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The divine law of restitution

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

How very important it is that this Humanity comes to acquire the knowledge of what spiritual restitution signifies, so that knowing that the spirit bears a past that only God knows, will accept with love, patience, respect, and even joy, the chalice of bitterness, realizing that it is cleansing past or present blemishes, and is settling accounts and attaining merits with regard to the Law!

The time of restitution and purification had to come, even if centuries had to pass by this world, and your spirit had to await that hour. And now that time is here. This is it. Understand it, live it, and take advantage of it.

Blessed are those who take advantage of this period as a restitution, for they will come out unharmed from that struggle. However, those who still love the wealth of the Earth and ambition first places, and the glory of the word, will have to endure their restitution with greater pain in the spirit.

Today I say to those whom I have named beginners and disciples during this period, that no one will reach Me without first having travelled the pathway pointed out to his spirit for his complete evolution. This period is of restitution and justice. Only I know the judgement of each one; every previous fault will be atoned, it suffices to say to you that he who yesterday killed his fellowmen, has now had to return to resurrect the dead.

Fulfill your destiny. Do not wish your return to Me without first travelled the road which I outlined for you, because you would experience the pain of contemplating flaws in your spirit which he was unable to cleanse, because he did not reach the end of his restitution. The reincarnations have passed over you, and many of you have not value the infinite grace and love with which the Father has entrusted you. Behold that the bigger the number of opportunities, the greater your responsability will be, and if these opportunities are not put to good use, there will be an increase of restitution and justice in each one. That is a burden whose unbearable weight many beings cannot explain, and only My doctrine can reveal it.

Let it be My word that will free you of blemishes and impurities, and remain ready for suffering to purify you. There in the profoundness of My word, you will be able to find all you need to understand the perfect form of practicing My doctrine and to have faith to fulfill your restitution.

When you become tormented by grave problems, overwhelmed by poverty or filled with anguish by the grief of your ordeals, you seek within My word some phrase for your afflictions; some word which will indicate that My gaze has found you and that I am hearing your voices. Then I touch your heart, providing you that nothing is hidden from Me. I bestow My peace upon you. I give you the exquisite nourishment of My teachings and send you forth, strengthened anew along the path of life, of struggle, and restitution.

When a man tends to believe that his faults have no forgiveness, he deviates more and more from the pathway. Oh! If he only knew that an instant of sincere repentance could save him, leading him toward his restitution, and that the more distant he believes to be from My Divinity, only one step separates him, and that step is his repentance.

Do you not hear My voice? Do you not feel that I come as a most loving Father; as a faithful friend? You sleep, and that is why you do not hear My calling. How can you expect to hear My steps if I come on a “cloud”?

I have not forced anyone to follow Me, nor have I threatened anybody for not doing so. Certainly the law of restitution exists which each one causes for himself, so that his spirit may evolve and attain his purity and his light. However, the hell of eternal fire and Divine punishment does not exist. Do not interpret erroneously that in which past eras has been said in a figurative meaning.

The ordeals which you encounter along your path have not ocurred by chance. I have allowed them so you can earn merits. The leaf of a tree does not move without My will, and I am also within the great works of Creation as well as the smallest ones. Be watchful and pray so that you will understand what fruit you should gather from each ordeal, in order for your purification to be shortened. Bear your cross with love and I will make it possible for you to endure your restitution with patience.

I contemplate everyone with love and I say to you, that during this era I have not only come to caress you and grant you My peace, but I also come to teach you, to make you understand that you are holders of spiritual gifts with which you should help mankind in its tribulation, to guide it toward its final restitution.

If you wish to dwelve deeper into the reason for your ordeals, remember that you are in the time of restitution of all your past faults. When you have faith in what I am explaining to you, a sweet conformity and an infinite peace will invade your being, knowing that I am the only One who knows of your past and can judge it with love.

No one escapes My justice. I am judging the living and the dead; but truly I say that if you do not rise to practice My doctrine with truth and purity, the justice of men will judge you. How much has mankind defiled itself! The blood of the Lamb showed men the path of evolution of the spirit through which they should travel to restitute for committed sins but despite that Divine blood, you have sinned again. The world has captivated you, but I have come to claim what belongs to Me.

Accept your destiny. Be satisfied with what you possess, have patience. Why do you sometimes lose your calm and sink into despair? Because you forget your beginning, as well as the debts which you must restitute.

Allow your spirit to understand, and be satisfied with his restitution, and you will feel that the light will penetrate within your inner self, filling you with hope, strength and happiness.


This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

I told you in the Second Era not to fear death, because it does not exist; in my Creation everything lives, grows and becomes perfect. Death of the flesh is only the end of a period which the spirit goes through, in order to return to its original state and thereafter continue its path of evolution.

Do not think of death, that the unknown should not become for you an obsession.

What do you know about the Hereafter? What does man know about what exists after this life? What do you know as to why you are born and why you die?

And when death halts your heartbeats and light is turned off from your pupils, you shall wake up in a marvelous world because of its harmony, because of its order and its justice. There you shall commence to understand that God´s charity is what can compensate you for all your deeds, trials and sufferings.

Death does not exist for the spirit, death as you conceive it, that is, ceasing to exist. The death of the body cannot be the death or end for the spirit. It is there precisely where the spirit opens his eyes to a superior life, while his body closes them to the world forever. It is only an instant in the transition of the route that conduces to perfection. If you have not yet understood as such, it is because you still love this world very much and you feel tightly linked to it. You are worried to have to abandon this dwelling because you believe to be the owners of what in it you possess.

Truly I say to you that death does not exist, because the Creator is life and His deeds cannot die.

Who can say that he has come to Me in spirit at the precise moment when the timepiece of eternity called him? No one, because many times you cut short your existence, aging prematurely, deteriorated sometimes by causes which are not worthy of one of your tears or a single one of your gray hairs.

Do not forget that within Me, you have had your beginning, and that the end will also be within Me; and that end is eternity, because death of the spirit does not exist.

Your spirit gives you a premonition that when he penetrates in that life that awaits him beyond this world, he will have to continue struggling to ascend. Meditating on this, you come to experience a certain sadness when you consider that rest does not exist when human life terminates. That sadness does not come from the spirit but from the flesh, which is fragile and small, because its nature is not eternal and it tends to become frightened before eternity.

The spiritual rest, according to how your physical body understands and conceives it, does not exist. The rest that awaits the spirit is the activity, the multiplication of doing good and not wasting one instant. Then the spirit rests. His remorse and woes become lighter, and he takes pleasure in doing good. He rests loving his Creator and his brethren.

Truly I say to you, that if I left your spirit to remain inactive just so that he would rest, according to the way you conceive rest to be on Earth, he would be seized by the tenebrae of despair and anguish, because the life and the light of the spirit, as well as his greatest happiness, is the work, the struggle, and the incessant activity.

Here on earth, your spirit does feel oppressed, since in it, everything is limited and fleeting. Here he must be tired of so much sin and so much impurity as it exists in human life. But it is not a weariness like the one that burdens the flesh, rather a loathing of all the wrong, a repulsion for all the impurity, a tiredness of fighting and suffering many times for frivolities or unjustified causes.

Your flesh thinks about rest, because it is fragile; but for the spirit rest would be his worst punishment since the best reward is to be active, to work, to struggle; because within this he glorifies the Father by imitating his God, who never rests, sleeps and who never gets tired. Fatigue does not exist in the spirit who is in full in evolution; neither does the night, hunger nor thirst.

Many men, skeptical in their materialism, smile ironically when they are told about the spiritual life; but the moment of death will come, the one where there is no heart that is not fearful, nor spirit who does not tremble before the imminent presence of eternity.

I only say to you: The sun does not rise nor sets one instant before of after that which is marked by the Creator. Everything is governed by and infallible law. Therefore, you shall not dwell one second longer than what is already marked in your destiny.

Only when you have felt the footsteps of death nearby; when you have been gravely ill; when you have suffered, that is, when you believe to be a step away from the beyond, from that justice, you only fear during those trying moments, then you make promises and vows to the Father to love Him, to serve Him, and obey Him on Earth.

Do not wait for death to surprise you without preparedness. What have you prepared when you return to the spiritual life? Do you wish to be caught unawared while you are still manacled with chains to the material things, passions and wordly posessions? Do you want to enter the Hereafter with eyes closed without finding the pathway, taking the imprint in the spirit of this life´s fatigue? Prepare yourselves disciples and then you will not fear the arrival of death to the body.

Depart from this world without tears. Do not leave sorrow in the hearts of your loved ones. Set yourselves free when the moment comes, leaving on your face a smile of peace which expresses the liberation of your spirit.

The death of your body does not separate you from those who have been entrusted to your care, nor does it remove you from the spiritual responsibility that you have for those who were your parents, brothers or children.

If man was always healthy, how could he die? To this I respond, that it is not necessary that your body be ill to stop living; it is enough for the heart to stop beating, when the hour has come, for it to cease to exist.

Brief explanation of reincarnation

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

The world will learn the truth about the resurrection of the flesh, which is the reincarnation of the spirit.

Reincarnate: to return to the world to be born again; emerging of the spirit from a human body. That is the truth regarding the resurrection of the flesh, and not the so twisted, as well as absurd interpretation you have been told. Reincarnation is a gift that God has granted your spirit so as not to be limited to the smallness of the flesh, and its fleeting existence on Earth; or to its natural weakness, but rather, proceeding from a superior nature, that spirit can take possession of many material bodies as many be necessary.

However, in the beginning, the world will combat this revelation with fury, giving it the appearance of a strange and false doctrine, in order to make men of good faith distrustful. Mankind creates legends, fantasies, and even among the most remote tribes, people hidden in the jungles, have a presentiment of the reincarnation of the spirit.

Tell Me: Who are you? Whom do you believe to be? Whom do you feel you are? What do you know about your past, and how far back is your origin? What do you know from whence you came, where you have passed through and where you are headed?

Who were you before this life? Who are you at the present time, and who will you be in the future? Those are the mysteries that correspond only for the Divine judge to know. For now it should be sufficient for you to comprehend the true significance of the Law of Reincarnation which I have revealed to you as a supreme truth.

Reincarnation is the opportunity which God, in His loving justice, offers the spirit, in order that he may recover his purity and return to the pathway. That is the manner through which he can take advantage of the experience acquired during his pilgrimage.

Thus you will understand that one existence alone on Earth, for being so short compared with the spiritual life, cannot be decisive over the eternity of the spirit. In other words, it will not even be sufficient for any of you to reach perfection within that life that would take you directly to the Kingdom of the highest spiritually, which is what you call Heaven; nor will the faults in one lifetime on Earth be enough to determinate if a spirit will lose himself in darkness, or be in pain for an eternity. That is why I established the reincarnation of the spirit as one of My laws of love and justice; to grant him a more extensive field, that will offer him all the necessary opportunities to attain his perfection.

Each existence is a brief lesson, because through any other way the opportunity for man to grasp within it the fulfillment of all my Law, would be very short, but it is necessary for you to learn the meaning of this life.

Among humanity are beings who in another era crossed the wilderness in search of a Divine promise, who heard the voice of the Father on the mount. I also discover some others who lived during the time of Jesus, beheld His deeds and heard His word; those who followed Me in the wilderness and ate the bread and fish which I gave the multitude when they ascended the mount to hear that voice, and those who were among the mobs, shouting on the day of My crucifixion. I discover those spirits.

Many of them come to hear My word, but only I know what spirit is concealed within each body. Some listen to Me with coolness, others with doubt. But there are many who show their emotions with love and joy, and they feel My essence, while others are tormented with remorse, which their flesh ignores, because many of them at that time shouted to Pilate: Crucify Him! Crucify Him! And today they weep, and in their pain they would be ready to shout with tears in their eyes: Do not crucify Him! He is the Divine Master! Well, then, if you are to return to the world, one or more times, let it be to gather pleasing fruits, cultivated by you previously, in order for your spirit to experience the satisfaction of having before him the opportunity to conclude some task already begun.

Only the one who purifies himself through love, who practices My Law, will cease to come and reincarnate in this planet.

However, he who in his last reincarnation leaves a trace of blood or of evil, he will have to return to this Earth to make amends, to restore what has been destroyed, to give life to the lifeless he left behind, and to forgive. In one word: restitute.

Science, religions and theologians will be unable to discover at this point in time, how My justice works.

Sometimes within the heart of a miserable person is concealed a spirit who in another era carried a crown upon his head, or, within a convict is hidden one who in another life deprived a nation of its freedom. The time of controversies is coming when men will manifest their eloquence, to the point of boastfulness and vanity. My word of the Second Era will again be scrutinized, and there will also be arguments about the different interpretations which have been given. Truly I say to you: From that turmoil the light will surge, and many veils will be removed and hypocrisy will be overwhelmed by the truth.

All the people on Earth perceive the mystery surrounding the past, present and future of each spirit. To some it is a theory, for others a possibility; for others it is a fantasy, and others flatly deny it. Nevertheless, I find them pondering over that truth.

Reincarnation of the spirit is one of the great truths that humanity should know. Through intuition some have a presentiment and accept and believe in it as something which could not be missing in My loving justice toward humanity.

The flesh is of this world, and here it remains, while the spirit arises free and returns to the existence from whence he emerged. “What is born of the flesh, is flesh; What is born of the spirit is spirit.” The resurrection of the flesh is the reincarnation of the spirit, and ifsome believe that to be a human theory and others believe it to be a new revelation, truly I say to you that I began to give this revelation to the world ever since the beginning of mankind. You will be able to find proof of this in the writings of the Scriptures, which are a testimony of My works.

I speak the truth. I show you the way. I reveal the reincarnation, which is the Law, in order for the spirit to perfect himself and reaches the goal of his destiny. Do you doubt it? Truly I say to you that the truth is not altered in any way by your doubts, for it continues to be the same.

I say to you, that you should never doubt for the simple reason that you do not understand. Bear in mind that if truth were only what your limited mind comprehends, nothing would exist.

During this Third Era I have brought to you the confirmation of the reincarnation of the spirit. Humanity, throughout the times, has had that intuition, and the spirit has been revealing to it this mystery to the flesh.

Today as never before, there exist among mankind the presentiment and the certainly of these manifestations, although not all dare confess it, for fear of the world.

Since the beginning of mankind the reincarnation of the spirit exists as a law of love and justice, and is one of the forms in which the Father has demonstrated His infinite clemency.

Reincarnation is not only of this period, but of all eras, and you should not believe that this mystery has just been revealed to you now.

Ever since the first eras, the intuition regarding the reincarnation of the spirit existed in man, but this humanity, seeking material sciences and world riches, allowed itself to be dominated by the passions of the flesh, thus hardening those fibers with which the spiritual is perceived, and turning themselves deaf and blind to everything which corresponds to the spirit. What is the use of posing their eyes on books that contain the Law and the Doctrine which I revealed to you during past times, if their mind is not able to penetrate in its significance, nor does their heart perceive the essence?

You must admit that sensibility and spiritual intuition are wasted in men, and that is why most of the time, while searching for My truth in those texts, they fall into erroneous interpretations. They have the light before their eyes, but instead of penetrating deeply into the teachings, they linger on the words, that is, in their form. And so, they frequently become confused. But I am here to create light in the mysteries and darkness, as well as to deliver you from confusions and errors.

Will there be someone, after listening or reading this message, who will reject it as a useless, or false teaching? I say to them that only one who finds himself in a degree of extreme materialism, or blind fanaticism, could reject this light without his spirit being moved by it.

Conscience in Man – Spirituality & knowledge

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Humanity, if it were only the instinct that would guide all your actions in your life, your Father would not have had to reveal His Law to you, nor would He have had to come as Redeemer to save you. However, do not depend on your instinct; superior forces govern your actions and those forces are in the spirit.

The spirit enjoys the gift of freedom of will; a means through which he must earn merits to save himself.

Who guides, directs or advises the spirit during his free journey in order to distinguish what is righteous from what is unrighteous, and therefore not go astray? The conscience.

The conscience is the Divine spark; it is a superior light, and is a strength to aid man not to sin. What merit would there be in man if the conscience had earthly power, obligating him to remain within righteousness? I want you to know that the merit consist in listening to that voice, in being persuaded that it never lies, nor is mistaken in what it advises, and in faithfully obeying its dictates. As you may understand, in order to hear that voice clearly requires preparation and concentration within oneself. Who practices this obedience during the present times? You answer this yourselves.

The conscience has always manifested in man, but Humanity has not attained the necessary development to guide all his existence through that light. It has had a need for laws, teachings, precepts, religions and counsel.

When men succeed in penetrating into a communion with their spirit, and instead of seeking the spiritual in the external, would seek it within them, they would be able to hear the soft, persuasive, wise and just voice which was always vibrating within them without their listening to it, then they would realize that in the conscience is the presence of God; that it is the true means by which man must communicate with his Father and Creator.

Who do you think has given the spirit the illumination of a perfect judge to pronounce judgement on himself? The conscience, that at the moment of justice will seem to you that it shines with a clarity never seen before. And it will be the conscience the one to say to each one of you what was the good, the just, reality and the truth which took place on the Earth, and what was bad, the false hood and impureness sown along your path. The conscience has always manifested itself in man, but mankind has never reached the necessary development to guide all its life through that light. Mankind has needed laws, teachings, precepts, religion and counselling.

When men are able to penetrate in communion with their spirit and instead of seeking the spiritual towards the exterior they seek within, they will be able to hear the soft, persuasive, wise and just voice which has always been vibrating within themselves without perceiving. They will understand that the presence of God is in the conscience, and that it is the true means by which man should communicate with his Father and Creator.

I invite you all to meditate deeply on my word, and I must tell you that if after hearing me, someone should continue to consider my judgements and reclaims unjust, it will be because he was not able to penetrate in the meaning of my word, and I will have to forgive his hardness of heart and of understanding.


This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Sinners, do not fear that when you come before My presence My voice will judge you before your brothers, because I will not denounce you.

Do not fear, as Magdalene did not fear when, drawing close to Me, she divested herself of the heavy burden of sins, without caring who looked at her, who heard her, or judged her. She was at peace because she knew she was no longer a woman stained by sin, but rather a sinner purified by repentance.

Imitate her, in her repentance and in her love.

Truly, truly I say to you, that there is more love in repented sinners than in those who have always considered themselves righteous.

The heart of the sinner is more sensitive when touched with the love of my word, because there are many who have sinned because they lacked love in their lives. When they have heard the Father´s voice calling them, forgiving them, healing their wounds, and understanding them, they quickly felt the Divine touch in their most sensitive fibers. Thus, they experienced the Master´s enduring patience before them.

There are many men who journey through earth, seeking a phrase or a redeeming light to comfort them in their grief, they seek someone who will speak to them of a better life and not point out their faults. However, they have not discovered such a person on earth! Thus, they withdraw from people, become hermits, and confide their secrets to no one.

Do not speak harshly to anyone, for redemption does not occur in such a manner. You will learn that a sinner should not be harmed as apunishment for his mistakes.

I tell you that if you speak to beasts with love, they will bow their heads.

Those who Have not stumbled into the abyss, are always accusing and quickly judging your fellowmen without the least pity, and that is not my Doctrine.

And you, women, who believe that you belong to a superior class and are ashamed to get near those who have sinned: Woe unto you if you feel offended or complain for that reason, because you have failed to understand that everyone is spiritually equal! How many of you have not sinned with your deeds, but have concealed your own downfalls! Therefore, if you have sinned, why do you scandalize?

I assure you that your juedgement would show more compassion, if before judging others, you would analyze yourself and your defects. You feel that those who are in prison are evil and that those in hospitals are unfortunate. You depart from them not realizing that they are also worthy of entering the kingdom of my love. You do not want to consider that they also have the right to feel the rays of the sun which I created to give life and warmth to all creatures, without exception.

Spiritual Solitude

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

I wish that those not understood by humanity should feel understood by me.

Why do I see you walking with your head lowered like failures? Are you tired of this life? Then rest for a second and tell me about your anxieties. Come to Me, always when you are distressed by your griefs, whenever you need someone to trust, a gentle friend, look for me and I will advise you on the best path. When pain overwhelms you and the grief of life annihilates your senses, do not doubt about Me.

For those who suffer and cry, for those who call themselves disinherited, for those who say that their star does not shine and for those who mourn for having come to this life to cry, I say: Why do you fall on to the abyss of dispair and mistrust?

Do not feel defeated, do not confess yourself as failures. You all need a word of encouragement to comfort you, if you call yourselves misunderstood I say to you that I know everything that happens within you and I will give you the solution that you are seeking for, I come as a father so that those who have lacked love, affection and tenderness on earth can find warmth in Me. I come as a doctor so you can deposit in me your pain, anxieties and all the hidden suffering that have weakened your spirit and body, I come as a friend so you can trust in Me your deepest secrets, struggles and wishes.

Everyone bears a wound in the heart. Who but I is able to penetrate within you?

I know of your bitterness, your sadness, and discouragement, and of so much injustice and ungratefulness that exists in your world. I know of the weariness of those who have lived and struggled greatly on Earth, and whose existence for them is a heavy burden. I know of the emptiness of those who are becoming lonely in this life.

I say to all: Ask and you shall receive. That is why I have come to give you in accordance to what you need from Me, be it company, tranquility, missions, or light.

I come as a father, never indifferent to your sufferings and always indulgent and merciful before your imperfections. Also to the lonely and misunderstood man, as well as the man converted into a slave of passions and vices, and to the abandoned woman or the maiden fearful of facing life. The same to the father or mother who present Me their problems and to the orphan who has not protection in the world. I listen to all of them and I touch their heart with the fine chisel of my word.

Let yourselves be covered with my word, so that you can forget sorrow, mourning, misery and tears and cease being the pariahs of the world. Sick and sad men in need of spiritual love, you will see how the serenity of the spirit will pacify the turbulent sea of your passions.

Men and women, who have wept greatly in life, this lesson is dedicated to you. Meditate profoundly on it, and you will see what sweet consolation penetrates into your heart. A tiny light will kindle within your innermost being and a sensibility, that you have never experienced before, will surprise your dormant fibers, allowing you to feel My Spiritual presence, be it in your sorrows as well as in your happiness and your moments of peace.

In my word you can find the honey to sweeten your existence and remove forever the bitterness that has been existed in all eras, the sad taste in your life.

The True Temple of God

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

The pain that overwhelms men during this era leads them step by step towards the doors of the inner sanctuary where they will ask the Lord: Where are you? And from within the temple will be heard the sweet voice of the Divine Master saying: Here I am, where I have always dwelled, in your conscience.

I have not come during this period to seek temples made of stone to appear in them: I come searching for spirits, hearts, and not material gala.

I am teaching you how to construct the true temple, because there are some who have formed sanctuaries without having set the foundations of faith. My temple must be like a tree whose branches will extend lovingly all over the universe; where the birds will come to trill their different songs so that when their notes unite, they will form a harmonious concert, sweet and perfect, and elevate it to the Creator. There your spirit will elevate himself in search of his Lord, as the Father, teacher, doctor, but never look for Him as judge.

I see the great temples, the great religious organizations, the pomp and the riches; the splendor and the power, but I do not see spiritual magnificence; I do not see a gala of virtues; I do not see any spiritual might that is part of My universal power.

I am reconstructing the temple which I referred to when I said to My disciples who marveled, contemplating the temple of Salomon: “Truly I say to you that there will not be one stone left upon another of that temple, but I will reconstruct it in three days” I meant to say that all exterior worship, regardless how ostentatious it may seem to mankind, will disappear from the hearts of man, in order to raise in its place the true spiritual temple of My Divinity. This is the Third Era, when I will finish reconstructing My temple.

Truly I say to you that man has not understood the spiritual meaning of those words, because time does not pass over Me, since I am eternity. Here I am in the Third Era, on the Third day, laying the foundation of the true temple and constructing it within the spirit of man.

No one is capable of building a temple like the one I am raising in your spirit. This temple will be indestructible, and while those temples made by human hands fall before the pounding of time and tempests, this one will remain irremovable, because its foundation will be in your spirit and its top will reach the Kingdom of Heaven.

Ask yourselves frequently, if you are doing your part in the construction of this temple, and if this is not so, I invite you to form a true temple with your unity. Some, for their firmness, will be the foundations; those who attain greater elevation will be the columns; others, through their charity, will be stairways, and some others with their gift of words, will be like bells that with their peal will call the multitudes.

There will be some who through their inspiration, will symbolize high towers and domes of the temple; and those, because of their love for mankind, shall be like the doors, always open for the needy, the thirsty, the sick and the ones who have been misunderstood.

That temple shall be finished when harmony among mankind is real. Its base will be on Earth, but its towers will touch the heavens.

True Love

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Truly I say to you that everything great and good that exists in the spirit, you have never given because you do not even know it.

From infancy until old age, you have clear examples of everything that is achieved with love and of the pain that originates from the lack of charity, but you, more insensible than the rocks, have yet to learn the teachings and examples that daily living gives you.

Love is the beginning and reason of your existence. Oh humanity! How could you live without that gift? Believe me, there are many who carry death within, and others who are sick just because of not loving anyone.

Truly I say to you that there exists coldness in the hearts of men, because love has fled from them. It is like those homes in which the sacred flame of affection has been extinguished, be it between spouses, between parents and children, or between brothers. Their bodies are close together, but their spirits are distant. How large is their emptiness, how large is the loneliness, and how cold the inside of those homes!

If men felt true love for their brethren, they should not be suffering the chaos in which they find themselves and everything within them would be harmony and peace; but they do not understand that Divine Love and they only want the truth that reaches the mind, not the one that reaches the heart, and there they have the result of their materialism: a selfish humanity, false and full of bitterness.

For you love is beautiful word, but until today you have not penetrated into its true sense.

When I speak to you about love I refer to the divine bond that unites all beings, I am not referring to love as it is understood by men. Where there is selfishness and low passions, there is no true love. I equally love the one who deceives and offends me, as well as the one who recognizes and honors me with his deeds.

Although much is spoken about love on Earth, actually, it does not exist among you. There are some who feign it, others confuse it with an egotistical sentiment, and others with a passion of the flesh. Falseness reigns within the human heart; falsehood prevails; love, friendship, charity, are simulated.

You were born because of love, you exist because of love, you are forgiven because of love, and you will be in eternity because of love. Love is not learned, it is felt, it is carried within.

Truly I say to you that love is the immutable power that moves the universe. Love is the beginning and the essence of life.

True Prayer – Spirituality

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

The main reason for the spiritual poverty among men and for earthly vissicitudes is the imperfect way of praying, this is why I emphasize that this knowledge should reach humanity.

True prayer is not practiced in this era by humanity, this is why men have had to create material prayers and phrases to repeat them automatically as many times as necessary.

What can you present to Me, either in your heart or in your spirit that I do not contemplate? What suffering, desires, troubles or secrets can you hide from Me? None of those. Then learn to pray spiritually, to confess from within and before Me. Trust Me so you can allow my peace to penetrate your heart, that peace that you lack so much.

When you question me or ask me for something, do not force yourself to explain your problems with clarity, nor try to be meticulous in searching your mind for well structured phrases. For Me it is enough that your spirit draws away from this world; that moment is when the heart and mind are clean so they can receive my inspiration. What is the use of saying beautiful things if you are not capable of feeling my presence deep inside of you?

I know everything, and you do not have to explain anything to me so that I can understand you.

Do not pray only when you are passing through a painful trial; pray also when you are at peace, it will be then when your heart and mind can take care of others. Do not appeal only for those who have been good to you or for the ones who have not caused you any harm. Though meritorious, it is not as much as being watchful for those who in some way have harmed you.

I do not come to ask men for the unification of customs, material laws or knowledge about science, though sooner or later the time will come when it will become convenient for people to unite. What I have come to inspire you is spiritual harmony, and the unity of thoughts. All human beings must learn and practice the spiritual prayer.

All hours and all places can be suitable for prayer and meditation; I never said in my teachings that there were specific places and moments devoted to this. What is the use of searching the world for given places to pray when your spirit is greater than the world you live in? Why do you limit me in images and in places so limited when I, myself, am infinity?

Prayer is the language of the spirit, be sure to learn that language so that while you talk, to me, you may also know how to listen. Talk to me with respect and humbleness, but with the confidence you have in a father, with the intimacy that you talk to a friend.

They are not the words with which your mind tries to form the prayer that reaches Me, but the love, the faith or the need with which you approach Me; that is why I say to you that there will be occasions when your prayer will last for a second because there will be not time to formulate your thoughts, phrases and ideas as you are accustomed to.

Prayer is a grace that God has given to man so he can use it as a ladder to elevate himself, as a weapon to defend himself, as a book to learn from and a balsam to anoint and heal any malady.

You should be aware of the extent that prayer has, so you will understand the immense power that it has when you elevate it, to cure any spiritual need, as well as to ask for the solution to a material affliction.

You must know that when your heart calls me with tenderness my spirit also trembles with pleasure.

In prayer you will find comfort, inspiration and strength, it will give you the sweet satisfaction of being able to communicate intimately with God, without witnesses or mediators. God and your spirit join in that sweet moment of confidences, of spiritual communication and blessings.

Ordeals and Suffering. Pain and sorrow as spirit’s teachers

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

To you who live tormented by the ordeals, the struggles, by doubts and uncertainties, by sadness and grief: pacify your heart and clear your mind so you can comprehend what I am about to tell you, young novices in life. When you feel the pain penetrate in your heart again, isolate yourselves a few moments from all that surrounds you and seclude yourselves. There, in the intimacy of your home, converse with your spirit; take hold of your ordeal and examine it, as you would do with some object you took in your hand to study. Examine your sorrow the same way, figure out from where it originates, and why it came about. Listen to the voice or your conscience and truly I say to you that from that meditation, you will extract a treasure of enlightnment and peace for your heart.

This life is a continuos ordeal for man, all the way from from his birth until he ceases to exist.

I admonish you, thus so that you may not become confused when you see wars unleashed and a multitude of beings dying day after day in differents accidents right before your eyes. When you cannot find the reason for those trials that make your heart quiver, keep in mind that each spirit has come to Earth to restore for himself what he had previously refused, and that there are beings so letargic that only a trial like that could awaken them.

You are like the shrubs that at times have such dry and sickly branches, that they need the painful pruning in order to turn away your ills and allow you to recover your health. My justice of love, on plucking away from the human tree the infested branches that eat away at heart, elevates it. When a limb of a man´s body is about to be cut off, he groans, trembles and quails, even when he knows that is must be done to remove what ails him. That which is dead threatens what is still able to survive. The roses also suffer at the time of pruning, they pour their sap like tears of pain; but later, they will be covered with more beautiful flowers.

Today many revile suffering, but tomorrow they will bless it as a teacher who taught them elevated and beautiful lessons.

I wish it were always the love of the Master that would show you the way and the finality of life, but you have preferred that the pain do the teaching.

From that bitter teacher you will pass on to receive lessons from Him who teaches you with sweetness.

The ordeals come in such a subtle way that many times you are not even aware when they terminate. What would happen to you if I were to announce the date, the day, and the hour, so that you will wait for them?

Today you are still covered by a veil of ignorance, which in your earthly materialism and in your religious fanaticism, filled with false fears and prejudices, you have not dared to tear down. That is why when a trial comes into your life and you cannot find some clear cause, you cry out saying: “But, what have I done to deserve this punishment?” without being aware that My justice sometimes takes centuries, and even eras to reach a spirit. My justice always comes, and even though apparently it arrives late or out of time, the fact is that is that it always manifests itself in a wise manner. To those who have stopped to ask Me why is it that you have been tested, I say to you: By chance are you aware of your debt to me? Do you know how must I cleanse your spirit so that he will return to Me as pure as he emerged from Me? That is why I say to you: Merely accept with patience and preparation the trials that I send to you each day, for My strength is always with you.

Not always will it be necessary for you to drink to the depths of the chalice of bitterness, because it will be enough for Me to observe your faith, your obedience, your purpose and intention in obeying My mandate for me to absolve you from reaching the hardest moment of your ordeal.

Man is the one who sets up barriers against his own spiritual progress. God does not punish, nor is he an executioner. God is Powerful, and is Strength, Light, Life and Love. Since God is wisdom, understanding, and universal peace, how can you believe that loving you as He does and having endowed man with so many blessings and Divine gifts, and preparing him for an eternal spiritual life, He would punish him?

You attribute to My justice all your suffering, and you are not aware that you are responsible for your downfalls.

There are trials that My justice send to you, but you are sowing the majority of them with your weakness; however in both cases, My love fortifies and asists so that you may continue until the end of the road.

There are no ordeals that are useless. All have a purpose, which is to perfect your spirit.

The big trials are always for the greater spirits, that is why, when you see a whirlwind coming towards you threatening to destroy your tranquility, do not fear, go forth to meet it; conquer it with the power that I have given you. Wait for the time needed and do not weaken in your struggle, do not try to conjure it away at the moment it appears before you. Remain praying and watchful, I am not speaking of Nature´s elements but those that can be a useful crucible to the spirit, and when used advantageously, will aid him to ascend and discover new paths before him. That will make him understand and awaken feelings which have remained dormant and that for him were necessary to help him evolve.

Man alone is incapable of accepting My word and modify his customs, tendencies, ambitions and ideals. That is why I have permited pain to touch him for a time. But when their cup becomes more and more bitter, and they recognize their error before the judge of the conscience, they will invoke My name and they will seek Me.

When the affliction becomes very intense, then man, however indifferent and cold he has become toward My doctrine, he remembers God. He turns his eyes towards Me, in search for My charity, and in his despair he elevates this prayer: “Lord, why do you not grant me that which I ask for you so much? If you do not heed my plea, then shorten my days on Earth, since there is no object in my being here only to suffer”. What ignorance you display speaking in that manner to your Father who is all love towards his children!

You may be certain that those who suffer the most during this time, is because before that, they drank to their depths their cup of pleasures, satisfactions and the glory of the world, and with that they strayed from his spiritual path, and left.

If you wish to dwelve more profoundly into the reason for your ordeals, remember that you are in the period of restitution of all your past faults. When you finally have faith in what I am explaining to you, a pleasing conformity, an infinite peace will invade your being, pondering that I am the only One who knows your past, and can judge it with love.

Man suffers in this times because he has departed from his fulfillment of the Divine Laws, both spiritual and natural, and he seeks the remedy in what is ficticious in this world. He is not aware that the origin of his malady is within his spirit.

Ah! If you would understand the affliction that touches the body is balsam and a relief for the spirit! Because while the flesh maintained its good health and well-being, many times the spirit was dragged toward the depths, or felt imprisoned within a life filled with pleasures and unleashed passions, but void of light for the spirit. Finally the suffering came, like a force more powerful than human passions, to stop man in his blind course, allowing the spirit to become liberated, blessing his affliction and recognizing that there exists no wiser justice than God´s.

Some reach this understanding sooner, thus avoiding much suffering. Others are obstinate and tardy to understand to the point of complaining and blaspheming, thus increasing with that their cup of bitterness.

You ask Me if there is nothing I can do for you? Ah! My little ones! Before you ask Me, I have deposited all that you need upon your hand! But being occupied in the struggle and carrying on without light or faith, you do not know how to feel My presence nor discern what I entrusted to your spirit, nor the light of the next day which only waits for your awakening so that you can see its brilliance at its plenitude.

I am the God of hope and the provider of all the licit desires of My children. When suffering penetrates within you allow it to fulfill its mission, but think that in order to ascend the ladder of perfection, of spiritual evolution, you should not be satisfied just being strong and resigned to your ordeals and to your suffering. You must likewise think about the afflictions of your fellowmen.

Be aware that I do not limit Myself to feel your afflictions but instead, I come to remedy them but in addition to knowing this, it is necessary for you to love and have faith in my Law; that you know how to ask, pray and have patience in your ordeals.

Certainly I test you, touch you and judge you, but at the same time I nourish you, forgive you and uplift you. Never will a spirit part defrauded from My presence, injustice has no place within Me.

The trials you encounter along your way have not come to you by chance. I have sent them to you in order for you to earn merits. The leaf of the tree moves not without the will of the Father. Be vigilant and pray so you will understand what is the fruit you should gather from each ordeal, so that your expiation may be shortened. Pick up your cross with love, and I will make it possible that you bear your restitution with patience.

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