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Conscience in Man – Spirituality & knowledge

This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Humanity, if it were only the instinct that would guide all your actions in your life, your Father would not have had to reveal His Law to you, nor would He have had to come as Redeemer to save you. However, do not depend on your instinct; superior forces govern your actions and those forces are in the spirit.

The spirit enjoys the gift of freedom of will; a means through which he must earn merits to save himself.

Who guides, directs or advises the spirit during his free journey in order to distinguish what is righteous from what is unrighteous, and therefore not go astray? The conscience.

The conscience is the Divine spark; it is a superior light, and is a strength to aid man not to sin. What merit would there be in man if the conscience had earthly power, obligating him to remain within righteousness? I want you to know that the merit consist in listening to that voice, in being persuaded that it never lies, nor is mistaken in what it advises, and in faithfully obeying its dictates. As you may understand, in order to hear that voice clearly requires preparation and concentration within oneself. Who practices this obedience during the present times? You answer this yourselves.

The conscience has always manifested in man, but Humanity has not attained the necessary development to guide all his existence through that light. It has had a need for laws, teachings, precepts, religions and counsel.

When men succeed in penetrating into a communion with their spirit, and instead of seeking the spiritual in the external, would seek it within them, they would be able to hear the soft, persuasive, wise and just voice which was always vibrating within them without their listening to it, then they would realize that in the conscience is the presence of God; that it is the true means by which man must communicate with his Father and Creator.

Who do you think has given the spirit the illumination of a perfect judge to pronounce judgement on himself? The conscience, that at the moment of justice will seem to you that it shines with a clarity never seen before. And it will be the conscience the one to say to each one of you what was the good, the just, reality and the truth which took place on the Earth, and what was bad, the false hood and impureness sown along your path. The conscience has always manifested itself in man, but mankind has never reached the necessary development to guide all its life through that light. Mankind has needed laws, teachings, precepts, religion and counselling.

When men are able to penetrate in communion with their spirit and instead of seeking the spiritual towards the exterior they seek within, they will be able to hear the soft, persuasive, wise and just voice which has always been vibrating within themselves without perceiving. They will understand that the presence of God is in the conscience, and that it is the true means by which man should communicate with his Father and Creator.

I invite you all to meditate deeply on my word, and I must tell you that if after hearing me, someone should continue to consider my judgements and reclaims unjust, it will be because he was not able to penetrate in the meaning of my word, and I will have to forgive his hardness of heart and of understanding.

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