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The divine law of restitution

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

How very important it is that this Humanity comes to acquire the knowledge of what spiritual restitution signifies, so that knowing that the spirit bears a past that only God knows, will accept with love, patience, respect, and even joy, the chalice of bitterness, realizing that it is cleansing past or present blemishes, and is settling accounts and attaining merits with regard to the Law!

The time of restitution and purification had to come, even if centuries had to pass by this world, and your spirit had to await that hour. And now that time is here. This is it. Understand it, live it, and take advantage of it.

Blessed are those who take advantage of this period as a restitution, for they will come out unharmed from that struggle. However, those who still love the wealth of the Earth and ambition first places, and the glory of the word, will have to endure their restitution with greater pain in the spirit.

Today I say to those whom I have named beginners and disciples during this period, that no one will reach Me without first having travelled the pathway pointed out to his spirit for his complete evolution. This period is of restitution and justice. Only I know the judgement of each one; every previous fault will be atoned, it suffices to say to you that he who yesterday killed his fellowmen, has now had to return to resurrect the dead.

Fulfill your destiny. Do not wish your return to Me without first travelled the road which I outlined for you, because you would experience the pain of contemplating flaws in your spirit which he was unable to cleanse, because he did not reach the end of his restitution. The reincarnations have passed over you, and many of you have not value the infinite grace and love with which the Father has entrusted you. Behold that the bigger the number of opportunities, the greater your responsability will be, and if these opportunities are not put to good use, there will be an increase of restitution and justice in each one. That is a burden whose unbearable weight many beings cannot explain, and only My doctrine can reveal it.

Let it be My word that will free you of blemishes and impurities, and remain ready for suffering to purify you. There in the profoundness of My word, you will be able to find all you need to understand the perfect form of practicing My doctrine and to have faith to fulfill your restitution.

When you become tormented by grave problems, overwhelmed by poverty or filled with anguish by the grief of your ordeals, you seek within My word some phrase for your afflictions; some word which will indicate that My gaze has found you and that I am hearing your voices. Then I touch your heart, providing you that nothing is hidden from Me. I bestow My peace upon you. I give you the exquisite nourishment of My teachings and send you forth, strengthened anew along the path of life, of struggle, and restitution.

When a man tends to believe that his faults have no forgiveness, he deviates more and more from the pathway. Oh! If he only knew that an instant of sincere repentance could save him, leading him toward his restitution, and that the more distant he believes to be from My Divinity, only one step separates him, and that step is his repentance.

Do you not hear My voice? Do you not feel that I come as a most loving Father; as a faithful friend? You sleep, and that is why you do not hear My calling. How can you expect to hear My steps if I come on a “cloud”?

I have not forced anyone to follow Me, nor have I threatened anybody for not doing so. Certainly the law of restitution exists which each one causes for himself, so that his spirit may evolve and attain his purity and his light. However, the hell of eternal fire and Divine punishment does not exist. Do not interpret erroneously that in which past eras has been said in a figurative meaning.

The ordeals which you encounter along your path have not ocurred by chance. I have allowed them so you can earn merits. The leaf of a tree does not move without My will, and I am also within the great works of Creation as well as the smallest ones. Be watchful and pray so that you will understand what fruit you should gather from each ordeal, in order for your purification to be shortened. Bear your cross with love and I will make it possible for you to endure your restitution with patience.

I contemplate everyone with love and I say to you, that during this era I have not only come to caress you and grant you My peace, but I also come to teach you, to make you understand that you are holders of spiritual gifts with which you should help mankind in its tribulation, to guide it toward its final restitution.

If you wish to dwelve deeper into the reason for your ordeals, remember that you are in the time of restitution of all your past faults. When you have faith in what I am explaining to you, a sweet conformity and an infinite peace will invade your being, knowing that I am the only One who knows of your past and can judge it with love.

No one escapes My justice. I am judging the living and the dead; but truly I say that if you do not rise to practice My doctrine with truth and purity, the justice of men will judge you. How much has mankind defiled itself! The blood of the Lamb showed men the path of evolution of the spirit through which they should travel to restitute for committed sins but despite that Divine blood, you have sinned again. The world has captivated you, but I have come to claim what belongs to Me.

Accept your destiny. Be satisfied with what you possess, have patience. Why do you sometimes lose your calm and sink into despair? Because you forget your beginning, as well as the debts which you must restitute.

Allow your spirit to understand, and be satisfied with his restitution, and you will feel that the light will penetrate within your inner self, filling you with hope, strength and happiness.

The Doctrine Itself

This entry it's part of the Origen of Alexandria series. Part [part not set] of 4

Looking at the sequence of creation from its inception to its conclusion, one could summarize Origen’s system as follows: Originally all beings existed as pure mind on an ideational or thought level. Humans, angels, and heavenly bodies lacked incarnate existence and had their being only as ideas. This is a very natural view for anyone like Origen who was trained in both Christian and Platonic thought. Since there is no account in the scriptures of what preceded creation, it seemed perfectly natural to Origen to appeal to Plato for his answers.

God for the Platonist is pure intelligence and all things were reconciled with God before creation – an assumption which scripture does not appear to contradict. Then as the process of fall began, individual beings became weary of their union with God and chose to defect or grow cold in their divine ardor. As the mind became cool toward God, it made the first step down in its fall and became soul. The soul, now already once removed from its original state, continued with its defection to the point of taking on a body. This, as we know from Platonism, is indeed a degradation, for the highest type of manifestation is on the mental level and the lowest is on the physical.

Such an account of man’s fall does not mean that Origen rejected Genesis. It only means that he was willing to allow for allegorical interpretation; thus Eden is not necessarily spacially located, but is a cosmic and metaphysical event wherein pure disincarnate idea became fettered to physical matter. What was essential for Christianity, as Origen perceived, is that the fall be voluntary and result in a degree of estrangement from God.

Where there is a fall, there must follow the drama of reconciliation. Love is one of God’s qualities, as Origen himself acknowledged, and from this it follows that God will take an interest in the redemption of his creatures. For Origen this means that after the drama of incarnation the soul assumes once again its identity as mind and recovers its ardor for God.

It was to hasten this evolution that in the fullness of time God sent the Christ. The Christ of Origen was the Incarnate Word (he was also the only being that did not grow cold toward God), and he came both as a mediator and as an incarnate image of God’s goodness. By allowing the wisdom and light of God to shine in one’s life through the inspiration of Jesus Christ, the individual soul could swiftly regain its ardor for God, leave behind the burden of the body, and regain complete reconciliation with God. In fact, said Origen, much to the outrage of his critics, the
extent and power of God’s love is so great that eventually all things will be restored to him, even Satan and his legions.

Since the soul’s tenancy of any given body is but one of many episodes in its journey from God and back again, the doctrine of reincarnation is implicit. As for the resurrection of the body, Origen created a tempest of controversy by insisting that the physical body wastes away and returns to dust, while the resurrection takes on a spiritual or
transformed body. This is of course handy for the reincarnationist, for it means that the resurrected body either can be the summation and climax of all the physical bodies that came before or indeed may bear no resemblance at all to the many physical bodies.

There will come a time when the great defection from God that initiated physical creation will come to an end. All things, both heavenly bodies and human souls, will be so pure and ardent in their love for God that physical existence will no longer be necessary. The entire cohesion of creation will come apart, for matter will be superfluous. Then, to cite one of Origen’s favorite passages, all things will be made subject to God and God will be “all in all.” ( 1 Cor 15:28 ) This restoration of all things proposed by Origen gave offense in later centuries. It seemed quite sensible to Origen that anything that defects from God must eventually be brought back to him. As he triumphantly affirmed at the end of his “On First Principles”, men are the “blood brothers” of God himself and cannot stay away forever.

The Elder – Old ones

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

I also speak about the elderly, those who long ago left the prime of their lives, and now they feel the cold of winter. As they grow older, they are lacking strength, the energy, and health; the work becomes heavy, their limbs turn sluggish, and their services are no longer needed for work.

Thus the elderly see themselves excluded from the struggle of the rest; they feel abandoned, and their heart, depressed, sinks with sadness and has to experience hardship, misery, hunger, and loneliness. I speak about them, because they also need your aid and comfort. Love them, O! My people! And you will have the right to sit at the great table of the spiritual banquet where I will say to you: “Blessed are you who, in imitation of the Master, were able to understand all those who suffer.”

Have respect and love toward the mature and the elderly. You may discover in them the spirit who has already passed through the top of the mountain of life. Whatever the Earth had to offer, little or much, they have already received it. They expect nothing from it anymore. They place everything in the future which awaits their spirit; however, from among all men, they are the ones who have the most to give, because they have already gathered from the harvest all of what they sowed along their existence.

You should hear them and from them you shall receive. If they need support, care or aid, it is not their spirit who is in need of your help; it is their tired flesh, worn out by the struggle. Be attentive toward them; have tenderness and respect, because they need it and deserve it. After so much bitterness and fatigue, a drop of honey is very pleasing to those hearts.

That is how I want you to regard Humanity, beloved people, spiritually, so that you may give to each of your brethren the value he has and the place he deserves. If you forget your essence and continue treating them only as material beings, you would be denying the true value that exists in every human being, which is the spirit.

Aged ones: The passage of time and the struggles of life have humbled you. Your lips are silent; your heart is sad. You have learned that no more can you yearn for the glories of the world since you are no longer young. Your only hope lies in the life found beyond death which your spirit awaits. You feel useless because your brethren believe that you no longer serve a purpese since you are physically weak However, you know that within your heart a light shines and an abundance of knowledge exists.

I, your Master, understand you; I know your heart and I say to you: talk to me, behold how My love envelops you. Calmly await the hour of My calling. Do not be disturbed, for there the true life and eternal youth await you.

Men of maturity and aged ones: Do not lament the time that you have let pass without hearing me; you are with Me today. If you love Me, you will in a short time learn My teachings and benefit from it You are already on the path and you can begin the journey.

The sorrow of many men comes from not having found in his lifetime a shady tree under which to rest. They have found trees on the path but they were dry and fruitless.

When they come, satisfying their hunger and thirst and take pleasure in resting, all their past will, through imagination, become known to them; the painful journey through the desert, the darkness with its temptations, the abysses full of dangers, of vices and of death. They will remember one by one the bitter chalices that they drank, and they will observe within themselves traces of the struggle.

Elders, be with Me and never more separate from Me. Follow Me today and when your spirit arrives at the threshold of the spiritual valley to begin a new life you will experience youth eternally. You will always be young and strong.

Ah!, if only you knew how to live with the simplicity of the birds who live loving one another. As winter approaches they fly away seeking better climates, but leave their nests prepared for their brethren! Old age represents the winter of your life. However, you who have little faith perceive the coldness of death and the finale of life in that winter. You fail to realize that after winter, spring will always arrive and nature will be renewed, birds will trill their songs, and the fragrances of spring will be released.

Elders who weep because your reasoning tells you that you will not see on Earth the triumph of My Law, truly I say to you: Who can assure that by then, you shall not be back in this world to be witnesses to the coming of My Kingdom, and attain one more step along the pathway? To those who will not return, I say to them that I will allow them to behold from the hereafter the triumph of My justice, and the voice and presence of those beings will be felt on Earth.

The example set by Jesus

“The perfect lesson was given to you through Jesus. Analyze my life in the world as a man from my birthday till my last day on Earth and you will get thevivid and perfect explanation of love. I am not here to ask you to be as Jesus was, since he had something that you can not have: perfection as a human being, because he who was within was God itself in a limited form, but I do tell you that you have to imitate him”.

The Spirit of the Father turned human to set a living example of what should the spiritual life of humans be in this planet and to be able to touch its most sensitive fibers and be obeyed, not for the fear of Divine justice but for the love He Himself taught His children.

This is how the Divine Spirit gave the perfect lesson, through the life of Jesus, a clear example that man had never had before, and will never have again.

The Mission that He fulfilled, even though it was a lesson and an example to be imitated by humans of all times, was unique for that people, because all His powerful teachings and His sublime Word may be imitated but may never be equaled.

-“The apostles that he chose in that period, in whom He placed His essence, His knowledge and His love, and who knew how to spread the seed that Jesus had sown, honoring with their lives and deaths the example set by their Master, they may not only be imitated but equaled by you; they were incarnated spirits that came among humankind to fulfill a great mission, which was to show the world that the Doctrine of Jesus the Christ could be imitated by men”.

Everyone was healed by Jesus, there was no wrong doing that could not be defeated by Him, there was no disease unknown to Him, there was no problem without solution, there was no sin without forgiveness and there was no misery without consolation, everything was in that source of love, in that Divine Doctor that could cure all, He healed everything with a single remedy, with a single balm: His love.

For the disciples of the Divine Master in this Era, I tell you that we can be the followers of those disciples and in our spiritual hands, in our spirit and in all our being, the Divinity has manifested itself as it used to do on those who followed Jesus in that period.

In that time he looked for those whose bodies were sick in order to awake their spirits, today He is seeking the spirits for them to rise and wake the others up.

We are aware that those who were blinded and could not see the spiritual life have opened their eyes to the light of the Third Era, as the leprous of sins and vices, they have been cleansed as they listened to the Divine Word; those who were chained to human passions, today they have freed themselves and are ready to work and to fight, opening their wings through the spiritual path; those who had renounced to a life of grace, today they contemplate the pathway opened by the Saint Spirit inviting them to spirituality, to the light, to perfection.

The Free Will

In this world, many of us tend to mistake free will with freedom. But, is it true that free will equals freedom?

Well. To start up, free will is a trial given to the spirit of the son by his Father.

“Free will and the influence of the flesh are the trials to which your spirit is subject to”, confirms our Father in His Teachings of this Era.

What is the use of having been granted with the free will?

Obviously not to have used it in such a way to have become prisoners, but on the contrary, to make us masters of our own selves.

“If I granted the spirit with free will, is for the spirit to have its own disposition and in turn feel the master of its own life, of its acts and to be similar to Me”. God says.

We cannot be similar to God if we are slaves, if we are not the masters of our own lives, masters of our own actions…but we know that the true resemblance with God is within the spirit, not within the flesh. And God clearly explains it to us when He says:

-“Within your spirit there is intelligence, sensibility and grace. Then manifest these attributes through the flesh which God has entrusted you with, do not say your flesh is imperfect, stubborn or incomprehensible, that it does not know how to listen the voice of your conscience and is willing to be directed only by the free will. No, it is not like this, you are the spirit and the guide, and you are in charge of taking care of the flesh and preparing it to become an obedient device for the spirit, a kind intermediary of the spiritual feelings and gifts that dwell in each one of you”.

This concept has been repeated several times in many Teachings by the Father, the concept that it is the conscience in the spirit that should guide the man and the woman in their path through life. And it is not to the flesh that has been given such a responsibility. When men die the flesh remains in the Earth, and it is the spirit who has to present itself to the Father and account for its actions and deeds. When the spirit is defeated and enslaved by the flesh, that spirit completely looses its freedom, not only the spiritual one but the moral one as well, because it refuses to listen to the voice of the conscience, and
which other thing can the conscience dictate but the fulfillment of the Divine Laws?

God says: “As I did over all the gifts, I have also placed over the free will the conscience, so while it enlightening you, it will also guide you to develop these gifts and to take them to perfection”.

The indiscriminate use of the free will instead of approaching you to freedom it puts you farther away from it”.

“As human beings have misused the free will, they have fallen victims to vices; for misusing the free will they have sinned in a despicable manner; well then, for the virtue of the free will, but now enlightened by the conscience, they will have to go back, step by step, over that path that has taken them to the abyss”.

To finish I invite you to think about this overwhelming phrase from one of the Teachings of the Divine Master, in its briefness it contains a whole teaching that if it were follow it would bring happiness to men and women even in this world:

-“Put your free will under the control of My Law and your conscience, and you will never feel a slave but you will truly be free.”


Something to Think About

The ancient Hebrew wisemen believed that the mind resided in the heart. That’s why everytime you read the biblical scriptures, when you see the word “heart”, most of the times it is referring to the mind.

The ancient Greeks were divided as to the respective roles of the heart and other parts of the body. Many of them believed that the mind resided in the liver, that’s why their warriors devoured the liver of their most skilled defeated enemies. But some philosophers, such as Aristotle, believed that the heart was the seat in which intelligence resided.

This idea persisted for many years. Even in the 17th century, Descartes felt that the flow of blood from the heart to the brain served the purpose of producing “animal spirits” which animated the body, and this was not so far fetched since due to poor Bible translations, many believed (they still do) that “spirit” -our highest self- and “soul” -that which animates our body- are one and the same.

It was in 1791, when Galvani showed that electricity existed as a force within the body – in fact, inside the brain cells. He showed in a sequence of experiments that it was possible to control the motor nerves of frogs using electrical currents. (Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein” is testament to the flurry of public interest in this new research.) From there, the study of the physical workings of the brain convinced scientists and researchers that it was in this organ where the mind resided.

But the latest advanced science findings have proved them all wrong: You see, the mind does not reside in the heart, the liver or the blood, nor in the brain or other part of the physical body.

Spirit and the Mind: Beyond the Brain

The mind resides in the spirit. Furthermore, the mind is an essential part of the spirit.

It is what we can call “the human mind” the one that interrelates with our matter mainly through our brain and nerves in our body, though many other parts of our matter also are involved in our human mind processes: all kind of energies and biochemistry sustances are continuously flowing in our matter.


Serious Clinical Investigations

The ongoing Dutch scientific study mentioned in this video, was published in the British magazine “The Lancet”, which is considered the most reliable and prestigious science publication in the world, and then, it was included in a serious documentary by the BBC of London, dealing with the subject of NDE or Near Death Experiences.

The study was first initiated in 1988, after compiling the data of many cardiac arrest patients that experienced clinical death and were back again from it.

After analysing the surprising findings of the study, and worried about the repercusions that these findings could have, mainly in the psychology and psychiatric fields, Dr. Van Lommel, the chief researcher decided to run the whole study again, with independent auditors and with even tighter methodology and the results were the same as before.

As expected, once the study was published, the psychologists went to attack it: Many of their theories were strongly challenged para those scientific clinical findings, so they tried to disqualify the study… with more new theories, not facts. Take in account that the psychologist are not medical doctors, though there is a recent branch, named “clinical psychology” with much more solid scientific background.

The neuropsychiatrists, that have a scientific clinical training, have found in that study quite valuable information which is the answer to many questions that their profession have had for decades.

Bruce Greyson MD, prominent American researcher and former student of Ron Moody, as well as Sam Parnia, MD, and Peter Fenwick, MD, both in the UK, reiterate the findings in the prospective study of cardiac arrest patients.

And this is something to think about.


The Lessons of Life

All divine teachings elevate us, sometimes to realms still unexplored for us and sometimes to the upper stages of our humanity.

Is in the latter when we find, in the Third Testament’s Master teachings contained in what the Lord calls His Album of Wisdom, the excellency in the explanation of our human journey through life.

The choir in the beautiful music background for this videoclip uses glossolalia (harmonius & euphonic vocal sounds with no specific meaning in any particular language).

The Purpose of Human Life

What is the purpose for the human life existence? What is the reason for it? We could start by looking at this:

“Life, in the material, is an occasion for man to earn merits for his spirit merits which will elevate him until he is worthy of inhabiting a mansion of superior spirituality, where he must again earn merits in order not to become stagnant and continue ascending from step to step, because in the House of the Father there are many mansions.”

“Life is a constant lesson for the spirits. The universe, on being formed under My mandate, had no other mission but to teach.

“Life is crucible and struggle to the spirit; it is not an absolute pleasure, as many would wish it so. The enjoyment, the triumph or the glory, are far beyond every struggle, further than that crucible. The glory of the spirit, with all its happiness, is in the perfection of the spirit.”

“Understand this truth, so that you will not overlook this book which, day by day, shows
you new pages of wisdom.”

Life as a Lesson

Life taken as a lesson, life taken as a book that shows us new pages day by day. The one who apreciates life, benefits from it… let us then benefice, my dearly beloved, from this beautiful lesson that the Father grants us each new day… when we open our eyes at morning, let us bless the fact of being alive, enjoying the privilege of having a life through which we can advance, evolve, perfect…

Is human life sometimes bitter? Yes, it is… and even more in these chaotic times of great
lust for the material, of greed embedded in all human power and the moral confusion spread by mass media; but it also offers us delights and legitimate enjoyments that give us a truce and provides us with an incentive and with an opportunity for peace. And thus we shall carry on, living and learning.

You can read more of the wonderful teaching upon the video was based:


The moral responsiblity over the environment

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

You have becomed accustomed to your way of life within an environment contaminated in all order of things. You have forgotten to take care and appreciate the elements of life you so sorely need in order to live healthy of body and spirit.

You are so familiarized with this evil that you no longer stop to think about the causes from whence it originates, and the reason is that harmony between man and Creation has been broken.

This world, created with so much love, has been converted into a neglected, forgotten and mistreated valley. Have you not understood what it means to live right and what you need for clean living? Behold this marvelous garden with its sunshine, warmth, life, wind, water, soil, fruits, flowers, countrysides, mountains, stars, lakes, oceans, animals, minerals, vegetables and organisms. All is at your service. Do not forget that!

If men were able to feel and understand all the love wich nature pours out upon them, all would be better persons, but some are ignorant and others ungrateful.

You should appreciate and take care of the pure air you breathe. Preserve the fields with the fruits and flowers. Remember that the earth is like a mother from whose bossom you are nourished and she embraces you when you are born, and she also opens her bossom to receive you when you die.

You have in nature the water you drink, which is similar to the truth, because it is crystal clear, transparent and pure. Through her action, the fields are fertile and the seeds germinate, which is the true fountain of life and health.

Behold in Creation that beautiful and marvelous work. Like the flowers which adorn your view, which perfume the air and inspire you. Have you noticed the harmony in which creation lives? Does it not seem to you that everything obeys a single law? Behold the sun, similar to a father who opens its arms to take in all creatures with an embrace of life and love, of light and energy. Behold how, at the touch of its warmth, the flowers bloom, the birds trill, and all beings labor.

In everything created there is life, and sensitivity exists. Even the very stones are sensitive and you, who are part of life itself, would you not wish, even for a few moments, to reflect upon Creation and be thankful for its generosity, taking care of your world in all order of things?

However, everything has been profaned by man. The waters are contaminated, the air is polluted; therefore, do not be surprised if nature gives you signs of her displeasure. The earth will tremble; the sun will cause candescent rays to fall upon this world, burning its surface. The continents will be touched from one pole to the other; the earth will deny its fruits, and the rivers will dry up. Fire will erupt from the surface of the earth; the winds will be unleashed, and the waters will level regions and nations. Before all this, I ask you: Will it be necessary for suffering to follow you, in order for you to stop and reason? Why do you not decide to live in harmony with all of creation? Obsesve the universe that surrounds you, and admire the obedience and precision with which all kingdoms comply with their destiny! Meditate on the animal kingdom. Behold the bee, the ant, the worm, and understand the joy that exists within the birds’ nests. Learn harmony from them.

If you do it thus, you will again see a clear sky; the fields fertile; the waters in the current will again be pure, and the sea will be more lenient. There will be fruits in the trees, flowers in the meadows, and the harvest abundant. The sun will be the same one that will pour its life-giving warmth; the rivers will be cleansed; the sterile fields will again be fertile; the elements will resume their course because there will be harmony between man and the laws dictated by the Author of life

The Opening of the Sixth Seal

The Dawn of a New Era

It was 1884… Severe and catastrophic events had started to take place since decades before throughout the entire world, both in Nature and in human societies: The terrorific Krakatoa supervolcano blast which cloaked the sun and moon with thick clouds of the dust remaining from the pyroclastic explosion; the downfall of monarchies all over the world, the civil war in the United States, the French invasion of Mexico, the impressive Leonids meteor shower and many more signs that the biblical prophecies of the return of the Lord and the opening of the Sixth Seal as anticipated by John in Patmos, and with it the arrival of the Lord surrounded by His legions of light, were taking place.

It was then when a young maiden, Damianita Oviedo, chosen to be the Lord’s first spokeperson, begun to deliver astounding revelations and profound and simple explanations of what mankind thought to be mysteries.

The video clip below contains a brief description of that pivotal period, filled with wonders and miracles.


Share the Good News

Feel free to share this with all… Mankind thirsts for enlightenment and for truth. In this period of time when religions are taking their followers to exaltation and fanatism, leading
Humanity to a clash, to a battle of ideas and fundamentalist beliefs, it is of extreme importance that we speak out serenely but firmly. That’s one of the tasks of the 144,000. And who knows? You might be one of them.


The Origin of Us

Who am I ? Where am I going to? Where do I come from?

We are the creatures that spring from the love of God our Lord. Our origin is the Lord and our end is within Him as well. Everything on earth was created for us to enjoy. God´s
divine presence can be felt in every single detail in nature: a sunset, a snow flake, a star, the trees blooming in spring, the colors of the leaves in the fall, the magnificent trees that cover the planet, the amazing animals that roam the earth. All the knowledge of creation is stored in nature. All the beauty of nature was created for us to have a place to live and grow spiritually.

First the spirits were brought to life and then the earth was created to serve as the material world to all of us, to serve as our home.

Spirits were created to the image of God and within each one of them God placed a divine light which is the conscience. The flesh was created as a useful tool for the spirits that need it to advance in the path of evolution. Once the spirit and the flesh were joined, humankind emerged.

Everything that God does is based on love and justice. Everything that we perceive through our senses and our minds should behold these attributes.

The first human dwellers preserved the image that their spirits had from the spiritual valley: a state of purity and innocence that allowed them to feel the warmth of nature and of friendship as well as the complete harmony among all creatures. When passions and
the struggle for life appeared in their lives they were forced to try to find in science what they had lost due to the lack of spirituality they were experiencing.

Who revealed the mysteries of the flesh to humankind? The flesh itself.

Who revealed the mysteries of science? The mind did.

But the spirit was the only one that could convey the idea of the existence of God.

The Lord wants us to have rightful and healthy ambitions, to fight to be strong, great and wise. To be the owners of all the qualities the spirit is bestowed with. In order to do so, we have to practice our virtues: charity, humbleness, forgiveness and loyalty. All these virtues can be summarized in a single word: LOVE.

Life is like a tree with countless branches. None of which is alike and each one performs a duty or mission. It is important to understand that the origin of men is not a sin but the result of a natural law that not only mankind should follow but all creatures and everything in nature as well.

What makes humankind move away from its natural path of evolution are the vices and the lower passions which are against the law. We have to fill the universe with good deeds and pure thoughts.

This action will allow us to grow spiritually and to return to God with our hands full of merits. God emerges in our conscience, rejoices with our evolution and manifests himself in our good deeds. So we must be certain that He lives within us and is willing to help us if we allow Him to do so.

We all have to strive to possess as many spiritual “medals” as possible. To be nourished with the bread of eternal life, to fulfill our spiritual duties and to take advantage of the benefits offered by nature. Only understanding these truths we grasp the meaning of life, of our origin and of our wonderful, luminous end.

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