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This entry it's part of the Humanity series. Part [part not set] of 40

Destiny has the compassion which God has put in it; the destiny of men is filled with the Divine Goodness.

Many times you cannot find that Goodness for you do not know how to seek it.

If within the destiny marked by Me for each spirit, you devise a difficult and bitter course, I try to soften it, but never to increase its bitterness.

In the world men need one another; no one is extra and no one is missing. All lives are necessary, one to each other, for the complement and harmony of their existence.

The poor need from the rich and the rich from the poor. The sinful need from the righteous and these from the former. The ignorant need from the wise and those who have knowledge, from the ignorant. The little ones need from the adults and these, in turn, need from the children.

In this world, each one of you is situated, by the wisdom of God, in his place and near whom he should be. To each man is assigned the circle where he should dwell, in which there are incarnated and discarnated spirits with whom he must coexist.

Thus, each in his way, all of you are encountering those who will teach you the love which will elevate you; others will receive sorrow which will purify you. Some will cause you to suffer because you need it thus, while others give you their love to compensate for your bitterness, but all have a message for you, a teaching which you should understand and profit from.

Seek in each of your brethren the good side that he presents, in order to learn from him, as well as his bad side so that you will help him to elevate himself and, in that manner, proceed along the pathway, helping one another.

Each human being is a lesson, a hope of love or lack of love, which will finally give you its pleasant or bitter truth; in that way, you will proceed from lesson to lesson, sometimes learning and sometimes teaching, because you must also deliver to your fellowmen the message which you have brought to Earth.

Why have you neglected your fellowmen whom destiny has placed along your path? You have closed the door of your heart, unaware of the lesson which they brought to you.

How many times you have cast aside the very one who brought a message of peace and hope for your spirit, and then you complain when you yourselves have filled your cup of bitterness.

Life has unexpected changes and surprises, and what will you do if tomorrow you anxiously seek the one whom you arrogantly rejected today?

Why do many of you fear that your destiny has been written by Me with ordeals, suffering, punishment and misfortune? How can you believe that the One who loves you with perfection will provide you with a path full of thorns? Truly l say to you that the difficult path sown by ordeals is the one you have chosen through your own free will. You believe that you will find pleasure, freedom and happiness along that path. You fail to understand that the path from which you have departed is the true path, the path where you will find true peace, security, strenght, health, well-being and abundance.

Do not be a fatalist firmly believing that your destiny is what God has placed along your path, and that if you suffer it is because it was destined, or if you are happy it is because it was also destined. I have convinced you that what you sow you shall also reap.

O humanity, your destiny is to harmonize with everything created; this harmony of which l speak is the greatest of all laws, for in it you will find the perfect communion with God and His works.

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