of the truth.
In the beginning he attributed everything to Nature, but later on, by observing and meditating, he began thinking that it was not possible that so many marvels and perfect works could surge from nothingness; that there had to exist a creative force, an intelligence and a superior power. Within that belief the faith of men was assured, who at the same time created worships and rituals to venerate the One from who all creatures emerged.
New questions surged from the human heart: Who is God? What is He like? Does He really exist or not? These and other questions were asked among men regarding My existence and My essence, though I have always responded to every call and every question.
I am all that you still cannot understand in all its fullness, for you still dwell in the flesh, and possesing in it a limited mind, you analyze Me in accordance with your materialism. Cease to study Me outside the path which My Law points out, because that would only be misleading you from the pathway.
God has no form, for if He had, He would be a limited being, as the human being is; then He could not be God.
There is no form in My spirit, just as there is no form in intelligence, love or wisdom.
Do not try to seek Me with the poor and limited knowledge you posses at this time, for with it you will confuse yourselves.
Why is that being within you, you are unable to feel Me far beyond all that is material? But truly I say to you, that I am in everything and everywhere. Why should you always search for Me outside of you, when I am also within your own self?
There are some who say that God does not exist and others, while confessing in believing in His existence, show no interest. And one or the other ignoring they carry Him within do not know they cannot live without Him.
When your intelligence leads you to the beginning of life and there you get to discover how creatures are born and transformed, you will marvel while understanding the explanation of so many of my teachings. You will then discover that God manifested in everything, from the imperceptible beings within your gaze, up to the worlds and major stars.
Search for My presence within the works I have carried out, and you will find me at every step. Strive to hear Me, and you will hear me in that powerful voice which emerges from everything created, because I find no difficulty in manifesting Myself through the beings of creation. In much the same way that I manifest myself in a star, in the fury of a storm, I can do it in the gentle light of daybreak. And in the same manner that I allow My voice to be heard through a melodious trill of a bird, I can express it through the fragance of flowers. And each expression of Mine, each phrase, each of My works, speaks to you of love, of a fulfillment toward the laws of justice, of wisdom, of eternity in the spirit.
Men have always lost their balance of justice and truth. They had touched the extremes.
During past times you worshipped God in all material forms placed before your eyes; in the stars, in the elements and the idols made by your own hands. Today man feels greatness; he exhalts his personality, and he feels ashamed to speak of God, calling Him by other names, in order not to jeopardize his arrogance, so as not to descend from the pedestal of his position. That is why they call Me: Cosmic Intelligence, Arquitect of the Universe; however, I have taught you to call Me: Our Father! just as I taught you during the Second Time. Why, after calling Me Father, men believe to lower themselves or lessen their personality?
Nobody should be ashamed to call God, the Creator, “Father”, because that is His real name.
Some say: God is in heaven; others: God dwells in the Beyond; but they know not what they say, nor do they know in what to believe. Certainly I dwell in the Heavens of light, of power, of love, of wisdom, of justice, of happiness and perfection.
I am the Beyond, yes; but beyond human sin, beyond materialism, arrogance and ignorance. For that reason I say that I come to you, because I come toward your smallness, for I speak to you in a way that your senses are able to feel Me and your mind understands Me; not because I come from other worlds or mansions, for My Spirit dwells everywhere.
I am all Spirit, and I am present in all My works. If you look for me in everything that surrounds you on Earth, in the air, in space, in the light, there you will see Me. If you seek My presence in the most insignificant creature, in the leaf of the tree that moves by the breeze, or in the fragance of a flower, there you will find Me. You will discover there and everywhere a trace of love in which the Creator demonstrates all His works.
Spiritual Solitude
I wish that those not understood by humanity should feel understood by me.
Why do I see you walking with your head lowered like failures? Are you tired of this life? Then rest for a second and tell me about your anxieties. Come to Me, always when you are distressed by your griefs, whenever you need someone to trust, a gentle friend, look for me and I will advise you on the best path. When pain overwhelms you and the grief of life annihilates your senses, do not doubt about Me.
For those who suffer and cry, for those who call themselves disinherited, for those who say that their star does not shine and for those who mourn for having come to this life to cry, I say: Why do you fall on to the abyss of dispair and mistrust?
Do not feel defeated, do not confess yourself as failures. You all need a word of encouragement to comfort you, if you call yourselves misunderstood I say to you that I know everything that happens within you and I will give you the solution that you are seeking for, I come as a father so that those who have lacked love, affection and tenderness on earth can find warmth in Me. I come as a doctor so you can deposit in me your pain, anxieties and all the hidden suffering that have weakened your spirit and body, I come as a friend so you can trust in Me your deepest secrets, struggles and wishes.
Everyone bears a wound in the heart. Who but I is able to penetrate within you?
I know of your bitterness, your sadness, and discouragement, and of so much injustice and ungratefulness that exists in your world. I know of the weariness of those who have lived and struggled greatly on Earth, and whose existence for them is a heavy burden. I know of the emptiness of those who are becoming lonely in this life.
I say to all: Ask and you shall receive. That is why I have come to give you in accordance to what you need from Me, be it company, tranquility, missions, or light.
I come as a father, never indifferent to your sufferings and always indulgent and merciful before your imperfections. Also to the lonely and misunderstood man, as well as the man converted into a slave of passions and vices, and to the abandoned woman or the maiden fearful of facing life. The same to the father or mother who present Me their problems and to the orphan who has not protection in the world. I listen to all of them and I touch their heart with the fine chisel of my word.
Let yourselves be covered with my word, so that you can forget sorrow, mourning, misery and tears and cease being the pariahs of the world. Sick and sad men in need of spiritual love, you will see how the serenity of the spirit will pacify the turbulent sea of your passions.
Men and women, who have wept greatly in life, this lesson is dedicated to you. Meditate profoundly on it, and you will see what sweet consolation penetrates into your heart. A tiny light will kindle within your innermost being and a sensibility, that you have never experienced before, will surprise your dormant fibers, allowing you to feel My Spiritual presence, be it in your sorrows as well as in your happiness and your moments of peace.
In my word you can find the honey to sweeten your existence and remove forever the bitterness that has been existed in all eras, the sad taste in your life.
The Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) and Armageddon explained.
The divine explanations of the mysteries contained in John’s Book of Revelation and the Seven Seals: Prophecy, Armageddon, Elijah the prophet, the spiritual meaning of the Scriptures, Jacob Ladder. the path of evolution and perfection of the spirit, the Sixth Seal in which we are living in.

The Mystery Unveiled
Prepare yourselves for you have been given the knowledge of the Seven Seals, and the doors of mystery have been opened so that you may contemplate the path of your salvation. Behold the word of God fulfilled, pronounced since remote times by His prophets.
Be it known that there is joy in the celestial mansions and that it is the Divine Master, the Sacrificed Lamb, whom John beheld in his revelation, who has opened the Sixth Seal with his most powerful and perfect hand, and with it, the Third and last of the eras.
PrefaceIn the beginning of time, I, as the Father, inspired in man the practice of righteousness. However, men departed from the Divine mandates, falling into idolatry and abominable acts before Me. The strong triumphed, the weak perished, and man took woman as a slave.
It was necessary to convey to Moses the Commandments of the Law on Mount Sinai. In that Law were also the norms and precepts by which the people of Israel should be guided, and in these they were told: “He who kills, will have the same sentence pronounced upon himself. He who steals will make restitution to his brother. He who causes harm shall pay an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
The Second Era came to pass, and I manifested Myself in Jesus to live among you, and in My word I said to you: “If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the left. Forgive your enemies.” And during the Third Era in which you live, I have come to say to you: If your father’s killer, being persecuted by human justice, were to knock at your door begging for help, what would you do? Protect him. In so doing, you would demonstrate that you have reached the spiritual evolution, which enables you to comply with the Divine mandates of your Heavenly Father who commands you to “love one another”; to “resurrect the spirits who have died to the life of grace, for every spirit will be saved.”
Today I come to speak to your spirit and to reveal to you the content of the Seven Seals, the book of your history, of prophecy, of revelation, and justice.
The Book that was sealed in the Heavens, has been opened in the Sixth Chapter; it is the Book of the Seven Seals (which men call Book of Revelation or Apocalypse), which contains wisdom and justice, and which was unsealed by My love for you, to reveal to you its profound lessons.
It is I who have come to tell you, that today you live in the period that pertains to the Sixth Seal.
Man has lived five stages on Earth, encouraged by the divine breath of the spirit, even though he has not understood the spiritual meaning of life, the objective of his existence, his destiny, and his essence. All was an inaccessible Arcanum, as much for his mind, as well as for his spirit. A sealed book, whose contents he was unable to interpret.
He vaguely perceived the spiritual life, but without truly knowing the ladder of ascension that draws all beings closer to God. He ignored his highest mission on Earth, and the virtues and gifts that form a part of his spirit, in order to triumph over the struggles, to rise above human miseries, and perfect himself spiritually to dwell in the eternal light.
The Spiritual History of Mankind
Today I come to speak to your spirit and to reveal to you the content of the Seven Seals, the book of your history, of prophecy, of revelation, and justice.
Your spirit has written his history and his journey in the book of the Seven Seals. There, noted down by Me, are all your actions, each one of your footsteps, thoughts, and words.
The great deeds of your spirit, the great vicissitudes and journeys, his great trials, his chalice of bitterness, all is written there in truth.
That “book of the seven seals” is the anticipated history of the existence of Humanity, because only God could write the history of men before they would live it; and that book being clothed in mystery, for its contents to be revealed to Mankind, only one hand could open it, a holy and pure hand, a perfect hand, and that was the one of the “Lamb”, the one of God Himself, the one you knew through his teaching and his sacrifice in the Second Era, a sublime sacrifice of love; it was the only one worthy of opening that book, because there was not on Earth, nor in heaven, nor in space, nor in any other world, a spirit that could be worthy of opening and revealing the book and its content to the spirits.Each one of the Seven Seals represents one of the seven stages of the spiritual path through which all the spirits must travel to reach their destination, which is God.
Your spirit will be learning what those seven steps are, which form part of the infinite number of steps of the ladder that Jacob contemplated in his dreams: the Ladder of Perfection of the spirits.
The ladder of spiritual perfection which leads the spirits into the bosom of God, has an infinite number of steps, but those seven are the most important ones, of major significance; those seven stages which the spirit must cross along his journey of struggle, of evolution, of trials and a crucible toward perfection. They are a reflection and very clear example of the human life of incarnated spirits.
Here, within your own planet, without regard to race or culture, all men are governed by periods of time of seven days, and in your human history you have also had a journey and a spiritual existence of seven stages, from the first which had the knowledge of the true God, the living God, God the Creator, to the end of time.
The “seven seals” are your life, they are your history, your struggles, your triumphs and falls, your sufferings and battles, and at the end, your redemption, filled with glory, filled with hymns, filled with spiritual feast at the right hand of your Lord, in His own bosom; but there have been confusions among My people, and after those confusions I have not found true preparation in My spokesmen so that I as Master, as the Holy Spirit, can remove them from you.
Your spirit has lived long, but your flesh does not know it. If your body has forgotten the first years of your infancy, how can it recognize the evolution of your spirit along the lengthy journey?
The symbolic signification of number seven
In all periods, in all eras, in all the ages of Humanity, there has always been the signification, the meaning of the Seven Seals, although in symbolic form.In the First Era, Israel experienced a great lesson in Egypt: during seven years this country enjoyed a great abundance, then was followed by seven lean years which had been announced by Joseph, son of Jacob.
In the far-advanced First Era, the people of Israel had seven great prophets.
When the Master was among you, He delivered the seven great parables of the Kingdom, and when He was hanging from the cross on which the incomprehension crucified Him, He bequeathed, as His last divine testament, the seven words.
Behold that always, from the First of the Eras to the last, the symbol of the Seven Seals has been present and latent in the spirit of Humanity.
When the eleven disciples were left without their Master, they extended, across the face of the Earth, the seed that He had entrusted to them: the seed of love, and they, along their journeys through Asia, founded seven churches, seven congregations that they visited, and when this was not possible, they ministered to them through doctrinal letters.
Those Seven Churches of Asia were also an image, a figure of the Seven Seals.
In that same period, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, permitted to reach an old age by divine will, was deported to an island and, in his loneliness, his spirit drew close to the Father.
Great was the spirituality that he attained and there, far away from the materialism of the world, he was able to hear the voices of the Arcanum and look into the Great Beyond.
John contemplated the One who is sitting on the Throne, holding in His Hand a great book sealed with Seven Seals.
In front of him also stood an angel, who spoke to him saying that neither in the Heavens nor on Earth was there a being worthy of untying those Seals or opening that book, and John, on hearing these words, cried with great distress.
But then he saw that a Lamb drew near, and was the one opening that book, untying its Seals from the first to the last.
That is the way John’s vision began and what you call the Apocalypse; it was he, the first one, who spoke to Mankind about the Seven Seals; the apostle, the prophet, the spirit of great elevation, the disciple of Jesus, the advanced disciple of the Holy Spirit. He wrote what he saw and heard, and what he saw and heard were symbols and figures.
The sealed book with the Seven Seals is the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and within it is found written the destiny of all the spirits, and the destiny of the people of God, Israel.
That book was closed, its content was a mystery; not even the great prophets, nor the theologians, nor the just of the first eras, knew the existence of that book, nor its name and much less its content.
Who, then, could open that book which is the wisdom of God Himself, and is the beginning and the end, the origin of all the spirits, and within which is written the lifetime of evolution, struggle, and perfection of all the spirits?
Who would have the spiritual capacity to open that book and show it as the light of the Universe?
Nobody, only God Himself, the sacrificed Lamb, Jesus the Messiah, in whom Christ incarnated in the Second Era. That is how He brought close to man the kingdom of the Heavens, so as to make them feel their Father more intimately, nearer and accessible. In this manner, God showed man that the love of the Father is before anything else; that the divine Spirit is the Universal Love, the same that governs and gives life to all things.
Man and mystery
The spiritual disciple should always seek the essence of My deeds, so that he may discover the truth in My Divine messages. You will then see how simple it is to find the meaning of all that which some enshroud in mystery, and others complicate with their theology.
Spirituality means simplicity. Why then complicate what is simple, clear, and translucent as the light?
He who truly knows, is humble of spirit. He is not proud with the knowledge of the Earth, aspiring only to know it all and denying all that he has not been able to understand. He who carries within him the light of the inspired knowledge, knows how to receive the revelations at the proper time, as well as being able to wait for them. Many have called themselves wisemen, and it has been a mystery to them that the sun shines day by day in broad daylight.
Many have believed to know it all, and truly I say to you, that the ant, which imperceptibly crosses their path, holds for them a very profound mystery.
Men may be able to investigate many of the marvels of Nature, but while they do not do it through the path of the Divine love, they will not attain the true wisdom; that which is contained in the immortal life of the spirit.
Men, come close to Me; you need not upset your mind trying to discover secrets and mysteries. You only need to open your heart with the key of faith.
Past, present and future
The time will come when the human heart and mind, purified and tested in spirituality, will be able to receive, through intuition, the voice of their own spirit, when they will know how to receive with clarity and purity all the revelations that the spirit will transmit to the flesh.
At this time you still cannot contemplate the past of your spirit through your human life; nevertheless, the Father comes to say to you: How very long has your journey been! How very much has your spirit struggled to hold himself up along the way! How very much has he been hurt by the thorns of life and how many stretches along your path have been marked by the blood of your footsteps!
It was necessary for the Divine book to be opened, for man to behold its contents, so that they would be able to save themselves from the darkness of ignorance, which is the origin of all the evils existing in the world. Who could open that Book? By chance would it be the theologian, the scientist, or the philosopher? No, no one; not even the just spirits could reveal to you its contents, because what the book contained, was the wisdom of God.
Only Christ, the Word, only He, the Divine Love, could do so. However, even then, it was necessary to wait for men to be fit to receive the Divine revelation, without becoming blind with the splendor of My spiritual presence.Humanity had to live five stages of trials, of lessons, of experience, and evolution, to reach the right development that would permit it to know the mysteries that the Arcanum of God held for Mankind.
This is the awaited era for the great revelation, the one through which you will understand all that I have manifested to you throughout the eras and for you to learn who your Father is, who you are, and what is the reason for your existence.
This period, whose dawn you admire in the infinite, is the sixth stage which begins in the spiritual life of Humanity; an era of light, of revelations, of fulfillment of ancient prophecies and forgotten promises.
It is the Sixth Seal, which on being unsealed, overflows its contents of wisdom upon your spirit, in a message filled with justice, of enlightenment, and of revelations.
For you it is the sixth stage; it is the Third Era, in which I have spoken closer to you as I did during that First Era, when I materialized in many forms, My presence and My word, as in the Second Era, in which I humanized My Word to speak to your heart.
Behold that the light of the Sixth Seal is illuminating your spirit. The book is opened, because from the First to the Sixth, the Seals have been uncovered. I am uniting those who will bear My mark, to entrust them with a very delicate mission. At the end of this phase, I shall receive those who have fulfilled it, and, to those who have disobeyed or altered My mandates, I will make very grave charges, and My word will deal with them severely.You shall see false communications attributed to Me, rumors of divine envoys who bring messages to the world, sects with the name of the Seven Seals, and many confusing and undefined sects.
All of that will be the product of the great spiritual confusion which Humanity has been preparing, but do not be alarmed; and you shall not succumb in the confusion, because My word in the moments of greater darkness, shall be the light that will make you contemplate My truth, transparent and everlasting.
Do not be confused, because before the conclusion of the now opened Sixth Seal, great happenings will occur. The heavenly bodies will give great signs; the nations of the Earth will bemoan, and three parts of this planet will disappear and only one shall be spared, in which the seed of the Holy Spirit will emerge like a new life. Humanity will begin a new existence, united in only one Doctrine, only one language, and one same bond of peace and fraternity.
The last part of the Book is still missing; the Seventh Chapter, which still remains sealed. When that seal is broken, you will receive the last lesson from Spirit to spirit.
The light of the Sixth Candlestand illuminates all men of this period, but the five previously untied Seals, already passed, also left behind their light in all spirits.
I come in spirit during this era. My light descends upon man like tongues of fire, so that they will be able to speak of My law in all languages.
I am bequeathing a new Book to humanity, a new Testament: My Word of the Third Era; the Divine voice which has spoken to man as the Sixth Seal is unfolded.
The 144,000 chosen ones
One hundred and forty-four thousand incarnated and discarnated spirits will open the way during this period. They will be forerunners, prophets, and messengers. They are the ones marked by Me to go before the multitudes.To these chosen ones has been revealed the name of the tribe to which they belonged during the First Era, so that they may realize that since then, they made a covenant with their God, and have followed the path of the Father long ago; but during this period all names of the tribes have disappeared, for it is not the Lord who sets boundaries to divide men.
Your presence before this manifestation has not been by chance. My voice summoned you along the pathways and guided you here. Now you know that you have come to recognize the mission that you have to fulfill on Earth. In My word you have learned what is your beginning and what is your ending. You have had the revelation that you are a part of the people who have received the manna of the spirit during three eras.
The Book of Life
When the Seventh Seal has been closed along with the other six, that book which has been the judgment of God over the deeds of men from the first to the last, shall remain closed.
Then God will open a book with blank pages to note therein the resurrection of the dead, the liberation of the oppressed, the regeneration of the sinners, and the triumph of good over evil.
The light of the Sixth Seal illuminates at this time, and all the incarnate and discarnate spirits, while some on Earth take this law for the progress and salvation of the spirit, others take it to penetrate into the mysteries of science to discover new material marvels; those are the profane and disobedient hands who even cut the fruits from the tree of science to poison the heart of humanity.
You are living in the Sixth Seal which humanity is journeying on Earth as an image of the path it must travel in eternity.
The EnvoysIn the first stage I was represented on Earth by Abel, Noah in the Second, in the third Jacob, Moses in the fourth, Jesus in the fifth, in the sixth, which is the present, Elijah, and in the seventh the Holy Spirit will reign.
What have you done with My envoys?
The first fell under the blow of his own brother, motivated by jealousy.
The second was mocked and rejected by the incredulous and idolatrous multitudes.
The third lived giving proof of My power, and in exchange, received the ingratitude even from his very own.
The fourth broke the tablets of the law, due to the little faith of his people, whom he loved so much.
The fifth, having had his coming announced, was not awaited for, nor believed, nor loved, and after delivering to the world, his message of love, received from mankind the most ignominious death that any prophet or envoy had ever received.
The sixth has come in spirit at this time; nevertheless, the cutting remarks of doubt, of indifference and scoff pursue him.
When the seventh Seal is unsealed and instead of an envoy, be the very spirit of the Eternal who illuminates mankind, who will attempt to injure Me or give me death?
The Opening of the Seventh Seal
After receiving your fruit, after showering you with blessings, I say to you: The spiritual cannot die, only sin will disappear. The passions will die, the arrogant powers of this Humanity will also fall, and of them, not a stone upon stone shall remain of them. The human science placed at the service of evil and extermination, will be destroyed by My justice.
I will also abolish your falsehood, your unpreparedness and disunion, and I shall only preserve your spirit, in whom I have deposited the light of the Sixth Seal, of that Chapter which has been opened in this period, and in which it was written that within it you would find the great day of divine judgement of the Lord.
This is the great day and it is not composed of twenty-four hours, because the day of judgement you do not know how long it will be prolonged; you do not know when it will terminate, but you are truly in the culmination of these times, and you are living under the judgement of the Lord.
What signs shall I give you so that you can recognize, worldwide, that the Seventh Seal shall open for man? When a great silence has been made in the Universe, that shall be My sign.
And how will that silence be, oh My people, with which you can testify, before the astonished Humanity, that it is the end of a stage and beginning of another?
When the wars have ceased for a moment, when the elements have calmed down, when the persecution of My Laws and My Doctrine has stopped. Then, there shall be like a great silence among Humanity and that silence will be the announcement that the Seventh Seal is opening to reveal to Mankind its mysteries. That is the last part of the Book that will be made known to you; that your spirit will possess so that he can know the Father and learn about himself.
SYNOPSIS: The Third Testament and The Mystery Unveiled. The Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) and Armageddon explained. Seven Seals contain the most meaningful stages of human history, its knowledge clarifies the mystery that have surrounded them since John delivered his prophecy contained in The Book of Revelation. In that book, also known with its Greek name, Apolcaypse, the prophet foresaw events linked to the spiritual development of humankind leading to perfection (as symbolized in the vision of Jacob’s Ladder), but not before passing thru sour stages of catastrophe and destruction of what we call modern civilization (World War III) and Jugdment Day symbolized in Armageddon.