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Prodigies of Israel

This entry it's part of the The Spiritual Gifts Within series. Part [part not set] of 7

The Prodigies of the Children of Israel

During past times, there were periods when the people of God knew how to spiritually interpret everything that occurred around them, because they were the people who lived within the Law, who loved Me, and who lived a simple and virtuous life. The fibers of their heart were still sensitive, as was their spirit.

Those people lived in continuous spiritual communication with their God. They heard the humanized voice of their Creator; they knew how to receive messages from the spiritual world; from those beings whom they called angels; and during their evening of repose, in the peacefulness of their heart, and through the gift of dreams, they received messages, warnings, and prophecies, to which they gave credit and obedience.

God was not only on their lips, but also dwelled in their heart. The Law for them was not merely something written, but it was lived by men. It was only natural that their existence was filled with miracles that you do not contemplate now.

When I speak of My people of Israel, of the people of the Lord, I refer to those who made My Law known; to those who announced Me; to those who were faithful to Me; to those who proclaimed the existence of the living God; to those who perpetuated the seed of love, and to those who were able to recognize in the Son, the presence and the word of the Father.

Those are the ones who form the people of God, that is Israel; the strong one, the faithful, the prudent one.

Those who persecuted My prophets, those who lacerated the heart of My envoys, those who turned their backs on the true God, to bow before the idols; those who denied Me and mocked Me and demanded My blood and My life, those, though they call themselves Israel because of their race, were not the chosen people; they were not the people of the prophets, of the legion of illuminated ones, of the faithful soldiers.

Because Israel is a spiritual name that was unduly taken to denominate a race.

You should also know, that all those who aspire to form part of My people, can achieve it with his love, his charity, with his zeal and fidelity to the Law.

My people do not have lands nor specific cities in the world. My people have no race, but rather, is within all races, among all of Humanity.

Those are My people; the one who recognizes Me and loves Me; the one who obeys Me and follows Me.

Spiritual Ignorance

A great spiritual ignorance envelops Mankind. They are unaware of their destiny and of their responsibility on Earth, and that is why they have lost their way.

Man is ignorant of who he is, and for that reason, he is unaware of the wealth amassed within his spirit. He has confined himself to develop his human faculties, but has ignored those of the spirit due to his lack of interest in what is elevated and noble.

How could Humanity discover the powers that it carries within?

It has been necessary for Me to draw near your heart, to awaken you from your profound spiritual lethargy in which you were submerged, and remind you that you are not only flesh; that you are not small, and much less outcasts.

Upon hearing My word, you have said to Me, filled with joy: “Father, is it possible for so many gifts to exist within our being?” Then you have begun to comprehend something of what you are, and what you signify within the Universe.

The Doubt

Sometimes you have doubted about the gifts which I have said you are possessors of, and I say to you, that your doubt originates from the fact that you have not developed them and therefore, they have not become manifest in the manner you would wish.

It is true that there are cases in which, just with some faith, you may realize surprising deeds, but you should know that it was My love that granted you that miracle in order to encourage your faith, even though you are still not capable of carrying out that deed.

The development of the powers of the spirit is lengthy, so much so, that one physical body is not enough for him, nor is only one existence on Earth sufficient. However, My providence, which is in everything, is preparing new bodies for each spirit, where he will continue his development, aiding in his perfection, in order to reach the place destined for him.

Questions and Answers about the Third Testament

Q: I understand that there are only two testaments in the Bible, the Old and the New. Where did a Third Testament come from?

Q: In John’s Book of Revelation 22:18 says “If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book”. How do you explain this?

Q: When and where was The Third Testament delivered?

Q: In my religion nobody told me about any Third Testament. Why?

Q: Who wrote The Third Testament?

Q: Could we then expect also a fourth or fifth Testament?

Q: Where is it written that God would manifest Himself not two but three times?

Q: Couldn’t this be the work of Satan?

Q: We have heard of men alleging they are the Christ or saying they are envoys of God. Do they have something in common with The Third Testament?

Q: Why was The Third Testament delivered in Mexico? Why in Spanish? Would it not be more appropriate that God should have delivered His revelations in a more developed country?

Q: In recent times there has been a lot of speculation about “contactees”, persons that supposedly are receiving messages from superior beings, extraterrestrials, aliens or UFOS, etc. Is The Third Testament part of this frenzy? And what about the New Age movement? Is the Third Testament related with any of this in any way

Q: Does The Third Testament belong to any religion or sect?

Q: I am very interested in cooperating to the spreading of the teachings of The Third Testament. Can I freely distribute copies of the texts or should I request for prior authorization?

Q: I understand that there are only two testaments in the Bible, the Old and the New. Where did a Third Testament come from?

Certainly, the Bible, as we know it in the present time only contains two Testaments, the Old and the New, but just as it happened before the arrival of Jesus Christ -when there only existed what we now know as the Old Testament, the first of the legacy of the Lord- as the divine inspiration followed through Jesus himself and His apostles, the new revelations became the second legacy of the Lord , which we now know as the New Testament. If we keep in mind that God is eternal, eternal also is His word and in this time of tribulation, is only natural that more divine revelations were to reach us. And the source of The Third Testament is the same as the other two: God’s inspiration.

Q: In John’s Book of Revelation 22:18 says “If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book”. How do you explain this?

The Third Testament is NOT an addendum to the Book of Revelation. First, Revelation’s verse refers only to the Book of Revelation itself, not to the whole body of revelations known as The New Testament. Secondly, the divine teachings of The Third Testament are not men’s work, they come from God Himself. And third, if John’s warning were in reference to new revelations, how then the promise of Jesus in John 14:26 and 16:13 could be fulfilled?

Furthermore, in the very same Book of Revelation comes the prophecy of yet another book! Please read Revelation 20:12.

And last but not least, if you think that the Bible contains already all of the divine wisdom, please remember the words of our Lord Jesus: “I have yet many things, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth…and he will shew you things to come”. (John 16:12,13) This time, promised by our Lord is now. And the Spirit of Truth came in a whole fulfillment of the promises of Jesus.

Q: When and where was The Third Testament delivered?

From 1866 a new stage to humanity was opened, an era foreseen by John and known as The Book of Revelation or The Apocalypse; 1866 marked the prelude for the beginning of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit through the human understanding of many men and women -“spokesmen” they were called- and these manifestations took place between 1866 and 1950, in different parts of the Mexican Republic mainly, but also in other parts of the world as well.

Q: In my religion nobody told me about any Third Testament. Why?

Even at this very moment, when the Gospel has reached all the corners of our planet fulfilling the prophecy that Jesus Himself spoke, still there are many religions that do not accept that divine teaching. Furthermore, the Jewish people still refuse to accept the Gospels and the New Testament as a part of their bible. It is not unusual then, that a new revelation from God would not be accepted by the established religions, which in the past refused to see or accept evidence pertaining to ideas that sound strange to them and prefer to hold to their traditions and history, denying that such revelations could come from the Divinity.

Q: Who wrote The Third Testament?

If you look carefully to both the First (Old) and Second (New) Testament, you can clearly see that God uses whatever means necessary to deliver His divine teachings to man. For instance, in the OT you would find not only the books attributed to Moses but also those writings of the prophets, the psalms of David and the advice of Salomon, etc. The NT contains not only the words and acts of Jesus but includes also the teachings received by His disciples, and actually, the most quoted part of the NT is that of Paul, who was not even one of the Twelve chosen disciples of the Lord. And the Book of Revelation was written at the end of the first century, very far in time and distance from the events that took place in Palestine, when Jesus walked on the face of the earth. Likewise, The Third Testament was received over a long period of time by many persons of the most different social and cultural backgrounds.

Q: Could we then expect also a fourth or fifth Testament?

No. First, it was the time of the Father, then continued the time of the Son and now, we are living in the time of the Holy Spirit. Three different manifestations of the same God, in accordance with the evolution and development of the spirit of man.

Q: Where is it written that God would manifest Himself not two but three times?

It is a widely known fact that God teaches us through prophecies, parables and metaphors. It is this superior form of communication that He took to make us aware of all the things that were to happen in this Third Era of His manifestations as Holy Spirit and Spirit of Truth, which has become to be known as The Advent, or the Second Coming of the Lord. The following are brief excerpts of different parts of the Bible related to this.

  • Gen. 18:1-2 “And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mam’re…and, lo, three men stood by him…and bowed himself toward the ground”.. It is in this passage that the metaphoric figure of the Holy Trinity appears for the first time, because Abraham, whom is referred by God as His friend, sees the Lord in the figure of three men.

  • Ex. 19:11 “And be ready against the third day; for the third day the Lord will come in the sight of all the people…” This is the first of several similar allusions to the three eras of divine manifestations.

  • Luk. 20:12 “And again he send a third: and they wounded him…” The allusion to the three envoys is very clear, although no names are mentioned…even the prophecy that neither the third envoy would be believed is also very clear.

  • Mtw. 17:3-4 And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and E-li’as talking with him (Jesus)…” Another reference to the envoys of the three different eras and here it is very clear whom those are. Please note also the presence of Elijah, who was prophesized by Jesus Christ himself to return in the time of restoration.(Mtw. 17:11)

  • Jhn. 16:13 “How be it when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth…and he will show you things to come…” This is probably the most important prophecy regarding a new era of manifestations, anticipated by Jesus for the time of the end, which is this one in which we live in.

Q: Couldn’t this be the work of Satan?

Each and every time that a new manifestation of God descends unto men, they feel disturbed and historically, the priests of all eras have attributed those surprising manifestations to the forces of evil, because of their lack of understanding of them. Just as it happened to Moses before Him, Jesus was charged of being taken by demons as is narrated in the NT. And it is precisely Jesus Christ who answers that question that had arisen when a new manifestation of the Lord came: “And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” (Mtw. 12:26). God is God and all good flourishes from Him. And if a teaching talks us of good, then this teaching comes from God. Could good come from evil?

And yes, as the prophecies are fulfilled, those who follow this third manifestation of the Lord will be accused of being deceived by Satan, demons or whatever name man gives to the force of evil. This also was prophesized by the Master himself when he said: “If they have called the master of the house, Be-el’ze-bub, how much more shall they call them of his household?” (Mtw. 10:25)

Q: We have heard of men alleging they are the Christ or saying they are envoys of God. Do they have something in common with The Third Testament?

No. We must be very aware because of these dangerous claims not only can confuse many, but also could possibly cause that the true divine revelations to be mistakenly mixed together with this falsehood. Jesus warned us about this: “And many false prophets shall raise, and shall deceive many…Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not”.

The true manifestation of the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with this false messianism. Many scholars, priests and ministers wrongfully believe that they will see Jesus in the flesh walking again over the soil of the Earth. A simple reading of the mentioned verse would show that to be misguided. On the other hand, Jesus is very clear when He explains how we shall expect that manifestation to be: “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be…and then they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”. (Mtw. 24:27,30″.

The true meaning of this word could not be more precise: it is the lightning, not thunder, that symbolizes the light of above shining through the darkness, and the symbol that the new coming of the Lord was not to take place in the east, but in the west, through the spiritual communication of the Lord with the mind of man, which has the power to elevate to “the clouds of heaven” in order to be able to receive the divine inspiration.

Q: Why was The Third Testament delivered in Mexico? Why in Spanish? Would not it be more appropriate that God delivered His revelations in a more developed country?

It was prophesized since the beginning that in the end of time (this one) God would take other people as His rather than the Jewish people. Read the following: “…and I will say to them which were not my people, Thou art my people, and they shall say, Thou art my God” (Hos. 2:23/Rom. 9:25) and with remarkable forcefulness, God reveals through Isaiah: “I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name”. (Isa. 65:1) Reading and understanding this is easy to deduct that the Jewish people would be no longer the treasurer of God’s new revelations. And that the Lord’s manifestations in this era were not to be in Judea is very clear when the following verse is studied: “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be…”. (Mtw. 24:27″

But, does this necessarily mean that Mexico, a little and underdeveloped country, is the chosen place for the Second Coming of the Lord? Let’s see. When Jesus explains to His disciples where is the Advent to take place, he said to them: “For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together”.(Mtw 24:28) The national symbol of Mexico has always been, even before the arrival of the Spaniards, an eagle devouring a serpent -itself, a very spiritual metaphor: the high devouring the low- and considering, besides, that in the Mexican Valley there is a great variety of this magnificent bird. And in the OT we find another prophetic verse in which the Lord warns the Jewish people that because of its defiance, He will chose another people, and in this prophecy appears, again, the symbol of the eagle: “The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth as swift as the eagle fleth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand.(Dut. 28:49).

“…a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand”. In this verse not only the Lord anticipates that in the time of the end He shall take another nation as His people, but also that that other people would speak a language totally unknown to the Jewish people. And not only that, in the following verse the use of another different language is clearly implied: “…for with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people…” (Isa. 28:11)

Finally, it is proper to remember that in His past communications, the Lord has never chosen powerful nations to deliver His messages and teachings. On the contrary, He always pleased in chosing the humble and the poor to be the receivers of His divine inspirations. Jesus emphasizes this by saying: ” I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes”…

Q: In recent times there has been a lot of speculation about “contactees”, persons that supposedly are receiving messages from superior beings, extraterrestrials, aliens or UFOS, etc. Is The Third Testament part of this frenzy? And what about the New Age movement? Is The Third Testament related with any of this in any way?

The communication of the Holy Spirit through human understanding dates from the past century (1866), long time before the popular psyche was to be impacted by sightings of UFOs and phenomena of this kind. And even then, the spokesmen that received those divine revelations made it through elevating their mind and intuition, even before Alan Kardec’s channeling experiences. The thing that still amazes many that have studied the Third Testament is the fact that, even though those revelations were received by very humble persons (many of them illiterate peasants), the language and concepts that their lips poured were of such a sublime and superior nature, that makes it unthinkable a conspiracy or a fraud. Regarding the New Age movement, even though there are some things in common -such as the awareness of a new time for mankind and the acceptance of the law of reincarnation- The Third Testament is far more than a movement or an organized new cult or religion: It is God’s own legacy to humanity, regardless of age, color, race, nationality or creed, it is the Divine Doctrine at its best.

Q: Does The Third Testament belong to any religion or sect?

No. The Third Testament is a legacy of God to humanity and does not belong to any group, religion or sect. It is a divine heritage to all God’s children regardless of race, creed or nationality. But we must bear in mind that in The Third Testament it is prophesized that a major religion would make an attempt to appropiate this treasure claming that it was delivered in her congregation and once again, try to make a material profit out of it and to retain her temporary power . And all this should be in vain.

Q: I am very interested in cooperating to the spreading of the teachings of The Third Testament. Can I freely distribute copies of the texts or should I request for prior authorization?

Even though the compendium and abridged version of The Third Testament is protected by international copyright laws, and only because human laws required it so, in reality these teachings belong to humanity present and future as a whole, and it is because of this that the printing, copying, distribution and reproduction of the Third Testament is not only hereby fully authorized, but any further spreading and diffusion of its contents is strongly encouraged, with the only restriction that the original words and text should be respected and the source be rightfully quoted as well.

Reincarnation and Science

The studies of past lives.

Dr. Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia Medical School has researched over 2.600 cases of children’s past life recall. At least 900 of these cases have been verified, which means that Dr. Stevenson got enough information from the children subject of his investigations to identify the past life personality they remembered as theirs.

The methods and investigation techniques that Dr Stevenson has followed for many years has earn him a well deserved respect among the scientific community -always skeptical as we all know- and the few attempts by religious zelots to “debunk” and minimize his findings have been proven to be mistaken and lacking of any valid basis. And it comes as no surprise that the defense against these attacks has been taken not by Dr. Stevenson himself but by his colleagues.

Children’s Past Lives: A very strong case.

One of the most solid basis of Dr. Stevenson’s research about reincarnation is the fact that the subject of his investigations are young children. Why? Because they are more likely not to be as affected by bias or prejudices as we grown-ups are. And the cases studied by Dr. Stevenson have another poweful element: They all are located in which are known as underdeveloped countries and many of the children that were the subjects of his thourough investigation live in poor and small villages, that are completely out of the mainstream of mass media’s influence.

You can surf Dr. Stevenson’s
webpage at Children’s Past Lives

Reincarnation in the Bible – Part I

This entry it's part of the Reincarnation in the Bible series. Part [part not set] of 2

Although the word ” reincarnation ” doesn’t exist as such in the Bible, the concept, however, certainly exists in the texts of the Old Testament, and even more clearly in those of the New Testament. Below, are transcribed some of the paragraphs relating to reincarnation, with a small analysis on what these texts really mean.

Even when, at this moment, Christian religions do not accept the notion of reincarnation of the spirit, this was widely accepted by the contemporary followers of Jesus and the Apostles; it was at the Concile of Constantinople in the year 553 AC when the definition of reincarnation as heresy was inducted as the results of a tract against it by Emperor Justinian, declaring as anathema this concept. For a better understanding of the background of the position of modern Christianism regarding reincarnation, please read “The Controversy”

We have separated the biblical texts and their analysis in two parts; the first one concerns the First Time, the time of the Law and the Prophets comprehended in the Old (the First) Testament. The second covers from the arrival of John the Baptist, the forerunner, to Jesus’ teachings and the writings of the New (Second) Testament.

We decided to quote the verses and paragraphs both of the OT and the NT as written in the Commonly Known as the Authorized (King James) Version simply because it is the most used by English speaking persons.

The concept of reincarnation in the Bible

Genesis 28:12 Jacob’s Ladder.

In the first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, that covers the time of the patriarches, comes the concept of reincarnation, of the continued come and go of the spirits (angels of God) between the spiritual realm and earth. Jacob, son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham, had a dream in which is delivered to man this revelation. Some believe that this passage refers simply to the divine privilege of sending messengers to communicate with man, but if this was so, the order would be the other way around: first they would descend and then they would ascend. When specifiyng that the spirits first ascend and then they descend again, it implies something much deeper; the death (to ascend) and the reincarnation (to descend). The clue is in the phrase “set up on the earth” which means that the ladder is based on earth, the body. Messengers such as the angel Gabriel that appeared before Mary (Luke 1:26) never took body, they manifested only through spiritual visions.

And he dreamed, and behold a ladder
set up on the earth,
and the top of it reached to heaven;
and behold the angels of God
ascending and descending on it.
Genesis 28:12

The Book of Job

The wisdom and prophetic books of the Bible are written in an allegorical language, with the abundant use of metaphors (
metaphor=use of a word with a sense different to its own and that identifies two different objects that keep a relationship of likeness
). Thus, in the Book of Job we see the allegory of the cut (dead) tree that is renewed, metaphor that the biblical writer uses to question himself if the same won’t happen to man. Please take note that when he mentions “boughs like a plant”, the allegory is much nearer to the reincarnation concept (a new body) than to resurrection as many understand it (the same body). In addition to this and for a better understanding of the phrase “till my change come”, please see the reference to the same concept in Psalm 102.

For there is hope of a tree,
if it be cut down,
that it will sprout again,
and that the tender branch
thereof will not cease.
Though the root thereof wax old in earth
in the earth, and the stock thereof
die in the ground;
yet through the scent of water
it will bud, and bring forth
boughs like a plant.
  Job 14:7-9
	If a man die, shall he live again?
all the days of my appointed time
will I wait, till my change come.
Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee;
thou wilt have a desire to the work
of thine hands.
    Job 14:14,15

The Book of Psalms

This book assumed to be written by David, king from Israel, contains certain passages that refer to life after death and to the hope that this is defeated. The texts, as explained above, are taken from the Commonly Known as the Authorized (King James) Version but the reader must be aware that the word “Sheol” which first was translated into the Greek “hades” and then to “hell”, was in many verses translated into English as “grave”, changing therefore the true meaning of the author’s original idea.

The numeration of the psalms corresponds to the biblical version of King James; the Catholic Bibles differ in its numbering although the texts are similar.

For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell;
neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One
to see corruption.
Thou wilt shew me the path of life:
in thy presence is fulness of joy;
at thy right hand there are pleasures
for evermore.
    Psalm 16:10,11

Of course, some would say that the first verse of above refers only to JesusChrist’s resurrection from the dead. After all it is quoted as this in Acts 13:35; but if this would to be true, why then the reference to “hell” (sheol)?

What profit there is there in my "blood" (death in the original text)
when I go down to the pit?
Shall the dust praise thee?
Shall it declare thy truth?
Psalm 30:9
...upon those that hope in their mercy,
to deliver their souls from death...
Psalm 33:18s,19s
But God will redeem my soul from the power of the "grave" (sheol),
for he shall receive me
Psalm 49:15

But in the following passage, the king-prophet goes beyond the hope in a life after death. When referring to a renewal of the spirit, it agrees with Job 14:7-9 and with Job 14:14,15 and clearly speaks of the reincarnation of the spirit.

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation
and uphold me with thy free spirit.
Psalm 51:10,12

Later on, the psalmist asks God if He will be able to give life again.

Wilt thou not revive us again:
that thy people may rejoice in thee?
Psalm 85:6

The use of the notion of the human body as clothing of the spirit is clearly found in the following metaphor:

...yea, all of them shall wax old
like a garment;
As a vesture shalt thou change them,
and they shall be changed;
Psalm 102:26

In the following verse, the reference to the spiritual valley in darkness is very clear and here it would be necessary to compare it with
1 Peter 3:18-20, where the same idea is stated, although David speaks in this verse of reincarnation in the past.

Such as sit in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
being abound in affliction and iron;
He brougth them out of darkness
and the shadow of death,
and brake their bands in sunder
Psalm 107:10,14

The Book of Ecclesiastes

In the following allegory that it is found through diverse verses of the Book of Ecclesiastes, also called The Preacher and whose writing is attributed to King Solomon, son of David, by the use of the figure of the flow of the rivers to the sea back and forth to describe the incessant come and go of human life, it’s a clear reference to the continuous reincarnation and disembody of the spirits. He even refers to the veil that causes us not to remember previous lives. And once again, he refers to reincarnation calling it restoration in the original text (requireth in KJV).

All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full;
unto the place from whence the rivers come,
thither they return again.
The thing that hath been it is that which shall be;
and that which is done is that which shall be done;
and there is no new thing under the sun.
Is any thing whereof it may be said;
See, this is new?
It hath been already of old time,
which was before us.
There is no remembrance of former things;
neither shall there be any remembrance
of things that are to come with those
that should come after.
Ecclesiastes 1:7,9,10,11
That which hath been is now:
and that which is to be hath already been;
and God requireth that which is past.
Ecclesiastes 3:15

The Book of Isaiah

This book, which for some scholars is in reality the work of two or maybe three different writers writing in different times, contains very deep concepts about life, death …and reincarnation. The first reference speaks about death being avoidable.

He will swallow up death in victory;
and the Lord God will wipe away
tears from off all faces;
and the rebuke of his people
shall be taken away from all of the earth;
for the Lord hath spoken it.
Isaiah 25:8
Thy dead shall live
(together with) my dead body shall they arise
Awake and sing,
ye that dwell in dust;
for thy dew is as the dew of herbs,
and the earth shall cast out the dead.
Isaiah 26:19

The verse that follows states that, undoubtedly, death and hell are not divine creation but human instead; the interesting thing is that it denies the relentlessness and inexorability of death.

And your covenant with death shall be disannulled,
and your agreement with "hell" (sheol) shall not stand;
when the overflowing scourge shall pass through,
then ye shall be trodden down by it.
Isaiah 28:18

Then, the biblical writer clarifies that “resurrection ” will be through birth, concept that Jesus affirms in John 3.

Shall I bring to the birth
and not cause to bring forth?
saith the Lord;
shall I cause to bring forth
and shut the womb?
saith thy God.
And when ye see this,
your heart shall rejoice,
and your bones shall flourish
like an herb.
Isaiah 66:9,14

Jeremiah’s Book

This book which some believe written by Baruc the scribe and others by Jeremiah himself -of whom the book is about- contains the basic concept, the fundamental reason of the law of spiritual reincarnation: the improvement toward perfection of the spirit. Through the use of the metaphor of the potter’s vessel that represents human life, we are told that these will be as many as they are necessary to achieve their objective: to contain the spirit in its journey to perfection.

The word which came to Jeremiah
from the Lord, saying:
Arise and go down to the potter's house,
and there I will cause thee to hear my words.
Then I went down to the potter's house,
and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels.
And the vessel that he made of clay
was marred in the hand of the potter;
so he made it again another vessel,
as seemed good to the potter to make it.
Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
O house of israel,
cannot I do with you as the potter? saith the Lord.
Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand,
so are ye in mine hand,
O house of Israel.
Jeremiah 18:1,6

And the following verse is overwhelming for those that doubt of the divine power, able to endow the spirit with multiple vestures.

Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh:
is there any thing too hard for me?
Jeremiah 32:27

The Book of Lamentations

In this continuation of the previous ideas, the biblical writer destroys the notion of eternal damnation, obstacle, according to some starting from Jerome, to make reincarnation feasible.

For the Lord will not cast off for ever;
Lamentations 3:31

And the same as in Ecclesiastes, the idea of the renewal seems to be continuos and recurrent.

Turn thou us unto thee, O Lord;
and we shall be turned;
renew our days as old.
Lamentations 5:21

The Book of Ezekiel

This prophetic book which has been object of detailed studies and analysis for many reasons, contains in detail those elements that are necessary for the reincarnation of the spirit. It is important to point that, until Aristotle, the ancient believed that mental functions take place in the heart; the knowledge that these are carried out in the brain is relatively modern. Because of it, whenever the prophet refers to the heart, what he is really refering to is to the mind.
Thus, we see that when man is given a new life, not only comes with it a renewed spirit but also a new mind. This will be of capital importance when studying the passage of Elijah’s reincarnation in John the Baptist that comes described in the New Testament.

And I will give them one heart,
and I will put a new spirit within you;
and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh,
and I will give them an heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 11:19
Cast away from you all your transgressions,
whereby ye have transgressed:
and make you a new heart and a new spirit:
for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
Ezekiel 18:31

And once again, we are told that death of man it is not a divine creation.

For I have no pleasure in the death
of him that dieth, saith the Lord God;
wherefore turn yourselves and live ye.
Ezekiel 18:32

Next, it comes the passage of the valley of the dry bones, the one that has been taken by Christian theologians in its most literal sense. The clue is in the expression “they were very dry”, which is repeatead in “dry bones” in order to not leave doubt of what was wanted to mean with it: the dust of the ground, as understood in Genesis 2:7 and 3:19. When the prophet, following the orders of God, speaks to the dry bones, he is in fact telling them that from there it will sprout flesh again in order to be finally endowed with spirit; the ancient ignored what we know now as “the chain of the life”, modern expression that describes the cycle of recovery of the organic matter to give new material life. Nothing is wasted and everything, finally, returns to life; the matter to the matter, and the spirit to reincarnate in new bodies.

The hand of the Lord was upon me
and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord,
and set me down  in the midst
of the valley which was full of bones,
And caused me to pass by them round about:
and,  behold,  there were very many in the open valley;
and, lo, they were very dry.
And he said unto me,
Son of man, can these bones live?
And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.
Again he said unto me,
Prophesy upon these bones,
and say unto them,
O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.
Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones;
Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you,
and ye shall live:
And I will lay sinews upon you,
and will bring up flesh upon you,
and cover you with skin,
and put breath in you, and ye shall live;
and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
So I prophesied as I was commanded:
and as I prophesied, there was a noise,
and behold a shaking,
and the bones came together, bone to his bone.
And when I beheld, lo,
the sinews and the flesh came up upon them,
and the skin covered them above:
but there was no breath in them.
Then said he unto me,
Prophesy unto the wind,
prophesy,  son of man,
and say to the wind,
thus saith the Lord God;
Come from the four winds,
O breath, and breathe upon these slain,
that they may live.
So I prophesied as he commanded me,
and the breath came into them, and they lived,
and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.
Then he said unto me, Son of man,
these bones are the whole house of Israel:
behold, they say, Our bones are dried,
and our hope is lost:
we are cut off for our parts.
Therefore prophesy and say unto them,
Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, O my people,
I will open your graves,
and cause you to come up out of your graves,
and bring you into the land of Israel.
And ye shall know that I am the Lord,
when I have opened your graves, O my people,
and brought you up out of your graves,
And shall put my spirit in you,
and ye shall live,
and I shall place you in your own land:
then shall ye know that I the Lord have spoken it,
and performed it,  saith the Lord.
Ezekiel 37:1,14

The Book of Daniel

This book, uncomplete in the non Catholic versions – the Catholic canon includes Daniel’s Book II – contains the prophecy of Daniel’s return at the end of times.

But go thou thy way till the end (be);
for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot
at the end of the days.
Daniel 12:13

The Book of Hosea

In Hosea it comes, again, the concept of God as enemy of death and more important, of hell and therefore, of eternal damnation. This is taken later by Paul.

I will ransom them from the power of the "grave" (sheol):
I will redeem them from death:
O death, I will be thy plagues;
O "grave" (seol), I will be thy destruction:
repentance shall be hid from mine eyes.
Hosea 13:14

The Book of Amos

In this prophecy, it is found the overwhelming statement that the confused spirits -those of below, in the Seol, the Hebrew ” hell ” – as well as the spirits of the obedient ones -those that ascended to the spiritual valley – all are subjected to the law of the reincarnation of the spirit.

Though they dig into "hell" (seol),
thence mine hand take them;
though they climpb up to heaven,
thence will I bring them down
 Amos 9:2

The Book of Jonah

Once again we find in this book the concept of the return to life. Notice how the symbolic meaning of “forever”, when refuted in its literal form in the following line, tears down many interpretations that base the belief on an eternal punishment in incorrect readings of the biblical texts.

And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction
unto the Lord, and he heard me;
out of the belly of "hell" (seol) cried I,
and thou heardest my voice.
I went down to the bottoms of the mountains;
the earth with her bars was about me for ever;
yet, hast thou brought up my life from corruption,
O Lord.
Jonah 2:2,6

Reincarnation in the Bible – Part II

This entry it's part of the Reincarnation in the Bible series. Part [part not set] of 2

John the Baptist: Elijah Reincarnated.

In spite of numerous attempts by the great established Christian religions and the various sects that deny the evidence concerning the reincarnation of Elijah the prophet as John the Baptist, the evidence is of such magnitude that it cannot be hidden or easily ignored.

The Book of Malachi

This book, the last in the canon of the Old Testament, is extremely important because it contains the prophecy of Elijah’s return that will be fulfilled, as we shall see shortly, with the reincarnation of the greatest prophet of Israel as John the Baptist. Notice that the words of the last paragraph are also mentioned in Matthew 3 and in Luke 1:17 as well, when the angel announces to Zacharias that his son John (the Baptist) would embody the spirit of Elijah the prophet.

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet,
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children
and the heart of the children to the fathers...
xMalachi 4:5,6

Next by transcribing the descriptions in the 2nd Book of Kings and that of Mathew’s Gospel and comparing the personalities of Elijah the Tishbite and John the Baptist respectively we have:

And the same John had his raiment of camel's hair
and a leathern girdle about his loins
and his meat was locust
and wild honey.
Matthew 3:4
And they answered him, He was an hairy man
and girt with a girdle of leather
around his loins-
And he said, it is Elijah the Tishbite
II Kings 1:8

Simple coincidence? Let’s see. When the messenger of God appears before Zacharias to announce that his wife shall bear a son who will be the embodiment of a prophet, he announces with total clarity that the spirit that will be manifest in that prophet to be born is no one less than Elijah, and he even quotes Malachi.

And he shall go before him
in the spirit and power of Elias
to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children
and the desobedient to the wisdom of the just;
to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
Luke 1:17

The reader should be aware that in the former verse, the word in the original Greek text that translates as “with” was changed in the King James Translation to “into”, obscuring the meaning of the whole paragraph, apparently to make it fit in accordance to Jerome’s opinion regarding reincarnation.

Let’s mention now the verse (the only one) wrongfully quoted by western religions that cannot accept the law of reincarnation because, naturally, they would see a diminishing of their moral and material power over the consciences of men. The curious thing is that, while denying that John the Baptist was in fact the reincarnation of Elijah’s spirit, they end up also denying the assertions of the Divine Teacher Himself, as will be clearly seen later on.

And they asked him, What then? Are thou Elias?
And he saith, I am not.
Are thou that prophet? And he answered, No.
Then said they unto him, Who are thou?
that we may give an answer to them that sent us.
What sayest thou of thyself?
He said, I am the voice of one
crying in the wilderness.
Make straight the way of the Lord,
as said the prophet Esaias.
 John 1:21,23

And certainly, when the priests and Levites ask John the Baptist if he is Elijah, he answers that indeed, he is not: he is John, son of Zacharias and Elizabeth.

But what would happen if the question was formulated properly?
“Do you have within you Elijah’s spirit?” The answer, of course, would had been different, confirming what was announced by the angel to Zacharias.

And still, there is the other explanation: that the knowledge of past lives was concealed even to John as stated in Ecclesiastes 1:7,9, but Jesus, the Son of Man and the Christ, certainly knew all things occult pertaining to men.

Had Elijah’s spirit not reincarnated in the life and body of John the Baptist, the prophecies of Malachi 4 and Luke 1 would never have been fulfilled and the Messiah, with Elijah yet to come, could not possibly have arrived! Therefore Christian theologians are inadvertently agreeing with the orthodox Jewish theologians who are still to this day denying that Jesus was the Messiah and continue to await the return of Elijah.

This is so wrong! That the prophecies were truly fulfilled is evident when John himself clarifies the prophecy by confirming to be that voice crying in the wilderness preparing the way of the Lord. If John the Baptist had not within himself the spirit of Elijah the prophet, why then did Jesus of Nazareth, the long awaited Messiah of Israel, whom we recognize as the Christ, make this affirmation in such a concise and definite manner?

And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.
Matthew 11:14
But I say unto you, That Elias is come already
and they knew him not,
but have done unto him whatsoever they listed.
 Matthew 17:12
But I say unto you, That Elias is indeed come,
and they have done unto him whatsoever they listed,
as it is written of him.
 Mark 9:13

It is here that theologians are silent. They are caught in the dilemma due to their incorrect interpretation by imputing that either John the Baptist or the very Christ Himself was lying!

The fact that among the Jews contemporary to Jesus there already existed the notion and accepted knowledge of the law of reincarnation of the spirit, is demonstrated in the following verse, completely unnecessary if the contrary had been true:

Others said, That it is Elias
and others said, That it is a prophet,
or as one of the prophets.
Mark 6:15

By assuming the possibility that Jesus could be one of the prophets of Israel from ancient times, they implicitly acknowledged the possibility of reincarnation.

Furthermore, reading the following verse throws even more light on the knowledge that Jesus’ disciples already had of reincarnation.

And as Jesus passed by,
he saw a man which was blind from his birth
And his disciples asked him,
Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents,
that he was born blind?
John 9:1,2

What’s the point of Jesus’ disciples formulating this question if they didn’t already know that it is possible to sin before being born, that is to say, in a previous existence? Can someone be “punished” by God at the moment of their birth – before having the chance to sin? This was one of the fundamental arguments of Origen about pre-existence of the spirit prior to its arrival in this world.

The resurrection of the flesh is the reincarnation of the spirit.

One way of denying the law of reincarnation of the spirit, is by concealing the interpretation of numerous passages of the Bible that deal with this notion by making them appear as if they refer to the materialistic concept of the resurrection of the bodies of the dead.

Jesus refutes this materialistic interpretation, and explains that the resurrection of matter is really that of the spirit (the angels in the sky) referring implicitly to the same metaphor as in Jacob’s ladder (Gen. 28:12).

Jesus and the reincarnation.

The same day came to him the Sadducees,
which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,
Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die,
having no children, his brother shall marry his wife,
and raise up seed unto his brother.
Now there were with us seven brethen:
and the first, when he had married a wife,
deceased, and, having no issue,
left his wife unto his brother;
Likewise the second also, and the third,
unto the seventh.
And last of all the woman died also.
Therefore, in the resurrection
whose wife shall se be of the seven?
for they all had her.
Jesus answered and said unto them,
ye do err, not knowing the scriptures
nor the power of God.
For in the resurrection they neither marry,
nor are given in marriage,
but are as the angels of God in heaven.
Matthew 22:23-30

Here, Jesus is taking on the literal interpretation of Ezekiel’s vision, which was the one presented by the Sadducees trying to get Jesus into trouble.

But in the following verse -if there was still doubt – Jesus underrates the rude interpretation of the resurrection of cadavers completely when he affirms: God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. And here, as given by Jesus the Christ, is the clue to this whole concept: true resurrection is of the spirit (the living) not of the corpse (the dead) as many have believed for so long.

But as touching the resurrection of the dead,
have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying
I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac,
and the God of Jacob?
God is not the God of the dead,
but of the living.
Matthew 22:31,32

In the following passage in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus explains the reason why the spirit does not “re-use” a body. Using the metaphor of vestures and vessels of clay represented by cloth and bottles.

No man putheth a piece of new cloth
unto an old garment,
for that which is put in to fill it up
tajeth from the garment,
and the rent is made worse.
Neither do men put new wine into old bottles:
else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out,
and the bottles perish:
but they put new wine into new bottles,
and both are preserved
Matthew 9: 16,17

John 3

In John’s Gospel, the Divine Teacher speaks of the resurrection not as the body of a man returning to life -in the flesh – but through birth, the reincarnation of the spirit (represented by the metaphor of the wind) in a new body.

Jesus answered and said unto him,
verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born again,
he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus saith unto him,
How can a man born when he is old?
can he enter the second time
into his mother's womb, and be born?
John 3:3,4

Of course, there are those who interpret this last verse as referring to repentance, the inner transformation of man, which of course could also be inferred, but when repeating these same words in Matthew 3:7 He proceeds to explain it further in the subsequent verse, extending the concept even more.

The verse transcribed below has been interpreted by Christian theologians improperly, as referring to the material baptism. We should clarify that Christianity, by not accepting the spiritual intent of Jesus’ teachings, continues to baptize its children ritually with John’s baptism, and not with the subtle and spiritual baptism of the Messiah; after all, it is easier to be literal with the baptism of water; than with the literal application of baptism with fire resulting in severe damage to the unfortunate candidate.

When Jesus answers Nicodemus questions, he tells him not to confuse material things with spiritual things which is exactly what modern theologians do, following Nicodemus’ steps. The clue for the correct interpretation is found in a verse in Luke’s gospel where John the Baptist (Elijah) analyzes for us the different meanings of water and fire: repentance and spirit, respectively.

Therefore we know that God grants new life to those spirits that, due to their repentance, recognize and see in each new life a new opportunity to change, because for certainty those who will not change cannot enter the Kingdom. And spirits that regret not their errors, remain in the spiritual valley of darkness without reincarnating ( see I Peter 3:18 to 20).
see I Peter 3:18 to 20)

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit,
he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh;
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:5,6
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance;
but he that cometh after me is mightier than I,
whose shoes I am not worthy to bear:
he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.
Matthew 3:11

Note: Modern scholars agree that the use of the word “ghost” referring to the Holy Spirit, is an obvious mistake. The Hebrew word “rowah” (“rouhka” in Aramaic) translates as spirit. No one knows for certain how the word “ghost” found its way into the Gospels.

Next, the Divine Teacher uses the metaphor of the wind -the Greek word that means spirit as well as wind as written in the original texts- to teach, once again, that the spirit ends up settling in the womb of mothers, and that these are ignorant from where the spirit came.

Marvel not that I said unto thee,
Ye must be born again.
The wind bloweth where it listeth,
and thou hearest the sound thereof,
but canst not tell whence iit cometh,
and whither it goeth:
so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Nicodemus answered and said unto him,
How can these things be?
Jesus answered and said unto him,
Art thou a master of Israel,
and knowest not these things?
John 3:7-10

Not knowing from where the spirit comes that enlivens each human being at birth is also found in this statement the Master makes to His disciples:

Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.
Luke 9:55

Note: In the original text the words “manner of” are not part of the verse, nor so in the Vulgate version. It seems that while translating the text into English, a pious scribe thought that the inclusion of these words would make the sense of the verse clearer, at least to his personal point of view, but we repeat, they are not part of Jesus’ words. In modern translations this has been corrected.

Paul and the reincarnation of the spirit

In his Letters or Epistles, Paul of Tarsus, the apostle to the gentiles, refers to the concept of the renewal of man through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and to the resurrection of the body. This belief is an idea belonging to the doxology of the Pharisees and was introduced to Christianity by Paul, and not by the teachings of Jesus (Paul refers to man’s corrupt nature as the “old man” in Romans 6:6). There is an extremely mysterious passage that Paul describes and explains as a mystery-and which he refers to as something different: reincarnation.

In the first Epistle to the Corinthians, after speaking of the resurrection of the flesh in the literal sense, that is to say, the resuscitation of the dead (1 Corinthians 15:12-29), Paul suddenly ventures into unsuspected territory starting from verse 35. He starts by discarding in verse 37 the idea of incarnating in the same previous body ( “that which thou sowest -the cadaver – not the body that shall be (the new body)”) but in a different body, according to the will of God.

But some man will say,
How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?
Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:
And that which thou sowest,
thou sowest not that body that shall be,
but bare grain, it may chance of wheat,
or of some other grain:
But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him,
and to every seed his own body.
1 Corinthians 15: 35-38

And if that wasn’t enough, Paul continues and clarifies that, contrary to what some oriental religions believe, the spirit that inhabited previously in a man cannot be embodied in another creature different than human and he exposes the reasons for this, reaffirming what Jesus said regarding this. See the reference to the old garments and bottles.

All flesh is not the same flesh:
but there is one kind of flesh of men,
another flesh of beasts, another of fishes,
and another of birds.
There are also celestial bodies,
and bodies terrestrial:
but the glory of the celestial is one,
and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
1 Corinthians 15: 39,40

Now this I say, brethen,
that flesh and blood cannot inherit
the kingdom of God;
neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
1 Corinthians 15:50

The next transcription is the previous passage of Paul’s explanations regarding the resurrection of the flesh understood as the reincarnation of the spirit. Note the difference that Paul puts between those that sleep, those that die and those that are changed (transformed). There are theologians that seek to interpret sleeping as mentioned by Paul as death, but if this is so, why then does Paul state that some won’t sleep, including him? (Paul was beheaded circa the year 70 AD)

Behold, I shew you a mystery:
We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound,
and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,
and we shall be changed.
1 Corinthians 15: 51, 52

And Paul finishes his explanation by paraphrasing Hosea, who also denied the inexorability of death.

O death,  where is the thy sting?
O grave, where is thy victory?
1 Corinthians 15: 55

Peter the Apostle and the imprisoned spirits.

Peter (Cephas), the apostle that witnessed the transfiguration on Mount Tabor, writes about the imprisoned spirits that were retained after the Flood. This alone raises many questions. Were only the spirits of big sinners those imprisoned? Where or what was that “jail “? And what of the spirits of men that were not that sinful -Jacob, David, Solomon, the prophets, etc. – where were they? We know, for example, of a metaphoric ” place ” which Jesus calls Abraham’s bosom and in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:20-25) you can infer that at least two ” places ” or situations exist which spirits inhabit, once out of the flesh.

Because Christ also suffered
a single time for our sins,
the fair one for the unjust ones,
to take us to God,
He was put to death in the flesh
but vivified in spirit;
in which also He went and preached
to the imprisoned spirits,
those that had disobeyed in another time,
When God waited patiently in the days of Noah
during the building of the Ark
in which a few, that is, eight persons were saved
through water.
1 Peter 3: 18-20

So here in view of the previous analysis, the great question stands: Won’t reincarnation-the return to this world in human form, be the other option proposed by the infinite love of God, to correct previous errors? It is the same option that Paul describes as a mystery and which also the Spirit of Truth came to proclaim to humanity in this Third Era. See
The Divine Gift of Reincarnation.

Religions – Divine or human creation?

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Where is the true wisdom? And I say to you: It is in God. Which is the true religion? And the Master answers: He who loves Me and loves his brother, has found the truth and has complied with the Law.

Every religion that teaches righteousness and love, and extols charity, is good because it harbours the light of truth, but when within them, man degenerates and converts into evil what was good at the beginning, then the path is lost between materialism and sin.

There you have a humanity languishing in their religions without taking a step towards the light, because they have not submitted to what the Divine Law ordains. Instead, they have attempted to conform it to their will, filling it with myhts and errors.

As such, I behold all churches, all religions, all sects that man has created upon the face of the Earth. They are so involved in materialism, fanaticism, idolatry, mysticism and profanations!

What do I receive from all this? Only the intention. However, not because I can receive the good intentions of mankind, will I allow them to eternally remain in darkness, involved in their idolatry and fanaticism.

Do the religions believe they are complying with the maxim of loving one another, recognizing only their followers and excluding those who belong to another sect?

Today I have come to free you from your spiritual stagnation, because for some time mankind have slept profoundly in a state of religious fanaticism, idolatry, false sects and materialism, with which they have wanted to substitute the practice of love for one another, charity, forgiveness, and all that is derived from the same Law.

Do not confuse the Law with the religions or forms that you may have to interpret that Law.

Do not be a preserver of habits, forms or traditions, because you will remain submerged for centuries in the lethargy of fanaticism and ignorance. On the other hand, be upholders of the Law and of the truth.

I see the great temples, the great religious organizations, the pomp and the riches; the splendor and the power, but I do not see spiritual magnificence; I do not see a gala of virtues; I do not see any spiritual might that is part of My universal power. I do not discern that might that should be part of My universal power; and, I can only say that men have built on sand, like foolish ones, and have not been able to construct on the solid rock, upon which men should have raised the true church for their Lord and God. And I also say to you: Of all that greatness, of all that power, no stone will remain one upon the other.

No one should believe that I have come to take away the gifted, the faithful or the followers from the different religions. No, but the hour has come when a new Era makes its appearance, stirring forgotten lessons; erasing customs, beliefs and useless traditions; purifying and divesting the spirit of all falsehood in order to give man the true bread of the spirit which he has always exchanged for rituals.

How much will you have to fight against the idolatry and the fanaticism of the different religions, warning you that this is the greatest poison that could surprise all men on Earth!

Observe how the spirit of all Humanity has awakened. See how all their congregations are touched. Observe in each religion, in each sect, a kingdom, a dominion, and all those kingdoms will rise calling each other for unification, and because not one will be disposed to humble itself and come forward on the calling of the others, the conflict will come.

The words of love will disappear to give way to the anathemas, the threats, the condemnations, and the excommunications. All this you will have to contemplate, oh my children!

The tongues will loosen, the human passions will become unleashed, everyone will use My name, My word, and My laws to cause a war against one another, to combat each other, to exterminate and humble one another.

Be on the alert, my people! Because Humanity will rise against their own idols, their fanaticism and their traditions, and a movement will begin among religions toward the beginning of spirituality.

I know that many will be scandalized when they learn about this word, but it will be those who in their confusion may not wish to recognize that there exists in man a spiritual part besides his human nature, or those who, relying on the spirit clinging on to the routine of their traditions and their beliefs, will deny that there exists a road of infinite evolution for the spirit.

Roque Rojas – Biography of the chosen of the Third Era

Roque Rojas

Who was Roque Rojas?

Roque Jacinto Rojas Esparzawas born on the 16th of August, 1812, in Mexico City, in the Republic of Mexico located in the American continent.

Within Roque Rojas several cultures merge, for his father, Manuel Rojas, was a descendant of Sepharadic (Spanish) Jews, and his mother, Dolores Esparza, was of Otomí (a native American tribe) origin.

To fulfill the requisites of the Catholic religion dominant in that region of the world, his parents baptized the small child and the name of the Catholic priest who baptized him was Filogonio Quezada.

Years later, an orphan to his mother, his father Don Manuel and his Godfather Juan López Montiel, enrolled him in the Seminary of Mexico, for they wanted him to pursue the career of priest, but he could only study there for three years because when his Godfather died he had no economic means to continue his studies.

He went back to live with his father and learned twenty-two trades: printer, engraver, cabinet-maker (ebonist), watchmaker, painter, etc.

He got married in the village of Zumpango de la Laguna in the Mexican province, to Ms. Guadalupe Arias Malanco with whom he bred an only daughter, Carolina, living a harmonious life together which was filled with love towards others .

On the night of the 21st of June, 1861, at about 10:00 o´clock a vision awoke him and the extraordinary events that marked his way for the rest of his life took place: the angel Gabriel indicated that he move to a certain place in the South of Mexico City where he would receive instructions and messages from God to carry out his mission as a forerunner of the manifestation of the Spirit of Truth amongst men.

Fulfilling the Divine Orders, Roque Rojas, simple and kind, suffered from persecution of civil and ecclesiastic authorities as well as the lack of comprehension of his own people. (see “1866”)

On September the first, 1866, Roque Rojas received for the first time the communication through human understanding of Elijah, the prophet of the First Era. (see “1866”)

In 1869, Roque Rojas considers his spiritual mission accomplished and dies 10 years later, on the 18th of may, 1879, in the house marked with the number 18 on the streets of Niño Perdido (today Eje Lázaro Cárdenas) in Mexico City.

Bibliography: “Memoirs about Facts of Roque Rojas and some Anecdotes about his Ancestors”. Gregorio Baldomero 1914.

Scriptural Support for Reincarnation

This entry it's part of the Origen of Alexandria series. Part [part not set] of 4

There is one episode in particular from the healing miracles of Christ that seems to point to reincarnation: “And as he was passing by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who has sinned, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind?” Jesus answered, ‘Neither has this man sinned, nor his parents, but the works of God were to be made manifest in him.'” (John 9:1) The disciples ask the Lord if the man himself could have committed the sin that led to his blindness. Given the fact that the man has been blind from birth, we are confronted with a provocative question. When could he have made such transgressions as to make him blind at birth? The only conceivable answer is in some prenatal state. The question as posed by the disciples explicitly presupposes prenatal existence. It will also be noted that Christ says nothing to dispel or correct the presupposition. Here is incontrovertible support for a doctrine of human preexistence.

Also very suggestive of reincarnation is the episode where Jesus identifies John the Baptist as Elijah. “For all the prophets and the law have prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who was to come.” (Matt 11:13-14) “And the disciples asked him, saying, ‘Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?’ But he answered them and said, ‘Elijah indeed is to come and will restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also shall the Son of Man suffer at their hand.’ Then the disciples understood that he had spoken of John the Baptist.” (Matt 17:10-13)

Here again is a clear statement of preexistence. Despite the edict of the Emperor Justinian and the counter reaction to Origen, there is firm and explicit testimony for preexistence in both the Old and the New Testament. Indeed, the ban against Origen notwithstanding, contemporary Christian scholarship acknowledges preexistence as one of the elements of Judeo-Christian theology.

As for the John the Baptist-Elijah episode, there can be little question as to its purpose. By identifying the Baptist as Elijah, Jesus is identifying himself as the Messiah. Throughout the gospel narrative there are explicit references to the signs that will precede the Messiah. “Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” (Mal 4:5) This is one of the many messianic promises of the Old Testament. One of the signs that the true Messiah has come, according to this passage from Malachi, is that he be preceded by a forerunner, by Elijah. Jesus was sometimes taken to be a reincarnation of one of the prophets.

In Mark 8:27, Jesus asks “Whom do men say that I am?” The consensus of opinion seems to have been that He was a reincarnation of either John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the Old Testament prophets. It is hard to see how Jesus could have been a reincarnation of the prophet by whom He was baptized, but that has not deterred these believers in reincarnation around Jesus.

Indeed the reincarnationist can even find scriptural support for personal disincarnate preexistence. Origen took Eph 1:4 as proof for his case: “He chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish in his sight and love.” Jerome, who is just as uncomfortable as Justinian about preexistence, interprets the passage to mean that we preexisted, not in distinct disincarnate form, but simply in the mind of God (Against Rufinus 1.22), and from this throng of thoughts God chose the elect before the creation of the world.
The distinction is indeed a fine one, for Jerome is asking us to distinguish between that which exists as a soul and that which exists as a thought. What is illuminating for the reincarnationist is that this passage from Ephesians offers very explicit scriptural testimony for individual preexistence.

Second Coming of The Lord

I ask you: Do you know my words of that time in which I announced to you of my return?

In which of them did I announce to you that I would come as Man?

Like a thief I came into your heart during this Era, surprising some, awakening others, saying to you: "Behold your Master, listen to Him and purify your life so that you may give testimony of My coming, with your deeds."

Today I come for the second time as the Master. My eyes are seeking those who are to follow Me; those who will be prepared to speak to the world of My coming as the Spirit of Consolation. But with sadness I contemplate the tender and innocent hearts who have become hardened.

The greater number of men bear in their heart a Thomas. They would like to see and touch in order to believe, and I say to you, that those trials, allowed to the most unbelieving of My disciples, shall not be repeated during this period, because the world will not have Me as a Man again, and because that example remained as an open book before each one of My children, so that they would analyze that lesson.

It will not be the first time that men will strive to define a divine revelation or reach some clarification in something, which to their eyes, appears as a mystery. Already, during the Second Era, after My preaching in the world, men deliberated over the personality of Jesus, wanting to know whether He was Divine or not; if He was One with the Father, or was a different person. They judged and scrutinized My Doctrine in every form.

Today, I will again be the object of analysis, of discussions, of struggles, of scrutiny.

It will be judged that if the Spirit of Christ appeared, He would be independent from the Spirit of the Father; and there will be others who will say that it is the Holy Spirit of the Father; and there will be others who will say that it is the Holy Spirit who has spoken, and not the Father or the Son.

However, what you call the Holy Spirit, He is the light of God, and what you call the Son, He is the Word; therefore, when you hear this Word, when you take from My Doctrine of the Second Era, or believe in the Law and revelations of the First Era, know that you are before the presence of the only God, listening to His Word, and receiving the light of His Spirit.

From those who live waiting for Me, I can say to you, that not everyone anticipates the rightful manner of My presence during this era, for while some, influenced by ancient beliefs, believe that I am to return to the world as a Man, others believe that I will come in some form visible to every human eye; and very few are those who guess the truth, perceiving that My coming is spiritual.

While some ask themselves what form I will adopt, at what hour or day I will return to Earth, and from which direction I will appear, others, without thinking about forms or determined moment, say to themselves: The Master is already amongst us. His light, which is His Spirit, is bathing us.

When this message reaches all hearts, it will be a gift of rejoicing for some, because in it they will confirm all their presentiments and their faith. On the other hand, others will deny any truth to My message, not finding it in accordance with what they believed it to be, and the form in which it would be manifested.

During the Second Era I announced My return, but it was not in some vague manner, but very clear. Nevertheless, the people became tired of waiting, and they ended up forgetting My promise.

When I announced to My disciples My new coming and allowed them to foresee the way in which I would manifest Myself to men, a long time had already passed since that promise was made.

Here you have that period unfolding before you, here you have those prophecies being fulfilled. Who should be surprised? Only those who have slumbered in darkness or the ones who erased My promises from themselves.

I let all the signs appear which would announce My return, and they also passed unnoticed by mankind, because they were spiritually asleep, devoted to the world, and stationary in their religions.

In this period I did not appear in the bosom of any church, because I came in search of My temple that exists in your heart.

The solemnity of the liturgies, the splendor of the religions are not the ones that attract My Spirit, nor do they signify My church.

In the Second Era, the princes and the priests expected the birth of the Messiah in the bosom of their church. However, I was not born among them because I found the stable of Bethlehem cleaner. I found more love among the shepherds and more clemency in the harsh winter.

That is why the theologians of that period were confused and why the kings persecuted Me from My birth up to My death as a man.

Today the theologians are again confused before My new coming because the prophecies and announcements of it have not been rightfully interpreted.

Those who call themselves shepherds of Mankind have not felt My presence; they are still waiting for Me, but I contemplate that they go imparting a different teaching from the one which the Teacher has entrusted to Humanity, the one that would lead you through the path of the truth, on teaching you to love one another.

Religions slumber in a sleep of centuries of routine and lethargy, while the truth has remained concealed.

However, those who will know the commandments of Yahve and the word of the Divine Master, will have to recognize in this voice, which today speaks to you, the voice of the Spirit of Truth, promised for these times.

The hearts of the shepherds which, in different sects and religions, should teach the spiritual science which is greatness and wealth for the spirit, have closed.

I have seen that the Law and Doctrines that I bequeathed to humanity in past eras, are kept hidden and have been substituted by rituals, exterior cults, and traditions.

But you, that recognize intimately that the essence of this word is the same that the children of Israel received in Mount Sinai, and the one that the multitudes heard from the lips of Jesus in the Second Era, will be those who, with your worship and your deeds, shall teach that the divine Law should not be forgotten to comply with fatuous traditions that do not benefit the spirit.

Humanity asks for supernatural proof to believe in My existence and in the immortality of the spirit, and truly I say to you, that I will give them this proof during this period of great realizations and fulfillment.

The times announced by Christ through John, His apostle and the prophets, are here. According to man, these times were very late in arriving. On the other hand, I say to you that considering them from the eternal, only an instant has passed. Remember that you were told that those who persevered faithfully within My Law of love to the end, would be saved.

Those who, in the midst of their churches, await My coming, do not even sense in what manner, and where, I am communicating, even though My manifestation was being felt through numerous happenings.

When someone asks you: Why, if God is so great, has He availed Himself of an insignificant human being to manifest His wisdom? You will answer: The love of God for His children has no limits. That is why He has used them to realize this miracle.

In this time, I have not been born to the world as Man; I have arrived to you in the light of My Spirit made human word, and through this I give you My essence, to lift the faith in your heart.

If I had come in a human form to repeat My lesson of the Second Era, I would have hindered the progress of your spirit, and mankind could not have recognized Me. However, I, the Master of all perfection, take you step by step, always toward the top of the mount, each time teaching you new lessons.

I knew that when I would again communicate with My children, many would deny Me and for that reason, I announced My return, but at the same time I gave you to understand that My presence would be in spirit.

However, if you doubt it, turn to the testimony of those four disciples who wrote My Word in the Gospel.

How could I return to Earth as man once more and shed My blood again? It would be like considering My work and My sacrifice of that era sterile, and it would be as much as judging that, from that time until now, Humanity had not evolved spiritually at all.

The essence and truth of My revelations of past eras which I made known to you, could not be lost in forgotten books where My Word was written, neither would it, in fact, lose its meaning even though it suffered alterations by men.

To the human eye, God is invisible and so is His own Spirit, for He has no form nor limitations; that is why many, on seeing you elevated in prayer and listening to Me, are doubtful, because they do not know that the divine and the spiritual, apparently invisible to human eyes, is felt by the spirit and even by the heart.

It has always been the humble and the destitute who discover My presence, because their minds are not occupied with human theories that will separate them from a clear discernment.

In the Second Era it also happened that after the coming of the Messiah has been announced, when He appeared, those who felt Him were the simple of heart, those of humble spirit and clean understanding.

The theologians had in their hands the book of the prophets, and they daily repeated the words that announced the signs, the time and the manner of the coming of the Messiah. Nevertheless, they saw Me and did not recognize Me; they heard Me and denied that I was the Promised Saviour. They witnessed My deeds, and the only thing they did was to become scandalized, when in truth, all of the signs had been prophesied.

Like the lightning that emerges in the east and sets in the west, that is how My coming has been; but the vibration and the reflection of My Spirit have remained among you, transformed into the human word, so that you may understand who was the One who knocked at the door of the hearts of man, and why the signs were given.

Remember Me by My passing through the world in that Era. Remember that I died as humbly as I was born and lived.

I am present before Humanity, in a period when new revelations have transformed the lives of men, and so I put in an appearance among you, with the same humility that you knew in Me during that Era.

It is not that the Verb of God has come to incarnate again; it is not that Jesus has been born again in the poverty of a manger. No, because it is no longer necessary for the body to give testimony of the power of God. If men believe that this spokesman, through whom I communicate, is God come again to this world, it is not so. The presence of God is spiritual, universal, and infinite.

If everything that men have struggled for in this era were fair, licit, and righteous, it would not have been necessary for Me to descend and talk to you again, but not all the needs that Mankind presents to Me are good; there are many mistakes, many injustices, many deviations, and wickedness. Therefore, it was necessary that My charity awaken man when he was more than devoted to his deeds, to remind him what are the forgotten duties, to whom he owes everything that he is, and what he will be.

To make Myself heard by a materialized Mankind, who could not have heard Me from Spirit to spirit, I had to avail Myself of his gifts and faculties in order for Me to communicate through the mind of man.

The explanation of why I descend to communicate with you is this: As you are unable to elevate yourself to communicate with your Lord from spirit to Spirit, I had to descend one more step, that is to say, in the spiritual, from the divine, where you cannot reach yet, then use your intellect, which has its seat in the brain of man, and translate My Divine inspiration into the human word and material sound.

Man needs much more knowledge, and it is God who comes to man to entrust him wisdom. If the elected means for My brief communication through the mind of these spokesmen does not appear dignified to you, I truly say to you, that the message given through them is very great.

I could have come among lightning and storms to make My power felt, but then, how easy it would have been if man confessed that the presence of the Lord had come! But, do you not believe that the fear in your heart would come back again, and also the idea of the incomprehensible too? Do you not believe that every feeling of love towards the Father would only have turned into fear of His justice? And you should know that God, even though He is omnipotent force, will not conquer you with that power, nor will He impose upon you because of it, but rather, through another power, and that is love.

It is the Divine Spirit who now speaks to the Universe. It is He who comes to spread the light on everything you did not see clearly in another era. It is the dawn of a new day for all men, because He comes to free you from false fears, to destroy your doubts. In short, to bring about your freedom of the spirit and the mind.

I say to you, that after knowing the essence of My teachings and the justice of My Laws, you will also know the limits that your concepts had instilled in you, preventing you from going far beyond a weak knowledge of the truth.

It will not be the dread nor the fear of punishment that will stop you from investigating to discover; when you truly are wanting to know the impenetrable, it will be your conscience which will prohibit the way, because you should know, that not all the truth corresponds to man, and that from it, he can only take the part that corresponds to him.

People: If My announced coming would be in the midst of wars, unleashed elements, of epidemics, and of chaos, it is not because I have brought all this to you; it is precisely because My presence had to be timely in that hour of crisis for Mankind.

And here you have the fulfillment of what was said of My new coming. I come to men when a world is agonizing, and at its point of death, the Earth trembles and shakes, to give way to a new Mankind. That is why the calling of God in the Third Era, is a calling of love, a love that encompasses and inspires justice, fraternity, and peace.

But I do not come only to free you from mistakes and prejudices that affect your life in the world, but I also come to tell you that eternal condemnation as it has been described to you, does not exist, because the spirit cannot suffer the physical punishment that produces pain on the body.

The pain of the spirit comes as he contemplates his actions in the light of the conscience, which makes him see and comprehend, with clarity, all the mistakes and imperfections committed.

I chose the cloud as a symbol to represent My coming to the world during the Third Era.. Is not the cloud the messenger that crosses over mountains, valleys, and cities? Is it not the one that fertilizes the fields with its rain, and offers beneficent shade? Does not the lightning surge from it, announcing the storm and the vibrant thunder that shakes?

Here I am before you in Spirit, from the luminous cloud, sending My word to you, making it human through these spokesmen, as a preparatory lesson for that communication which everyone shall attain: The communication of spirit to Spirit.

Because of My love for you, I have come on a cloud, symbol of the spiritual, to communicate with your spirit. But in the beginning, that luminous cloud has had to alight upon the mind of the spokesmen, as a preparation until you are able to communicate with Me directly. Then, it will be there, upon your spirit, where the cloud will descend to settle.

That is why I chose the cloud as a symbol. For that reason, when My apostles saw Me in Spirit for the last time, and Roque Rojas, during this Third Era, when I allowed them to contemplate the symbol that was an indication of My new coming, they understood the significance of My presence on a cloud.

Since then, a sweet shadow embraces these people who have been gathering around My manifestation. My word has been a fertile rainfall upon the arid lands of spirituality, and the ray which, on each communication, descends upon the human mind, has torn the darkness of your sin and of your ignorance, shaking your very strength and awakening your spirit. How terrible has been for you, this storm which has unleashed within your spirit as you hear My Divine Word!

What majesty and what imposing beauty you have beheld in that storm of light that surges from My word during those moments of its manifestation! Startled with admiration, with respect and fear, the multitudes are speechless, letting that torrent of love, of justice, and of wisdom, bathe and purify them.

O! Beloved people whom I have named the spiritual Israel, because I am converting you as the depositor of My messages and revelations! When will you learn to translate and interpret My word justly?

I have fulfilled My promise to return which I made during the Second Era. The apostles, in Bethany, saw Me ascend from the Earth toward the infinite, and you have seen Me return from the infinite into your heart. Do you not also find in this, a similarity with the clouds that rise from the sea and ascend to pour their beneficial rain on other places where the parched lands call for them?

I knew that from generation to generation, men would be mystifying My Doctrine, adulterating My Law, and falsifying the truth. I knew that men would forget My promise to return and would cease to consider each other as brothers, to kill one another with the most cruel, cowardly, and evil weapons.

However, now the time and the promised day has come, and here I am. Do not judge the form that I have chosen to communicate with you: for it is not the world which is to judge Me, but instead, it is I who will judge Humanity because this is the time of its judgment.

I have come to establish a kingdom within the heart of Mankind; not a material kingdom as many expect; rather a spiritual one, whose strength will come from love and justice and not from the powers of the world.

I notice that there are those who are surprised hearing Me talk this way. But I ask you: Why should you imagine me always covered with silks, gold, and precious stones? Why do you always wish My Kingdom to be of the world, when I revealed the opposite to you?

Your suffering has drawn My attention. My Spirit has felt invoked by yours, and I have come on a cloud of love and justice to overflow Myself in mercifulness upon mankind.

Not all nations call for Me, and those who wait for Me are very few. The spiritual cloud will come and shall envelop, like a mantle of peace, those people who invoke it, those hearts who are waiting for it.

To all those who attempt to extinguish the thirst of the spirit with the pleasures of the world, the cloud will surprise them with the brilliance of its lightning, and the din of its storm will fill them with fear, for then, they will remember that a Divine justice exists, and that each man is a carrier of a spirit who shall respond to God for all his deeds.

The cloud of love, of light, of mercy, and of justice, is also an immense legion of spiritual creatures, of servants of mine, of spirits of light who live to fulfill My designs, and multiply in the universe, carrying out, with perfect harmony, their mission of loving one another; because that Divine commandment, that maxim I revealed to the world in the Second Era, was not only for men; that maxim is the law which governs all existent spirits.

O, my beloved people: over that cloud of light, which is the spiritual legion of love and fraternity between all the worlds, I descended through My Ray during this Third Era, bringing to you a new message of wisdom, an infinite consolation for your suffering, and a light which would serve you as a guide to find the forgotten path, so that once discovered, you will come to Me, step by step, merit by merit, consciously and firmly, to pursue your spiritual perfection.

From the time that I said My last word at Calvary, until the day in which I gave you My first teaching during this era, I can say to you, that the time transpired did not pass over Me. The time was so fleeting between My departure at that time and My arrival during this era, that I compare it with the flash of lightning from the East and concealing itself in the West.

There are moments when men judge themselves to be so unworthy of Me, that they cannot conceive that I could ever love them so much; and once resigned to live away from their Father, they construct a life according to their own ideal; they create their laws and set up their own religions.

That is why when they see Me coming, they are greatly surprised. Then, they ask themselves: "Truly, does the Father love us so much, that this is the form He seeks to communicate with us?"

Humanity: I can only tell you that what is mine, I will not allow it to get lost; and you are mine. I loved you even before you existed, and I shall love you eternally.

It is true that many men have already recognized the signs of My new coming, that they scrutinize the scriptures in search of prophecies; that they feel that the trials that today weigh upon humanity speak of the Justice of the Lord. They look for Me, they are waiting for Me, they want Me, but they do not know that My Divine vibration is already among men, they ignore the manner in which I am vibrating over all that is material and over every spirit.

I truly say to you, if even the kings marveled at the humbleness in which I was born at that time, in this Era there will also be a surprise when everybody knows the humble manner I elected to deliver My Word to you.

Around My message the arguments will stir up, some affirming that it is the truth, others trying to contradict it, some giving testimony of their own spiritual experiences and others denying the existence of such manifestations.

But the truth will impose itself, because this is the time when the dormant gifts and faculties in the spirit become unleashed and manifest themselves through men, because the bodies by this time have already attained the evolution and the indispensable sensitivity for the communication with the spiritual.

From the children up to the elders, passing on through the youth, everybody will have manifestations that, in the beginning, will seem strange to them, because it has been a long time that Humanity has stayed away from the spiritual, but they will later take it as something absolutely natural in the superior life of man.

It will be when children speak of profound teachings, when men and women have spiritual visions and prophetic dreams, and when the gift of healing is propagated all over the Earth.

Great will be the surprise among the gentlemen and the distinguished ones of the Earth, when they confirm the truth of My return, because in their hearts they will ask themselves why has He come.

Among the poor there will be a great rejoicing because their heart will tell them that the moment of grace, of liberty and peace for the oppressed and for those who have had infinite hunger of love and justice, draws near.

This Work, that you now see limited to your smallness and hidden in poverty, will surge as a divine splendor, illuminating all the Earth, wakening the dormant spirits, lighting up the faith in the hearts, opening before the mind of Mankind, the Book of the True Life, the book of the truth.

You will receive in one single inheritance the Three Testaments, and when you find along your pathway those who wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, you will show them My message and you will tell them not to imitate the Jewish people who, while waiting for the Messiah, did not recognize Him when He arrived among them and they are still waiting for Him.

I made Elijah return in this the Third Era as I, as the Master, had announced in that Second Era, saying: "Truly Elijah has been among you and you have not felt him. I shall return to the world, but truly I say to you, Before I return, Elijah will come."

Elijah, like in a chariot of fire, moves his spirit throughout the Universe, leaving a trace of love, that love which is the fire of the Spirit of God, light that illuminates and fire that embraces, that warms up those who are cold of spirit and heart.

Elijah, a spirit of great power, who has not been recognized by humanity, has always been My forerunner. Today he has come once again to prepare the chosen, those who have served Me as spokesmen, and all of humanity.

During all eras Elijah has come as My forerunner to prepare the spirit of all men.

Before I am being felt in someone’s heart, Elijah appears before him to tell him to repent for his sins, for the Lord draws near. He did the same thing during the Second Era through John, the Baptist, when the latter commanded that penitence be felt and purification be made, because the Kingdom of Heaven was close at hand.

And since every word of the Master is fulfilled, in the Third Era Elijah has arrived first before Me in order to come to awaken the spirits, to make them perceive that the hour of the Holy Spirit has opened its doors today to every spirit, to open his eyes, to prepare his footing in order to go through the threshold of the Second Era toward the Third; and so that the manifestation of Elijah in this Third Era be more perceivable, I made him communicate through a righteous man: Roque Rojas.

Before I am being felt in someone’s heart, Elijah appears before him to tell him to repent for his sins, for the Lord draws near. He did the same thing during the Second Era through John, the Baptist, when the latter commanded that penitence be felt and purification be made, because the Kingdom of Heaven was close at hand.

I have marked the place and the time in which I would come among men in the Third Era. Everything was prepared with perfect justice and wisdom. A new land was to be witness of My new coming. The west was to be illuminated with the brilliance of My presence

From perfection, I descend on the ladder of spiritual evolution which was disclosed to Jacob in a revelation, so that My voice may be heard in each mansion.

The world should not expect a new Messiah. If I promised to return, I also gave you to understand that My return would be spiritual, but humanity has never been prepared to receive Me.

In that Era, men doubted that God could conceal Himself in Jesus, whom they judged to be the same as any other man and just as poor as the other. Nevertheless, later, before the powerful deeds of Christ, humanity was convinced that in that man who was born, and who grew up, and died on earth, was the Word of God. However, during this period, many men would only accept My coming if it were in human form as in the Second Era.

The proofs that I come in Spirit to communicate with humanity, will not be accepted by everyone in spite of the testimonies, because the materialism will be like a veil of darkness before the eyes of some.

How many would like to see Christ suffer again in the world and receive from Him the miracle, in order to believe in His presence, or in His existence.

But truly I say to you, that there will never again be, on this earth, a manger that will behold My birth as Man, nor another Golgotha that will see Me die.

Now, all those who are resurrected to the true life will feel Me born within their heart. Those who are obstinate in their sin, will also feel Me dying within their heart.

Change the material to the spiritual, and from the human to the divine, all that Jesus did in that period, and you will keep in mind His passion during your existence.

All that you see which occurs during this period, in the spiritual, as well as in the material, had already been announced.

There were men in past eras who predicted everything that humanity endures during these moments. Those men were My prophets, sons of light, who admonished the people so that they would direct their footsteps along the paths of righteousness. Those prophets predicted the darkness of the desolation and of the destruction, due to the indifference of mankind before the calling of their Father.

In the different eras, I have manifested Myself to men in an unexpected form. Who would have said that, in the Second Era, the promised Messiah, the Son of God, would not even have a humble home to be born in? Who would have said to you that Mary, the wife of the carpenter, would be the Mother of Jesus?

Since My first steps on Earth, I gave signs of My power, and nevertheless, many did not even have any intuition of My presence.

During this period I have not come to surprise you. If you had prepared yourselves, transmitting the promise of My new coming, from father to children, from generation to generation, I would have found you waiting for My arrival; but no one was waiting for Me.

Some of you had forgotten these prophecies; others ignored them because they were hidden. How few of you scrutinized the firmament and observed the happenings of the world in each of the signs which would announce the time of My coming?

Nevertheless, those who were waiting for My return as the Promised Comforter, feel that the time has come, and that Christ has come spiritually to humanity; others have heard rumors of My coming and they have not believed.

Jesus said to His disciples: "I will be absent from you only for a time; I shall return." Then it was revealed to them that their Master would come on a cloud, surrounded by angels, and emitting rays of light over the Earth.

Behold! I am here on a cloud, surrounded by angels who are the spiritual beings who have come to manifest themselves among you as messengers of My Divinity, and as your good advisors. The rays of light are My "Word" which speak to you of new revelations, and which overflow wisdom on every mind.

Blessed are those who, without seeing, have believed, for they are the ones who feel My presence.

Let other peoples awaken to the new period while seeing the regions devastated by the waters, nations destroyed by war, and pestilence annihilating lives.

Those peoples, conceited in their knowledge, and lethargic in the splendor of their religions, will not recognize My word under this humble means, nor feel My manifestation in spirit; therefore, the Earth will have to shake first, and Nature will say to men: "The time has arrived and the Father has come among you". In order for mankind to awaken, let them open their eyes and accept that I am the One who has arrived; first the power and pride of man will be touched, but you have as your mission to be vigilant, to pray, and be prepared.

Do not doubt My word. In the First Era I fulfilled My promise to liberate Israel from the bondage of Egypt, which signified idolatry and darkness, to take you to Canaan, land of freedom and worship toward the living God.

There, My advent as a Man was announced, and the prophecy was fulfilled, word by word, in Jesus. I, that Master who inhabited and loved you in Jesus, promised the world to speak to them in another time, manifesting Myself in Spirit, and here you have the fulfillment of My promise.

Today I announce to you, that I have reserved for your spirit marvelous regions, realms, spiritual mansions, where you may be able to find the true freedom to love, to do good, and extend My light. Would you have any doubt, after having fulfilled My previous promises to you?

I am the book in which the life is written and in which all the wisdom exists.

Come, knock on My door and I will open it at once, but I want to contemplate in your heart a true longing for the light. If you come to feel that your mind has come to a limit of comprehension and cannot go any further, do not fear, because then your spirit, to whom more ample horizons exist, will elevate himself above the smallness of the flesh until he reaches that light he wished to see.


This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Sinners, do not fear that when you come before My presence My voice will judge you before your brothers, because I will not denounce you.

Do not fear, as Magdalene did not fear when, drawing close to Me, she divested herself of the heavy burden of sins, without caring who looked at her, who heard her, or judged her. She was at peace because she knew she was no longer a woman stained by sin, but rather a sinner purified by repentance.

Imitate her, in her repentance and in her love.

Truly, truly I say to you, that there is more love in repented sinners than in those who have always considered themselves righteous.

The heart of the sinner is more sensitive when touched with the love of my word, because there are many who have sinned because they lacked love in their lives. When they have heard the Father´s voice calling them, forgiving them, healing their wounds, and understanding them, they quickly felt the Divine touch in their most sensitive fibers. Thus, they experienced the Master´s enduring patience before them.

There are many men who journey through earth, seeking a phrase or a redeeming light to comfort them in their grief, they seek someone who will speak to them of a better life and not point out their faults. However, they have not discovered such a person on earth! Thus, they withdraw from people, become hermits, and confide their secrets to no one.

Do not speak harshly to anyone, for redemption does not occur in such a manner. You will learn that a sinner should not be harmed as apunishment for his mistakes.

I tell you that if you speak to beasts with love, they will bow their heads.

Those who Have not stumbled into the abyss, are always accusing and quickly judging your fellowmen without the least pity, and that is not my Doctrine.

And you, women, who believe that you belong to a superior class and are ashamed to get near those who have sinned: Woe unto you if you feel offended or complain for that reason, because you have failed to understand that everyone is spiritually equal! How many of you have not sinned with your deeds, but have concealed your own downfalls! Therefore, if you have sinned, why do you scandalize?

I assure you that your juedgement would show more compassion, if before judging others, you would analyze yourself and your defects. You feel that those who are in prison are evil and that those in hospitals are unfortunate. You depart from them not realizing that they are also worthy of entering the kingdom of my love. You do not want to consider that they also have the right to feel the rays of the sun which I created to give life and warmth to all creatures, without exception.

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