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Spirit and Flesh

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Since the begining of humanity, man had the intuition that there was a spiritual being within him, a spiritual being who, though invisible manifested himself through the various deeds in his life.

Pity, compassion, tenderness, kindness and gentleness; these are not attributes of the matter.

All of those powers belong to the spirit. The spirit is great because he is an atom of God.

You have discovered in your being something more that its bodily parts and those are the spiritual gifts faculties, powers and attributes which have been dormant in man for many centuries. These lack form and substance.

Some feel fear, others distrust, others confusion and some have even felt horror at the mention of the word spirit, failing to remember that man carries spirit within, spirit given to him by the Creator who is also a Spirit. Who has instilled that faar? Who has made feel this dislike for the spirit? Have you not considered that the material body that you love so much is only dust that will return to the soil?

The body is only a casing. And inside that cover there exists a small bottle whose perfume or essence is the spirit. Do you not believe that it is injust for that perfume to be enclosed, when its aroma could perfume an entire house? Today, that house could be your home, tomorrow the world, and later, the infinite space.

Seek the mansion of the spirit in the depth of your being, and seek supreme wisdom in the greatness of love.

Justice is that the spirit should reveal wisdom and knowledge to the human mind, rather than the mind giving light to the spirit. Many will not be able to comprehend what I am saying, because man changed the natural ways of life long ago.

There is a battle between the spirit and the material body, an ancient battle between the eternal and the temporary with the spirit confronting the material body. Which will triumph? Some say the spirit and others say the material body. But I say to you that neither one will win.

In that battte the spirit should not humiliate the matter and defeat it. If that occurred it would not be a true victory. The true victory is when matter and spirit unite and are in perfect harmony. Thus both will be fulfilling the same ideaL Then, they will be following the path of justice and love as outlined by My Law.

I do not come to tell you to neglect your worldly obligations since you need them for your self-perservation, satisfaction and perfection. But be honest and just to the needs of the spirit.

Man is a slave to the will of others; he is victim of their anathemas, condemnation and threats. What has been gained from this? Man has abandoned his desire to comprehend and gain the elevated knowledge that he should possess, thus he is prevented from clarifying what he always has considered a mystery: the spiritual life

Do you believe that the life of the spirit will eternally be a puzzle for man on earth? You are greatly mistaken if you do. In spite of your scientific progress, as long as you are unaware of your origin and ignore all that relates to the spirit, you will continue to be creatures who dwell in a small world among the plants and animals.

If for a moment your material eyes were able to contemplate your own spirit, you would be astonished to realize who you are and what you are; and, thus, you would feel respect and charity for yourself and feel a profound sorrow on contemplating to what extent you have guided your spirit

Man is unable to contemplate what is most noble and pure within his being because of the very dense veil that surrounds him in his materialism.

Spiritual Gift Of Prophecy

This entry it's part of the The Spiritual Gifts Within series. Part [part not set] of 7

The New Prophets

You will receive in one single inheritance the Three Testaments, and when you find along your pathway those who wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, you will show them My message and you will tell them not to imitate the Jewish people who, while waiting for the Messiah, did not recognize Him when He arrived among them and they are still waiting for Him.

Journey along the pathways of your spiritual mission in such a manner that when your brethren contemplate your way of living and listen to your word, they will recognize you as the seed for a new world, as the generations who will serve as the foundations of a new Humanity.

The Example of John

John is an example of what the spirit of Humanity will attain in the near future. The ecstasy of John, through whom he talked, saw and heard, was the revelation of what you would be contemplating in this period. The spiritual images, represented by symbols, were seen through the gift of spiritual vision, that is, spiritual perception.

The divine voice and the voice of the spiritual world that reached up to his brain and touched his heart, were precursory signs of the communication that you have had through spokesmen and faculties during this period.

And finally John, writing by indication of an angel of all that he envisioned and heard, revealed to Mankind the communication from spirit to Spirit that should come when men would have divested his existence of impurities and materialism.

When will men fix their attention on what was left written by My beloved disciple? Strange is the way in which the revelation is described, mysterious in its meaning, his words so infinitely profound. Who could understand them?

The men who begin to interest themselves in John’s revelation study in depth, analyze, and observe and study, some draw near the truth, others believe they have discovered the contents of the revelation and they proclaim it to everybody, others are confused or get tired of searching and conclude denying the divine essence of that message.

Now I come to say to you, disciples of the Third Era, that if you truly yearn to penetrate into that sanctuary and know the profoundness of those revelations, you will have to initiate yourself in prayer from spirit to Spirit, the same that John practiced during his exile.

You will have to understand beforehand that the divine revelation, though represented in forms and material figures, all of it speaks to the spirit of Mankind, of their evolution, struggle, of their temptations and falls, of their profanation and disobedience. It speaks of My Justice, of My Wisdom, of My Kingdom, of My trials and of My communication with men, of their awakening, of their regeneration, and finally of their spirituality.

There I reveal to you the spiritual journey of Humanity divided into eras, so that you better understand the evolution of the spirit.

Now then, disciples, if the revelation refers to your spiritual existence, it is only fair that you study it and you visualize it from a spiritual standpoint, because if you go by analyzing it only through the material things, you will end up confusing yourselves as many others.

Of course, many material events are and will be related with the fulfillment of that revelation, but you must know that those happenings and signs are also forms, figures, and examples that come to help you understand My truth and to help you fulfill your destiny of elevation towards Me along the spiritual limpidity of which John, My disciple, left you a luminous example, who advanced ahead of Humanity thousands of years on communicating spirit to Spirit with his Lord.

Spiritual Gifts of Healing

This entry it's part of the The Spiritual Gifts Within series. Part [part not set] of 7

Of Spiritual Healing

Heal all the sicknesses of the body as well as the spirit, because you have the mission to console, to fortify, and to heal your fellowmen.

But I ask you: What healing could you transmit to the needy, if you were sick? What peace would you emanate from your spirit, if he is disturbed by worries, suffering, remorse, and low passions?

You can only offer your brethren what you treasure in your heart.

You must now store as much as you can of the good things that I have been imparting among these people, and learn to preserve them through adversities and setbacks, so that when the time comes to fulfill your mission, you may come out victorious in the struggle. The peace, the light, and the balsam, will form one single part with your whole being, in such a way, that not only by anointing a sick person will you heal him, but with your word, your thought, and with your eyes, you shall transmit health, peace, and fortitude, and in many cases, your presence alone will emanate those virtues.

The Power of Faith

But do not believe that just by knowing that I have granted you these gifts will be enough; no, besides, you should know, that you need the power to manifest them, and it is indispensable to conquer it with your faith in Me, with charity towards your fellowmen, with limpid sentiments, and unselfishness.

He who does not work within these principles, even though gifted by Me, nothing good will he deliver, because those gifts only flourish and are lavished through noble, pure, and elevated sentiments.

Of course, in spite of their lack of preparation, there are many who are leaving traces of miracles along their way, but they are not the ones who are giving. It is I who has mercy of the needy, of the sick, of the poor in spirit, and of the men of good faith; and then, those workers attribute My miracles to themselves.

There are other cases in which the one who is going to deliver what I have entrusted to him, is unable yet, because he ignores the manner of getting prepared, but his faith is great and he feels charity towards his fellowman. To the latter, I grant him to perform miracles to stimulate him at his work, so that he perseveres and perfects himself.

The Neverending Heritance

To say that I deprive of his gifts, the one who does not use them well, is a mistake, but the one who does not apply them for the purpose I have outlined, instantly looses the power to manifest them.

How could I deprive man of his spiritual gifts, when these are the means to attain his salvation and his only weapons to defend himself?

If My justice worked as you believe it does, I would have already taken away the light from his conscience and from many minds I would have retained the intelligence; but again I say to you, that I do not want to retain those gifts from men, because those attributes are precisely those through which they will redeem and elevate themselves towards perfection.

You tell Me that there are those who lose their reason and those who prematurely lose their life or some faculty. True, but it is not I who wrenches from them what is already theirs. They are the ones who, because of their weakness, imprudence, or blindness, deprive themselves of what the Father has given them as a freedom.

Is it not true that My hand of justice is present in all of this?

But if you ponder a little bit, over the way I apply My perfect justice, you will be convinced that it is My love that appears in each of those cases, returning the light to some, the peace to others, and the life to still others, though to recover what they have lost, I tell you also that before that, they have to pass through a great purification.

Spiritual Solitude

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

I wish that those not understood by humanity should feel understood by me.

Why do I see you walking with your head lowered like failures? Are you tired of this life? Then rest for a second and tell me about your anxieties. Come to Me, always when you are distressed by your griefs, whenever you need someone to trust, a gentle friend, look for me and I will advise you on the best path. When pain overwhelms you and the grief of life annihilates your senses, do not doubt about Me.

For those who suffer and cry, for those who call themselves disinherited, for those who say that their star does not shine and for those who mourn for having come to this life to cry, I say: Why do you fall on to the abyss of dispair and mistrust?

Do not feel defeated, do not confess yourself as failures. You all need a word of encouragement to comfort you, if you call yourselves misunderstood I say to you that I know everything that happens within you and I will give you the solution that you are seeking for, I come as a father so that those who have lacked love, affection and tenderness on earth can find warmth in Me. I come as a doctor so you can deposit in me your pain, anxieties and all the hidden suffering that have weakened your spirit and body, I come as a friend so you can trust in Me your deepest secrets, struggles and wishes.

Everyone bears a wound in the heart. Who but I is able to penetrate within you?

I know of your bitterness, your sadness, and discouragement, and of so much injustice and ungratefulness that exists in your world. I know of the weariness of those who have lived and struggled greatly on Earth, and whose existence for them is a heavy burden. I know of the emptiness of those who are becoming lonely in this life.

I say to all: Ask and you shall receive. That is why I have come to give you in accordance to what you need from Me, be it company, tranquility, missions, or light.

I come as a father, never indifferent to your sufferings and always indulgent and merciful before your imperfections. Also to the lonely and misunderstood man, as well as the man converted into a slave of passions and vices, and to the abandoned woman or the maiden fearful of facing life. The same to the father or mother who present Me their problems and to the orphan who has not protection in the world. I listen to all of them and I touch their heart with the fine chisel of my word.

Let yourselves be covered with my word, so that you can forget sorrow, mourning, misery and tears and cease being the pariahs of the world. Sick and sad men in need of spiritual love, you will see how the serenity of the spirit will pacify the turbulent sea of your passions.

Men and women, who have wept greatly in life, this lesson is dedicated to you. Meditate profoundly on it, and you will see what sweet consolation penetrates into your heart. A tiny light will kindle within your innermost being and a sensibility, that you have never experienced before, will surprise your dormant fibers, allowing you to feel My Spiritual presence, be it in your sorrows as well as in your happiness and your moments of peace.

In my word you can find the honey to sweeten your existence and remove forever the bitterness that has been existed in all eras, the sad taste in your life.


This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

The spiritualist is a disciple of the Holy Spirit, my first-born.

How easy it is to say: I am a spiritualist, but truly how hard it is to be one. When you understand My teaching and practice it, then you shall be worthy of being named spiritualists.

The spiritualist is not the one who enters the houses of prayer where I impart My inspiration to you. He is the one who prays spiritually and elevates himself at any place. He is the one who struggles toward the perfection of his spirit. He is the one who lives to lessen other people’s misfortunes. He can be anywhere, and will be recognized more for his actions rather than his word.

He must be an example of love, humility and charity, for not everyone who professes to be spiritualist, really is. He will not seek anything for his own benefit, instead he will be at the service of others.

Make yourself known for the generosity of your heart, and that humbleness be reflected through your actions. The gentle heart is also gentle of the spirit. The arrogant and the vain feigns to be strong, but he is weak in spirit.

As spiritualists, you must relate with love to your fellow men, whatever their religion. In this manner you will testify that you have been prepared by Me and your noble actions will reach all the hearts and all those who reason without egotism will understand you.

If you find differences when comparing the way in which your brethren practice their cult and the form that you follow, do not dwell judging the external and you must know how to penetrate deeply where the truth exists. If you are spiritualists, think that you must always search for the spirit and not the external forms.

Thus if you should come to understand your brethren, very quickly you will discover that every man advances along a different pathway, but that all paths converge at the same point which is the pathway towards the light, towards the truth and the life.

You now see that only carrying in your spirit the knowledge of My Word is not sufficient, as the most important part remains behind, and that is to put into practice My teachings. That is the evidence that you must demonstrate to show how much you have learned from My Word.

It will not be necessary that you pronounce My name frequently. On the contrary, the less you pronounce it, and the better you practice My lesson, you will have given the greatest of your testimonies.

The noble aspiration of the future spiritualists will be to exchange faults for positive qualities; those who will arise towards a superior kingdom over the ruins of human existence. You will be brothers who will be understanding, humble, simple, noble and charitable. You will be strong, but not arrogant. You shall not humiliate the weak. 1f you possess great knowledge of My doctrine, you shall never make a display of your knowledge so that your brethren will not feel belittled around you.

Truly I say to you, that if pride germinates within your heart, you will not be spiritualists. The illuminated spirit cannot be satisfied with small vanities that only flatter the egotistical heart.

My Doctrine does not make the spirit come to a standstill. Neither does My Doctrine hold back the evolution of man. On the contrary, it liberates him from fears and prejudices, and makes him contemplate the path of light that awaits him.

There should be peace, faith, charity, forgiveness, smiles, understanding, indulgence and tenderness, in order to spread them as a balsam upon those who suffer.

The spiritualist of tomorrow will be recognized not as a mystic, nor as the religious one who withdraws from the world and from men, in order to pray. Rather, he will be one who is able to struggle against temptations, and even in the midst of a storm, will be able to distinguish the pathway of truth. He will know how to confront a prepared world, and his word as a prophet and seer shall announce what is to come.

The spiritulists will not construct temples of stone, nor altars to proclaim their deeds. They will erect a great spiritual temple, whose stones will be the hearts of mankind, in unity with one another, through the strength of love.

My apostles of the Second Era never believed in material worship, in order to teach and explain My doctrine. Their hands never erected altars, nor did they construct palaces for any spiritual worship.They imparted health to the sick; hope and comfort to the poor, the forlorn, and, like their Master, they showed the lost the road to salvation.

The spiritualist says: “How beautiful life is.” The profane, the materialist says: “How bitter, how sad, and how somber life is!”

When the spiritualists multiply on the Earth, there will be many who will confuse them with vulgar fortune-tellers and they will draw near to ask them about the future. The men of science will ask them concerning the life of the spirits, and about life in other worlds or planets.

I predict all this so that when you see yourselves besieged by foolish questions, you will remember that you should pray so that your Father may inspire what you have to say, whatever His will is to express before the foolishness or curiosity of your brethren.

Truly I say to you: How very much the theologians have confused Humanity, but I give you My light to save, redeem, and elevate you, truthfully saying to you, that it will not be your mind which will reveal these teachings to the spirit, but rather, the spirit who will reveal to the human mind, the spiritual and divine knowledge. That is why your Father says to you: It will not be the theologians, but rather, the spiritualists, the true disciples of the Holy Spirit, the spirits who will learn to communicate and be in contact with My Divine Spirit, to hear My voice and feel the caress, the fortitude, and the lull of your Father.

The “Tower of Babel” still stands, certainly, but it is also true that the spiritualist people are already emerging in the world, and their mission is to begin to destroy the foundations of that tower of divisions, differences, and pride.

Preserve My word, oh blessed people, and keep in mind that it shall be the solid foundation of a new tower that men will raise, but not the tower that will symbolize human pride, nor the one that will defy the divine power and justice, but the immaterial tower that will symbolize the spiritual elevation, the love, the charity, and the harmony among men.

Today the world ignores you, but truly I say to you, that the day will come when the nations will be waiting anxiously for you. That shall be when the great trials and the calamity will begin to be felt on the countryside, and when it will be known that the spiritualists have the power over the plagues and the strange diseases.

There, on their beds, will be the sick, waiting for the arrival of the emissary and laborer of Christ, who will come to anoint them with the balsam of tenderness and charity. There will be the homes with their doors open, waiting for the disciples who, with their presence, shall bring about the peace and the light into those hearts.


This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Spirituality will bring the awakening to the dormant gifts or faculties and the sensitivity to all the fibers of the heart.

Spirituality means harmony of the spirit and the flesh. It is the level of elevation which permits man to conceive ideas far beyond what his mind foresees, and have power over the material.

Spirituality means development of all the faculties of man, those which correspond to his human part, as well as those which vibrate far beyond the senses of the body and which are the powers, attributes, faculties, and senses of the spirit.

Spirituality is the just and good application of all the gifts that man possesses.

Spirituality is harmony with everything that surrounds you. It is the knowledge of eternal life and, if you manage to harmonize with Creation, you will have found one more form of spirituality, for you would be living with My Laws.

You will recognize that you are not only substance but also essense, because you will learn that when the life of man terminates, it is not the end of the pathway for the spirit.

Spirituality means freedom of the spirit which will allow you to feel a great love for God. A man spiritually prepared by My doctrine will be able to realize superhuman deeds, and from his spirit and from his body will emanate light, power and strength which will permit him to realize that the human intellect alone is unable to carry out. Moreover, it is elevation of thought, purity of deeds and of words, an elevated and generous life.

In spirituality there is no room for fanatism, prejudice or superstition. When you suceed in practicing it, then you will understand the importance of life. You will contemplate its beauty, and you will discover its wisdom. Then you will surely realize why I have called it life. Therefore, you shall be in the condition to comprehend that in its spirit the Kingdom of God exists.

Spirituality is elevation of the sentiments, purity in life, faith, love for others, charity, humility before God and a profound respect for all the spiritual gifts received. And, in order to begin the luminous journey of spirituality, you do not need symbols, only light, faith, will, power and love. If you have love, you will reach great heights; if you have faith in Me, you will not stumble during your life time. The faculties of healing, speech and persuasion, which are within you, will be developed, and all shall be toward the progress of the spirit.

How can you obtain spirituality? By praying from spirit to Spirit; by striving to be just in all your actions; by practicing charity with your brethren. When you live in that manner, the spirit is free, and he will guide the steps of man, illuminated by the light of his conscience.

Spirituality will guide man toward perfection, and when he has obtained it, he will no longer say: Father, give me sustenance, give me intelligence, give me material riches.

The spirituality, which is My own Kingdom, approaches with long footsteps like those winds that come from the north, razing everything, shaking all the trees, agitating all the forests, knocking at the doors and lashing at the faces of all beings; likewise spiritualism comes, like a strong wind of light and love, a wind that drags and razes it all, and it will come to establish itself in the heart of man, in the heart of all the institutions, in the bosom of all nations and of all the human races. It is My Kingdom, the reign of the Holy Spirit, reign of spiritual elevation, of peace and love.

Spirituality and Science

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Am I by any chance the enemy of science? Am I an obstacle for the progress and evolution of My children? He who believes this, has not known how to interpret My word. He has not comprehended the Father in his truth, because any gift or faculty that is found within man must have a development, because evolution is a universal law.

Men still have not as yet fulfilled on Earth their greatest deeds; those which would give My heart of a Father, a Divine satisfaction. Many of his marvelous deeds, within human life, still result insignificant, if their authors were to judge them with My laws of love. There you have the reason why many men of science do not wish to peer into the spiritual, because they know that there exists the presence of the One who knows all; of the One who sees and judges all. They prefer to deny My existence, believing that by doing that, they will silence the voice of their conscience.

Do not believe that I judge My children wrongly for wanting, in fact, to know the mysteries of Nature. No, My wisdom is a Divine heritage that I have for My children; but I do judge their objective, or the intention of the men of science, when it is not directed toward the purpose for which it was revealed.

If I say to you, that My wisdom will be yours, do you believe that only one existence would be sufficient to learn all that I have to reveal to you? If I say that you could not acquire the human science without traveling the extensive road of evolution, much less will you be able to acquire the knowledge of the spiritual without a complete evolution of your spirit.

I do not come to put into conflict spirituality with science, because that error has been by men, but never mine. On the contrary, I come to teach you to harmonize the spiritual with the material; the human with the Divine; what is temporary with the eternal. However, I declare to you that in order to travel through the roads of life, it is necessary to know beforehand, the path outlined by your conscience whose spiritual law comes from the Divine Spirit.

Men who study God do not agree. Who holds the truth? Men of the sciences contradict themselves. Who is right? Religion and science have always been in conflict, without men understanding that the spiritual and material live in perfect harmony and with it they create the true work of the Creator.

How many anathemas have religions cast upon science and how many times has science denied religion the existence of the spiritual life! Religion bases its attacks on the evil brought upon mankind by science, and science use as a weapon the fanaticism and superstitions that the ministers of the religions have instilled in mankind. Truly I say to you that in some there is the need of knowing the truth of what nature encompasses, and for others to justly interpret My law.

If scientists who move and transform your world were inspired by love and goodness, they would have already discovered all the knowledge I have reserved for science during this Era and not that minimal part for which they have greatly become so vain.

The true wise man is not the one who stays awake trying to discover the best way to destroy, to dominate and to annihilate but he who elevates himself to create, to harmonize the life of human beings, inspiring himself in the love towards the God of all creation and in the love for all creatures.

Men that believe to be wise seek the cause of all that exists and occurs, and hope to demonstrate with their science that there is no principle or truth outside of Nature. But I contemplate them as small, weak and ignorant. Then, where are the true wise men?

As time passes, men tend to love the terrestrial more because their science and their discoveries make them feel in a kingdom of their own, a world created by them. They have extended their dominions. There are no longer continents, lands nor oceans unexplored. They have devised ways on land, the sea and the sky, and not satisfied with what they possess on their planet as a birthright, they probe and scrutinize the sky in search of greater domains and declare they have found the truth.

I say to you that no one knows the absolute truth, since that part that has been revealed to man, he has not been able to grasp it all within his mind. Many marvelous things have been discovered and created by science, but man has not done it all because I placed in him the elements of life.

In this way you will understand that man is not the creator of life nor the elements, and that he simply transforms and uses what is already created. Creation is God himself and the time will come when men who ignore the bond that exist between the Creator and man, will understand that all that man does he takes from the Divine power.

Why have you forsaken Me and have attempted to compare your power with Mine? I say to you that when a wise man creates a being similar to you and provides him with a spirit and a conscience, I will place my scepter on his hand. Can man with all his science create something that I have done? Human science has its limits and God has not Science is light but in the hands of many men it turns into darkness.

If you have heard that I condemn the work of scientists; that I caution science, this is because that source of life has not been used for the good and progress of mankind but have placed it in the service of evil and destruction.

I bless the desire for knowledge and am infinitely gratified for their ambition to become great and strong wise me~ But what my justice does not approve is the vanity with which many times you base your ambitions and the egotistical objetives that are sought occsionally.

What do you want Me to say concerning the wise men of today, of those who provoke nature and challenge the forces and the elements? You have familiarized yourself in such a manner with evil that you call those who build the new lethal weapons great, because they can destroy millions of beings in an instant. And you even call them wise men. Where is your faculty of reasoning?

The men of this Era become amazed when they discover that their world is older than what it was thought to be by the first scientists. Question the wise men and if they are sincere, they will say that they have asked God for inspiration. And I would give them more if they would ask Me with the love towards their brethren and less vanity towards themselves.

How much shade and how much fruit has the tree of life and of science given to man! Then, why is it that now that in the world exists an evolved Humanity, it seems blind, provoking the same elements which have given it life and is shaking the tree which has never denied it the fruit of wisdom?

I will tell you why: It is because man has ceased to pray, and on ceasing to pray he has forgotten all that corresponds to the life of the spirit. Once dedicated to the life on Earth, his greatest ideal, his greatest ambition, has been to be powerful, wealthy, wise, absolute lord, and all this has dragged him towards the abyss, because he has gone in pursuit of a transitory glory.

What do you want Me to say to you about your wise men of today, those who provoke Nature and defy the forces and the elements, making Good appear as though it is bad? They will suffer great pain for cutting and eating a green fruit from the tree of science, a fruit which could only have ripened with love.

I truly say to you, that after this Era of materialistic, egotistical, and perverse science, a time will come when the men of science will know how to penetrate into the arcanums of Nature, spiritually prepared with prayer, enveloped in humility and respect, inspired in ideas and noble, elevated, human intentions.

The Stone Age is already long gone. The era of science will pass on, and then the era of the Spirit will come to flourish among men.

Spirituality for Children

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

I dedicate some of my words to children, whom I exhort to become strengthened in virtue and to flee the course of evil which has dragged so many hearts to the abyss.

Blessed children, I am familiar with your prayers and I understand your language. You are not taken into account by the world because you are regarded small and weak, makig the spirit secluded within you suffer.

The children of this period show me their ominous path; they tell me that the environment in which they breathe is not the most favorable one for spiritual progress, and they ask for enlightenment for their parents and teachers. Since childhood they have engaged in a battle between their spirit and their matter. Sometimes Good and reason have triumphed, but at other times matter overcomes.

At this time the children listen to Me and I speak to them in the same manner as I speak to mature men and to the elderly. Why do I not speak differently to children, since their mind is so young? Because their spirit is great, as is yours; because they can comprehend Me; because it is not the flesh to whom I speak, but rather the spirit.

For that reason I say to you: Do not ignore the children, believing that they do not see Me. Let them come! Their spirit hungers. I am going to cultivate them in the same manner as I do you. They are the generations of tomorrow who will place upon your foundation one more stone upon the work of edification, on the work of spirituality.

I say to mothers: teach children how to take their first steps spiritually as well as physically. Clear their path so that they may find me, love me, and elevate themselves. Keep in mind that every new generation that emerges will have greater spiritual progress. Make use of your intuition to guide them. Do not set any bad examples nor give them any bad fruit to eat.

Remember that children also observe you. Why do you argue in front of them? Behold that through that example, you are allowing the evil of Cain to penetrate into your children. Remember that your children are your next heirs; they will talk about what you had learned, and what you were, while in the path of your Lord and Master.

I do not want those new generations to stumble or be led astray because of you. I do not want to see them weeping because of the lack of love within their own family.

I want you to raise families who believe in only one God and to create homes that are temples where love, patience, and unselfishness are put into practice. In these homes you should be teachers of your children, surrounding them with tenderness and understanding. Give the same love to the one who appears ugly as to the one who is endowed with beauty. Not always does a beautiful face reflect a spirit of equal beauty. Or the other hand, behind those children with apparent ugliness, a spirit of great virtue whom you should appreciate, may be hidden.

Parents: Be sensitive to the spiritual progress of your children. Look after the children who have been entrusted to you with love and charity. Do not guide them toward the abyss nor cause them to fall. These spirits should not enter the Sodom and Gomorrah of this time.

No matter how many debts, or blemishes, the spirit may have, when he is in his infancy, the envelop participates in his purity and innocence. That is the time when the spirit needs all kinds of help, so as not to deviate from the path.

Cultivate the hearts of the blessed children, so that from the infancy they will love one another and know how to recognize the path of love and justice.

Teach the children to pray for mankind; their pure and innocent prayer, like the perfume of the flowers, will be elevated to Me and will also reach the hearts of those who suffer.

Once again I say to you: “Let the small children come unto Me”. Do not think that they are unable to receive me because you regard them little. Prepare the children; show them the path so they can overcome the pitfalls, and tomorrow they will take one step further than the one you have taken.

My kingdom is for those with a pure heart. Do not turn away anyone from My presence: neither the adult sinner who comes before Me to purify himself in My word; nor the child, because, though you believe he is unable to comprehend My teachings, many times he possesses a spirit more evolved than yours.

When you observe the children, do so with respect, because you do not know what spirits are hidden within; but of what you can be certain of is, that within each one of those young beings, there exists a past that involves a whole life history, and a whole life of evolution.

The spirit, while living in the infancy of his envelop, needs the help of the elders because his matter is too weak to support him. He requires tenderness, so that his heart does not become hardened, and he also needs examples and teachings to develop and strengthen him until the time comes to manifest himself.

The child intuitively knows that he is powerless to struggle for himself; and then, he places all his trust in his parents. He fears nothing when he is by their side; he expects only goodness, and he knows that he will lack nothing. Then, he discovers that within them, there exists a fountain of knowledge, of tenderness, and of life; that is why he experiences happiness in their company.

Teaching about Christmas

From Teaching No. 299 (Christmas Eve 1949)

2. It comes unto Me the spiritual joy wherewith you remember, during these days, the blessed night when the Word became man to live amongst you.

6. On this day when men commemorate that dawn when the Baby Messiah initiated His journey on the Earth, I want all mankind to feel My spiritual presence. I want the children to rejoice in Me, that the young people stop for a moment to remember the One who became man for love in order to save you, and that the elderly, who shed their tears meditating upon this teaching and reminiscing those happy days of their childhood, feel My peace within their hearts.

7. Happiness and sadness will have to mingle, recalling the material bosom that cradled you, the love and caresses of your parents, the happy but brief infancy and then, everything you have been losing in the world: Parents, childhood, happiness and innocence.

10. Not only men remember with joy the day when on Earth, took place the miracle that the Word of God became man, the spiritual world also partakes of this joy in the contemplation of the divine works of the Lord.

13. Oh blessed and beloved people! Keep those sacred remembrances deep within your heart, and may they be the pathway and the light in your life. If you observe that during these commemorations men go beyond the limits of respect for the divine and fall into profanations, forgive them as I forgive them, and I will make My light reach them too.

A commotion of a spiritual order will occur among mankind as it has been predicted, and then men shall awaken to return to Me. The pathways are being prepared; trials and extraordinary events will shake the world, and they will be like voices of justice, calling men to regeneration.

16. I bless you, saying to you also that, wherever the incarnation of the Verb is remembered and the Nativity of Jesus is recalled, there will be present the sweet mantle of your Celestial Mother, who was made woman so that, through Her bosom, God could pass to become man.

17. If Mary conceived the Master great, likewise must be she that became a human mother to bring him into the world.

18. She did not come only to love her only begotten Son, her Divine love is a universal mantle of consolation. Her presence, in all eras, is of tenderness and intercession. Look for her, and you shall find, in her, a ladder that will lead you to Me.

21. I come to bring you My peace so that later you will carry it to all the nations of the Earth, because the peace is the highest ideal you must aspire to.

22. The peace of the spirit is a state from where you can admire the light of My Wisdom and comprehend all that a disturbed mind cannot penetrate for lack of that peace.

23. Mankind needs peace in their spirit, tranquility in their heart, but those riches cannot be obtained by force nor can they be bought at any price. It is a grace that can be attained through perseverance in Good.

24. I entrust to you the seed of peace, beloved people, so that you will spread it on Earth. But truly I say to you, that you are not the only ones who will propagate this seed, because in the bosom of other congregations, the same as in this nation, as well as in other countries, there exists men who pray for peace, who long for the well-being of their fellowmen, and to achieve their ideal they work laboriously.

26. Man carries within the immortal strength of the spirit and he will know how to rise from his decadence with the yearning for liberation, with a longing to elevate themselves.

27. This is a time when man recognizes the capacity and the power of his intelligence; the only thing needed is for him to allow his spirit to avail himself of that power, so he performs the deeds that the Lord commands in the book of His Doctrine.

29. I have prepared for all a crossroad along the pathway, where all will converge and acknowledge each other as brethren of ideals, struggles and faith.

30. I truly say to you that everywhere in the world spiritualists are disseminated, prepared men who will contribute to the peace of Mankind.

Moreover, I say to you, that the union among the spiritualists of the whole world shall not be made by means of an organization of a new church, because its strength will not be material. Their unification shall be through thoughts, ideals and deeds, and in this manner their strength shall be invincible, because they had taken it from the eternal fountain that is within My Spirit.

32. Everyone has the duty to allow that through his gifts, the spiritualist doctrine be clarified and defined, keeping vigil so it will not become contaminated with human philosophies.

33. Already in the past eras, men have mixed up My revelations and teachings with their ideas, their philosophies, and theories, for which reason they have only succeeded in dividing and confusing Mankind.

35. To the conservatives of rituals, to those who insist in personifying God in forms, objects and images, I say to them, that if they do not follow the pathway of spirituality, without being aware of it, they are the ones who contribute to wars among the nations, to the complete disregard of brothers to brothers.

38. Have you not been aware yet, that the ambition, the fanaticism and the foolishness are like an avalanche that once overflowed, you cannot stop?

39. I do not come to combat the beliefs of anyone when the former are set on the way to the truth; but I do come to combat the mistakes in whoever they are found.

40. From now on, direct your efforts towards the same end, congrue and harmonize your vision of the spiritual. Nobody should believe himself to be following a better pathway than his brother, nor believe to be dwelling in a scale superior to that of the others.

I say to you that on that dying moment, it will be My voice that will tell you the truth of your elevation.

43. Humanity: During these days when you commemorate the birthday of Jesus, you allow peace to enter your heart, and it is then when you appear like a united and happy family. I know that not all hearts feel a sincere happiness when they remember My coming to this world in that era. Very few are those who devote themselves to meditation and spiritual withdrawal, letting that happiness be internal and that the feast of remembrance be in the spirit.

47. Nobody must think that I come to erase from your heart the purest feast that you celebrate in the year when you commemorate the Nativity of Jesus. I only come to teach you to give to the world what pertains to the world and to the spirit what pertains to the spirit, because if you have so many feasts to celebrate human events, why don’t you leave this feast to the spirit, so that he, converted into a child, draws near to offer Me his present of love, so that he acquires the simplicity of the shepherds to adore Me, and the humility of the wise to bow their heads and present their science before the owner of the true wisdom?

53. This is the most tender commemoration of the many you observe for your Master. The hearts of the children overflow in jubilation, and that of the elders is flooded with peace and hope in the Saviour.

54. You who have the grace of hearing this word, are of the few who commemorate this feast without rituals, celebrating it within the pureness of the heart. In that manner you could not fall into profanation.

It is because the comprehension has reached your mind, that the best commemoration, the one that pleases the most before the Lord, is the one that you do when you apply to your life the examples of the Master, when you live His Doctrine.

My Peace be with you!


From Teaching No. 202 (Christmas Eve)

28. Holy, you call this night, you who remember when the Rabbi came to the world.

29. Under the Divine influence of those memories, all beings come closer, those absent are brought to mind, the offenses are forgiven, families are united, friends visit one another, hearts are filled with hope. It seems that everyone awaits something unknown which they are unable to define, on this Night, when men manifest a little tenderness in their hardened hearts, and others a little spirituality over their materialism.

But I ask you: “Do you believe that only this Night deserves to be called holy by men? With a little love, could you not make it possible that every night and day of your existence be holy, so that you may see that all of life, without exception of a single instant, is holy?”

34. Ah! If you could come with Me in spirit and behold from here all the misery of Humanity!

35. If the powerful, the wealthy, and those who live surrounded in comfort, would like to be with Me on this night, I would take them in spirit to those places of suffering and poverty which they do not want to see.

36. Then I would say to them: “Leave your feasting for a while, and together we will go through those places where your poor brethren live. Let us see how they live on this blessed night, of sorrow for some and feasting for others. Do not fear,” I would say to them, “I am only asking for a few moments, and then you can return to your feasting and merriment.”

Then I would take them from place to place, and I would show them an aged mother who, in the loneliness of her miserable bedroom, mourns the loss of her sons who were her hope, and who were snatched from her by the war.

37. That woman lives only through memories and prayers. While many become intoxicated with pleasure, she drinks her cup of bitterness; her spirit only waits for that hour to leave this world and penetrate into eternity, because her hope in Humanity has long been dead.

38. Later I would show them the children, wandering among Humanity who does not respect the life of their fellowman; they do not love nor comprehend those in need.

39. I would make those men listen to the very profound questions of the children, who, in their human innocence, ask themselves the why of so much injustice, so much hatred, selfishness, and cruelty.

40. Then I would take them to those places where the moanings and lamentations of the sick are smothered; of those who have seen their body succumb, like a twig breaking when lashed by a hurricane; those are the sick, the rejected, the forgotten ones.

41. Later on I would allow the prison doors to be opened in order to behold the thousands of beings who have fallen into the darkness of captivity for lack of love, charity, light, justice, and peace.

42. And thus, from place to place, I would present to them, in one single scene, all the misery and pain which has been brought about by the ambitions, the greed, the hatred, the materialism, and the insatiable thirst for power of the conceited ones with their false lordliness, of those who believe themselves powerful, but are not; neither do they allow others to possess what justly corresponds to them.

43. However, I do not call on them, because I know that even though My voice is heard within their conscience, they are deaf to its calling.

44. But you, My beloved people, who are listening to Me, who know of privations, of loneliness, indifference, and forlornness, and for that reason vibrate together with that Humanity who weeps in hunger and thirsts for justice, come to Me, and together, in spirit, we shall visit the sick, the sorrowful, all the poor and forgotten ones of the world.

47. Do you see those multitudes who are full of animation? They are soldiers who have paused briefly from their battle to offer Me a few minutes of prayer and remembrance; but their joy and animation are fictitious; they eat and drink to calm their sorrows, but in their heart there is great pain.

They suffer, O! My people! They suffer very much, and above all during this night, which is torture for them; each memory is a thorn, each name or face they recall is like a wound.

49. Many of them suffer, taking away lives, destroying homes and cities, sowing pain, grief, and tears, and then they believe to have lost all rights to return home, to peace, to the bosom of their loved ones.

50. I know that many of them are not guilty; they do not harbor hatred or perversity in their heart. I know that they are victims, slaves, and instruments of the real guilty ones.

51. Only I can rescue them, only My love can shield them, for they are alone in the world.

53. Pray, O! My People! and in so doing you make it possible for the world to hope for the dawn of a new day; that men can remember My promise, the one that speaks of better times, of spirituality, and happiness.

54. I also say to you: “Let us go to the heart of the children and seek those who lack everything. Behold them – they sleep, and in their sleep there is no reproach toward anyone, even though their bed is very hard.”

55. Today there was no bread upon the table; nevertheless, they rest with hope for a new day. They dress in rags, but they feel no shame, because they are innocent and they smile, though their bodies lack warmth. They are angels on Earth, for in their innocent smiles, they reflect something of the purity of the Heavens.

56. O! Innocence! Shield them with your mantle, for theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens.

57. All of you call this night a Holy Night and I pour a shower of blessings upon all My children.

58. You must know that I am yours and you are mine. Remember that I proved My love, coming to live amongst you humble people, being born in poverty, struggling among thistles, and dying in disgrace.

59. You cannot say that I do not understand you, for I not only have seen your pain, but I have lived through it.

60. I also speak about the elderly, those who long ago left the prime of their lives, and now they feel the cold of winter. As they grow older, they are lacking strength, the energy, and health; the work becomes heavy, their limbs turn sluggish, and their services are no longer needed for work.

61. Thus the elderly see themselves excluded from the struggle of the rest; they feel abandoned, and their heart, depressed, sinks with sadness and has to experience hardship, misery, hunger, and loneliness. I speak about them, because they also need your aid and comfort. Love them, O! My people! And you will have the right to sit at the great table of the spiritual banquet where I will say to you: “Blessed are you who, in imitation of the Master, were able to understand all those who suffer.”

65. Is it possible that the heart of Mankind is not moved before the great scenes of suffering and misery that this Humanity presents? Yes, yes it is possible: though I see those who do not suffer misery regard, with a caressing look, the wealth they possess, with a greater loving care than for those beings, children of God.

66. Beloved people: You have accompanied Me during these brief moments to visit the needy; blessed are you for that. Do not think that I forsake the rich and the powerful, because apparently they do not need Me; I am the only One who better knows their misery and their bitterness, and who is better aware of their misfortunes; but today they believe to have it all; therefore, why should they seek Me since I am, according to them, the Christ of the sick, of the outcast, of the sorrowful? They are not aware that My mission is to save them from their false splendor, in order to give them the true and eternal happiness.

67. Aside from you, My people, do you know who else has tenderly listened to My word and has felt her Spirit vibrate with love? It is Mary, the Maternal Spirit who dwells within the bosom of the Creator, and whose essence will always be united with the memory of Jesus.

68. Her passage on Earth, although longer than mine – because she came before and departed afterward – was short; Her words, brief and sweet, were a celestial caress.

69. Sense Her in spirit, love Her and seek Her spiritually; know that in as many charitable deeds that you perform, She will be with you; that She has her mantle of intercession and tenderness extended over an ailing and bloody world, and that in each of your complaints or afflictions, you can hear a voice responding with tenderness: “Do not fear, be confident, for I am here.”

70. And thus, My people, you have been with Me; My gentle breath has penetrated into your heart on this Holy Night, and I have made you forget every hardship.

My Peace be with you!

The Controversy

This entry it's part of the Origen of Alexandria series. Part [part not set] of 4

During the period from A.D. 250 to 553 controversy raged, at least intermittently, around the name of Origen, and from this controversy emerged the major objections that orthodox Christianity raises against reincarnation. Origen of Alexandria, one of Christianity’s greatest systematic theologians, was a believer in reincarnation.

Origen was a man devoted to scriptural authority, a scourge to the enemies of the church, and a martyr for the faith. He was the spiritual teacher of a large and grateful posterity and yet his teachings were declared heresy in 553. The debates and controversies that flared up around his teachings are in fact the record of reincarnation in the church.

The case against Origen grew by fits and starts from about A.D. 300 (fifty years after his death) until 553. There were writers of great eminence among his critics as well as some rather obscure ecclesiasts. They included Methodius of Olympus, Eppiphanius of Salamis, Theophilus, Bishop of Jerusalem, Jerome, and the Emperor Justinian. The first of these, Methodius of Olympus, was a bishop in Greece and died a martyr’s death in the year 311. He and Peter of Alexandria, whose works are almost entirely lost, represent the first wave of anti-Origenism. They were concerned chiefly with the preexistence of souls and Origen’s notions about the resurrection of the dead. Another more powerful current against Origenism arose about a century later. The principals were Ephiphanius of Salamis, Theophilus of Alexandria, and Jerome. From about 395 to 403 Origen became the subject of heated debate throughout Christendom. These three ecclesiats applied much energy and thought in search of questionable doctrine in Origen. Again the controversy flared up around 535, and in the wake of this the Emperor Justinian composed a tract against Origen in 543, proposing nine anathemas against “On First Principles”, Origen’s chief theological work. Origen was finally officially condemned in the Second Council of Constantinople in 553, when fifteen anathemas were charged against him.

The critics of Origen attacked him on individual points, and thus did not create a systematic theology to oppose him. Nonetheless, one can glean from their writings five major points that Christianity has raised against reincarnation:

  1. It seems to minimize Christian salvation.
  2. It is in conflict with the resurrection of the body.
  3. It creates an unnatural separation between body and soul.
  4. It is built on a much too speculative use of Christian scriptures.
  5. There is no recollection of previous lives.

Any discussion of these points will be greatly clarified by a preliminary look at Origen’s system. Although it is of course impossible to do justice in a few pages to a thinker as subtle and profound as Origen, some of the distinctive aspects of his thought can be summarized.

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