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The Power of the Elements of Nature
If humanity is not in harmony with the Universal law that governs all of Creation, a repercussion will occur which will manifest itself through the power of the elements.
Do you see the unstable equilibrium of Nature and the upheaval it has suffered? Are you aware how you are touched by its unleashed forces? The fact is that you have broken the harmony that exists between the spiritual and the material life, thereby provoking that chaos in which you are being submerged; however, when mankind becomes obedient to the laws that govern life, there will again be peace, abundance and happiness.
When all the elements and all of Creation give evidence and manifestations of My justice, do not regard that as a punishment; it will only be a test that the humankind, who have not listened to My word, will come to recognize their mistake, after going through confusions and bitterness, attributing the commotion of the elements to diverse causes.
Only when the elements manifest My justice men tremble, but not because they understand that it is My voice of justice speaking to them, rather because they fear for their lives or for their earthly goods.
From the beginning of humanity, up to the present, My justice has been felt among men through the elements, since in their simpleness of the first eras and in their materialism in the present time, they have only been sensitive to material proofs.
During past times, when mankind still did not attain the knowledge of the true God, they saw in each element of Nature a divinity. That is why when those forces were unleashed, men said it was the vengeance of their gods, not knowing that, because of their sins, they could not save themselves from the effect of the unleashed elements.
You still retain something of those beliefs, because when you see or hear about earthquakes, tempests or plagues that lash upon towns, cities or nations, you exclaim: It is the punishment of God!
Today you wrongfully believe that My justice punishes you, unleashing the elements to sow desolation, mourning and hunger; however, someday you will understand that your deeds cause those calamities, the justice to unleash upon you. You will also learn that your merits, your faith and prayer can calm down the forces of Nature.
If the elements turn hostile and inclement, it is because no harmony exists between them and men. When mankind lives in accordance with the obedience of my laws like all other creatures live, they will discover in this planet the image of the eternal life.
But you must be watchful, oh peoples of the Earth! For if you apply the limited knowledge you possess to provoke the elements, you will receive when you least expect it, a painful and just response. You provoke the wind, the earth, water and all the forces, and you are already aware what your harvest will be if you do not correct your activities on time in order to halt the unleashed elements because of your folly.
I caution you that you are reaching the limit of your free will that My justice permits. You are provoking Nature excessively and since you are like children who feel themselves superior, this word comes as a warning of the danger you are facing.
In their pride, men have wanted to submit Nature itself and its elements, not being aware that they will in turn become judges to punish their pride and human recklessness.
The imprudent hand of man has opened the doors that held the forces and the elements of purification, which have fallen upon mankind.
The elements become unleashed, awakening the men of science from their slumber, but the latter, too obstinate in their greatness, continue their destructive work among humanity.
Behold that the elements are manifesting to you the fullment of the prophecies of past times. It has been your turn to live and witness these events, do not be frightened by the will of your Father, for everything serves to purify you.
Soon a period of great happenings will begin for the world. The Earth shall tremble, and the sun will cause candescent rays to fall upon this world that will burn its surface. The continents will be touched with suffering from one pole to the other. The four points of the Earth will suffer the puififation, and there will not be a single creature that will not feel the rigor of that expiation. I do not wish to frighten you with this warning, but to alert those who dwell on Earth during that time of ordeals.
For now, they will still be touched by the elements in many ways until they are convinced that there exist superior forces in wich the materialism of man is very insignificant.
The Earth shall tremble. The waters will cleanse and the fire will purify mankind.
All the elements and forces of Nature will be felt all over the Earth where human beings have not learned to live in harmony with the life surrounding them. In so doing, Nature does not seek destruction for those who profane it, but instead seeks a harmony between man and all creatures. If its justice manifests stronger each time, it is because the faults of men and their lack of harmony with the laws are also greater.
I announce to you that you will still witness the greatest calamities fall upon this world which will be the consequence of egotism and human ambition, lack of love and charity. This world will behold the presence of great upheavals; the waters will leave their course and portions of the seas will become lands, and other lands will be inundated by the waters. Men will leave their territories, and even their countries, seeking salvation. The waters will devastate many cities, like the Flood of the First Era, and only a few will escape these rigors.
The elements only await the hour to unleash themselves upon the world, in order to cleanse and purify the Earth. The more sinful and arrogant a nation will be, the greater My justice will be upon it.
The force of the elements will be the voice that will awaken men who stubbornly continue living in darkness; and it will not be that I come to judge them. They will be the ones who will fall within that justice because of their own deeds.
Nature demands a reckoning from man for its profanations; for that reason the elements have been unleashed.
In order to make you understand the erroneous way you are living, volcanoes will erupt, fire will surge from the Earth to exterminate the bad seed. The winds will be released, the Earth will tremble and the waters will devastate regions and nations. In this manner the elements will manifest their resentment against man. They have broken away from him because man has been destroying, one by one, the bonds of friendship and fraternity which binded him with Nature that surrounds him.
A new Flood will be unleashed which will cleanse the Earth of human perversity. It will demolish the false gods from their altars, destroy stone by stone the foundation of that tower of arrogance and iniquity, and will erase every absurd philosophy. But this new Flood will not be of water, like the one of that Era, because the hand of man has unleashed all the elements, visible as well as invisible, against himself. He dictates his own sentence, punishes and does himself justice.
I have to speak to you in this manner, because your world lives involved in wars of all kinds. When the ordeals touch the world, they always catch it unprepared, for while they think and meditate very little on the eternal, they enjoy too much the praises of the world and of the flesh.
Truly l say to you, that if in this period men do not cleanse the blemishes they have left in their spirit, the elements will come as heralds, announcing My justice and My glory and purify mankind of all impurity.
The elements of Nature, in imitation of a sonorous bell, are awakening mankind who sleeps, inviting it to pray and meditate. Those who do not understand that voice is because they are disturbed or deaf to the spiritual messages. Today they even attribute these manifestations to simple phenomenon of Nature, but the moment will come when the ministers of religions and the men of science and power will ask themselves fearfully: Can it really be that the justice of the Lord is at our doorsteps? Can it be the time for His presence amongst us?
Man’s hand has unleashed the justice upon himself. Within his cerebrum a turmoil is agitating; in his heart a tempest rages, and all this is also manifested in Nature. Its elements are unleashed, the seasons become inclement, plagues appear and become multiplied. The fact is that your sins increase, producing illnesses, and your senseless and reckless science does not recognize the order as disposed by the Creator.
You, who have heard this Word, have asked Me whithin your heart why do I not stop this disaster that men, with their science have been preparing, and I answer you: It is necessary for man to drain the cup he has fed. For a long time, nations, with their differences of races and ambitions, have been preparing the battle to destroy themeselves. It has been My charity that has stopped them, but humanity has not wanted to see nor understand that proof of divine mercy.
Your physical life has evolved; it is no longer the same as of previous times, and at the same time that your steps have been leading you along the road of evolution, you have found the fruits of science granted to all who have fulfilled their mission. To those who have mistaken My mandate and penetrated My sanctuary to discover the mysteries of Nature; to those who have taken the power of the elements merely to utilize it towards works of destruction and death, I censure and give them a calling, because I have come to order and motivate all beings and the elements, so that everything be restored and returned to its proper place.
And after this great chaos, the nations will again recover their tranquility and the elements of Nature will calm down. After that stormy night in which this world lives, the rainbow of peace will appear and everything will return to the laws of Nature, to its order and harmony.
You will again see a clear sky and fertile fields; the waters in their course will again be pure, and the sea will be merciful. There will be fruits in the trees, flowers in the meadows, and the harvest will be abundant. And man, who will have been purified and healthy, will again feel worthy, and behold the pathway prepared for his ascent and return to Me.
When you have gone through these tests of My perfect love, that will be the spiritual and physical revival of humanity.
Then men on going through the pathway of virtue and spirituality, will be astonished to understand that this life is the same one I offered to them from the beginning; that nothing within has changed. They will realize that the planet granted them as a temporary dwelling, continues to be generous with blessings; that the merciful mother Nature, like the Author of life, keeps offering her bossom to nourish them with her love, for that is the mission the Father has entrusted to her.
The sun shall be the same that will always send its life-giving warmth, as a symbol of God’s presence. It will be during that time when men will understand that it has been their unrighteous deeds which have embittered their existence.
You are so small, that many times, instead of admiring the Signs of Nature, you are intimidated. When will you be like princes in the midst of this creation, and not slaves, as you are now?
Do you believe that it pleases me to see you praying filled with fright, asking God for mercy for you, when you behold the unleashed elements? I would like to see you filled with serenity, admiring the works of your Father, without fearing for your lives. I would like to receive your prayers emerging from a heart filled with peace, obedience and comprehension.
I still behold weakness in your faith, and you need only to see the elements of Nature unleashed, for your heart to be filled with fright. Why? Have I not told you that the elements will have to obey and respect you, if you are within the path that My law indicates?
When man abides by My will the elements will bow before him like servants. As long as man persists in his disobedience the elements will be unleashed, making him recognize his lack of harmony with everything created.
Have you sometimes observed how even the wild animals gently respond to a call of love? Well, in the same manner, the elements can respond, the forces of Nature, and all that exists within the material and spiritual world.
That is why I say to you, that you should bless everything with love in the name of the Father and Creator of the Universe.
The Quest for the Apocalyptic Beast – Part 1
Getting to Know Your Enemy
The word ‘ego’ is defined by the Webster’s dictionary as:
1: the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world
2: egotism, self-steem
3: the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality.
The first acception or generally accepted meaning of the word ‘ego’ is precisely what defines the main problem with it: It separates us one from another.
By confusing individuality with the ego, and by following the traditionally wrongful psychological assumption (now under fire by advanced pyschologists) that it is the ego the one that gives us our identity, there has been an immense brain-washing in the media giving a monstruous importance to the selfish personality, opposed to altruism, which is the one prerequisite to manifesting the wonderful spiritual virtue of charity.
The present chaos is the result of that massive brain-washing… as prophesied by our Lord since the first Israel prophets up to John’s vision as narrated in the Book of Apocalypse also known as the Book of Revelation.
It were mainly two prophets that anticipated the rising of the ego as the major enemy of mankind. The first was Daniel, in ancient Babylon, and the second, John, in the island of Patmos.
And both identified that mortal enemy as the beast.
Sure, that description is a metaphor, but, wow! How precise and self-explanatory that metaphor is.
The Drop of Water and the Ocean
So, how are we going to deal with our own existence, our own identity?
Well, take for example a humble drop of water in the ocean. Of course, it has most of the ocean attributes, not all of them, of course: A single drop of water cannot make a tidal wave by itself, isn’t it?
That single drop of water is, by itself, an individual, and it has an identity with which you can distinguish it from another quite similar to it. But it ocuppies a diferent space and position in that ocean.
Now, suppose that drop of water has a mind, and discovers that it exists; in other words, it has a self-awareness.
Is that an ego?
Not at all, because along with its own self-awareness, comes the awareness of belonging to something greater than itself, starting with its neighbouring drops of water.
And when its awareness expands and becomes a full awareness, it tells that humble drop of water that it is not “I” or “Me”, but that it is “Us”, and furthermore, it is “The Ocean”, giving that drop of water the sense of belonging, of being a part of something greater than itself.
The Quest for the Apocalyptic Beast – Part 2
An Healthy Ego?
There is not such thing… Your ego is that personality, that mask that you have came to believe is the true you.
And the worst thing: You are actually intertwined with that thing, with that false notion of your true self.
Of course, your true self is the spirit within your human body.
And there are a lot of different apparels that the ego uses in order to trick us: False modesty and even shyness is nothing else that the ego, working in an inverted fashion. You see, shyness as well as shame comes from the caring of what others would think of “you”.
In other words, when you are concerned about the image projection of “you” or the perception that others would have of that image the ego created to hide itself, in reality you are worried about which might be the best way to deceive everybody…. including yourself.
The good news is that, even though the ego believes that it totally controls you, in fact, you -a spirit- are the one that has the power.
Anyone of us can shutdown its ego completely, just as Jesus thaught us to do. At the very least, you can start by diminishing it right away. All you have to do is be vigilant and aware that the beast is ready to jump out of the cage as soon as you loosen your watch.
That Voice in Your Brain: Conscience or Ego?
Beware! What many believe to be the voice of the Conscience, is in reality the voice of an impostor: the ego.
If you think that you have a conscience of your own, you have been deceived.
Self-awareness or consciousness is one thing, and most of the time it is “personal”, and we humans tend to believe that it is ours; but the Conscience is quite different.
Since the ego has another powerful trick which is to convert instantaneously any thought you have into a belief, the defense of that belief turns into the most important task you have. It doesn’t matter if that thought/belief is good or bad, or right or wrong… the only important thing is that it is “yours”, so you automatically defend it.
But the Conscience is a quite different matter.
To begin with, we all share a common, omnipresent, universal Conscience, not a particular one. That Conscience, which is by nature unselfish, wise and perfect, bonds all of us. So, there is no way you can have your own peculiar Conscience, different or apart from the one that everyone else have.
So, there is the voice of the ego and there is the one from the Conscience.
How can we distinguish one from the other? Easy. The Conscience always speaks of the divine Law, of good and love, unselfish love. It uses no fancy wording, no trickeries, no hoaxes. And there is no way for you to negotiate with the True Conscience. It is implacable, immutable, inexorable… it does not accomodate to your personal agenda.
The other voice, the voice of the ego? It will start throwing to the table which is your human mind, all kind of selfish ideas, thoughts, schemes and stratagems, interpreting, misrepresenting and accommodating things so they suit the false belief system that the ego has developed, no matter what cost to your true self or to others.
So, next time you clash with someone else’s belief or self-interests system, and that person insists in that he or she is listening and obeying the voice of his or her conscience which contradicts and opposes the voice of the Conscience in you, you better be prepared to make sure that it is not a battle of egos: yours and theirs.
The Anti-Ego Recipe
2. Take the decision of correcting the bad choices you made, so next time, you could do better than that. Forgive yourself remembering that perfectionment is a process, not a place.
3 As soon as you open your eyes, review again last night decision and plan your day accordingly.
4 Pray to God asking for help and guidance… not just for you but for everyone in the whole Universe. And don’t forget to feel and express your gratitude to our Heavenly Father for everything… even the apparently not so good things in your life… and smile. Again: There are lessons everywhere.
5 Keep on your watch all day long.
Do this for at least 21 days so you start developing the habit of being a good unselfish, loving “you”.
Next, just keep trying to be a wonderful loving creature for the rest of your life (both in the human and the spiritual sense)… one day at a time.
To sum up the recipe:
“Prevail over your own selves and the journey will be easy for you; then, you will be able to conquer the beast that John beheld in his revelation.”
The Third Testament
This way, you would not let your mind play tricks on you… on behalf of the ego.
The Scriptures – The rightful interpretation
Humanity, where are you going? You are guided by those whom you admire as great teachers of the sacred revelations, but whom I perceive as confused.
Not all who preach along the streets and roads of life, speaking of the events of past eras, interpreting the prophecies or explaining revelations, are my messengers. Many of them, because of vanity, ill will and human interests, have utilized those teachings to offend, to judge, to humiliate, to injure, and to destroy.
It is time that you interpret correctly my parables and teachings which I have revealed to you through symbols. Thus, their significance can penetrate into your spirit and their symbolic forms can disappear.
Once you achieve that understanding, you will develop true faith, for you will have strengthened it with the truth.
Humanity has inaccurately interpreted my parables and teachings literally, giving material meaning to my teachings. It has given a material or human form to everything Divine.
Because of the material interpretation that man has given to my revelations, many beliefs about spiritual life are far from the truth.
Thus, how can man give a true interpretation to that which I call Kingdom of Heaven? How can he understand My justice, when he believes that there is a hell which his imagination has created? And when he will accept and understand that the law of reincarnation is not a simple theory? It is also not something false that only a few men believe, but rather a law of eternal justice and loving restitution. Through reincarnation the spirit has the opportunity to be purified, perfected, molded, and elevated.
Throughout the times those writings left by my disciples have been adulterated, changed by man. That is why there is disagreement among the religions. But I have come to clarify all of my teachings in order to unite humanity into only one light and only one will.
The scriptures of the past could reveal to you what I repeat to you today, but man has dared to falsify my truths to spread them adulterated. And there you have a spiritually sick, weary, and abandoned humanity.
Behold the material interpretation that you have given my revelations of the First and Second Eras, when in reality they only speak of the divine and the spiritual. Behold how you confuse material nature with spirituality. Thoughtlessly, you convert that which is profound and elevated into something that is superficial and lowly. And why have you done it this way? Because, wanting to do something for the work of God, you seek a way of adapting my doctrine to your material life and human needs that is what you believe are your best interests.
Those who live studying the scriptures of past eras, and who have divided into various sects and congregations because of differences in their interpretation of the word of God, will become unite through spirituality. As their analysis and interpretation of my scriptures becomes elevated, they will discover the true essence of my teachings. In the past, they had always given a human and material meaning to the divine revelations.
Man has dedicated himself to scrutinize the past testaments, torturing his mind in his analysis and interpretation of the prophecies and promises. Those who have come closest to the truth are the ones who have found the spiritual meaning of my teachings. Those who persist in a material interpretation and who do not know or refuse to discover the spiritual meaning of my manifestations, will experience confusions and deceptions like those suffered by the Jewish people when the Messiah came. They had expected and imagined his arrival to be in a manner different from that which He, in reality, arrived.
When you renounce your fanaticism, which is what blinds and prevents you from perceiving the truth, you will begin to understand. Then you shall behold the contents of my revelations of the present and past emerge before you in its full light. And then you will regard as perfect justice what you called a mystery. You will also give an eternal value to what is unchangeable, and give to what is human and temporary its proper importance.
The Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) and Armageddon explained.
The divine explanations of the mysteries contained in John’s Book of Revelation and the Seven Seals: Prophecy, Armageddon, Elijah the prophet, the spiritual meaning of the Scriptures, Jacob Ladder. the path of evolution and perfection of the spirit, the Sixth Seal in which we are living in.

The Mystery Unveiled
Prepare yourselves for you have been given the knowledge of the Seven Seals, and the doors of mystery have been opened so that you may contemplate the path of your salvation. Behold the word of God fulfilled, pronounced since remote times by His prophets.
Be it known that there is joy in the celestial mansions and that it is the Divine Master, the Sacrificed Lamb, whom John beheld in his revelation, who has opened the Sixth Seal with his most powerful and perfect hand, and with it, the Third and last of the eras.
PrefaceIn the beginning of time, I, as the Father, inspired in man the practice of righteousness. However, men departed from the Divine mandates, falling into idolatry and abominable acts before Me. The strong triumphed, the weak perished, and man took woman as a slave.
It was necessary to convey to Moses the Commandments of the Law on Mount Sinai. In that Law were also the norms and precepts by which the people of Israel should be guided, and in these they were told: “He who kills, will have the same sentence pronounced upon himself. He who steals will make restitution to his brother. He who causes harm shall pay an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
The Second Era came to pass, and I manifested Myself in Jesus to live among you, and in My word I said to you: “If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the left. Forgive your enemies.” And during the Third Era in which you live, I have come to say to you: If your father’s killer, being persecuted by human justice, were to knock at your door begging for help, what would you do? Protect him. In so doing, you would demonstrate that you have reached the spiritual evolution, which enables you to comply with the Divine mandates of your Heavenly Father who commands you to “love one another”; to “resurrect the spirits who have died to the life of grace, for every spirit will be saved.”
Today I come to speak to your spirit and to reveal to you the content of the Seven Seals, the book of your history, of prophecy, of revelation, and justice.
The Book that was sealed in the Heavens, has been opened in the Sixth Chapter; it is the Book of the Seven Seals (which men call Book of Revelation or Apocalypse), which contains wisdom and justice, and which was unsealed by My love for you, to reveal to you its profound lessons.
It is I who have come to tell you, that today you live in the period that pertains to the Sixth Seal.
Man has lived five stages on Earth, encouraged by the divine breath of the spirit, even though he has not understood the spiritual meaning of life, the objective of his existence, his destiny, and his essence. All was an inaccessible Arcanum, as much for his mind, as well as for his spirit. A sealed book, whose contents he was unable to interpret.
He vaguely perceived the spiritual life, but without truly knowing the ladder of ascension that draws all beings closer to God. He ignored his highest mission on Earth, and the virtues and gifts that form a part of his spirit, in order to triumph over the struggles, to rise above human miseries, and perfect himself spiritually to dwell in the eternal light.
The Spiritual History of Mankind
Today I come to speak to your spirit and to reveal to you the content of the Seven Seals, the book of your history, of prophecy, of revelation, and justice.
Your spirit has written his history and his journey in the book of the Seven Seals. There, noted down by Me, are all your actions, each one of your footsteps, thoughts, and words.
The great deeds of your spirit, the great vicissitudes and journeys, his great trials, his chalice of bitterness, all is written there in truth.
That “book of the seven seals” is the anticipated history of the existence of Humanity, because only God could write the history of men before they would live it; and that book being clothed in mystery, for its contents to be revealed to Mankind, only one hand could open it, a holy and pure hand, a perfect hand, and that was the one of the “Lamb”, the one of God Himself, the one you knew through his teaching and his sacrifice in the Second Era, a sublime sacrifice of love; it was the only one worthy of opening that book, because there was not on Earth, nor in heaven, nor in space, nor in any other world, a spirit that could be worthy of opening and revealing the book and its content to the spirits.Each one of the Seven Seals represents one of the seven stages of the spiritual path through which all the spirits must travel to reach their destination, which is God.
Your spirit will be learning what those seven steps are, which form part of the infinite number of steps of the ladder that Jacob contemplated in his dreams: the Ladder of Perfection of the spirits.
The ladder of spiritual perfection which leads the spirits into the bosom of God, has an infinite number of steps, but those seven are the most important ones, of major significance; those seven stages which the spirit must cross along his journey of struggle, of evolution, of trials and a crucible toward perfection. They are a reflection and very clear example of the human life of incarnated spirits.
Here, within your own planet, without regard to race or culture, all men are governed by periods of time of seven days, and in your human history you have also had a journey and a spiritual existence of seven stages, from the first which had the knowledge of the true God, the living God, God the Creator, to the end of time.
The “seven seals” are your life, they are your history, your struggles, your triumphs and falls, your sufferings and battles, and at the end, your redemption, filled with glory, filled with hymns, filled with spiritual feast at the right hand of your Lord, in His own bosom; but there have been confusions among My people, and after those confusions I have not found true preparation in My spokesmen so that I as Master, as the Holy Spirit, can remove them from you.
Your spirit has lived long, but your flesh does not know it. If your body has forgotten the first years of your infancy, how can it recognize the evolution of your spirit along the lengthy journey?
The symbolic signification of number seven
In all periods, in all eras, in all the ages of Humanity, there has always been the signification, the meaning of the Seven Seals, although in symbolic form.In the First Era, Israel experienced a great lesson in Egypt: during seven years this country enjoyed a great abundance, then was followed by seven lean years which had been announced by Joseph, son of Jacob.
In the far-advanced First Era, the people of Israel had seven great prophets.
When the Master was among you, He delivered the seven great parables of the Kingdom, and when He was hanging from the cross on which the incomprehension crucified Him, He bequeathed, as His last divine testament, the seven words.
Behold that always, from the First of the Eras to the last, the symbol of the Seven Seals has been present and latent in the spirit of Humanity.
When the eleven disciples were left without their Master, they extended, across the face of the Earth, the seed that He had entrusted to them: the seed of love, and they, along their journeys through Asia, founded seven churches, seven congregations that they visited, and when this was not possible, they ministered to them through doctrinal letters.
Those Seven Churches of Asia were also an image, a figure of the Seven Seals.
In that same period, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, permitted to reach an old age by divine will, was deported to an island and, in his loneliness, his spirit drew close to the Father.
Great was the spirituality that he attained and there, far away from the materialism of the world, he was able to hear the voices of the Arcanum and look into the Great Beyond.
John contemplated the One who is sitting on the Throne, holding in His Hand a great book sealed with Seven Seals.
In front of him also stood an angel, who spoke to him saying that neither in the Heavens nor on Earth was there a being worthy of untying those Seals or opening that book, and John, on hearing these words, cried with great distress.
But then he saw that a Lamb drew near, and was the one opening that book, untying its Seals from the first to the last.
That is the way John’s vision began and what you call the Apocalypse; it was he, the first one, who spoke to Mankind about the Seven Seals; the apostle, the prophet, the spirit of great elevation, the disciple of Jesus, the advanced disciple of the Holy Spirit. He wrote what he saw and heard, and what he saw and heard were symbols and figures.
The sealed book with the Seven Seals is the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and within it is found written the destiny of all the spirits, and the destiny of the people of God, Israel.
That book was closed, its content was a mystery; not even the great prophets, nor the theologians, nor the just of the first eras, knew the existence of that book, nor its name and much less its content.
Who, then, could open that book which is the wisdom of God Himself, and is the beginning and the end, the origin of all the spirits, and within which is written the lifetime of evolution, struggle, and perfection of all the spirits?
Who would have the spiritual capacity to open that book and show it as the light of the Universe?
Nobody, only God Himself, the sacrificed Lamb, Jesus the Messiah, in whom Christ incarnated in the Second Era. That is how He brought close to man the kingdom of the Heavens, so as to make them feel their Father more intimately, nearer and accessible. In this manner, God showed man that the love of the Father is before anything else; that the divine Spirit is the Universal Love, the same that governs and gives life to all things.
Man and mystery
The spiritual disciple should always seek the essence of My deeds, so that he may discover the truth in My Divine messages. You will then see how simple it is to find the meaning of all that which some enshroud in mystery, and others complicate with their theology.
Spirituality means simplicity. Why then complicate what is simple, clear, and translucent as the light?
He who truly knows, is humble of spirit. He is not proud with the knowledge of the Earth, aspiring only to know it all and denying all that he has not been able to understand. He who carries within him the light of the inspired knowledge, knows how to receive the revelations at the proper time, as well as being able to wait for them. Many have called themselves wisemen, and it has been a mystery to them that the sun shines day by day in broad daylight.
Many have believed to know it all, and truly I say to you, that the ant, which imperceptibly crosses their path, holds for them a very profound mystery.
Men may be able to investigate many of the marvels of Nature, but while they do not do it through the path of the Divine love, they will not attain the true wisdom; that which is contained in the immortal life of the spirit.
Men, come close to Me; you need not upset your mind trying to discover secrets and mysteries. You only need to open your heart with the key of faith.
Past, present and future
The time will come when the human heart and mind, purified and tested in spirituality, will be able to receive, through intuition, the voice of their own spirit, when they will know how to receive with clarity and purity all the revelations that the spirit will transmit to the flesh.
At this time you still cannot contemplate the past of your spirit through your human life; nevertheless, the Father comes to say to you: How very long has your journey been! How very much has your spirit struggled to hold himself up along the way! How very much has he been hurt by the thorns of life and how many stretches along your path have been marked by the blood of your footsteps!
It was necessary for the Divine book to be opened, for man to behold its contents, so that they would be able to save themselves from the darkness of ignorance, which is the origin of all the evils existing in the world. Who could open that Book? By chance would it be the theologian, the scientist, or the philosopher? No, no one; not even the just spirits could reveal to you its contents, because what the book contained, was the wisdom of God.
Only Christ, the Word, only He, the Divine Love, could do so. However, even then, it was necessary to wait for men to be fit to receive the Divine revelation, without becoming blind with the splendor of My spiritual presence.Humanity had to live five stages of trials, of lessons, of experience, and evolution, to reach the right development that would permit it to know the mysteries that the Arcanum of God held for Mankind.
This is the awaited era for the great revelation, the one through which you will understand all that I have manifested to you throughout the eras and for you to learn who your Father is, who you are, and what is the reason for your existence.
This period, whose dawn you admire in the infinite, is the sixth stage which begins in the spiritual life of Humanity; an era of light, of revelations, of fulfillment of ancient prophecies and forgotten promises.
It is the Sixth Seal, which on being unsealed, overflows its contents of wisdom upon your spirit, in a message filled with justice, of enlightenment, and of revelations.
For you it is the sixth stage; it is the Third Era, in which I have spoken closer to you as I did during that First Era, when I materialized in many forms, My presence and My word, as in the Second Era, in which I humanized My Word to speak to your heart.
Behold that the light of the Sixth Seal is illuminating your spirit. The book is opened, because from the First to the Sixth, the Seals have been uncovered. I am uniting those who will bear My mark, to entrust them with a very delicate mission. At the end of this phase, I shall receive those who have fulfilled it, and, to those who have disobeyed or altered My mandates, I will make very grave charges, and My word will deal with them severely.You shall see false communications attributed to Me, rumors of divine envoys who bring messages to the world, sects with the name of the Seven Seals, and many confusing and undefined sects.
All of that will be the product of the great spiritual confusion which Humanity has been preparing, but do not be alarmed; and you shall not succumb in the confusion, because My word in the moments of greater darkness, shall be the light that will make you contemplate My truth, transparent and everlasting.
Do not be confused, because before the conclusion of the now opened Sixth Seal, great happenings will occur. The heavenly bodies will give great signs; the nations of the Earth will bemoan, and three parts of this planet will disappear and only one shall be spared, in which the seed of the Holy Spirit will emerge like a new life. Humanity will begin a new existence, united in only one Doctrine, only one language, and one same bond of peace and fraternity.
The last part of the Book is still missing; the Seventh Chapter, which still remains sealed. When that seal is broken, you will receive the last lesson from Spirit to spirit.
The light of the Sixth Candlestand illuminates all men of this period, but the five previously untied Seals, already passed, also left behind their light in all spirits.
I come in spirit during this era. My light descends upon man like tongues of fire, so that they will be able to speak of My law in all languages.
I am bequeathing a new Book to humanity, a new Testament: My Word of the Third Era; the Divine voice which has spoken to man as the Sixth Seal is unfolded.
The 144,000 chosen ones
One hundred and forty-four thousand incarnated and discarnated spirits will open the way during this period. They will be forerunners, prophets, and messengers. They are the ones marked by Me to go before the multitudes.To these chosen ones has been revealed the name of the tribe to which they belonged during the First Era, so that they may realize that since then, they made a covenant with their God, and have followed the path of the Father long ago; but during this period all names of the tribes have disappeared, for it is not the Lord who sets boundaries to divide men.
Your presence before this manifestation has not been by chance. My voice summoned you along the pathways and guided you here. Now you know that you have come to recognize the mission that you have to fulfill on Earth. In My word you have learned what is your beginning and what is your ending. You have had the revelation that you are a part of the people who have received the manna of the spirit during three eras.
The Book of Life
When the Seventh Seal has been closed along with the other six, that book which has been the judgment of God over the deeds of men from the first to the last, shall remain closed.
Then God will open a book with blank pages to note therein the resurrection of the dead, the liberation of the oppressed, the regeneration of the sinners, and the triumph of good over evil.
The light of the Sixth Seal illuminates at this time, and all the incarnate and discarnate spirits, while some on Earth take this law for the progress and salvation of the spirit, others take it to penetrate into the mysteries of science to discover new material marvels; those are the profane and disobedient hands who even cut the fruits from the tree of science to poison the heart of humanity.
You are living in the Sixth Seal which humanity is journeying on Earth as an image of the path it must travel in eternity.
The EnvoysIn the first stage I was represented on Earth by Abel, Noah in the Second, in the third Jacob, Moses in the fourth, Jesus in the fifth, in the sixth, which is the present, Elijah, and in the seventh the Holy Spirit will reign.
What have you done with My envoys?
The first fell under the blow of his own brother, motivated by jealousy.
The second was mocked and rejected by the incredulous and idolatrous multitudes.
The third lived giving proof of My power, and in exchange, received the ingratitude even from his very own.
The fourth broke the tablets of the law, due to the little faith of his people, whom he loved so much.
The fifth, having had his coming announced, was not awaited for, nor believed, nor loved, and after delivering to the world, his message of love, received from mankind the most ignominious death that any prophet or envoy had ever received.
The sixth has come in spirit at this time; nevertheless, the cutting remarks of doubt, of indifference and scoff pursue him.
When the seventh Seal is unsealed and instead of an envoy, be the very spirit of the Eternal who illuminates mankind, who will attempt to injure Me or give me death?
The Opening of the Seventh Seal
After receiving your fruit, after showering you with blessings, I say to you: The spiritual cannot die, only sin will disappear. The passions will die, the arrogant powers of this Humanity will also fall, and of them, not a stone upon stone shall remain of them. The human science placed at the service of evil and extermination, will be destroyed by My justice.
I will also abolish your falsehood, your unpreparedness and disunion, and I shall only preserve your spirit, in whom I have deposited the light of the Sixth Seal, of that Chapter which has been opened in this period, and in which it was written that within it you would find the great day of divine judgement of the Lord.
This is the great day and it is not composed of twenty-four hours, because the day of judgement you do not know how long it will be prolonged; you do not know when it will terminate, but you are truly in the culmination of these times, and you are living under the judgement of the Lord.
What signs shall I give you so that you can recognize, worldwide, that the Seventh Seal shall open for man? When a great silence has been made in the Universe, that shall be My sign.
And how will that silence be, oh My people, with which you can testify, before the astonished Humanity, that it is the end of a stage and beginning of another?
When the wars have ceased for a moment, when the elements have calmed down, when the persecution of My Laws and My Doctrine has stopped. Then, there shall be like a great silence among Humanity and that silence will be the announcement that the Seventh Seal is opening to reveal to Mankind its mysteries. That is the last part of the Book that will be made known to you; that your spirit will possess so that he can know the Father and learn about himself.
SYNOPSIS: The Third Testament and The Mystery Unveiled. The Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) and Armageddon explained. Seven Seals contain the most meaningful stages of human history, its knowledge clarifies the mystery that have surrounded them since John delivered his prophecy contained in The Book of Revelation. In that book, also known with its Greek name, Apolcaypse, the prophet foresaw events linked to the spiritual development of humankind leading to perfection (as symbolized in the vision of Jacob’s Ladder), but not before passing thru sour stages of catastrophe and destruction of what we call modern civilization (World War III) and Jugdment Day symbolized in Armageddon.
The Sick – Spiritual help for sick people
Those who are ill, come to Me. I will heal all spirits and physical bodies.
Come to Me, sickly ones. I will make you feel the gentle love of My charity. I come to take away your bitterness in order to convert you into children of peace, of light, and of faith. You ask Me why I have come to you? Because I see that you have forgotten the pathway where you should return to the bosom from whence you emerged, and I have come to show it to you again.
There is no reason to be sick if you fulfill the law. Life is health, happiness, joy, and harmony. By being sick, you cannot be a deposit of the Divine belongings.
I shall uncover a fountain of light existing in you, within your spirit, so that you may come to it when it becomes necessary; if you are able to seek it, you will find its waters.
I am the light of this and all the worlds. I want you to clothe yourselves within that light. My Word is a healing balsam; by listening to it you will restore your health.
If God is within you, why are you sick, and why do you suffer and weep? Examine yourselves and correct whatever needs correction, cleanse whatever must be cleansed.
I said to you: “Cleanse the inside of the cup, that the outside also may be clean”; in other words, that your interior being harmonizes in the will and inspiration with the material you, or human part.
Not only in the body do you find illnesses; these are purifications of the spirit, which burden the matter. However, if the spirit is cleansed, if he is pure, then the Father removes the purification, because it is unnecessary, and thus you shall find relief in the matter, to the point of attaining perfect health.
The Father creates His children to perfection. He did not place impurities within creation; it is the spirit who is gathering discord and wickedness along the pathway, a wickedness that is reflected in the heart and makes purification necessary, which is pain; not because the Father wants it so, but rather because you have caused it, and that is not the will of the Father.
Take into account that the illness you bear in spirit is many times greater than the one you suffer in matter.
What can the Father deny to His child, when he spiritually approaches Him to ask for something for his small and fragile body? Why do you suffer, weep, and become ill if you have God within you?
The one who feels his body weary due to suffering, asks himself if he has made bad use of it. And repentant, he questions Me in order to find out how to regain his strength which will permit him to continue to struggle. Then I say to him: Penetrate deeply within My word and in its precepts, and each one will find the teaching he needs.
Of what value would it be if I were to heal your illness or free you from your suffering, if you were to continue with the cause of your suffering?
Everyone come to me and be healed of your ailments; allow your faith to produce the miracle of restoring your health. You will produce the miracle, not I, but do not forget that you no longer need to touch My tunic in order to receive that miracle; now you need to come before My Spirit through your faith and elevation.
In the Second Era, I told those who believed in Me: “Your faith has saved you”. I said that because faith is a powerful healer; its light not only destroys darkness but it is a force that causes change.
Those who have believed have not always awakened to faith at the first moment. Almost all have experienced an inner battle. I have discovered that they have asked these or similar questions in their heart: Could this be true? Could it be possible that I will find the presence of the Lord in this place? Could it be possible that my illness, considered incurable for so long, will be healed here?
Truly I say to you that the impossible does not exist. In simple matters such as your ill health, speak to God with true faith, trusting in His presence. God, who dwells in each one of you and knows that which you need and what you feel, will give to each according to His will.
I am your Doctor. Truly I say to you that no one watches over your health as l do, and no one feels your suffering as I feel it.
Thus as you listen to Me speak, your fibers most sensitive to pain are touched. If you invoke Me as Doctor, I will approach to heal you for I am the Doctor of Doctors.
The so-called Devil
Today man cannot think about God without giving Him some type of material form. Man cannot talk of temptation without personifying the influence of evil as a being, whose mission is to induce spirits to become lost; nor can he think of the restitution of one who has sinned without imagining the punishment of the fires of hell, a hell which has never existed.
Why do you not call men who are evil on earth demons if they also tempt you, induce you to the evil deeds, and separate you from the true path?
Truly I say to you that I do not have an enemy among those who dwell on earth or those found in the spiritual valley. There does not exist one being who dedicates himself to hating me, cursing me, or separating his fellow beings from the righteous path, solely for the pleasure of hurting me. Lies! Those who separate men from their faith, who erase my name from the heart of men, and who fight against the spiritual, do not do it to offend me. They do it because is convenient to their terrestrial ambitions and their dreams of greatness and human glory.
The existence of the Prince of Darkness has been interpreted erroneously!
Many have come to believe more in his power than in mine; these men are far from the truth.
Evil exists, and all vice and sin originate from it. Sinners, or rather those who practice evil, have always existed, as much on earth as in other dwelling places or mansions. Therefore, why do you personify all existent evil into one being? Why do you put him in opposition to my Divinity? I ask you: Of what significance is an impure being compared to my absolute and infinite power? What does your sin signify in the presence of my perfection?
Humanity has misinterpreted the words of parables of the first times. Those revelations were symbolic. The intuition that man had about the supernatural became influenced by his imagination. Man created sciences, cults, superstitions, and myths related to the force of evil which have remained to the present day.
No devils could emerge from God; you have created them with your own imagination. The concept that you have of that being, whom you constantly place before me as an adversary, is false.
How can you conceive that I would ever place in the path of man a being infinitely more powerful than he, continually tempting him and leading him to eternal condemnation?
How badly you think of Me and My justice, those who say that you know Me and love Me!
The Spiritual Prayer
You ask Me what does the prayer consist of, and I say to you: It is permitting your spirit to elevate himself freely to the Father; it is surrounding yourself with full confidence and faith in that act; it is receiving in the heart and in the mind the sensations gathered by the spirit and accepting with true humility the will of the Father. Whoever prays in that manner rejoices in My presence at any moment of his life, and he never feels to be needy.
Prayer is the spiritual means which I have inspired in man to communicate with My Divinity. That is why it became manifested within you from the beginning, like a yearning, like a necessity for the spirit, like a refuge in the hours of trial.
Is the beginning of the communication from spirit to Spirit which, in times to come, will flourish and will give fruits among this Humanity. Today I have revealed all this to the people listening to Me, so that they will be the forerunners of the age of spirituality.
Is the means revealed to your spirit to reach Me with your interrogations, with your inquietudes and your yearning for light. Through that communication, you will be able to dispel your doubts and remove the veil which may conceal a mystery.
During all eras you have been taught the prayer.
In the Second Era I taught you the Lord’s Prayer, so that inspired by it, you would turn to the Father in your needs, always keeping in mind the promise of the coming of His Kingdom; so that you would seek Him in quest of forgiveness, consulting your conscience as to whether you had forgiven your debtors in the same manner.
Now I teach you the spiritual prayer, which does not come from the lips, but from the deepness of your spirit who, with humility and confidence, says to Me: -Lord, Thy will be done upon us.-
This is the language that I listen to, the one that I understand, a language without words, the one with the truth and sincerity. That is the prayer that I have come to teach you in this Third Era.
Enter into prayer in the silence of your home. Elevate your thought toward the Father who knows every worry, and is aware of every suffering in your heart, without the need of pronouncing any word whatsoever, and thus communicate with Him from spirit to Spirit to feel life, as much in the spirit as in the body, and restore them with fortitude and light in this manner.
I do not ask that your prayer lasts long hours, but rather that it be brief and heartfelt, simple in form and profound in spirituality. Those instants will be enough for Me to grant you My charity.
Pray with a simple prayer which comes from the purity of your spirit, and with the help of your conscience, examine your deeds. Then, you will rejoice with My presence.
Pray for all, and your prayer will be light and peace which will be extending, minute by minute, upon the face of the Earth.
Go forth practicing the spiritual prayer, so that from now on, you verify its goodness and its truth; become accustomed to search for the inspiration and the development of your intuition through that form of prayer. Then you will experience, in your intellect, a torrent of light that struggles to be converted into human expressions and words, into noble feelings, and into good deeds.
Do not forsake the practice of prayer, even when it is a brief as only five minutes, but in it, know how to make a good examination with the light of your conscience, in order to observe your deeds and know what you have to correct.
The spirit conserves the intuition of having departed from the bosom of the Father some time ago, and knows that he still has before him an extensive journey to go through, in order to return to the point of departure. He devotes himself to prayer because he knows that at least, for the moment, he is able to communicate with his Father.
The spirit knows that in prayer he finds comfort that caresses, invigorates and heals.
I bless those who pray; the more spiritual their prayer is, the greater is the peace I allow them to feel; this you can easily explain, for one who feels that in order to pray he must kneel before idols or other objects to feel the presence of the divine, will not be able to experience the spiritual sensation of the presence of the Father within his heart.
When will this Humanity cease to deprive their spirit of the joy of feeling Me in their heart, through direct prayer or, what is the same, through the prayer from spirit to Spirit? Until it is My light that will illuminate the life of men, when they recognize the truth and understand their errors.
I have taught you to pray, and in that prayer we have conversed. You have called for Me in your sufferings and in your hours of peace; also when you have sinned, you have sought My presence to weep your faults with Me, and thus calm your spirit. My love and My patience are infinite, and are manifested at every instant among you.
I have taught you to elevate the spirit through prayer, to consult your Father with humility and respect, because then the Arcanum will be standing ajar, to allow you to contemplate that which is reserved for your knowledge, and you will feel the Divine light of inspiration reach your mind.
This is the time to pray and meditate, but with a prayer free from fanaticisms and idolatry, and with a serene and profound meditation in My Divine word.
Blessed are those who practice the spiritual prayer, because they feel My presence; but truly I say to you, that I receive all prayers, regardless of the manner in which you elevate them to Me. I am attentive to every calling and to every petition, without judging the form, mindful only of the need with which you seek Me.
Why should I not listen to those who pray in an imperfect manner, knowing that everyone will come to practice the true prayer?
Truly I say to you, that it is necessary for everyone to know the truth; and that truth, is that the worship of man toward God has had an extensive evolution and has suffered incessant transformations. Within that worship is prayer, and it also has suffered transformations. Throughout your evolution I have always made you feel My presence, My mercy, and My light.
Now you have before you, a period of spirituality which you may name The Period of Perfect Prayer, because I have come to teach you to communicate with Me from spirit to Spirit.
Through prayer, peace can be achieved, wisdom may be acquired, health can be obtained, the profound is comprehended, the mind illuminated and the spirit fortified.
Ah! If men of this era could understand the power of the prayer, what superhuman deeds they would perform! But they live an age of materialism, in which they even try to materialize the divine in order to touch it and be able to see it.
How can man go wrong when, before he does his will, he interrogates his Father through prayer? The man who knows how to pray, lives in contact with God; he knows the value of the benefits he receives from the Father, and, at the same time, understands the meaning or the objective of the tests which he goes through.
My servants of past eras, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Joseph or Moses, knew about the power of prayer and with that they gave unforgettable demonstrations to Mankind, leaving their manner of praying as an example for all generations.
He who does not know true prayer, does not know the delights that it contains; does not know the fountain of health and of good things that may be found within it.
Pray, the Master says to you; prayer gives luster and brilliance to the weapons of love, with which you must conquer the peace for humanity. It causes the faculties to awaken, the spirit to become sensitized, the eyes become more perceptive and the heart more sensitive.
Without the power of prayer you cannot come out ahead in the struggle, nor will you be able to resist the trials, much less will you be able to teach your brethren the perfect way to pray.
I have taught you to pray so you may be free from dangers and obstacles, from pitfalls and darkness. I have said that even the elements will hear your prayer when they are unleashed by My justice. They will pass over you without touching you for you were able to pray with faith and purity.
And it is necessary for you to give proof of the power of the spiritual prayer, similar to past eras when it was given by those men whom you remember as patriarchs, as guides and prophets.
the texts of this topic are excerpts taken from The Third Testament
The True Face of Jesus
Just as it happens with God’s language (everyone believing that God speaks their national set of words), the same happens when trying to imagine what did Jesus look like.
You probably have had the opportunity to see all the diverse renderings made by artists of different times and places of the image of Jesus…and probably many have smiled condescently while seeing that a given artist painted the image of our Lord following his or her ethnic bias and background. So, we have seen Jesuses with Japanese, African, European and Indian looks, among many others.
And of course, the powerful and hegemonic Western culture, aided by centuries of masterpieces of art and at these days by the Hollywood ideal image of Jesus, engraved into the minds of the multitudes a certain design and style which, they claim, “must” be as close as the Galilean Rabbi as you can get.
But, ooops!
Science, again, raises a metaphoric eyebrow and out of the blue, a new, different approach comes from anthropologist investigators as showed in cable programs both in the BBC and the Discovery Channel.
After all, Jesus was born a Jew and chances are that his face and body, did not contradict His ethnic origin at all. In other words, he looked…well, like a Jew. Not your regular Tab Hunter, God forbid!
Furthermore, biblic data seems to support the idea that He, physically, didn’t draw any particular attention to Him because of His looks.
It is very likely that He was, in many ways, an average, almost ordinary Jewish man, not that different from His own disciples. And certainly, not a high-class Jew but, instead, a lower class type of fellow. After all, He was raised in a little village, forgotten by the powerful and wealthy. And as you may remember, He was a man that made His living with His own strong hands: He was a carpenter.
So, there must be another reason for His popularity among the masses, something that granted Him all the attention and attracted towards Him seas of men and women of all sorts, and that reason, chances are, was His charisma.
And it is around this point that emerges the most powerful image of Him, not because of the actual physical, material one, no. But that of His divine and unique presence, the presence of the Son of God, the Son of Man.
So, come again; Are you that intrigued about the way He looked or of how many inches of hair covered His head, or the color of His skin? And what about the shape of His nose and lips? Is all this that relevant?
The “veritas iconus”, the true icon of His face, may never be available to us and after seeing and believing that God usually has all the bases covered, it may not come as a big surprise to us to reach the point in which it doesn’t matter anymore, for certainly the other image, the one created with His example, His love, His wonderful deeds and His teachings, is as vivid and present today as it was almost 2000 years ago.
And that’s the true face of Jesus that I really care about.
The True Temple of God
The pain that overwhelms men during this era leads them step by step towards the doors of the inner sanctuary where they will ask the Lord: Where are you? And from within the temple will be heard the sweet voice of the Divine Master saying: Here I am, where I have always dwelled, in your conscience.
I have not come during this period to seek temples made of stone to appear in them: I come searching for spirits, hearts, and not material gala.
I am teaching you how to construct the true temple, because there are some who have formed sanctuaries without having set the foundations of faith. My temple must be like a tree whose branches will extend lovingly all over the universe; where the birds will come to trill their different songs so that when their notes unite, they will form a harmonious concert, sweet and perfect, and elevate it to the Creator. There your spirit will elevate himself in search of his Lord, as the Father, teacher, doctor, but never look for Him as judge.
I see the great temples, the great religious organizations, the pomp and the riches; the splendor and the power, but I do not see spiritual magnificence; I do not see a gala of virtues; I do not see any spiritual might that is part of My universal power.
I am reconstructing the temple which I referred to when I said to My disciples who marveled, contemplating the temple of Salomon: “Truly I say to you that there will not be one stone left upon another of that temple, but I will reconstruct it in three days” I meant to say that all exterior worship, regardless how ostentatious it may seem to mankind, will disappear from the hearts of man, in order to raise in its place the true spiritual temple of My Divinity. This is the Third Era, when I will finish reconstructing My temple.
Truly I say to you that man has not understood the spiritual meaning of those words, because time does not pass over Me, since I am eternity. Here I am in the Third Era, on the Third day, laying the foundation of the true temple and constructing it within the spirit of man.
No one is capable of building a temple like the one I am raising in your spirit. This temple will be indestructible, and while those temples made by human hands fall before the pounding of time and tempests, this one will remain irremovable, because its foundation will be in your spirit and its top will reach the Kingdom of Heaven.
Ask yourselves frequently, if you are doing your part in the construction of this temple, and if this is not so, I invite you to form a true temple with your unity. Some, for their firmness, will be the foundations; those who attain greater elevation will be the columns; others, through their charity, will be stairways, and some others with their gift of words, will be like bells that with their peal will call the multitudes.
There will be some who through their inspiration, will symbolize high towers and domes of the temple; and those, because of their love for mankind, shall be like the doors, always open for the needy, the thirsty, the sick and the ones who have been misunderstood.
That temple shall be finished when harmony among mankind is real. Its base will be on Earth, but its towers will touch the heavens.